剑桥英语KB3 unit 1 ppt

Unit 8 Presentation jacket a red jacket Presentation shoes black shoes Presentation skirt a yell。

剑桥英语KB3 unit 1 pptTag内容描述:

1、2.Listen and check. Aunt May:Good morning. How are you today, Stella Stella:Oh, Im not very well. Ive got a cold. Aunt M。

2、Unit 2 Home sweet home 温馨的家 2.Listen and check. Meera:Weve got a new flat. Were moving from our house in the country to 。

3、剑桥少儿国际KB3课文 Unit 5 8 Unit 5 Fit and well AUNT MAY Good morning How are you today Stella STELLA Oh I m not very well I ve got a cold AUNT MAY And you ve got a cough Have you got a headache STEL。

4、剑桥国际少儿英语 第 1册 Lesson 1, Unit 8 Presentation jacket a red jacket Presentation shoes black shoes Presentation skirt a yell。

5、Unit 12 Party Time,look and read,listen to music,play a game,draw a picture,color a picture,read a book,Whats this? Its a bathroom.,bedroom,living room,Whats this? Its a kitchen.,Whats this? Its a hal。

6、Unit7 Worldofanimals Teachingplanning 1 Gettoknoweachother 2 Learningclassroomrules 3 Reviseanimalstheyhavelearnedandtalkaboutthem 4 Learnmorewordsaboutanimals 5 Presentthedialogue 6 Learnthedialoguei。

7、Unit6Adayinthecountry SayitwithStella paperplane lake Jack Findouttheoppositewordsfrompage54 57 andwritethemdown Readp56 57 homework revision Remember LockandKeyareataparty What sthenameofthepicture W。

8、剑桥国际少儿英语 (第3册) Unit 1-2,Key sentences,Ive got a brother and a sister. Ive got a _. Weve got a _. I havent got a _.,book pet doll aunt uncle grandfather house robot 。

9、 剑桥国际少儿英语 第1册 Lesson1 Unit3 Howareyou 你好吗 I mfine thankyou 我很好 谢谢 Singthesong 28 wordchain apencil apencil abook apencil abook atable apencil abook atable achair Practice Howmanychairs Sixredchairs No。

10、Unit6Adayinthecountryside Lookatthecountryside It ssobeautiful Lookatthecountryside Thereisalotof grass Lookatthecountryside Therearelotsof plants Lookatthecountryside Thereisalong wecangofishing rive。

11、 Unit3Playtime kite lorry camera robot watch computergame Thisisarobot Thesearethreecameras eye hair head nose teeth mouth face ear Thisis Theseare Homework 1 抄写P15单词3 1 并背单词 2 描述P15描述家长听 并签字在书上 用This。

12、Unit5Ourpets 我们的宠物 1 Petshow 2 dog狗 3 cat猫 4 5 mouse老鼠 6 bird鸟 7 rabbit兔子 8 fish鱼 9 horse马 10 Tryit 根据汉语说出英语单词 11 adog twodogs threedogs 12 arabbittworabbitsfourrabbits 13 amou。

13、剑桥国际少儿英语第1册Lesson 1, Unit 3 Presentation car Presentation ball Presentation doll Presentation computer Presentation bike。

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KB3 Unit2剑桥国际少儿英语
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