
新世纪剑桥英语 3 Unit 1 Family Matters 新世纪剑桥英语 Star Family 新世纪剑桥英语 Mr. Star Mrs. Star 新世纪剑桥英语 parent s 新世纪剑桥英语 daughter s 新世纪剑桥。


1、剑桥国际少儿英语KB3Hello (你好!)4.Listen. Say the number.d-o-l-l(Thats number eighteen and its pink.)b-i-k-e(Thats number seventeen and its purple.)t-r-a-i-n(Thats number twelve and its purp。

2、剑桥国际少儿英语第1册Lesson 1, Unit 3Miss Lin Presentationcar Presentationball Presentation doll Presentationcomputer Presentation。

3、新世纪剑桥英语 3 Unit 1 Family Matters 新世纪剑桥英语 Star Family 新世纪剑桥英语 Mr. Star Mrs. Star 新世纪剑桥英语 parent s 新世纪剑桥英语 daughter s 新世纪剑桥。

4、,剑桥国际少儿英语 (第1册) Lesson 1, Unit 1,Presentation,Lets meet the Star family and the toys!,Presentation,Mr. Star,Presentation,Mrs. Star,Presentation,Stella Star Marie,Presentation,Simon Star Maskman,Prese。

5、Unit 3 A day in the life (一日生活)1. Listen and say the letter.Stella wakes up at seven oclock every day.Stella gets up.Stella has a shower.Then Stella gets dressed. She puts on her skirt an。

6、 剑桥国际少儿英语 第1册 Lesson1 Unit3 Howareyou 你好吗 I mfine thankyou 我很好 谢谢 Singthesong 28 wordchain apencil apencil abook apencil abook atable apencil abook atable achair Practice Howmanychairs Sixredchairs No。

7、Unit7 Worldofanimals Teachingplanning 1 Gettoknoweachother 2 Learningclassroomrules 3 Reviseanimalstheyhavelearnedandtalkaboutthem 4 Learnmorewordsaboutanimals 5 Presentthedialogue 6 Learnthedialoguei。

8、Unit6Adayinthecountry SayitwithStella paperplane lake Jack Findouttheoppositewordsfrompage54 57 andwritethemdown Readp56 57 homework revision Remember LockandKeyareataparty What sthenameofthepicture W。

9、剑桥国际少儿英语 第 3册 Lesson 1, Hello Unit Bella Warmer My name is Bella. What s your name Her name is Bella. My name is What s 。

10、剑桥国际少儿英语KB2 Unit 7 At the farm Lesson 1,REVISION,pets,animals,Which is Zoo ? Which is Farm?,This is a farm,Wild animals,What is farm animal ?,Do you know:,cow,spider,goat,sheep,frog,duck,lizard,lizard,duck,cow,sheep,spider,goat,frog,duck,Whats this?,lizard,A B,C,D,D,A,C,B,cow,s,frog,presentation,s,duck,presentation,s,spider,presentation,s,lizard,presentation,s,goat,s,sheep,Where are they?,What can you see?,Who are they?,Do you know?,1. What is under the tree?,2. What is 。

11、,剑桥国际少儿英语 (第1册) Lesson 1, Unit 5 Our pets 我们的宠物,1,Warmer,green blue yellow red grey black orange pink purple white brown Show the cards of colours :Wheres grey? Here/There!,2,Presentation,bird Whats 。

12、蓝海豚英语KB3Unit 5 Culture By Ider蓝海豚英语What are they doingThey are .蓝海豚英语What are they doingThey are .smoking蓝海豚英语What will 。

13、Pupils Book (学生用书) Hello!(你好!) Page 2(第2页) 2.(活动2) Listen and check.(听然后检查) NARRATOR(旁白): a STELLA: Hello, Im Stella.Im nine.Ive got a brother and a sister.This is my favourite computer game.Its calle。

14、2.Listen and check. Aunt May:Good morning. How are you today, Stella Stella:Oh, Im not very well. Ive got a cold. Aunt M。

15、剑桥少儿国际KB3课文Unit 1 Family matters!STELLA: : Hi, everyone. This is my project. Heres myfamily tree. These are my parents, Mr. and Mrs.Star. And look, here are Grandma and GrandpaStar. Theyre。

16、剑桥国际少儿英语 KB2 Unit 7 At the farm Lesson 1 REVISION pets This is a farm Wild animals What is farm animal ? Do you know: cow spider goat sheep frog duck lizard lizard duck cow sheep spider goat frog d。

17、剑桥国际少儿英语 第 1册 Lesson 1, Unit 8 Presentation jacket a red jacket Presentation shoes black shoes Presentation skirt a yell。

18、Unit10Ourhobbies 我们的爱好 What syourhobby hobby爱好 hobbies 复数 readingtalkingrunningjumping paint绘画painting画画 paint与draw的区别 paint用颜色画 如油画颜料 水彩或水墨画 draw用铅笔 粉笔 钢笔 画 不上色 photo照片takeaphoto照相 takeapicture takin。

19、 剑桥国际少儿英语 第1册 Lesson1 Unit8 Presentation jacket aredjacket Presentation shoes blackshoes Presentation skirt ayellowskirt Presentation socks bluesocks Presentation trousers greytrousers Presentation T 。

20、剑桥国际少儿英语第2册Lesson 1, Unit 1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Pupils book p5 Warmup a b c d e f g h i 。

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剑桥国际少儿英语3KB3 unit 5 culture
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