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企業管理系進修部Department of Business Administration丨、必修科目Required Courses582001微積分3 必鄭文英,上本課程主要在教導與研討有關微積分相關的學理與主題,及養成學生數學推理與計 算能力,使選修同學們瞭解有關微積分學術領域及其運用。582001 Calculus3 RW. Y. Che ng, FThe main purpose of this course is discussing and comprehending topics. The issues include theoretical discuss, practical application and enhancing the ability of mathematical inference and calculation skills. Through this course, the students will have more clearly understanding the practical application and development for products and institutions.582002 會計學(二)3 必許文西, 下本課程為會計學 ( 一)之延續,主要目的是使學生了解會計準則相關規定,健全的會 計理論及會計處理以及最新公報調整及補充。使學生能正確且忠實表達經濟交易事項並 完整地編製財務報表,解釋闡述報導方法如何影響財務報表使用者之決策以及培養學生 分析企業財務報表之基本能力學生並瞭解會計與財務報導的基本面。582002 Accounting (2)3 RW. H. Hsu, SThis course is the extension of Accounting (1). The main objective is to help students to understand the elements of financial statements. Major topics covered are: accounting principles, the conceptual framework of accounting, current liabilities and payroll accounting, accounting for partnerships, corporations: organization, capital stock transactions and dividends, income taxes, long-term liabilities, investment, the statement of cash flow, financial statement analysis.582003 經濟學 (二)3 必葉憲弘 , 下本課程旨在介紹消費、投資、貨幣需求與供給、通貨膨脹、失業率與經濟成長之理 論模型與實證研究,並討論各種財政政策與貨幣政策之適用時機與效果;另探討理性預 期理論及其對總體經濟之影響。582003 Economics (2)3 RH. H. Yeh, SThe purposes of this course are to provide the theoretical models and their empirical studies in consumption, investment, demand and supply of money, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. The effects of monetary and fiscal policy in the extended theoretical models are also discussed. In addition, the theory of rational expectation and its effect on macroeconomics are explained in the last part of the course.582004 統計學實習 (一) 1 必 鄭文英, 上 統計實習介紹商管科系同學關於統計學的基本應用,包括結合機率推論的資料抽樣 設計與資料分析,及基本統計軟體使用。582004 Practice of Bus in ess1 RW. Y. Che ng, FStatistics(1)The practice of business statistics is anintroduction to statistics for studentsof business and economics that is based on data analysis and the design of data production join probability-based inference accompanied by computer software as major content areas.582005行銷管理3 必沈慶龍,上本課程主要在教導學生有關行銷功能的基本概念、理論及技術,以作為進階行銷課 程的基礎。其主要授課內容包括:行銷在今日組織與社會之重要角色、透過品質、服務 與價值以建立顧客之滿意、企業與事業部門之策略規劃、行銷管理程序與行銷規劃、行 銷資訊系統與行銷研究、分析行銷環境、消費者市場及其購買行為、組織機構市場及其 購買行為、產業與競爭者分析、市場之衡量與預測、市場之區隔與目標市場之選擇、差 異化與市場定位之行銷策略、新產品之發展、測試與上市、產品生命週期行銷策略、市 場領導者、挑戰者、跟隨者及利基者之行銷策略、全球性行銷策略、產品線、品牌與包 裝之決策與管理、服務業與輔助性服務之管理、定價決策、行銷通路決策、零售、批發 與實價分配系統之管理、行銷溝通與促銷組合決策、廣告計劃之擬定、銷售促進與公共 關係、銷售人員之管理、行銷計劃之組織與執行、行銷績效之評估與控制。582005 Marketing Management3 RC. L. Shen, FThis course is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to understand the basic concepts and techniques of marketing as a foundation for more advanced marketing courses. The major subjects of this course will include as followings: Defining marketing for the twenty-first century, Adapting marketing to the new economy, Building customer satisfaction, value, and retention, Winning markets through market-oriented strategic planning, Gathering information and measuring market demand, Scanning the marketing environment, Analyzing consumer markets and buyer behavior, Analyzing business markets and business buying behavior, Dealing with the competition, Identifying market segment and selecting target markets, Positioning and differentiating the market offering through the product life cycle, Developing new market offerings, Designing global market offerings, Setting the produce and branding strategy, Designing and managing services, Developing price strategies and programs, designing and managing value networks and marketing channels, Managing retailing, wholesaling, and market logistics, Managing integrated marketing communications, Managing advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing, Managing the sales force, Managing the total marketing effort.582006 統計學實習 (二) 1 必 鄭文英, 下 統計實習介紹商管科系同學關於統計學的基本應用,包括結合機率推論的資料抽樣 設計與資料分析,及基本統計軟體使用。582006 Practice of Bus in ess1 RW. Y. Che ng, SStatistics (2)The practice of business statistics is an introduction to statistics for students of business and economics that is based on data analysis and the design of data production join probability-based inference accompanied by computer software as major content areas.582007生產與作業管理3 必廖世義,下本課程在使學生獲得生產管理之理論及實務之相關知識內容包括 :商業計劃 、預測、 產品發展、資源需求規劃、設備位置與分銷系統設計、過程分析、過程設計與設備佈置、 工作設計與工作衡量、集體生產計劃與主排程、存貨政策、投資分析、物料需求規劃、 作業排程與生產控制、物料管理、品質管制。582007 Production and Operation3 RS. Y. Liaw, SManagementThe objective of this course is designed to teach the related knowledge of the theory and practice of Production Management. The main subjects are summarized as Follows: Business Planning 、 Forecasting 、Product Development、 Resource Requirement Planning 、 Facility Location and Distribution System Design 、 Process Analysis 、Process Design and Facility Layout 、 Job Design and Work Measurement 、Aggregate Production Planning and Master Scheduling 、 Inventory policy 、 Investment Analysis 、 Material Requirements Planning 、Operational Scheduling and Production Control 、Materials Managemen、t Quality Control 。582008 財務管理3 必張宮熊, 下本課程旨在介紹財務管理之基本概念與理論及相關之實務專業技能,課程內容包括 財務管理概論、金融環境 、風險與報酬之分析 、貨幣時間價值 、証券之評價、 資金成本、 資本預算、資本結構、股利政策、融資決策、營運資金管理等主題。582008 Finance Management3 RK. H. Chang, SThe main objective of the course is to give the students the basic concept and theory of finance and related operational technique. The content includes the overview of the basic financial concepts, the financial environment, risk and return analysis, time value of money, security valuation, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, financing decision, and working capital management.582009資訊管理3 必廖世義,上管理資訊系統是電子化企業競爭力的策略核心,本課程旨在介紹資訊在企業經營中 所扮演的角色及應用,並探討企業資訊的有效管理原則與方法。課程內容包括以下主題 如:了解資訊及知識的意義和特性、管理資訊系統的需求和應用、資訊系統的組織、規 劃及控制、和資訊人員的領導與激勵等。並從管理的觀點討論資訊技術的互動理論與資 訊組織的相關議題,最後,也經由實務個案說明網路經濟與電子化企業新資訊技術之衝 擊,以強化本程之教學目標。582009 In formation Man ageme nt3 RS. Y. Liaw, FManagementinformation system is the strategic core competence of e-business. The purpose of this course is to introduce the role of MIS and its applications. Principle of MIS and system design methodologies are also discussed. Course contents include understanding the meaning and characteristics of information and knowledge, the needs and applications of the MIS, the Organizations, planning and controlling of the MIS. And, related topics with managerial overview of MIS are introduced by the interactive theory of IT and organization. Finally, in order to achieving the objectives of this course, the impacts of network economy and new IT of e-business are also discussed through empirical study cases.582010 人力資源管理3 必洪春吉 , 上本課程旨在使學生獲得人力資源管理之相關知識。內容包括:人力資源管理導論、 招募與遴選、職涯發展、薪酬與福利、人力資源管理之未來發展。582010 Human Resource Management 3 R C. J. Horng,FThe main subjects are summarized as follows: the introduction of human resource management, recruiting and selection, career development, compensation and benefit, the future development of human resource management.582011 策略管理3 必沈慶龍 , 上本課程的目的,將給予學生一充分的了解,以確認和運用組織策略所需的正確分析 技術和技能。因為,主要授課的內容將包括:策略性管理程序、利害關係人與公司使命、 外部分析:確認產業的機會與威脅、內部分析:資源、潛能、能力與競爭優勢、由功能 層級策略建立競爭優勢、 事業層級策略、競爭策略與產業環境、全球環境下的競爭策略、 公司層級策略垂直整合、多角化及策略聯盟、企業發展創立與重整企業、組織結構的設 計、策略控制系統的設計、組織、控制與策略的配合、策略性變革的實施。582011 Strategic Management3 RC. L. Shen, FThe aim of this course is to give learners a thorough understanding of the analytical techniques and skills necessary to identify and exploit organization strategies successfully. Thus, the major subjects of this course will cover: The strategic management process, Corporate stakeholders and mission, External analysis: the identification of opportunities & threaths, Internal analysis: resources 、 capabilities 、 competencies & competitive advantages, Building competitive advantage through functional-level strategies, Business-Level strategy, Competitive strategy and the industryenvironment,Strategy in the global environment, CorporateStrategy-verticalintegration,diversification, and strategic alliances, Building andrestructuring the corporation, Designing organizational structure, Designing strategic control systems, Matching structure and control to strategy, Implementing strategic change.二 . 選修科目 Elective Courses 582012企業概論3 選賴鳳儀,上本課程主旨在討論將企業經營管理理論與實務之基礎觀念,主要內容涵蓋:企業的 本質與型態、企業的營運管理與績效評估、行銷、企業國際化等。582012 Introduction to Business3 SFThis course focuses on fundamental theories and practices of business management. Main topics of this course include: the nature and types of business, business operation , management, performance assessment, marketing, and internationalization of business.582013 企業應用軟體3 選廖世義 , 上電腦之應用科學是令人感到興趣且發展迅速的領域之一,現已被 廣泛應用政府、工 商業、藝術、教育、研究及服務業等方面。本課 程講授重點以商業應用軟體為主,包含 資料庫設計與操作、試算表製作與計算、統計分析與圖表製作、文書編輯與排版及多媒 體製作等之應用。582013 Business Application Software3S S. Y. Liaw, FThe application of computer has extended from simple number crunching to administration processes 、industry 、art 、 education 、 research and public services. The objective of the course is to teach the operation techniques concentrated on current business computer software packages; including database design and operation , spread sheets , statisticanalysis and charts design 、word processing and multi- media design.582014 心理學3 選廖世義 , 上心理學乃是一門以心理學的角度來探討組織中,各個人力資源管制度對員工心理及 行為的影響。本課程目標主要讓學習者了解員工在各種不同的人力資源管理制度下,會 有何種心理反應,並進而改善其工作行為,以達到最高的生產力。582014 Psychology3 SS. Y. Liaw, FThe psychology of human resources management is a very important subject in the environment of organizational management setting. However, many teachers do not take this topic as an individual program in the classes design. The present class in to make up this shortcoming in order to offering the wider vision to learners. Through the learning, the students will more clearly understand the psychological operations of employee in the system of organizational management practices.582015 管理數學3 選鄭文英 , 下本課程旨在使學生獲得管理數學之理論及實務之相關知識。內容包括:集合、函數 與邏輯,機率,隨機變數與機率分配,矩陣,向量空間,馬可夫鏈,線性規劃,對局理 論。582015 Managerial Mathematics3 SW. Y. Cheng, SThe objective of this course is designed to teach the related knowledge of the theory and practice of Managerial mathematics. The main subjects are summarized Follows: Set , Function , and Logic ,Probability ,RandomVariable and Probability Distribution ,Matrix , Vector Space , Markov Chain , Linear Programming and Game Theory.582016流通業概論3 選陳啟政,下在現代商業發展中,產品品質、價格、促銷手法等檯面上所看到的是愈來愈難 有所差異了,所有的競爭成敗之分可能就在於檯面下的流通成本和配銷能力。消費 者每購買一美元的商品時,可能其中就有50%是在支付流通的費用,然而流通業者大多屬於小型企業,店面坪數雖然不大,但企管的各功能活動卻缺一不可,藉由本課程的規 劃,試圖增加同學之流通業管理的專門知識與實務應用技術,從實務應用的觀點,結合 流通業管理的理論,有系統的介紹流通業的規劃、管理、行銷及執行控制等技術,讓同 學了解業者如何開創一片新天地。582016 Distribution Logistic3 SC. C. Chen, SThe aim of this course is to give learners to understand about the skills of logistic management. Logistics is defined as a business planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows. Logistic systems have received considerable attention in the last 10 years, as they constitute one of the cornerstones in the design and control of production systems and the modeling of supply chains. This renewed interest is partly due to the recognition that well-known planning and control systems such as “Manufacturing Resources Planning ” and “Just in Time” systems fail to establish a sound integration of lead time management, capacity planning and quality considerations.582017金融市場3 選葉憲弘,上本課程旨在使學生了解、熟悉金融市場之體系與各項金融工具及其交易實務等有關 之知識。本課程內容包括金融市場概論,金融體系,資本市場,貨幣市場,外匯市場, 期貨及選擇權市場。582017 Financial Markets3 SH. H. Yeh,FThe main objective of the course is to make the students understand and become familiar with the system of the financial markets,and its financial instruments andrelated knowledge in theory and practice. The course includes the introduction of the financial markets ,the system of financial markets, capital market ,money market ,foreign Exchange market and futures & options markets.582018 商事法3 選陳宗豪,下本課程著重於瞭解在商事交易的社會生活中,或為強化企業組織,或為保護交易安 全,或為促進交易敏活而制定各種規範。582018 Business Law3 ST. H. Chen, SThis course is designed to induce the business law to the students who wish to understand the basic concepts and techniques of related laws and regulation in the field of business management.582019貨幣銀行學3 選張宮熊,上本課程主要在教導與研討有關貨幣銀行學相關的學理與實務主題,使選修同學瞭解 有關貨幣銀行學領域中學術與實務的現況與發展。582019 Money and Banking3 SK. H. Chang, FThe main purpose of this course is discussing and comprehending topics in money and banking. The issues include theoretical discuss and practical application. Through this course, the students will have more clearly understanding the practical application and development of money and banking.本課程提供學生在國內、外管理技能證照方面之學習、取得、與實務運用之訓練課 程。在知識經濟時代,專業技能如何衡量 (Measurable) 與提高其可見度 (Visible) 是學生 在職場上競爭之利器,尤其管理知識技能多屬於內隱知識 (Tacit) 較不易衡量,透過認證 之取得確可看出其學習之成效與程度,並提供學習之路徑(Road map)與方向,學生可隨著各學程的相關證照設定目標,朝各種不同等級的證照努力,有方向可供遵循。管理技 能證照可分財務金融技能、行銷管理技能、作業管理技能、與一般管理技能等四個學程 有關技能認證的課程與實務,對學生專業知識技能的專精、證照之取得、與實務運用之 訓練與教學,期能幫助學生將專業知識技能轉換成顯性 (Explicit) 可見度高之技能證照 資格,並能實際應用於實務,這也是目前產業聘用人才之依據,強調實務且易衡量之資 格,作為用人之重要參考。惟認證係實際技能能力之檢定,涉及認證實務,在認證方面 有一定之科目與規則,因此必須有計畫之教學並輔以實習訓練,期能以實務之運用為主 讓證照所表徵之專業知識技能與程度能實際發揮於實務工作上 ,如電腦程式設計 、語言、 中英打、電腦軟體、繪圖、記帳士等專業技能。有關之實務課程內容包括介紹資格評估 之標準、評估之專業知識技能、資格取得過程、評估之單位、應研習之科目、技能模擬 演練、實際企業之分析等。本課程有計畫且具體的將學生由隱性知識技能提升為顯性資 格證照認證,以提升其將來就業之競爭力,是各管理學程不可或缺之橋接課程(Bridgeprogram) 。582020 Special Topics on Skill Certificate 1 S S.Y. Liaw & H. Y. Hsieh, FThis program provides training and learning for students to acquire the qualification of professional international or Taiwan skill certificates. In knowledge economyera, profession and skill measure and visibility is growing more important for students competition in humanresources market. Especially managementskill is more inclined to tacit knowledge difficult to measure. The qualification certificating not lonely facilitates measure and visibility of the skill competence of students learning but also shows a clear direction of learning rendered as a road map. Student can set up his or her own goals and follow the program step by step to achieve different stages skill assessment. Management skill certificate program includes teaching and intern courses of financial and banking, marketing, operation research, general management skill programs in order to focus and penetrate student s profession skill, acquirecertificate and participate practices. The objective of the program is to transform implicit profession management skill to explicit and visible certificates, highly consistent with business practices which are most important factors for business recruiting or promotion. However there are rule and requirements of certificating relating more to real business practices, therefore planned training and teaching is crucial to success. This course includes introduction of the standards and requirements of qualification, profession skill required, the process and stage of the certification, assessment authority, required completion of subjects, simulation, rehearsal, case study, and gameexercises. This is a planned and substantial bridge program to transform student stacit skill to explicit qualification which is significant to the success of the students in the future and even his or her long-term career.582021人際關係3 選陳永安,上組織中的人際關係,在現在的社會中,越來越重要,也一直是組織管理學者所著重 的領域之一。本課程包含以下幾個主要課目:人際關概論、團隊管理技巧、組織中之人 際係本質、工作情緒管理、溝通技巧、組織氣候與文化、協調技巧、人群關係的實務設 計、衝突管理、敏感性分析、群體動力學、專題討論。582021 In terperso nal Relatio ns3 SY. A. Che n,FThe key purpose of this course is to help students learning academic concepts, knowledge, and practical skills of humanrelations in workplace. The teaching methodsin this course will include teacher s instruction, interactive discussion, case study, and business professionals speech of specific subjects. The subjects in this course may include the following issues: foundations of human relations, theories of interpersonal communication, methods and process of communication, interpersonal influence, interpersonal conflict, building and maintenance of human relations, negotiation and group interactions, communication and relations in organizations.582022 中級會計學 (一)3 選許文西 , 上本課程係初級會計學的延伸 ,主要課程包括會計環境與理論的概述 ,財務報表剖析, 租賃會計處理,退休金會計處理,所得稅會計處理,現金流量表等。各章節除教授課程 外,另注重實例解析以及相對應的財務會計準則公報比較。以我國財務會計準則公報為 主, 輔以國外會計準則介紹,深入探討會計的各項主題,並配合範例與習作,使學生能 靈活運用所學。582022 Intermediate Accounting(1)3 SW. H. Hsu, FThe main purpose of this course is to help students understand recent issues in the field of intermediate accounting. Major topics covered in this course include: the environment of financial reporting, conceptual framework of financial reporting, the development of the framework of accounting theory, the balance sheet and the statement of changes in stockholders equity, the income statement and statement of cash flows, as well as additional aspects of financial reporting and financial analysis. 582023 企業稅務3 選林殷富 , 上本課程主要在教導與研討有關企業稅務相關的學理與實理務主題,使選修同學瞭解 有關企業稅務領域中學術與實務的現況與發展。582023 Corporate Taxation3 SI. F. Lin, FThe main purpose of this course is discussing and comprehending topics in corporate taxation. The issues include theoretical discuss and practical application. Through this course, the students will have more clearly understanding the practical application and development of corporate taxation 582024作業研究3 選鄭文英 , 下作業研究是用一種現代科學的方法和技術,應用於今日管理設計製作業的問題上。 作業研究主要的目的在於,協助管理者能更有效地在問題解決上做出較佳的決策,它包 括有 : 作業研究的基本概念,線性規劃的介紹,單純法,對偶律和敏感分析,運輸與指 派問題,網路模式,存貨模式,決策理論和競爭理論,等待理論,模擬,動態規則,整 數規則。W. Y. Che ng,S582024 Operations ResearchOperations Research is the application of the methods and techniques of modern science to todays problems of management decision making. The primary objective of operations research is to help managers makebetter decisions by solving problems more effectively. It contains: Basic concepts of operations research, Introduction tolinear programming,The simplex method,Quality and sensitivity analysis ,Transportation and assignment problems ,Network models, CPM/PERT,Inventory models,Decision theory and games, Queuing theory ,Simulation ,Dynamic programming , Integer programming.582025事件管理3 選賴鳳儀,下本課程設計著重在介紹學生對於特殊事件( 如節慶、運動、藝術、觀光、娛樂、慈善 )與會議展覽在營利與非營利機構運用之概念,以及在事件規劃之專案管理能力。582025 Event Management3 SF. Y. Lai, SThis course emphasizes the development of project management skills for students who may become involved in special event management through festival, sport, art, tourism, entertainment, charitable or marketing organizations in a professional or volunteer capacity. On successful completion of this course, students are able to practice marketing and management skills to various special events.582026創業經營3 選謝惠元 , 下企業創業艱辛,尤其是科技人,若能給予良好優厚條件之環境及支援, 則新創企業 將得以快速安穩地成長,創業成功的機會也就大的多了。這門課的目的就是在介紹這創 業育成相關的主題 Subject ,議題 Issues 及內容 Contents ,同時,將要求學生作創業及 育成相關的觀察、研究、調查、面訪、統計、分析作專題報告。582026 Entrepreneurial Plan3 SH. Y. Hsieh, SThe purpose of this course is to introduce Entrepreneurship, especially in high-technology industry. With high quality of human resource, to investment a venture in high technology would be hard and risky. It needs subjects related to strategies in Marketing Planning, R&D, Law and Finance, etc.582027 組織理論3 選蔡展維 , 下本課程主要在教導與探討有關組織理論相關的學理與課題,期使選修同學對企業管 理有更進一步的認識 。課程範圍包含組織結構 、組織設計 , 組織變化 、與組織學習等議題。582027 Organizational Theory3 SC. W. Tsai, SThe main purpose of this course is discussing and comprehending the related knowledge and issues abut organizational theory. The major contents will cover:Organizational Structure, Organizational Design, Organizational Change and Organizational Learning. Through this course, the students will have more clear understanding about the development of management.本課程提供學生在國內、外管理智能證照方面之學習、取得


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