2018-2019学年高一英语 寒假训练06 Unit 1 Cultural relics.docx

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寒假训练06 Unit 1 Cultural relics一、单词拼写1. It is surprising that he(幸存) the accident yesterday!2.The son will take over the company once b_to his father.3. All of the boats(下沉) down into the water in the war.4. He took the clock(拆开), found what was wrong, and fixed it again.5. When h_, the amber can be made into any shape.6. He bought a Chinese dictionary which is(值) 100 yuan.7. We should do everything we can to protect c_ relics instead of destroying them.8. The woman artist(设计) a new logo for the company.9. She said that I was getting into the habit of(怀疑).10. The Great Wall of China is publicly recognized as one of the w_ of the world.二、单句改错11. The Great Wall is worth being seeing.12. I have no doubt whether he will pass the examination.13. My mother thinks high of my brothers and me.14. I will do what I can to help you in return your help.15. The bomb exploding and killed many soldiers.16. If Tom doesnt come to the party, nor do I.17. Lets start now because the wind has sink down.18. Do you fancy go out this evening?19. More high buildings have appeared, that are modern and beautiful.20. Three workers were removing from the factory for no good reason.三、完成句子21. 毫无疑问,我们队将赢得这场比赛。our team will win the game.22. 玛丽的房间装饰着珠宝和油画。这令人十分惊奇,所有的客人对她的房间的美丽感到惊讶。Marys room was _ jewels and paintings. It was quite _ and all the guests _ by the beauty of her room.23. 没有人在这次事故中幸存下来。No one was able to .24. 人们高度评价那两位船员,因为沉船时他们救了许多乘客。作为报答,当地人在大厅门口给他们以热情的接待。People _ the two sailors, because they had saved a number of passengers while the ship was sinking. _, the local people gave them a warm reception at the entrance of the hall.25. 那人花了不足五个小时就制作了这张木桌,可他并不满意,因此就又把它拆了。The man spent _ five hours making the wooden desk, but he was not satisfied with it, so he _ again.四、完形填空【2016-2017学年赤峰市高一下学期第一月考英语试卷】Heritage (遗产) Education Chinas “Cultural Heritage Day” falls on the second Saturday of June every year. Many celebrations (庆祝) are held and all cultural relic protection sites are 26 to open for free to the public on the day. There is no 27 that different kinds of celebrating 28 across the country will arouse (唤醒) public 29 of the importance of cultural heritage protection and 30 the young people to love the fine 31 culture of the motherland.China faces a heavy task to protect and rescue its cultural 32 .We need to consider seriously the 33 of the lack of awareness (意识) about cultural heritage protection. 34 , Heritage Education is one of our main approaches (方法). People can not 35 value cultural heritage if they do not know 36 it is important or how to protect it. Over the past seven years, CHP has 37 over a hundred educational seminars (研究会) to different groups, 38 as schools, government offices, 39 the general public. Many people have attended CHP seminars. Typically, each seminar lasts two to three hours and 40 of an informative presentation, 41 by a longer question and answer session and discussion. Each attender 42 limited knowledge of cultural heritage 43 it to be just the Forbidden City (紫禁城) and the Great Wall. People often think that the duty only 44 to the government. So “Cultural Heritage Day” will be a welcome 45 to educate a wide public on world heritage protection.26. A. advised B. suggested C. made D. designed27. A. need B. doubtC. wonder D. reason28. A. partiesB. activitiesC. actionsD. ways29. A. awarenessB. knowledgeC. affairs D. opinion30. A. inform B. adviseC. persuade D. inspire31. A. natural B. modern C. traditional D. ancient32. A. discoveries B. treasures C. relics D. wonders33. A. harm B. record C. meaning D. importance34. A. So B. Instead C. And D. Thus35. A. properly B. simplyC. carefullyD. entirely36. A. what B. why C. how D. when37. A. thought B. read C. insistedD. presented38. A. so B. veryC. such D. quite39. A. as well as B. as much as C. as good as D. as long as40. A. consists B. becomes C. lies D. forms41. A. recognized B. asked C. answeredD. followed42. A. of B. with C. for D. at43. A. considered B. understood C. realized D. concluded44. A. comesB. stands C. belongs D. calls45. A. possibility B. matter C. opportunity D. chance五、语法填空【河南省安阳市2018届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题】Many pieces of beautiful pottery (陶器) were discovered in Luoyang, Henan Province, 46 there were a few tombs of the Tang Dynasty, when a railway was in the process of being constructed in 1899. The pieces of pottery were either in yellow, green and white colors 47 in yellow, green and brown colors.Because they were found from tombs of the Tang Dynasty, they were called “Tang tri-colored glazed pottery”.The production of glassy pottery in China 48 (date) back to ancient times. Colored glaze was usually not applied 49 the head of a pottery figure. After the base was baked, a few touches of Chinese ink 50 (paint) to represent the eyes, eyebrows and beard. The facial expression and inner world of a small statue were portrayed (刻画) most 51 (vivid).There are a great 52 (various) of Tang tri-colored glazed pottery pieces. With unique shapes, they had the rich flavor of life, 53 (cover) almost every field of life related to the dead, from models of architecture to plates, bowls and from small statues of the heavenly kings with 54 bad temper to those of beautiful noble ladies. They showed the 55 (color) social life and the splendid culture of the Tang Dynasty.寒假训练06 Unit 1 Cultural relics一、单词拼写【答案】1. survived 2. belonging3. sank4. apart5. heated6. worth 7. cultural8. designed9. doubting10. wonders二、单句改错【答案】11. 去掉being 12. whether改为that 13. high改为highly 14. return后加for 15. exploding改为exploded 16. do改为will 17. sink改为sunk 18. go改为going19. that改为 which 20. removing改为removed 【解析】11.考查固定搭配。 be worth doing 值得(被)。12.考查固定用法。doubt用于肯定句时用whether引导同位语从句;用于否定句时,用that引导。13.考查固定短语。 think highly of “看得起,重视“。14.考查固定短语。 in return for sth “作为对.的回报”。15.考查时态。and连接并列成分,故与killed保持时态一致。16.考查省略句。nor+助动词+主语,表示 “也不”,本句从句用一般现在时表示将来的动作,那么主语要用一般将来时。17.考查完成时态。sink 的完成式为sunk。18.考查非谓语动词。fancy doing sth “喜欢做”。19.考查非限制性定语从句。在非限制性定语从句中不能用that。20.考查被动语态。工人被解雇,所以用removed表示被动。三、完成句子【答案】21. There is no doubt that22. decorated with; amazing; were amazed23. survive this accident24. thought highly of; In return25. less than; took it apart四、完形填空【语篇解析】本文是说明文,主要讲述的是文化遗产保护的现状以及大致方法,明确文化遗产日的创立意义。全国举办各种各样的活动来唤醒公众对文化遗产保护重要性的意识,鼓舞年轻人爱上祖国优秀的传统文化。【答案】26-30 DBBAD 31-35 CCADA 36-40 BDCAA 41-45 DBACC【解析】26. 考查动词短语。 be designed to “为而设计”。句意:在那天所有的文化保护场所都是为公众免费开放而设计的。故选D。27. 考查名词辨析。there is no doubt that“毫无疑问”。句意:毫无疑问全国各种各样的庆祝活动将会提升公众对于文化遗产保护重要性的意识,并鼓舞年轻人去爱上祖国那些优秀的传统文化。故选B。28. 考查名词辨析。parties“聚会”;activities“活动”;actions“动作”;ways“方式”。由上题句意可知“庆祝活动”。故选B。29. 考查名词辨析。举办这样的节日就是提升公众对文物保护的意识,从而学着去保护文物。所以空处意为“意识”。故选A。30. 考查动词用法。and连接两个并列的成分,and前为arouse public awareness,所以空处应该是动词原形,意为“鼓舞人们去热爱祖国的传统文化”,所以空处意为“鼓舞”和后面的love搭配。故选D。31. 考查形容词。本文讲述的是对文物的保护,文物属于传统文化,所以此处意为“祖国的传统文化”,所以空处意为“传统的”。故选C。32. 考查名词辨析。根据第一段第二句中的cultural relic可知此处应该指的是“文化遗迹”。故选C。33. 考查名词辨析。根据后面的 “lack awareness about cultural heritage protection”可知此处应该指的是“缺乏文物保护的意识的危害性”。所以此处意为“危害性”。故选A。34. 考查连词。前面说的是考虑一下缺乏保护意识的害处,后面说遗产教育是我们最主要的方式之一。这两者有因果关系,故用“所以”。so 和 thus 都表示所以,但是so 用的时候不用逗号隔开。故选D。35. 考查副词辨析。句意:如果人们不知道它为什么重要或怎样保护它,就不能恰当地珍惜文化遗产。空处是用来修饰动词value的,所以此处使用副词修饰动词。故选A。36. 考查文章理解。此处应该意为“人们不知道它为什么重要”,其他选项均不符合语境。故选B。37. 考查动词辨析。句意:在过去的7年里,CHP已经面向各种组织开展了超过100场研讨会。presentto“向展示”,为固定搭配,符合语境。38. 考查固定搭配。前面提到向不同的团体展示,后面便是列举这些团体。such as “例如,比如”。故选C。39. 考查连词。这里the general public 和前面的团体是并列关系,所以用as well as 。故选A。40. 考查固定搭配。前面的句意是每个研究持续了2到3个小时,后面介绍了这些研究包括了哪些项目,所以这里的词和of 搭配要表示“包括”的意思。consist of “包括”。故选A。41. 考查文章理解。此处讲的是研讨会的过程,句意:接着是较长的问答会议和讨论,所以此处意为“接着,接下来”。故选D。42. 考查状语从句。这里 Each attender是主语,后面紧接着的是修饰它的状语从句。 “with limited knowledge of cultural heritage”表示文化遗产知识是有限的。故选B。43. 考查动词辨析。这里需要一个动词作为Each attender的谓语动词,句意:每个对文化遗产知识有限的参与者认为文化遗产仅仅只有紫禁城和长城。故选A。44. 考查文章理解。句意:人们常常认为保护文物是政府的事情。belong to “属于”,符合语境。故选C。45. 考查名词辨析。句意:因此“文化遗产日”会是一次让其受到欢迎的机会,教育广大群众保护世界遗产。此处表示“机会”,opportunity指的是含有期待的机会;chance多指偶然的机会。五、语法填空【语篇解析】本文是说明文,主要讲了在河南省洛阳,发现了许多唐朝陶器的碎片,陶器上表现了唐朝多彩的社会生活和辉煌的文化。【答案】46. where47. or48. dates49. to50. were painted 51 vividly 52. variety53. covering54. a55. colorful【解析】46.考查定语从句。 “ 46 there were a few tombs of the Tang Dynasty”是一个定语从句,表示“在洛阳,有一些唐朝的古墓”,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以填where。47.考查固定短语。either or“或者或者”,是固定短语,所以填or。48.考查时态。date back to 这个短语只能用一般现在时,且主语The production of glassy pottery in China是单数,所以谓语动词也用单数,所以填dates。49.考查固定短语。apply to“适用于”,是固定短语,所以填to。50.考查时态和语态。a few touches of Chinese ink与paint之间是被动关系,且表示发生在过去的事情,综上所述,用一般过去时的被动语态,所以填were painted。51.考查副词。修饰动词portrayed,用副词,所以填vividly。52.考查固定短语。a great variety of“各种各样的”,是固定短语,所以填variety。53.考查非谓语动词。cover与其逻辑主语they之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,填covering。54.考查固定短语。a bad temper“坏脾气”,是固定短语,所以填a。55.考查形容词。修饰名词life,用形容词,所以填colorful。

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