2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假训练09 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection.docx

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寒假训练09 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection一、单词拼写1.He (忠诚地) lived up to his promise.2.People say that barking dogs dont (咬).3.He told me some of the funny (事件) that happened during his journey to Europe.4.We must _ (留出) some of this corn for next years seed.5.That little boy was frightened by that (凶猛的) dog.6.Children usually prefer books with a happy e_.7. During the eight-day march across the desert our supply of water d_ rapidly.8. Well make sure our home is as s_ as possible from now on.9. Peter stood by me when I most needed it. Ill always a_ that.10.His amusing performance caused a roar of l in the audience.二、句子翻译11.世界上很多的物种正处于灭绝的危险中。12.看到那个滑稽的帽子,孩子们突然笑起来。13.应该采取一些措施保护这条河不受污染。14.我们需要特别注意孩子们的精神健康。15.我们应该保护环境,以便我们的下一代会健康。三、单项选择16.Hearing the bad news that her grandfather was seriously ill, the poor girl _ crying.A.burst out B.broke upC.burst into D.broke into17.No one has come up with a better explanation of why dinosaurs _.A.died away B.died forC.died of D.died out18.According to the scientific research, physical exercise can _ you against heart disease.A.fightB.supportC.protectD.keep19.Childrens lives are _ every time they cross this road.A.in danger B.in placeC.out of danger D.out of place20.Special attention should be _ to the healthy growth of the younger generation.A.madeB.paidC.sentD.taken21.Mark had a(n)_ last night.He drove into a tree.A.disasterB.accidentC.eventD.incident22.In the _ fighting, the soldier was badly wounded and was sent back to the hospital.A.wildB.powerfulC.unexpectedD.fierce23.I had a small _ of the chocolate and found it very delicious. A.biteB.tasteC.numberD.experience24.When did the Asian Games _?I remember that people held the first Asian Games in 1951.A.come into use B.come into beingC.come true D.come up25._ the researchers, more and more young people get poor sight because of Internet surfing.A.With the help of B.According toC.Thanks to D.In spite of四、七选五【山东省淄博市2018届高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题】Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions of the last 50 years, but not everything that is said about them is good. Mobiles are frequently blamed for a number of things, from thumb injuries and headaches to house fires. 26.The theory is that the bees navigation(导航) systems are damaged by the radiation that is given off by mobile phones. Bees have a built-in system a bit like GPS and this helps them find their way back to their hive. But recently, thousands of bees have failed to find their way home. 27.The problem was first noticed by beekeepers in America and is a lot more complicated than it at first seems. The important thing about bees is that most of the crops in many countries of the world are pollinated(授粉) by them. 28. Many beekeepers in America and Europe have reported losing between 50 and 70 percent of their bees. Jim Piper, a London beekeeper, was recently asked how the problem was affecting him. “My business has been ruined by this,” he explained, “twenty-nine of my forty hives are now empty.”29. However, the fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers is real. And we cant manage without them. Einstein said that if all our bees disappeared, man would only live for four more years! 30. If the mobile phone theory is correct, we need to do something about it immediatelybefore its too late. A. Bees are losing their way. B. Nobody has proved the theory is true. C. More evidence is provided to support the theory. D. It is believed they are dying far from their hives. E. Without bees, the crops cant continue to grow. F. The situation needs to be evaluated by the worlds best scientists. G. One theory even blames mobile phones for the disappearance of bees. 五、书面表达【2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考模拟调研卷英语(五)】某动物保护英文网站向全球征集今年世界动物日(World Animal Day)宣传画,在众多征集到的备选画中你选中了右面这幅编号18的画。请给网站写一封信,推荐你选中的画内容包括:1.描述画面内容;2.解析寓意;3.说明选中理由。注意:1.词数100左右;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.生词:跷跷板seesaw。Dear Sir/Madam,I think picture No.18 is the best choice for this years World Animal Day.Thank you for your patience to read my letter. Hoping you can choose the picture for this years World Animal Day.Yours sincerely,Li Hua寒假训练09 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection一、单词拼写【答案】1. faithfully 2.bite 3.incidents 4.reserve 5.fierce6. ending/end 7.decreased8.secure9.appreciate10.laughter二、句子翻译【答案】11. A lot of species in the world are in danger of dying out./ A great many species in the world are at the edge of extinction.12. Seeing the funny cap, the children suddenly laughed./ Seeing the funny cap, the children burst out laughing/burst into laughter.13. Some measures should be taken to protect the river from being polluted./ Some steps should be taken to protect the river from being polluted./ Something should be done to protect the river from being polluted.14. We need to pay special attention to childrens mental health.15. We should protect the environment so that our next generation will be healthy.三、单项选择【答案】16. A17.D18.C19.A20.B21. B22.D23.A24.B25.B【解析】16.句意:听到祖父病重的坏消息后,这个可怜的女孩突然大哭起来。burst out后一般接动名词形式,表示“突然起来”,符合题意。break up“破裂,分解”;burst into后接名词,可以说burst into tears;break into“闯入,打断”。17.考查短语辨析。句意:尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个更好的解释。die out意思是“灭绝;消失”,符合语境。die away“逐渐消失;逐渐减弱”;die for“为献身”;die of“因而死”。18.句意:根据科学研究,体育锻炼可以预防心脏病。protect . from/against .“保护不受(危害)”,符合题意。fight“与作战,战斗”;support“支持,赞成”;keep . from .“阻止/妨碍做某事”。19.句意:孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。in danger“在危险中”,符合题意。in place “在正确的位置”; out of danger“脱离危险”; out of place“不适当”。20.句意:应特别注意年轻一代的健康成长。pay attention to“注意”,为固定搭配,此处用了被动语态。21.由句意知迈克开车撞到树上,应属于意外事故,故选B项。disaster“灾难”;event“大事,体育赛事”;incident“事件,事变”。22.句意:在这次激烈的战斗中,这名士兵严重受伤,被送到医院。fierce “激烈的,猛烈的”,符合题意。23.句意:我吃了一小口,发现这种巧克力味道很美味。bite“吃(咬)了一口”,符合题意。24.考查短语辨析。问句句意:亚运会是何时开始举办的?come into being“产生,形成”,符合题意。come into use“开始被使用”;come true“实现”;come up“走近,长出”。25.句意:据调查人员说,因上网越来越多的年轻人视力变差。according to“按照,根据所说”,符合题意。四、七选五【语篇解析】这是一篇议论文。关于蜜蜂最重要的一点是,世界上许多国家的大多数农作物都是由它们授粉的。有一种理论认为,蜜蜂的导航系统受到手机辐射的破坏。没有人证明这个理论是正确的,但是蜜蜂正在大量消失的事实是真实的。这种情况需要由世界上最优秀的科学家来评估,然后立即采取行动。【答案】26-30 GDEBF【解析】26.根据上句:手机经常因为许多事情被指责,从拇指损伤和头痛到房屋火灾。可知,G项有一种理论甚至将蜜蜂的消失归咎于手机。与上文相匹配。27.根据上句:最近,成千上万的蜜蜂没能找到回家的路。由此推知,人们认为他们离蜂巢很远,快要死了。故选D。28.根据上句:关于蜜蜂最重要的一点是,世界上许多国家的大多数农作物都是由它们授粉的。可知,没有蜜蜂,庄稼就不能继续生长。故选E。29.根据第二段第一句“The theory is that the bees navigation(导航) systems are damaged by the radiation that is given off by mobile phones”该理论认为,蜜蜂的导航系统受到手机辐射的破坏。再根据下句:然而,事实上,蜜蜂正在大量消失的事实是真实的。可知此空的意思应该是:没有人证明这个理论是正确的。下句中的however表示转折,起着很大的作用。故选B。30.根据上句:爱因斯坦说,如果我们所有的蜜蜂都消失了,人类只会再活四年。再根据空格下句:如果移动电话理论是正确的,我们需要立即采取行动在为时已晚之前。由此可知,这种情况需要由世界上最优秀的科学家来评估。故选F。五、书面表达Dear Sir/Madam,I think Picture No. 18 is the best choice for this years World Animal Day. In the picture we can see a bear and a hunter are on the seesaw. The hunter is aiming at the fearful bear. He is ready to shoot. Actually, if the hunter really shoots, both the bear and the hunter will fall down, destroying themselves.From the picture we can clearly see that both animals and human beings are in the same boat. If animals are destroyed, so are the human beings. On the contrary, if human beings and animals can live harmoniously, we will enjoy a peaceful world.The picture is very simple, but the story is shocking. The message is instructive. Once seen, it can never be easily forgotten. It can arouse the publics awareness of animal protection.Thank you for your patience to read my letter. Hoping you can choose the picture for this years World Animal Day. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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