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Section Listening and Vocabulary, Function, Pronunciation, Speaking and Everyday English & Cultural Corner 速效提能演练 Unit 1 重点难点探究 Section 重点难点探究 词汇精研 1.If you stare at someone you look at them for a long time. 当你注视着一个人时 , 你就要看很长时间 。 品味经典 Everyone stared at me and I stood there with a red face. 大家都注视着我,我站在那里脸色发红。 He sat there, staring into the sky. 他坐在那儿凝视着天空。 自我探究 stare是不及物动词,意为 “凝视;盯着看 ”,常用 结构有: stare at sb./sth.注视着某人 /某物; stare into the distance凝视着远方; stare sb.up and down上下打量某人。 易混辨析 glare at, stare at (1)glare at强调 “ 怒目而视 ” , 带有感情色彩; (2)stare at表示 “ 目不转睛地盯着看 ” 。 They stood there, glaring at each other. 他们站在那里 , 互相怒视着对方 。 Dont stare at me like that. 别那样盯着我看 。 用 glare与 stare的适当形式填空 (1)He didnt shout, but just _ at me silently. (2)The children _ at the coloured balloons. 答案: (1)glared (2)stared 牛刀小试 2.If you raise your hand you lift it up. 举手就是把手伸出并高举。 品味经典 Lift me up, mummyI cant see. 妈妈,把我抱起来 我看不见。 Three men were lifted up by a helicopter from the burning ship. 直升飞机把三个男人从燃烧着的船上吊起。 自我探究 lift up是 及物 动词,意为 “举起,提起 ”,代词作 宾语时,放在短语中间。 牛刀小试 Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the years to come? Sorry, I have no idea. A lifting up B going up C bringing up D growing up 解析: 选 B。本题考查动词词组辨析。 lift up使抬 高; go up上升,增长; bring up教育,培养; grow up长大,成人。 3.You nod by moving your head up and down. 你通过来回移动你的头表示点头同意 。 品味经典 I saw a boat floating up and down in the river. 我看到一艘小船在河流上颠簸。 The teacher kept walking up and down in the classroom. 老师不停地在教室里来回地走。 Our relationship was up and down. 我们的关系时好时坏。 自我探究 up and down是副词短语,意为 “一上一下地, 来来回回地;时好时坏 ”。 归纳拓展 back and forth 前前后后地 here and there 到处;处处 I have looked for it here and there. 我到处都找过了。 He was pacing back and forth across the room. 他在房间里前后踱步。 牛刀小试 Say the words _ to yourself and youll remember them. A on and on B up and down C over and over D by and by 解析: 选 C。 over and over“ 一遍遍地 ” 。 on and on“ 不停顿地;继续 ” ; up and down“ 来来回回 ” ; by and by“ 不久;很快 ” 。从后面的 youll remember them可知此处表示 “ 一遍遍地重复这些 单词,你就会记住。 ” 4.In Thailand you shouldnt touch someone on the head, even by accident. 在泰国 , 你不能碰触别人的头部 , 即使是无意为 之 。 品味经典 I ran into an old friend in the street by accident. 我在街上偶然碰上一位老朋友。 If, by accident, he fails to come, well ask Mr.Smith to take his place. 如果他碰巧不能来,我们就让史密斯先生代替他。 自我探究 介词短语 by accident意为 “偶然地,无意地;碰 巧 ”,注意 accident前不使用冠词。 归纳拓展 by chance 偶然地 accidentally adv. 偶然地 on purpose/by design 故意地 I met her quite by chance. 我遇见她完全是偶然的。 She seems to do these things on purpose. 她似乎是有意地做这些事。 牛刀小试 Have you seen my notebook? Oh, Jane must take it_; she has the same one as yours. A on purpose B by chance C by accident D by mistake 解析: 选 D 。 考查介词短语 。 take mistake“ 误拿 ” 的意思 。 答语句意:噢 , 珍妮 一定是误拿了你的笔记本 , 因为她有一个和你的 一样的笔记本 。 5.Mr.and Mrs.Harry Blunkett request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of. 哈里 布伦基特夫妇诚邀你光临 的婚礼。 品味经典 They have made an urgent request for international aid.他们紧急要求国际援助。 The student admitted to Beijing University came to our school to give lectures at our request. 那名被北大录取的学生应邀来校演讲。 Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 游客请勿触摸展览品。 I request that you (should) finish it on time. 我要求你们按时完成。 All I requested of you was that you came early. 我只要求你早点来。 自我探究 request意为 “要求 ”,可用作名词或动词。作 名词结构为: by request应要求; at sb.s request/at the request of.按照某人 的要求; make a request for要求 。 作动词结构为: request do sth.要求某人做某事; request sth.from/of sb.要求某人某事。 当 request后跟宾语从句时,宾语从句的谓语动 词使用 should do形式,一般可以省略 should, 只使用动词原形。 牛刀小试 He made a request that he _ a rise. A should give B should be giving C be given D would be given 解析: 选 C。 句意:他要求给他涨工资 。 此处 request后面跟了一个同位语从句 , 从句中谓语应 用 (should) do结构 , 又因为 he与 give之间是被动 关系 , 故选 C。 6.Can I ask you a favour? 你能帮我一个忙吗? 品味经典 Do me a favour and turn the radio down while Im on the phone, will you? 帮个忙,我在打电话,把收音机的声音调小点好 吗? Is it in favour of cloning or against cloning? 它是赞成克隆行为还是反对? The result was 28 to 15 in Wang Hongs favour. 结果是 28 15,对王洪有利。 A teacher should not favour any of his pupils. 教师不应偏爱任何学生。 自我探究 favour用作名词,意为 “恩惠,善行 ”。常用结构 为: do sb.a favour/do a favour for sb.帮某人一个 忙; in favour of赞同;支持; in sb.s favour对某人有利; ask sb.for a favour请某人帮忙。 另外, favour还可以作及物动词,意为 “偏爱 , 有利于 ”。 牛刀小试 My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it. A in favour of B in memory of C in honour of D in search of 解析: 选 A。 in favour of“ 赞成 ” , 这和 while表 示的对比关系是吻合的 。 in memory of“ 为纪念 ” ; in honour of“ 为纪念 ” ; in search of“ 寻 找 ” 。 7.We clap at the end of a live performance, such as a play, or a concert, to say thank you to the performers. 我们在现场表演结束时鼓掌,比如说一场戏剧、 一场音乐会,来向表演者致意。 品味经典 Will you go to the live concert given by Lang Lang? 你去参加郎朗举办的现场音乐会吗? There is a live fish in the basin. 盆子里有一条活鱼。 The FIFA games were televised live on to people in our country. 我们国家的人们通过电视直播观看了世界杯比赛。 自我探究 live用作形容词,意为: “现场的,活着的,有 生气的 ”;用作副词意为 “在 (从 )表演现场,以 实况 ”。 易混辨析 lively, alive, live, living lively 有 “ 活泼的、快活的、生动的 ” 等意思,可 以指人或物,可作定语、表语;但它没有 “ 活着的 ” 意思,而其他三个都有。 alive, live, living 都有 “ 活的、有生命的 ” 意思,与 dead意思 相反。但 live通常只作前置定语,且一般用来 指动物或植物; alive, living不仅可作定语 (alive只能置于名词后, living一般可置于名 词前,也可置于名词后 ),也可以作表语。另 外, live还有 “ 现场直播的 ” 意思。 He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses. 他最著名的是他栩栩如生的赛马图。 Who is the greatest scientist alive? 谁是当今最伟大的科学家? We watched a live television show. 我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。 This is a live fish/living fish/a fish alive. 这是一条活鱼。 牛刀小试 On the Eve we often turn on the TV and watch the _ gala(晚会 ) of the Spring Festival. A live B lively C alive D living 解析: 选 A。 此处 live表示 “ 现场直播的 ” 。 句意: 在除夕我们经常打开电视看现场直播的春节晚会 。 8.In Russia you should make a toast every time you take a sip from your glass. 在俄罗斯,你每一次从杯里抿一小口时,都要祝 酒干杯。 句型巧析 品味经典 Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 每当你想吸烟的时候,提醒你自己你是不吸烟 的。 Each time we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct them. 每当我们在作业中出错,他总是要我们改正。 He impressed me the first time I met him. 我第一次见到他,他就给我留下了印象。 自我探究 every time, each time, the moment, directly, the first time, immediately, the day等可用来引导 时间 状语从句。从句中用一般 时态代替 将来 时态。 牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)每次我要你做些事请,你总是说你太忙。 _you to do something, you always say youre too busy. (2)第一次我见到你,就感觉似乎以前在哪里见过 你。 _, I realized I seemed to have met you somewhere before. (3)你一开始讲话 , 他就全神贯注 。 _, he gives you his full attention. 答案: (1)Every time/Each time I ask (2)The first time I saw you (3)Immediately you begin to speak 9.Without usthe audiencethe performance would not be complete. 没有我们观众,表演就不会完美。 品味经典 Without the workers help, Sam would not have made so much progress. If there hadnt been the workers help, . 没有那个工友的帮助,山姆不会取得这么大的进 步。 Without water, there would be no life. If there were no water, there would be no life. 没有水就没有生物。 In the absence of water and air, nothing could live. 如果没有水和空气,什么也不能生存。 自我探究 用介词短语 without代替 条件 状语从句。相当于 but for或 in the absence of的意思。这是虚拟 语气的一种句型。 with介词短语也有此用法,只 是意思为 肯定 。 牛刀小试 完成句子 假如你有一大笔钱 , 你会做什么 ? What _ a great deal of money? 答案: would you do with 10.But some occasions on which people clap change from one country to another. 但是有些时候不同国家之间鼓掌是不一样的。 品味经典 She still remembers the day on which she won the prize. 她仍记得她获奖的那一天。 Potatoes can be grown in places in which it is too cold to grow rice. 有些太冷不能种水稻的地方可以种马铃薯。 There is a big window in my room through which I can see the railway station. 我的房间有个大窗户,从那儿我可以看到火车站。 The man to whom you spoke just now is a relative of my aunts. 刚才和你说话的那个人是我姑姑的一个亲戚。 自我探究 “介词关系代词 ”引导的定语从句。 (1)“介词关系代词 ”引导定语从句时,介词的宾 语一般要用 which或 whom(since when和 from where除外 )。 (2)“介词关系代词 ”在定语从句中可作时间、地 点、原因、目的或方式状语。作时间、地点、原 因状语时可换成 when, where和 why。 (3)“介词关系代词 ”中介词要根据定语从句中的 谓语动词和介词的搭配关系来选择。 牛刀小试 Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return in the near future. A on which B by which C to which D from which 解析: 选 C。 句意:风能是一种古老的能源 , 在不 久的将来我们可能还会利用它 。 return to回到 , 恢 复到 , 其中介词 to前置 , 构成介词关系代词的形 式 , 故选择 C。 译文助读 Clapping Why do we clap? To show we like something, of course.But we dont clap at the end of a television programme or a book, however good they are.We clap at the end of a live performance, such as a play, or a concert, to say thank you to the performers.First they give , and then we give.Without usthe audiencethe performance would not be complete. The custom of clapping has early beginnings.In classical Athens, applause meant judgement and taking part.Plays were often in competition with each other, and prolonged clapping helped a play to win.The theatre was largeit could hold 14,000 people, half the adult male population of the city, which meant that the audience could make a lot of noise. Applause was a sign of being part of the community, and of equality between actors and audience.The important thing was to make the noise together, to add ones own small handclap to others.Clapping is social, like laughter: you dont very often clap or laugh out loud alone.It is like laughter in another way, too: it is infectious, and spreads very quickly.Clapping at concerts and theatres is a universal habit.But some occasions on which people clap change from one country to another.For example, in Britain people clap at a wedding, but in Italy they sometimes clap at a funeral. 鼓掌 我们为什么鼓掌 ? 当然是为了表示我们喜欢某事 。 但是在看完电视剧或读完一本书时 , 我们不会鼓 掌 , 不管它们有多么好看 。 我们在现场表演的节 目例如戏剧 、 音乐会结束时鼓掌 , 向演员们致谢 。 他们先付出汗水 , 然后我们给予掌声 。 没有我们 这些观众 , 演出就是不完整的 。 鼓掌的习俗由来已久。在古雅典,掌声具有判断 和参与的意思。戏剧节目之间互相竞争,经久不 息的掌声会帮助一个剧目获胜。剧院很大,可容 纳 14000名观众,约有该市成年男性人口的一半, 这意味着观众们能制造震耳欲聋的掌声。 掌声也象征着成为某一团体的一分子,代表着演 员与观众的平等关系。重要的是共同鼓掌,将一 个人的稀稀落落的掌声叠加到其他人的掌声中去。 和笑声一样,鼓掌具有社交含义,独自一个人时 你不会经常鼓掌或放声大笑。鼓掌在另一个方面 和笑声也是一样的:它具有感染力,能够飞速传 播出去。在音乐会或剧院鼓掌是普遍的行为,但 人们鼓掌的场合国与国之间并不相同。举例来说, 在英国,人们在婚礼上鼓掌,而在意大利,人们 有时在葬礼上鼓掌。


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