剑桥国际少儿英语KB (-1)ppt课件

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,剑桥国际少儿英语 (第1册) Lesson 1, Unit 5 Our pets 我们的宠物,1,Warmer,green blue yellow red grey black orange pink purple white brown Show the cards of colours :Wheres grey? Here/There!,2,Presentation,bird Whats this? Its a _. Its a _bird. What colour is it? Its _,_,_and _.,bird,beautiful,red,yellow,blue,green,3,Presentation,cat Whats this? Its a _. Whats your favourite pet? My favourite pet is a _. What colour is it? Its _.,cat,cat,white,4,Presentation,dog Whats this? Its a _. What colour is the dog? Its a _ and _ dog.,dog,black,white,5,Presentation,fish,Whats this? Its a _. What colour is it? Its _.,fish,orange,6,Presentation,horse,Whats this? Its a _. What colour is the horse? Its _.,horse,black,7,Presentation,mouse,Whats this? Its a _. What colour is it? Its _.,mouse,grey,Whats your favourite pet? My favourite pet is my _.,mouse,8,Production Name the pets.,9,Production Name the pets.,10,Production Name the pets.,11,12,Practice,cat mouse horse dog fish bird,Is it .?,13,Practice Say the chant.,My horse is beautiful.,My dog is too.,My fish is ugly.,My bird is blue.,My cat is young.,And my mouse is grey.,Here are our pets. On pet show day.,14,a dog,two dogs,three dogs,They are dogs.,15,a mouse two mice three mice,They are mice.,16,a fish two fish three fish,They are fish.,17,What are they? They are . How many _? _.,horses,18,What are they? They are . How many _? _.,cats,19,What are they? They are . How many _? _.,birds,20,What are they? They are . How many _? _.,fish,21,What are they? They are . How many _? _.,mice,22,What are they? They are . How many _? _.,dogs,23,Rr,Ss,Tt,rabbit,snake,turtle,/a:/ /r/,/es/ /s/,/ti:/ /t/,24,umbrella,vest,window,/ju:/ /,/vi:/ /v/,/dblju:/w/,25,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,26,


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