


1、寒假训练07 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 基础重温 一 单词拼写 1 Several graduates 竞争 for the post but Jack was the one who got hired 2 I m short of money and can t afford a new car to 取代 my old one 3 H。

2、寒假训练04 Unit 4 Earthquakes 一 完成句子 昨天我们从其书店买了一本词典的史密斯先生 一直不间断地为穷人捐款 1 Mr Smith we bought a dictionary yesterday has been working nonstop for making a donation to。

3、寒假训练08 Unit 3 Computer 1 单项选择 1 2018 天津 Let s not pick these peaches until this weekend they get sweet enough to be eaten A ever since B as if C even though D so that 2 2018 天津 My washing。

4、寒假训练10 Unit 5 Music 一 单词拼写 1 He 假装 to be doing his homework when the teacher came in 2 I m sure she is hwith me although I met her the first time 3 Be cin your judgement and in yourself to。

5、寒假训练09 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 一 单词拼写 1 He 忠诚地 lived up to his promise 2 People say that barking dogs dont 咬 3 He told me some of the funny 事件 that happened during his journey to Eur。

6、寒假训练03 Unit 3 Travel journal 一 单词语法填空 1 My dear you are always throw things about Look what a mess in the room Sorry Mom 2 Got your driving license Yes It is a week since I pass the driving。

7、寒假训练06 Unit 1 Cultural relics 一 单词拼写 1 It is surprising that he 幸存 the accident yesterday 2 The son will take over the company once b to his father 3 All of the boats 下沉 down into the wat。

8、寒假训练02 Unit 2 English around the world 一 单词拼写 1 The teacher r all the students should finish the exercises before the class was over 2 What a good c of Japanese he has 3 He walked along in th。

9、第二十一天 单句语法填空 1 People are not allowed talk freely at the meeting 2 With our vacation approach we still can t decide where to go 3 A terrible disease broke out last month but till now a grea。

10、第八天 单项选择 1 Either his parents his brother invited A or wereB or wasC nor wereD and were 2 The woman who used to be in charge of a big pany is in charge of a nursery school at present A the B th。

11、第十五天 汉译英 1 那年经人直到床撞到地上才醒了过来 2 这位女士用她的善良影响了我的一生 3 Teens不仅仅是一份报纸 它能在英语学习方面帮助我们很多 非限定性定从 more than 4 外面太冷了 你不该把狗挡在屋外面。

12、第十九天 单句语法填空 1 Many countries are now setting up national parks animals and plants can be protected 2 Alice returned from the managers office tell me that the boss wanted to see me at once 3。

13、第二十三天 单句改错 1 There was a time that nature could never have kept me spellbound 2 Ever since he graduated from college he dreamed of taking a bike trip 3 The people who homes were destroyed by。

14、第一天 单句改错 1 She said that the light travelled much faster than sound 2 The baby which Tom is looking after is his brother 3 When es to tourist attractions Chengdu is always the first city which。

15、第二十五天 单句改错 1 I often think of the moment which I first saw her 2 That was the reason how he was late for school 3 The army organized teams to dig out those that were trapped under the ruins 4。

16、第十七天 汉译英 1 我认为保护环境最好的办法是多种树 2 我想知道是不是因为糟糕的天气运动会将会被推迟 wonder 强调句型 because of 3 这位女士用她的善良影响了我的一生 4 他申请的那家公司要求员工至少讲两门外语。

17、第二天 单句改错 1 It is widely known that natural resources should be made good use 2 There was a time what the businessman lost heart 3 I m still remembering it was in a sunny morning that I met Tom。

18、第十八天 单句语法填空 1 His being late made impossible for the meeting to be held on time 2 He was concentrating his attention his work when I came in 3 A recent survey finds that the number of unempl。

19、第二十天 单句语法填空 1 When pare with the other members of the team I am at a disadvantage 2 You cannot go out without your mothers permit 3 I want to prepare for my examination so I get away from my。

2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假作业 第八天.doc
2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假作业 第一天.doc
2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假作业 第二天.doc
2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假作业 第九天.doc
2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假作业 第五天.doc
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