剑桥国际少儿英语3KB3 unit 5 culture

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蓝海豚英语KB3Unit 5 Culture By Ider蓝海豚英语What are they doing?They are .蓝海豚英语What are they doing?They are .smoking蓝海豚英语What will happen?unhealthy蓝海豚英语What else?We can.healthyexercise蓝海豚英语Exercise is good for our bodies. We can ride bikes, walk, run and swim or we can play sports like football, basketball and tennis. Its important to move our bodies to be healthy.2蓝海豚英语Its important to eat the right food. We need to eat five different kinds of fruit and vegetables every day.Drinking water is good for us and we need to drink lots of it every day. Cakes and sweets can be bad for our teeth.1蓝海豚英语Our bodies need rest too. Everybody needs to sleep and children need to sleep about 10 hours every night.3Animals:Cats need 16 hours to sleep.Giraffes only need 30 minutes.Koala sleeps 22 hours every day.蓝海豚英语Read the text again and answer the questions.蓝海豚英语What else can you think? . is good for our healthy. . is bad for our healthy.蓝海豚英语What do you like doing?I like running and dancing.蓝海豚英语Make a “keep healthy” book.蓝海豚英语


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