KB3 Unit5《剑桥国际少儿英语》

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KB3 Unit5《剑桥国际少儿英语》_第1页
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KB3 Unit5《剑桥国际少儿英语》_第3页
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2.Listen and check.Aunt May:Good morning. How are you today, Stella?Stella:Oh, Im not very well. Ive got a cold.Aunt May:And youve got a cough. Have you got a headache.Stella:Oh, yes! My head hurts a lot, and Im very hot.Aunt May:OK. Put this under your arm. Oh, yes. 39 degrees. Youve got a temperature. So you must drink lots of water and orange juice. Now, whats the matter with you, Simon?Simon:My stomach hurts a lot. I dont want to eat.Aunt May:Have you got a toothache?Simon:No.Aunt May:I see, soyouve got a stomach-ache. Well, go to bed anddont eat any cake, sweets or chocolate today.Simon:Oh, I think Im Ok now. Can I go and play?Aunt May:Hmm3.Listen and do the actions.Youve got a headache. Youve got a temperature. Youve got a toothache. Youve got a stomach-ache. Youve got a cough. Youve got a cold.4.Listen and say the letter.Girl:Whats the matter?Boy:Oh, Ive got a headache.( h )Boy:Whats the matter with you?Two girls:Weve got colds.( g )Man:Whats the matter with him?Girl:Hes got a cough.( c )Man:Whats the matter with them?Girl:Theyve got a temperature.( b )Woman:Whats the matter with your grandfather?Boy:Hes got a backache.( e )Woman:Whats the matter with your dad?Boy:Hes got a toothache.( f )Man:Whats the matter with your grandmother?Girl:Shes got a stomach-ache.( a )Woman:Whats the matter with your sister?Boy:Hes got an earache.( d )8. Listen and check.Grandpa: Oh, dear. Whats the matter with Stella?Mrs Star: Hmm. Shes got a temperature. Look, 39 degrees!Stella: Can I go to school, Mum?Mrs Star: No, you cant go to school today.Grandpa: Go to school! She mustnt go out!Stella: Can I get up?Mrs Star: No, sorry. You mustnt get up.Grandpa: You must stay in bed and put this blanket on you.Stella: Can I read?Mrs Star: Yes, you can read. And you must take this.Grandpa: Oh, how often must she take it?Mrs Star: She must take it after every meal for a week.Stella: A week?.Oh, no!11. Listen and complete the sentences. Say must or mustnt.1. When youve got a cough you (mustnt) go out.2. When youve got a temperature you (mustnt) go to school.3. When youve got a backache you (mustnt) do sport.4. When youve got a headache you (must) go to bed.5. When youve got an earache you (mustnt) listen to music.6. When youve got a stomach-ache you (mustnt) eat sweets.7. When youve got a toothache you (must) go to the dentist.8. When youve got a cold you (must) drink a lot of orange juice.12. Listen and repeat. Point to the picture and say the sound.1. phone2. fruit3. hot4.goat5.who6.clothes7. cross8. doll9.clock10. no11. move12. boat13. juice14. you15. nose16. slow


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