Unit 1《Getting along with others》Word power教案5(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Word power教案5(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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111课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-1New words 1主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Let students read the new words correctly.2. Get students to master some important words. 教学重、难点How to get students master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注1 Get (well)along / on with 与某人相处(的好)有关get的词组:get across传播,为人理解 get through (电话等)接通get away走开;离开 get over从中恢复;克服困难; get together 相聚,聚集 get back 回来;恢复get off下车;出发;动身;下班 get on上车 get up起立,起床 get rid of 摆脱2betray v.betrayal n./betrayer n. 背叛者betray oneself 露出马脚,暴露身份betray ones surprise 显得很惊奇3.academic adj.academy n.学院,专科学校4.overlook v.overcome v.克服 overall adj.全部的5.cheerful adj.cheer v.使欢呼&n.欢呼声cheer up!别灰心!高兴起来!振作起来!6.admit的用法 1) admit 作“准许进入”、“允许参加”解释。例如: Open the window to admit some fresh air. 2) admit 可作“承认”解释,这时,其后可跟名词、动词的-ing形式、宾语从句或宾语+宾语补足语。例如: John admitted knowing little about the subject. 3) admit of : 作“容许”解。如: (1)This is a universal truth which admits of no exception. 4) admit to : 承认。 (1) I must admit to being ashamed for what had happened. 7.deliberately adv.deliberate adj.8keep ones word 保守诺言有关word 的词组in other words 换句话说have a word with与某人谈话receive(get/have)word得到消息have words with sb.与某人吵架get in a word插话in a(one)word总之9forgive-forgave-forgiven v.原谅1).forgive的用法:forgive sb.for sth因原谅某人.forgive sbs sth 原谅某人某事forgive sbs debt免除某人债务2).区别excuse, pardon和forgive。excuse, forgive, pardon 这三个词都表示“原谅,宽恕”。 excuse:“原谅”,指有意放过人们在社会,习俗方面的具体行为。如错误,疏忽或失职,不予以指责和惩罚。常用词组:excuse for原谅;excuse from/to do免除。如: 10Tease:laugh atteaser n.爱戏弄别人的人Tease sb.嘲笑某人 tease sth.嘲笑某事 tease sb. about sth.嘲笑某人某事12in trouble 有麻烦,处于困难中in hospital在住院 in store储藏着;准备着 in prison在监狱(服刑) in general 大体上(=generally)in battle在战斗中 in peace平平安安地(=peacefully)in order井然有序 in secret秘密地(=secretly)in danger在危险中 in surprise惊奇地(=surprisely)in doubt 感到怀疑 in public公开地(=publicly)in common共有 in person亲自(=personally)in debt负债 in particular特别地(=particularly)in sight看得见 in silent无声地(=silently)12Focus1)n.重点,专注的地方;焦点,关注点2)v.集中注意力;聚焦。后常接介词on13as a (the) result of 由于的原因as a result 结果;因此result from因而引起result in 导致e.g.He ate some bad watermelon.As a result,he felt ill. As a result of his carelessness,he hurt himself.提示:as a result of接原因,as a result接结果。拓展:表原因的短语:due to由于,因为 because of 因为thanks to多亏;幸亏owing to 归因于14yell v.&n.吼叫,大叫 yell at sb.对某人叫喊15mean1)adj刻薄的、卑鄙的、吝啬的2)v.mean to do sth 打算做某事mean doing sth.意味着be meant to do =be intended to do被打算用作16guilty .adj.guilt U罪,罪行 be guilty of 犯的罪 be guilty forabout sth.内疚课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-2New words 2主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Let students read the new words correctly.2. Get students to master some important words. 教学重、难点How to get students master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注1.stand 1)vt.忍受,忍耐,承担,经受(=bear,put up with)This color wont stand washing.这种颜色不经洗。The door stand open。门是开着的。2)词组:stand out 坚持 They stood out till victory. 引人注目,脱颖而出 Our daughter is a great dancer, she stands out above the rest. stand for代表,象征,意味着3)cant help 和 cant stand cant help 无法控制、忍不住做某事 Sue doenst always mean to be so rude but sometimes she just cant help herself.cant stand不能忍受(某人、某物、做某事): I cant stand whiskey. 威士忌我受不了。2apologiz(s)e v. apology n.歉意apologize to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉apologize to sb.for doing sth.因做某事向某人道歉make an apology道歉I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time. 没有提前通知你,我表示歉意。3blame1)blame vt.,通常用于下面三个句型:blame sb. for sth. /doing sth.为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事。 blame sth. on sb.把某事归咎于某人。be to blame (for)应(为)承担责任;该(为)受责备。注意此处不能用被动语态。如:The children were not to blame for the accident.那次事故怪不着孩子们。4doubtI doubt his word. 我怀疑他的话。I dont doubt that he can finish the task on time.在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。I doubt whether they can swim across the river. I doubt that he will come. 我看他未必会来。There is no doubt about it. 此事无可怀疑。I have no doubt of his ability. I have no doubt that he will succeed. (1)in doubt怀疑;拿不定主意。(2)no/without/beyond doubt无疑地;必定(3)make no doubt of 对毫不怀疑。(4)throw/cast doubt on使人对产生怀疑。5.embarrass vt.使尴尬;使为难 embarrassmentU embarrassed adj.感到尴尬 be embarrassed about sth.embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的6.gift n.礼物;天分gifted adj.有天赋的; have a gift /talent for 在方面有天赋7strength n.力气,力量;实力 strong adj. strengthen v.加强,巩固long length deepdepth 8.anxiety n.焦虑,忧虑;渴望,热望anxious adj.焦虑的,令人焦虑的短语:be anxious about/for sb./sth.担心、忧虑某人=be worried aboutcause sbs anxiety 使某人非常不安 remove sbs anxiety消除某人的不安with great anxiety忧心忡忡地,十分焦虑地9suffer vt.遭受,蒙受,经历;vi.受痛苦,受损失,患病;n.受害者,受难者suffer from heart disease 患心力衰竭suffer from floods 遭受水灾sufferable 可忍受的suffering n. 受苦,遭难10get through 1)做完,结束2)通过(考试)3)看完,度过,用完4)(电话)接通11. absorb vt. absorption n.专心 吸收(液体,气体,光,声等)Cotton gloves absorb sweat.棉手套吸汗。汲取,理解(知识等)So many good ideas! Its too much for me to absorb all at once.这么多好主意!太多了,很难一下完全吸收。使全神贯注;吸引(注意等) (+in/by)The old man was utterly absorbed in the book.be absorbed by被.吞并, 为.所吸收be absorbed in全神贯注在., 一心从事, 热衷于absorb sb.s attention吸引某人注意12.hesitate vi. 踌躇;犹豫;迟疑hesitate to do sth. 不愿做某事hesitate in(doing) sth. 在方面犹豫hesitate about doing sth. 关于犹豫不决hesitate what to do 犹豫着不知做什么13respond vi.回答,答复;响应,反应 response n.回应,反应responsible adj. 有责任的,负责的respond to 响应,回答,对作出反应respond with a smile 以微笑作为回答in response to 作为对的反应make a quick response to 对作出很快的反应be responsible for 对负责课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-3Welcome to the unit主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Students participate in a discussion to find out ways to solve common problems with friendship.2. Develop students speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion.3. Students learn proverbs related to friendship.教学重、难点Develop students speaking ability; Different types of discussions.教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in 1. Check out the following pictures concerning certain proverbs.2. Try to work out which words are missing, but keep your books closed.Stpe 2 Welcome to the unit Picture oneFriends are thieves _.Picture twoThe best mirror is _.Picture threeIf you can buy a persons _, its not worth having.True friendship is w_.Picture fourTrue friends have _ that beat as one.Step 3 Pair Work1. Do you have a best friend? Why do you think that he or she is your best friend?2. How do you get on with your friends? How do you help each other when you have problems?3. What do you think are the most important characteristics in a friend?Please talk to your partner. And prepare yourselves to present your discussion in dialogue to the class. (Pay attention that each speaker should have more than three sentences to say.)Step 4 Learning more sayings and brainstorming.To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.True friend is one soul in two bodies.True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.To get a good friend, you should first learn to be one.Please brainstorm on how to be a good friend. And give your opinions one by one.Good friends should _.Step 5 Questions and Discussion IIT: Good friends bring cheering friendship to you. But could there be any problem with friendship?How would you handle some difficult situations that can happen in friendships? For each situation given below, answer these questions: How would this make you feel? What is a positive way to deal with it? What is a harmful way to deal with it?Situations1. Your friend starts acting in ways that you think are wrong (drugs, being rude, etc.)2. You find out your friend has been telling stories about you that arent true. 3. Your friend is on the brink of failing a class and begs you to help him/her cheat on the final exam.4. You and your best friend have romantic feelings toward the same person. Attention1. On one of the situations, please discuss in group of three. 2. One in the group should listen to the other two and then give a report and comment on what he/she hears. (Pay attention that the reporter should first listen carefully and prepare to report to the class.)Step 6 Homework1. Read Part B on page 95 in workbook.2. Writing Preview page 2,3 and find out the sticky situations that happen to Sarah and Andrew. Then write a short passage of more than 100 words on how to deal with them in a positive way.课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-4Reading 1主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1.To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To make Ss become familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.教学重、难点1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step 1 lead-inDiscussion l 1. Do you have any important events or unforgettable experiences with your close friends?l 2. Please share something with us and tell us what to do when meeting with difficulties in friendship. (1). If your friend tells others about your secrets, how will you feel and what will you react?(2). When your friendship is in trouble,will you stop talking with your friend and make a new friend? Conclusion l 1. We should keep our promise and keep friendssecrets. Honesty is one of the most important factors in the friendship.l 2. Friends should unite and help each other when meeting with some difficulties both in study or in other fields of life.In other words, we are supposed to take honesty and union as glory. But what are the shameful behaviors or the glorious? Next lets learn something about it.l 以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻 l 以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻 l 以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻 l 以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻 l 以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻 l 以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻 l 以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻 l 以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻Step 2 Comprehension of the textFirst readingl By using these two rules, lets go over the two letters for the first time and try to answer questions below.1. What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? She thought it was quite easy. 2. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilet?She told Hannah how badly she had done in the Maths test. 3. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test.4. Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match?He thought Matthew played badly and did not try hard enough. As a result, they lost the game.5.What did Matthew think about losing the match?He thought it was his fault.6. What kind of boy is Matthew? Is he usually a quiet boy? He is usually cheerful and out going.Second readingl Read the article again and finish part C2. Try to identify how Sarah and Andrew felt and why they felt like so.l Make sure you pick the relevant information within the given time.How Sarah feltWhy she felt soHow Andrew feltWhy he felt so.Step 3 Language items1.Match new words with their definitions2.Find out the similar words in the 2nd letterStep 4 Discussion 1. Do you think Sarah and Hannah should try to be friends again or go their separate ways?2. If you found out that your best friends had made friends with another person,what would you think about this and what would you do?Step 5 Reading strategyHow do they show their strong feelings when meeting difficulties in friendship? 1. I must be really stupid. (line11)2. How they must have laughed behind my back! (line22)3. I was so angry that (line23)4. It is really awkward. (line 49)5. I cant help wondering. (line52-53)Step 6 Group workWork in groups and try to make a dialogue which is full of strong feelings.Suppose you were in a quarrel with your best friends, and turn to another one for help. You need to tell him the causes and how you feel about it. And the helper should give advice.课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-5Reading 2主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Revise the reading passage by retelling it.2.Get the students to grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.3.Get the students to practice two important drills.教学重、难点Language points 教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注1.We have been good friends since primary school.(line7)(1).Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since WWII.该国的失业率处于二战以来的最低水平.(2).She left her hometown five years ago. We havent seen her since.自那以后=from then on(3).It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain.(4).Since you are so busy, perhaps we shuold ask someone else.2.We are no fun.(un.) (line5)(1).Her baby is great fun./ sailing a boat is great fun. (有趣的人/事)(2). I write not just for the pay, but for fun.(乐趣). We had a lot of fun at the party.(3).They often make fun of me for this.Dont make _ of the blind man.A fun B funs C funny D a fun fun 做名词时不可数,不能与a连用,也没有复数形式.3.Must (when guessing, there seems to be no other possibilities) (line8-9)(1).I must have sounded very proud of myself.我当时的口气听上去肯定很自得.You must have left your wallet in the office.你肯定是把钱包落在办公室里了.(2).may have done(its not certain)Something may have happened to her.可能她发生了什么事.4.feel like(have an inclination or desire for) (line11-12)(1). I feel like I was overlooking my studies.(2). I felt like crying. 我的父母晚饭之后总是想要出去散步. My parents always feel like going out for a walk after supper.feel like表示想要做某事,后可加doing sth.也可以加that clause.5.I was overlooking my studies. (line12)(1).forget/not see something importantl we should not overlook the difficulties.l 当第一次读的时候,我忽略了这个错误.l I overlooked the mistake the first time I read it.(2). not be angry with a bad thing请原谅我的错.l Please overlook my fault.(3). We want a room which overlook the garden,not one overlook the car park. 我们想要一个能居高临下看到花园而不是停车场的房间.6.I was determined to be cheerful.(line14)(1)adj.a.He is determined to take part in the international speech competititon.He is a determined supporter of President Bush.(2)vi.He determined to take part in the international speech competition.他决定参加国际演讲比赛. (3)vt.a.规定,确定They determined the date for the party. 7. He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. (line44-45)(1).不要对她如此刻薄.Dont be so mean to her.(2). He was very mean with his money.unwilling to share or give what one has(3). It is a mean dog. Be careful it doest bite you. Bad-tempered/liking to hurt(4). Running ten miles is no mean achievement. very good8.I cant stand seeing my team lose.(line45-46)(1)stand sb./sth.例:I cant stand a lot of noise when I am reading. I cant stand this cold weather.He cant bear that man. He talked too much.9.I cant help wondering. (line52-53)(1)cannot help doing sth.情不自禁做某事 He cannot help talking to his deskmate in class. (2)cannot help it 没有办法He just cant help it. He has to obey orders. (3)cant help do sth.无法帮助做某事I cant help do the housework for my mum.课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-6Wordpower主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Enlarge students vocabulary about personalities.2. let them recognize positive and negative adjectives that describe personality. 3. make a list of synonyms and antonyms about the adjectives describing personality教学重、难点Remember these words Try to use these adjectives that describe personality. freely.How to make them to describe a person with these adjectives that we have learnt today教学方法1. Students-centered. (Discussion to make every student work in class.)2. Teacher and students interaction (Talking to improve the students speaking ability.)3. Multimedia way.( Practice to get the students to master what theyve learnt.)预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step 1 Revision and lead in1 . Let students guess who is heHe was a soldier and died at an early age after the founding of PRC.He is -helpful -warmhearted- unselfish/selflessChairman Mao encouraged us to learn from him on March 5th.In March every year, we learn from him to offer help to others2. He was Lei FengStep2 1. Have you paid attention the adjectives?All these adjectives are used to describe Personalities.2 Lets have a try Use some adjectives to describe peoples personalities1 What kind of person is “Dae Jang Geum”?Smart Strong-willed Helpful Kind friendly Hardworking/diligent Creative Warm-hearted2 try to describe other people3 exercise(1) Match these adjectives to their meanings step 3 read the dialogue on the text book1 The adjectives in red are negative The adjectives in blue are positive2 exercise1Generous warm-hearted reliable open-minded honest helpful politeFriendly dishonest narrow-minded Stubborn bad-tempered moody impolite unkind boring2Strong-minded-determinedshy -timidFriendly-kindHappy-cheerfulTry to tell the synonymsBrave-courageousSmart-cleverLoyal-faithfulDiligent -hard-workingPassionate-enthusiastic3 discussionDo you know Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces?What kind of personalities belong to Honors and what kind of personalities belong to Disgraces ?Step4 synonyms and antonyms1 Having the same or similar means-synonymsHaving the opposite meaning-antonyms2 exercise Try to tell the synonyms and antonyms3 discuss(1) read the story(2) Can you describe the personalities of the prince (3) What your decision will be if you were the old king?Step 5 1 keys to page7 Answers1 easy-going 2 quiet 3 shy 4 friendly 5 honest 6 hard-working 7serious 8 strict2 competitionTry to speak highly of your friends with as many positive adjectives as you can to make the others believe that your friend is the best3 discussionIn your opinion, what kind of person is easy to get along with and make friends with?What characteristics would you not like a friend to have.Homework1 Try to find more adjectives that describe personalities2 chose one of your friends to describe with some of the words that we have learned today课 题M5U1 Getting along with others课时9-7Grammar主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. Let students read the new words correctly.2. Get students to master some important words. 教学重、难点How to get students master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具Slides预习要求Workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注. 不定式句法功能1. 作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster” is terrible. 不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。 The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”不定式作主语常见句型:a) It is + adj. (easy, important, difficult) + 不定式b) It is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, ones duty, a shame) + 不定式eg. Its my duty to teach you how to be a student of No.3 Middle School.c) It takes/needs/requires + some time (hours, months, days, patien


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