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剑桥国际少儿英语 (第3册) Unit 1-2,Key sentences,Ive got a brother and a sister. Ive got a _. Weve got a _. I havent got a _.,book pet doll aunt uncle grandfather house robot computer flat,Key sentences,Hes got a brother and a sister. Shes got a _. Its got a _ and _. It hasnt got a _ or_.,book pet doll aunt uncle grandfather hamburger robot computer,Practice,Key sentences,Whats Alex doing?(Alex在做什么?) Hes playing football.(他在踢足球。) Whos jumping? Wheres Lenny standing? Whats Stella drinking?,Key sentences,Can you ride a bike?(你会骑自行车吗?) Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,swim sing play football paint read fly play the piano,Key sentences,Simons playing football with his Uncle Fred.(Simon正在和他的舅舅踢足球。),watching TV playing basketball listening to music riding a bike reading painting playing a game,Key sentences,Stella enjoys reading about science. Dotty likes having baths. Grandma loves painting.,watching TV playing basketball listening to music riding a bike taking a photo drinking milk painting driving,watching TV playing basketball listening to music riding a bike taking a photo drinking milk painting driving,Do you like _? Yes,I do. No,I dont. Does he/she/name like _? Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesnt.,Key sentences,Stella wants to be a doctor.,be a swim sing play football paint read play a game,Key sentences,Shes my fathers sister.,Practice,- Where do you live?,village,town,city,- I live in the _.,country,I live in the _. My name is _. Its _ _ Road. Its 123456.,I need a _. He/She/Simon needs a _. I need to do homework. They need to carry the sofa upstairs. He/She/Stella needs to _.,


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