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Pupils Book (学生用书)Hello!(你好!)Page 2(第2页)2.(活动2)Listen and check.(听然后检查)NARRATOR(旁白): aSTELLA: Hello, Im Stella.Im nine.Ive got a brother and a sister.This is my favourite computer game.Its called Brainbox.(你好!我是Stella。我9岁了。我有一个妹妹和弟弟。这是我最喜欢的电脑游戏,叫头脑风暴。)NARRATOR(旁白): bSUZY: Hello, Im Suzy.Im five.Ive got a big dog.Shes black and white and shes called Dotty.(你好,我是Suzy。我有一条大的狗狗。她是黑色和白色的,她叫Dotty.)NARRATOR(旁白): cSIMON: Hi, Im Simon.Im eight.I like reading comics.My favourite comics called Lock and Key.(嗨,我是Simon。我8岁了。我喜欢看漫画。我最喜欢的漫画是“Lock和Key的故事”)Page 3(第3页)4.(活动4)Listen.Say the number and the colour.(听,并说出对应的数字和颜色。)d -o -l l(娃娃)b -i -k e(自行车)t -r -a -i n(火车)m -o -n -s -t -e r(怪物)g -a -m e(游戏)c -o -m -p -u -t -e r(电脑)k -i -t e(风筝)c -a -m -e -r a(照相机)l -o -r -r y (货车)h -e -l -i -c -o -p -t -e -r(直升机)Page 4(第4页)7 Read and match the names.(活动7 读然后找出对应的人物。)Simon an Stella are in the playground with their friends, Alex, Lenny and Meera, and their sister Suzy. Meeras sitting next to Stella and Simons talking to Lenny. Alex is behind them.(Simon和Stella在运动场上和他们的朋友Alex、Lenny、Meera玩,还有他们的妹妹Suzy。Meera坐在Stella的旁边。Simon在和Lenny在聊天。Alex在他们的后面。)Page 4(第4页)8.(活动8)Listen.Who is it?(听听这是谁?)Shes drinking orange juice.(她正在喝橙汁。)Shes jumping.(她正在跳。)Hes eating an apple.(他正在吃苹果。)Hes showing Lenny his new school bag.(他正在给Lenny展示他的新书包。)Shes reading a book.(她正在看书。)Hes playing football.(他正在踢足球。)Page 5(第5页)10.(活动10)Listen and say the name.(听然后说数字)Ive got an old bike(我有一辆旧自行车)And Im riding it.(我正在骑车。)Hes got a big kite(他有一只大风筝)And hes flying it.(他正在放风筝。)Shes got a small car(她有一辆小车)And shes driving it.(她正在开小车。)Weve got toys!(我们都有玩具!)Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Ive got a fat doll(我有一个胖娃娃)And its talking.(它正在讲话。)Hes got a robot(他有一个机器人)And its walking.(它正在讲话。)Shes got a new ball(她有一个新球)And its bouncing.(它正在弹跳。)Weve got toys!(我们都有玩具!)Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Weve got toys!Page 6(第6页)13.(活动13)Say it with Stella.(和Stella一起说)Black, black, black,(黑色,黑色,黑色)Cat, hand, bag.(猫,手,包)Red, red, red,(红色。红色,红色)Head, leg, bed.(头,腿,床)Pink, pink, pink,(粉色,粉色,粉色)Six, tick, fish.(数字6,画勾,鱼。)Orange, orange, orange,(橙色,橙色,橙色)Clock, sock, dog.(钟,袜子,狗。)Page 6(第6页)14.(活动14)Listen.Repeat the word and say the colour.(听,跟读单词并说出单词属于哪个颜色类)1.frog(青蛙)2.dress(连衣裙)3.hit(击打,撞击)4.box(盒子)5.watch(手表)6.friend(朋友)7.swim(游泳)8.man(男人)9.bread(面包)10.egg(鸡蛋)11.milk(牛奶)12.flat(公寓)13.in(在里面)14.on(在上面)15.hat(帽子)16.drink(饮料)Page 7(第7页)Story(故事)Lock and Key, Lock and Key,(Lock和Key, Lock和Key,)From the Detective Agency,(来自侦探社,)We can find it wherever it may be,(我们可以在任何有可能的地方找到他们,)We are Lock and Key.(我们是Lock和key.)ANSWER MACHINE: Hello.This is the Lock and Key Detective Agency.Sorry we cant answer the phone at the moment.Please leave a message.(你好。这里是Lock和Key侦探社。不好意思我们现在不能回电话。请留言。)WOMAN: Please help me!Im in the house next to your agency.I cant find Clarence!(请帮助我!我住在你们侦探社隔壁的房子里。我找不到Clarence!)KEY: Argh!Oops!Hello, hello.This is Key.Can I help you? (啊!噢!你好,你好。我是Key。我能够帮你吗?) WOMAN: Oh!Please find Clarence.Hes a big fat cat.Hes got long white fur and blue eyes.He hasnt got a tail.(噢!请找到Clarence。他是一只大肥猫。他有长长的白毛,还有蓝色的眼睛。他没有尾巴。)LOCK: Get the Detective Box, Key.Weve got work to do!(Key,拿上侦探工具箱。我们有工作要做了!)LOCK: Come on, Key.What are we looking for?(快点,Lock。我们要找什么?)KEY: Were looking for a big white cat, Lock.No problem.(我们要找一只大白猫,Lock。没问题。)Unit 1(第1单元)Page 8(第8页)2.(活动2)Listen and check.(听然后检查)STELLA: Hi, everyone.This is my project.Heres my family tree.(嗨,大家好。这是我的功课。这是我的家庭树。)These are my parents, Mr and Mrs Star.And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star.Theyre my grandparents and theyve got two children: a son and a daughter.(这是我的父母,Star先生和Star太太。看这里是Star奶奶和Star爷爷。他们是我的爷爷和奶奶,他们有两个孩子:一个儿子和一个女儿。)Their sons my dad and their daughters my Aunt May.Ive got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred.Aunt Mays my dads sister.Uncle Freds my mums brother.(他们的儿子是我的爸爸,她们的女儿是我的May阿姨。我有一位阿姨和一位叔叔:May阿姨和Fred叔叔。May阿姨是我爸爸的妹妹。Fred叔叔是我妈妈的兄弟。)Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three grandchildren: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me.(Star奶奶和Star爷爷有3个孙子:一个孙子,Simon和两个孙女,Suzy和我。)Page 9(第9页)4.(活动4)Listen and say the letter.(听然后说对应的字母。)This persons taking a photo of his son.(这个人正在给他的儿子拍照。)This persons playing football with his uncle.(这个人正在和他的叔叔踢足球。)This persons reading a book to her daughter.(这个人正在给她女儿读书听。)This persons playing a game with her aunt.(这个人正在和她的阿姨玩游戏。)This persons painting a picture of her granddaughter.(这个人正在给她的孙女画画。)Page 9(第9页)5.(活动5)Listen and complete.(听然后完成句子。)Grandma Stars painting a picture of her beep.(Star奶奶正在给她的_画画。)Simons playing football with his beep.(Simon正在和他的_踢足球。)Mrs Stars reading a book to her beep.(Star太太正在给她的_读书听。)Grandpa Stars taking a photo of his beep.(Star爷爷正在给他的_拍照。)Stellas playing a game with her beep.(Stella正在和她的_玩游戏。)Mr and Mrs Star are Simons beep.(Star先生和Star太太是Simon的_。)Page 10 (第10页)8 (活动8) read and check. (听然后检查。)Hi! Im Aunt May,(嗨!我是May阿姨,)Look at everyone in the garden! Stellas reading. She enjoys reading about science. Shes clever and she wants to be a doctor. (看看花园里的每个人!Stella正在看书。她很喜欢看科学有关的书籍。她很聪明,并且她希望自己能够成为一个医生。)Simons with his Uncle Fred. Simons really happy today because he loves riding his bike.(Simon和Fred叔叔在一起。Simon今天真的很开心,因为他喜欢骑自行车。)Suzy wants to give her dog a bath. Dottys naughty. She doesnt like having baths. Grandpas standing next to the bath and he needs a towel.(Suzy想给她的狗狗洗个澡。狗狗Dotty很淘气,她不喜欢洗澡。Star爷爷站在浴缸旁边,而且他需要一条浴巾。)Grandmas quiet. She loves painting. Shes painting a beautiful picture of her granddaughter, Stella.(Star奶奶非常的安静。她喜欢画画。她正在给她的孙女Stella画一幅很漂亮的画。)Page 11(第11页)11.(活动11)Complete the song with the names. Then listen and check.(用人物的名字来把歌曲填写完整。然后听并检查。)Aunt Mays a doctor,(May阿姨是一位医生,)Shes got straight black hair.(她有黑色的直头发。)Uncle Freds a farmer,(Fred叔叔是一位农民,)His beard is short and fair.(他的胡子很短而且是金色的。)Grandma Star is quiet,(Star奶奶很安静,)She wants to paint all day.(她想一整天都画画。)Grandpa Star is funny,(Star爷爷很幽默,)And his curly hair is grey.(他的卷发是灰色的。)Simon can be naughty,(Simon会很淘气,)He loves Lock and Key.(他爱。)His sister Stellas clever,(他的姐姐Stella很聪明,)And she doesnt like TV.(而且她不喜欢看电视。)Suzy isnt quiet,(Suzy从来不安静,)But shes very small.(但是她很小。)Heres our family,(这是我们的一家,)We really love them all.(我们真的很爱他们。)We really love them all.(我们真的很爱他们。)Page 12(第12页)14.(活动14)Say it with Stella.(和Stella一起说。)Words with syllables,(有音节的词,)Only one,(只有一个音节的词,)Mum, dad, aunt, son.(妈妈,爸爸,阿姨,儿子。)For two syllables,(有两个音节的词,)Add another,((在一个音节上)再加一个,)Sister, uncle, father, brother.(姐妹,叔叔,父亲,兄弟。)Its so easy,(这很简单,)Can you see?(你看见了吗?)Grandfather and grandmother,(爷爷和奶奶,)Theyve got three.(他们两个词有三个音节。)Page 12(第12页)15.(活动15)Listen. Repeat and clap.(听,跟读并拍掌。)1. chicken(鸡肉)2. clothes(衣服)3. purple(紫色)4. crocodile(鳄鱼)5. smile(微笑)6. tree(树)7. cousin(堂兄弟妹)8. tomato(西红柿)9. sausage(香肠)10. coconut(椰子)11. cupboard(橱柜)12. lemonade(柠檬汁)13. chips(薯片)14. mirror(镜子)15. hall(大厅,走廊)16. pineapple(菠萝)Page 13(第13页)Story(故事)Lock and Key, Lock and Key, (Lock和Key, Lock和Key,)From the Detective Agency, (来自侦探社,)We can find it wherever it may be, (我们可以在任何有可能的地方找到他们,)We are Lock and Key. (我们是Lock和key.)LOCK: Hmmm, thats the pet thief. Hes got straight black hair, a black beard and a moustache.(嗯,那是偷宠物的贼。他有黑色的直发,黑色的络腮胡子和八字胡。)KEY: Yes, and hes wearing a big dirty hat and an old jacket. We can find him, no problem!(是的,而且他还戴了一顶大的脏帽子和旧的夹克衫。我们可以找到他,没问题的!)KEY: Where are you going, Lock?(Lock,你要去哪里?)LOCK: I want to find that pet thief. Lets look in the park.(我想要找到那个偷宠物的贼。我们去公园里看看。)LOCK: Look! Theres the pet thief . and hes got Clarence!(看!偷宠物的贼在那里而且他还带着Clarence!)KEY: Yes, I can see his dirty hat and old jacket. Lets get him!(是的,我可以看见他的脏帽子和旧夹克。我们去抓住他!)PET THIEF: There you are Clarence! Naughty cat!(Clarence你在那里!淘气的猫!)PET THIEF: What are you doing? Give me my cat! Who are you?(你在干什么?把我的猫给我!你是谁?)KEY: Im Mr Key, from Lock and Key Detective Agency. Were looking for the pet thief.(我是Key先生,来自Lock和Key侦探社。我们正在找偷宠物的贼。)WOMAN: Im not a pet thief!(我不是偷宠物的贼!)LOCK: Thats right, Key. She hasnt got a beard or a moustache. Give her the cat.(Key,她说的对。她没有络腮胡子或八字胡。把猫给她。)KEY: No problem, Lock.(Lock,没问题。)Page 14(第14页)Do you know that?(你知道吗?)Some paintings in France are 16000 years old! They are in the Lascaux cave.(在法国的一些画已经有16000岁了。他们保存在拉斯科洞穴里。)1(活动1)Look at the family portraits. Which is your favorite?(看看这些家庭自画像。哪一幅是你最喜欢的呢?)There are lots of different types of painting. Pictures of people are called portraits. Portraits can be of a group of people, one person, or of the artist. A painting of the artist is called a self portrait.(画有很多不同的种类。画人物的画被称为肖像画。肖像画可以分为一群人的画像,一个人的画像,艺术家的画像。艺术家的画像可以被称为自画像。)2 (活动2)Match the texts with the paintings. Answer the questions.(将文段和画像配对对应。回答下列问题。)1 Picassos portrait is from 1905. Picasso is a Spanish artist. There are three children with their mother, father and grandfather. Two of them are wearing hats and one of them has got flowers.(毕加索的画像从1905年就有了。毕加索是一位西班牙艺术家。画像里有三个孩子和他们的父亲,母亲及祖父。两个孩子戴了帽子,一个孩子拿了花。)2 John Singleton Copleys portrait is from 1776. Copley is an American artist. The portrait is of the artists familywe can see three daughters and one son. The boy is wearing a dress because hes very young.(约翰辛格顿科普利的画像从1776年就有了。科普利是一位美国艺术家。这张画像是艺术家的一家我们可以看见三个女孩和一个男孩。男孩穿着连衣裙,因为他很年幼。)3 Hulis Mavruk is a Turkish artist but he lives in the United States of America. In his portrait the parents are both wearing hats. They are walking with their son and daughter.(Hulis Mavruk是一位土耳其艺术家但是他生活在美国。在他的画像里父母双亲都戴着帽子。他们带着儿子和女儿一起在走路。)(注:网上可以找到一些和Hulis Mavruk这位艺术家相关的英文资料,但找了很多网站都没有找到对应的中文名,所以这个名字没有翻译。)Page 15(第15页)3.(活动3)Look at the self portraits. Listen and say the letter.(看这些自画像,听然后说出对应的字母。)The artist in this portrait has got a long white beard and short grey hair. We can only see his face.(这幅自画像里的艺术家有白色的胡子和灰色的头发。我们只能够看到他的脸。)The artist in this portrait has got dark curly hair and he hasnt got a beard or a moustache. (这幅自画像里的艺术家有暗色的卷发,而且他没有络腮胡子或八字胡。)The portrait has got a lot of black and grey colours.(这幅自画像有大量的黑色和灰色。)This portrait has got lots of orange and brown colours.(这幅自画像有大量的橙色和棕色。)The artist has got short straight brown hair and he hasnt got a beard.(这位艺术家有棕色的短直发而且他没有胡子。)The artist in this portrait has got long fair curly hair and a big hat.(这位艺术家有金色的长卷发,还戴了一顶大的帽子。)This portrait has got lots of blue and green colours.(这幅自画像有大量的蓝色和绿色。)The artist has got short red hair and a red beard and moustache.(这位艺术家有红色的短发,而且还有红色的络腮胡子和八字胡。)This portrait is drawn in red pencil. It isnt coloured in.(这幅画像是用红色的铅笔画的而不是彩色的。)The artist has got a long white beard, but he hasnt got a moustache. We can see that the portrait isnt finished.(这位艺术家有白色的长络腮胡,但是他没有八字胡。我们可以看见这幅画还没有画完。)a Goya (戈雅) b Monet (莫奈) c Vigee Le Brun(维涅勒布伦) d Picasso (毕加索) e Da Vinci (达芬奇) f Van Gogh (梵高)project(活动)Draw your family portrait and write about it.(画画你的家庭画像,然后写一写这幅画。)This is my family portrait. My mums got short curly brown hair. My dads tall and hes got short black hair and a moustache. (这是我的家庭画像。我的妈妈有棕色的短卷发。我的爸爸很高,而且有黑色的短发和八字胡。)My brothers standing next to me. Hes got short fair hair and blue eyes. My sisters got long straight hair and green eyes.(我的哥哥站在我的旁边。他有金色的短发和蓝色的眼睛。我的妹妹有直的长发和绿色的眼睛。)Unit 2(第2单元)Page 16(第16页)2.(活动2)Listen and check.(听然后检查。)MEERA: Weve got a new flat. Were moving from our house in the country to a flat in the town.(我们有一间新的公寓。我们将要从乡下的房子里搬家到城镇里的公寓里。)ALEX: Do you like living in the country?(你喜欢住在乡下吗?)MEERA: I love the country. At the moment I live in a small village. Its quiet and there are a lot of trees.(我喜欢乡村。那时候我住在小村庄里。那里很安静而且有好多的树。)LENNY: Has your house got a basement under the floor?(你家的房子在地面下还有地下室吗?)MEERA: Yes, its full of boxes and old toys.(是的,里面装满了盒子和旧的玩具。)ALEX: And what about your new flat?(那你的新公寓怎么样呢?)MEERA: Well, it hasnt got a basement or a garden, but its got a beautiful balcony for my plants.(嗯,它没有地下室,也没有花园,但是它有一个很漂亮的阳台,很适合我的植物。)ALEX: Cool. What else?(酷。还有吗?)MEERA: The house in the village has got stairs to go up and down but the flat in the city is different. There are five floors so we go upstairs and downstairs in a lift!(乡村里的房子需要楼梯爬上爬下,但是城里的公寓是不同的。因为这栋楼有5层,所以我们使用电梯上下楼!)LENNY: Wow! I want to live in a flat!(喔!我想要住在公寓里!)Page 16(第16页)3.(活动3)Listen and say the letter.(听,然后说出对应的字母。)a basement(一间地下室)a village(一座村庄)a lift(一部电梯)upstairs(楼上)a balcony(一个阳台)a town(一个小镇)downstairs(楼下)Page 17(第17页)4.(活动4)Listen and order.(听,然后排序。)Weve got a basement(我们有一间地下室)Under the floor.(在地下。)Its got brown stairs(房子有棕色的楼梯)And a purple door.(和紫色的门。)CHORUS(合唱): Home is home,(家就是家,)Home is home.(家就是家。)In a city or a village,(在城镇或者乡村,)In a house or a flat.(在房子里或公寓里,)Home is home!(家就是家!)Its where its at.(它就在这儿。)Ive got a lift,(我有一部电梯,)It goes up and down.(它上上下下。)From my balcony, (站在我的阳台上,)I can see the town.(我可以看见整个小镇。)CHORUS(合唱): Home is home, (家就是家,)Home is home. (家就是家。)In a city or a village, (在城镇或者乡村,)In a house or a flat. (在房子里或公寓里,)Home is home! (家就是家!)Its where its at. (它就在这儿。)Upstairs, downstairs,(楼上,楼下,)One floor or two.(一层或两层。)We live here,(我们住在这里,)What about you?(你呢?)CHORUS(合唱): Home is home, (家就是家,)Home is home. (家就是家。)In a city or a village, (在城镇或者乡村,)In a house or a flat. (在房子里或公寓里,)Home is home! (家就是家!)Its where its at. (它就在这儿。)In a city or village, (在城镇或者乡村,)In a house or a flat. (在房子里或公寓里,)Home is home! (家就是家!)Its where its at. (它就在这儿。)Its where its at.(它就在这儿。)Page 7 (第7页)7 (活动7)Read and order the pictures.(读然后将图片排序。)1. Today Meera and her family are moving. Two men are carrying the sofa to the lorry.(今天Meera和她的家人搬家。两个人正在把沙发搬上货车。)2. Her new address is sixty-four Park Road. Its a flat.(她的新地址是公园路64号。她住的是一件公寓。)3. Theres a lift, but its very small. The men cant take the sofa in the lift. They need to carry it up the stairs.(这里有一部电梯,但是它很小。人们不能把沙发搬进电梯。他们需要把沙发搬上楼。)4. Meeras helping. Shes taking a lamp upstairs. Shes smiling because she can go in the lift.(Meera正在帮忙。她正在把台灯搬上楼。她在笑因为她可以进去电梯。)5. The men are climbing the stairs with the sofa. Its difficult to carry.(两个人正在伴着沙发爬楼梯。这样搬得好困难。)6. Now the men are sitting on the sofa. They need a drink.(现在这些人正在沙发上坐着。他们需要喝些水。)Page 19(第19页)9.(活动9)Listen and say. (听然后说。)12201330144015501660177018801990Page 19(第19页)10.(活动10)Listen. What colour are the doors?(听。这些门都是什么颜色?)May lives at number seventy-two.(May住在72号。)Tom lives at number ninety-eight. (Tom住在98号。)Jack lives at number twenty-three.(Jack住在23号。)Daisy lives at number forty-one.(Daisy住在41号。)Peter lives at number sixty-four.(Peter住在64号。)Mary lives at number eighty-five.(Mary住在85号。)Sally lives at number thirty-seven.(Sally住在37号。)Vicky lives at number fifty-nine.(Vicky住在59号。)Page 20(第20页)13.(活动13)Say it with Stella.(和Stella一起说。)Air, air, air,(空气,空气,空气,)Clares hairs fair.(Clare的头发是金色的。)Ow, ow, ow,(ow是一个拼读字母组合)The mouse is brown.(这只老鼠是棕色的。)Or, or, or,(or是一个拼读字母组合)The balls on the floor.(这个球在地板上。)Page 20(第20页)14.(活动14)Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.(听并跟读。指出图片并说出对应的字母组合发音。)1. cow(奶牛)2. stairs(楼梯)3. draw(画画)4. house(房子)5. there(这里)6. down(下面)7. bear(熊)8. mouth(嘴巴)9. chair(椅子)10. tall(高)11. four(数字四)12. how(怎样)13. door(门)14. where(哪里)15. board(板子)16. pear(梨)Page 21(第21页)Story(故事)Lock and Key, Lock and Key, (Lock和Key, Lock和Key,)From the Detective Agency, (来自侦探社,)We can find it wherever it may be, (我们可以在任何有可能的地方找到他们,)We are Lock and Key. (我们是Lock和key.)LOCK: Lovely house, Mrs Potts. Its very old. (好漂亮的房子,Potts太太。有点冷。)MRS POTTS: I think its got a monster. It lives under the stairs in the basement. It comes upstairs at night.(我觉得房子里面有一只怪物。它住在楼梯下的地下室里。怪物在晚上的时候会跑上楼来。)LOCK: Oh, I dont think so, Mrs Potts. There are no monsters.(哦,Potts太太,我不这样认为。世界上是没有怪物的。)MRS POTTS: Can you go downstairs and look in the basement for me?(你们能够下楼,帮我看看地下室吗?)LOCK: Of course we can.(我们当然可以。)KEY: Er, yes. No problem, Mrs Potts.(额,是的没有问题,Potts太太。)KEY: Im not happy about this, Lock. I dont like it.(Lock,我对现在的情况并不开心。我不喜欢这样。)LOCK: Aagghhh!(啊!)KEY: Its a monster!(有怪物!)MRS POTTS: There you are, Clarence. You naughty cat!(Clarence,你在这里。你这只淘气的猫!)KEY: The house hasnt got a monster, Mrs Potts.(Potts太太,房子里没有怪物。)LOCK: No, its got a cat . called Clarence.(是,房子里有一只猫叫Clarence。)Page 22(第22页)Do you know that?(你知道吗?)Half the people in the world live in cities. This number is going up every day.(世界上的一半人口都住在城市里。而且这个数字每天都在上升。)1. (活动1)Read and match the texts with the pictures.(读然后将文段和图片搭配。)1 The Korowai live in Papua New Guinea, an island near Australia. They live in tree houses. These houses can be 6 to 25 metres high so they are not easy to climb to. The Korowai need very long ladders! The houses are for a small family, but eight people can live in them.(科罗威族人住在巴布亚新几内亚,一个靠近澳大利亚的小岛。他们住在树屋里。这些屋子有6到25米高,所以他们不太容易爬上去。科罗威族人需要很长的梯子!这些房子可以够小的家庭住,但是八个人也可以住在里面。)2 People from Mongolia use a tent called a yurt when they are in the country. The walls are goat or camel skin so when it is hot they can open them and when it is cold they cover them with more skins. A yurt has a bed, a table and a mat on the floor.(来自蒙古的人们会用一种叫蒙古包的帐篷当他们在郊外的时候。蒙古包的墙壁是用羊皮或骆驼皮做的。当天气热的时候就把他们打开,当天气冷的时候就盖上更多的动物皮。蒙古包里有床,桌子,还有地毯铺在地上。)3 Igloos are houses for Inuits from Canada and Greenland. Today they use igloos when they go fishing or look for animals. Igloos are made of ice. On the outside, temperatures can be -45, but inside the igloo the temperature can be between -7 and 16.(冰屋是来自加拿大和格陵兰岛的因纽特人住的屋子。现在他们会用到冰屋是在钓鱼或者寻找动物的时候。冰屋是由冰做成的。在室外的温度可能是零下45,但是在冰屋里面的温度可能在零下7到16。)Page 23(第23页)Look at the picture and complete the text.(看图片,完成文段。)This is a picture of my dream house. There are three bedrooms upstairs. My bedrooms got a small balcony for my_. In my bedroom theres a big _. Theres lift between my bedroom and the _. This is for my _. In the big garden next to the house there is a _and there are two _ to jump on. I like my dream house a lot.(这是一张我梦想的房子的图片。在楼上有三间卧室。我的卧室里有一个小阳台,适合我的_。在我的卧室里有一个大的_。在我的卧室和_之间有一部电梯。这是为我的_。在房子旁边的大花园里的有一个_和两张_可以跳上去玩。我非常喜欢我梦想的房子。)Unit 3(第3单元)Page 26(第26页)1.(活动1)Listen and say the letter.(听然后说出字母。)Stella wakes up at seven oclock every day.(Stella每天早上7点睡醒。)Stella gets up.(Stella起床。)Stella has a shower.(Stella洗澡。)Then Stella gets dressed. She puts on her skirt and her T-shirt.(然后Stella穿衣服。她穿上了她的短裙和T恤。)Stella catches the bus to school.(Stella坐公交车去学校。)Stella does her homework.(Stella做她的家庭作业。)Before dinner, Stella washes her hands.(晚餐之前,Stella洗手了。)Stella gets undressed. She takes off her skirt and her T-shirt.(Stella脱衣服。她脱下了她的短裙和T恤。)Stella goes to bed at nine oclock.(Stella 9点的时候上床睡觉。)2 (活动2)Read and order the pictures in exercise 1.(读,然后给练习1中的图片排序。)Stella wakes up at sevev oclock every day. Then she gets up. (Stella每天早上7点醒来。然后她就起床。)Before breakfast she has a shower and gets dressed. She puts on her T-shirt an


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