


1、111Unit 1 Getting along with othersGrammar-教案. 不定式句法功能1. 作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster” is terrible. 不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。 The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”How long did it take you to take roller coaster?How terrible it is to take roller coaster?不定式作主语常见句型:a) It is + adj. (easy, important, difficult) + 不定式b) It is + n. (a pity, a ple。

2、111模块五 Unit 1 Getting Along With Others一:翻译下列词组1想要做某事___________________ 2. 使某人做某事______________ 3.一张/片________________________ 4.遵守诺言___________________ 5. .建立在基础之上________________ 6.使成为 ___________________7.禁不住做某事___________________8. 取笑某人__________________9.因而感到羞耻__________________10.不善______________________11.感到被出卖___________________12.肯定做了某事_______________13对感到骄傲_______________14.下决心做某事_______________15.得最低分_。

3、111Grammar: 动词不定式. 不定式句法功能1. 作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster” is terrible. 不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。 The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”How long did it take you to take roller coaster?How terrible it is to take roller coaster?不定式作主语常见句型:a) It is + adj. (easy, important, difficult) + 不定式b) It is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, ones duty, a shame。

4、111Grammar: 动词不定式. 不定式句法功能1. 作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster” is terrible. 不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。 The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”How long did it take you to take roller coaster?How terrible it is to take roller coaster?不定式作主语常见句型:a) It is + adj. (easy, important, difficult) + 不定式b) It is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, ones duty, a shame。

5、111牛津版模块五Unit 1 Getting along with othersWords and expressions1. get along get along/ on with sb. 和睦相处She works hard and is easy to get along with. They should get along well together because they have much in common.他们在一起应该处得不错,因为他们有许多共同点。(2008四川卷) 9. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we ______ fine.A. look out B. stay up C. carry on D. get along get along / on (with sth.) 进展,进行How are you getting along with your English? 你的英语学得怎么。

6、gkxx精品课件,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Grammar and usage To-infinitive and Verb-ing form as a noun,gkxx精品课件,Part 1 To-infinitive,gkxx精品课件,1.to do as a subject The cat said, “To take roller coaster is terrible ”.,不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。,The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”,How long did it take you to take roller coaster? How terrible it is to take roller coaster!。

7、111Unit 1 Getting along with othersTask Writing a letter to a friend教案Teaching objectives:understand a conversation on a radio talk showdiscuss friendship and practise agreeing and disagreeingwrite a letter to a friend learn and practise language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.Teaching focus and difficulties:writing down answersthe way to show agreeing and disagreeing.writing a letter to a friend Teaching methods:1. Listening, reading and th。

8、111Unit 1 Getting along with othersReading-教案Objectives:1.To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To make Ss become familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.Teaching important point:1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.Interaction Patterns: Teachers。

9、设计思路: 本单元的Grammar主要讲的是不定式和动名词的用法。目的在于让学生了解动词不定式在句中的六个主要作用以及否定式、完成式、进行式、一般式被动、完成式被动、不定式复合结构。第二个语法内容是动名词在句中的四个功能和否定式、完成式、一般式被动、完成式被动、动名词复合结构。,在课件的开始用一个flash(过山车)作为导入激发学生的兴趣,由此展开对动词不定式的学习。在整个过程中,始终坚持曹老师22字教学法中先练后讲的原则,在实践中由学生自己总结,老师再作适当的补充。作为高二的学生,适当了解一些高考题考查该语法的。

10、gkxx精品课件,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Grammar,gkxx精品课件,Unit 1 Module 5,Grammar and usage To-infinitive and Verb-ing form as a noun,gkxx精品课件,Part 1 To-infinitive,gkxx精品课件,1. to do as a subject The cat said, “to take roller coaster is terrible ”.,The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”,gkxx精品课件,How long did it take you to take roller coaster? How terrible it is to take roller coaster!,不定式短语作主语时, 可以直接放在句首, 但在很多情况下, 尤其是在疑问句和感。

11、gkxx精品课件,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Grammar,gkxx精品课件,Grammar,gkxx精品课件,A faithful friend is hard to find. The only way to have a friend is to be one. It is better to be alone than in bad company.,Look at following sentences, pay attention to the words in red.,To-infinitive,知音难觅。 交友的唯一方法是自己必须够朋友。 与恶友交不如独处。,gkxx精品课件,Functions of to-infinitive 1)Subject of a sentence To find a best friend is difficult. To talk with your mouth full is rude. To becom。

12、gkxx精品课件,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Grammar and usage,gkxx精品课件,Grammar and usage,Unit 1,gkxx精品课件,To-infinitive bare infinitive verb-ing form as a noun.,gkxx精品课件,I. To-infinitive,gkxx精品课件,Review the basic sentences elements. I was watching an English programmer at 8 oclock yesterday. I-subject; was watching-predicate; an English programmer-object; at 8 oclock yesterday-adverbial 2. The games of 2006 World Cup are exciting. exciting-predicative 3. I lost my。

13、111课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-1New words 1主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Let students read the new words correctly.2. Get students to master some important words. 教学重、难点How to get students master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注1 Get (well)along / on with 与某人相处(的好)有关get的词组:get across传播,为人理解 get through (电话等)接通get away走开;离开 get over从中恢复;克服困难; get together 相聚,。

14、111Unit 1 Getting along with othersWelcome to the unitTeaching Aims:1. Students participate in a discussion to find out ways to solve common problems with friendship.2. Develop students speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion.3. Students learn proverbs related to friendship.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in 1. Check out the following pictures concerning certain proverbs.2. Try to work out which words are missing, but keep your books clo。

15、111Teaching plan of project “Project Giving an oral report”Teaching objectives:Ss will learn how to plan and conduct a survey and how to prepare an oral report to present to the class.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inPresent a questionnaire and conduct a survey about different attitudes to friendship between boys and girls with the whole class. QuestionnaireAre you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl Tick the answer which most applies to you.1. How many b。

16、111Module 5Unit 1 Getting along with othersReading 1Objectives:1.To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To make Ss become familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.Teaching important point:1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.Interaction Patterns。

17、111Teaching plan of project “Project Giving an oral report”Teaching objectives:Ss will learn how to plan and conduct a survey and how to prepare an oral report to present to the class.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inPresent a questionnaire and conduct a survey about different attitudes to friendship between boys and girls with the whole class. QuestionnaireAre you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl Tick the answer which most applies to you.1. How many bes。

18、111Unit 1 Getting along with othersWord power-教案Teaching aims: 1. Enlarge students vocabulary about personalities.2. let them recognize positive and negative adjectives that describe personality. 3. make a list of synonyms and antonyms about the adjectives describing personality Teaching important points: 1.Remember these words 2.try to use these adjectives that describe personality. freely.Teaching difficult points:1 how to make them to describe a perso。

19、111Module 5Unit 1 Getting along with othersReading 1Objectives:1.To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To make Ss become familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.Teaching important point:1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.Interaction Patterns:。

20、111Unit 1 Getting along with othersTask Writing a letter to a friend教案Teaching objectives:understand a conversation on a radio talk showdiscuss friendship and practise agreeing and disagreeingwrite a letter to a friend learn and practise language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.Teaching focus and difficulties:writing down answersthe way to show agreeing and disagreeing.writing a letter to a friend Teaching methods:1. Listening, reading and th。

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