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2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Once you have finished reading these documents from our consultant, we would like to have your opinion regarding the value of the advices received so far.问题1选项A.Once you haveB.regardingC.value of the advicesD.so farE.没有问题【答案】E【解析】2. 填空题After (1)about it for several weeks, we decided to do our fieldwork in an area of southeastern Yunnan (2)along the border with Vietnam. The (3)with our choice was that the area was closed, so we had to ask for official(4)to work at the site we had in mind. (5),the officials we spoke with were very open to our arguments, after we(6) our reasons for wanting to do fieldwork near the border, they quickly approved our request. We finished our fieldwork in 2005. Last month I went(7) to the area for the first time and discovered that things have changed greatly (8)then. The area is now completely open and there is a brisk trade in manufactured goods in the towns on sides of the border.句意:在开始工作几个星期后,我们决定去云南东南部一个沿途与越南接壤的地方进行 我们的野外作业。我们选择存在的一个问题是这个地方是关闭的,所以为了去在我们所想的地方作业,我们不得不去寻求官方的许可。幸运的是,与我们谈话的官员们非 常乐意接受我们的推理。在我们解释完我们选择在临近边境地方做野外工作的原因 后,他们很快就同意了我们的请求。我们在2005年完成了我们的野外工作。上个月我独自第一次去了那个地方,发现情况从那时起己发生很大变化。这个区域现在是完全开发的,边境两边城镇里的制 成品生意很兴隆。【答案】1.setting2.all3.problem4.approval5.Fortunately6.explained7.alone8.from【解析】1.固定搭配。Set about doing sth. 开始着手做某事。2.固定搭配。All along 沿途,一路。3.由后面的the area was closed “这个地方被关闭了”可推知“我的选择有问题”,根据“was”推测此处应用单数形式problem。4.语义题。句意: 在这个地方工作需要寻求官方的许可。5.逻辑衔接。本来以为官方人员不好打交道,幸运的是他们比较开明。6.逻辑衔接。说明施工原因。7.逻辑关系。由关键词“I我”知这里可用副词alone独自”来修饰went (动词go “去”的过去式)。8.由空格前的“have changed己发生变化”为现在完成时态及“then 那时”知可填一个表示“从起”的介词,故可填from来构成from then从那时起”。both空格后面为复数形式sides, 这里填入both表示边境的两边。3. 填空题Ann Withington got a(1) with a major insurance firm a few monthsafter she(2) from university. (3)she received little encouragement(4) her new boss, she worked hard and soon became very good at her tasks and duties. Thanks to her sunny temperament and willingness to help her colleagues, she soon became quite(5) as well. In her first five years with the company she was(6) twice, and (7)time her salary went up substantially.But then her career took a turn for the worse. Her first director, a man in(8)fifties, was(9) with a younger woman who seemed to regard Ann as a rival. She constantly(10 ) her work but never offered any(11) about how it could be improved. Weeks passed and Ann tried her(12)to please the new director, but there was no change in the latters(13)towards her.Eventually Anns mood darkened, and she began to look into other possibilities. When her request for a (14)to the companys Seattle office was blocked by her boss, she decided it was time for action. She began an ambitious job hunt that led to a tentative offer from one of her employers competitors. Just as she was getting(15) to announce that she was quitting her job in a month, she was called into her bosss office and abruptly(16) . This was a great(17). Admittedly, her relations with her boss were poor, but she had always(18) out her duties conscientiously.After thinking over her situation, she decided not to (19)about theunfairness of her directors decision. The tentative job offer from the other company was soon(20) ; Ann accepted it and never looked back.句意:安威辛顿在大学毕业后几个月就在一家较大保险公司找到了工作。虽然她的新 老板并没有给予她多少鼓励,但是她工作勤勤恳恳,很快就适应了工作。由于她的脾气好且乐意帮助人,不久后她就变得很受大家欢迎。在她进入这家公司的头五年里,她被提拔了两次,每次工资都涨了很多。但是这之后她的事业就开始走下坡路。她的 第一任主管,一位50多岁的男性,很满意将安视为竞争对手的一个更年轻的女员工。 她不断批评她(即Ann)的工作,但却未就如何改进工作给出任何建议。数周过去了, 安尽最大的努力去让这位新主管满意,但是后者对她的态度没有任何改变。最终,安 的心情也变得一片灰暗,于是她开始寻求新的出路。她申请到公司在西雅图的分支机 构工作,这一请求被老板拦下。她认为是时候采取行动了。她满腔热情地开始寻找工 作,最后从公司的竞争对手那里获取得到了一份工作机会。正当她准备宣布在一个月 后辞职时,她被老板叫到了办公室,然后被突然告知自己被解雇了。这是个极大的侮 辱。诚然,她与老板的关系很差,但是她依然认真地履行她的职责。再三思考之后, 她决定不去抱怨她的主管决定的不公。不久,新单位的入职通知书到了,安头也不回地离开了。【答案】1.job语义题。get a job找到一份工作2.graduated固定搭配。graduate from university 从大学毕业。3.Although逻辑衔接。后面的句意:她仍旧在努力工作,然而老板并没有重视她。4.from固定搭配。Receive encouragement from 得到的鼓励。5.popular逻辑衔接。因为脾气好,且乐意帮助人,自然就会受到爱戴。6.promoted逻辑衔接。工作干得好,就会被提拔重用。7.each语义题。Each time 每次8.his固定搭配。In ones +基数词的复数形式:在岁的时候。9.pleased固定搭配。be pleased with sb. 对某人感到满意10.criticized逻辑衔接。由前面的关键词“regard Ann as a rival将Ann视为竞争对手”可推测这里“她不断批评她(即Ann)的工作”。11.advice语义题。这里指提出建议。12.best固定搭配。try ones best 尽力。13.attitude逻辑衔接。由关键词“but但是”知后者没有改变对她(即Ann)的态度。14.transfer由空格后的关键词“the companys Seattle office公司的西雅图办事处”知这里指代“工作调换”。15.ready固定搭配。get/be ready to 为.做准备16.fired由最后一段中的“.the unfairness of her directors decision她主管决定的不公平”及“上级并不喜欢她,她又准备跳槽”可推知“被叫到办公室后被突然解雇” 。17.insult语义题。句意: 被突然解雇当然是一个巨大的侮辱。18.caried固定搭配。carry out 执行,履行。plain固定搭配。complain about sth 抱怨某事。ing逻辑衔接。她接受了且再也没有回头,所以新的工作机会很快就来了。【解析】1.语义题。get a job找到一份工作2.固定搭配。graduate from university 从大学毕业。3.逻辑衔接。后面的句意:她仍旧在努力工作,然而老板并没有重视她。4.固定搭配。Receive encouragement from 得到的鼓励。5.逻辑衔接。因为脾气好,且乐意帮助人,自然就会受到爱戴。6.逻辑衔接。工作干得好,就会被提拔重用。7.语义题。Each time 每次8.固定搭配。In ones +基数词的复数形式:在岁的时候。9.固定搭配。be pleased with sb. 对某人感到满意10.逻辑衔接。由前面的关键词“regard Ann as a rival将Ann视为竞争对手”可推测这里“她不断批评她(即Ann)的工作”。11.语义题。这里指提出建议。12.固定搭配。try ones best 尽力。13.逻辑衔接。由关键词“but但是”知后者没有改变对她(即Ann)的态度。14.由空格后的关键词“the companys Seattle office公司的西雅图办事处”知这里指代“工作调换”。15.固定搭配。get/be ready to 为.做准备16.由最后一段中的“.the unfairness of her directors decision她主管决定的不公平”及“上级并不喜欢她,她又准备跳槽”可推知“被叫到办公室后被突然解雇”17.语义题。句意: 被突然解雇当然是一个巨大的侮辱。18.固定搭配。carry out 执行,履行。19.固定搭配。complain about sth 抱怨某事。20.逻辑衔接。她接受了且再也没有回头,所以新的工作机会很快就来了。4. 填空题5. A: Look! The window is(1) .Be careful (2)the pieces of glass on the floor.Theyre(3) .B: John says someone(4) a rock through the window this morning. No one has any (5)who it was.【答案】1.broken2.of3.sharp4.threw5.idea【解析】1.语义题。句意: 窗户坏了。be broken表示“损坏的状态”。2.固定搭配。Be careful of 小心。3.语义题。这部分是形容玻璃碎片,故可以填入表示“锋利”的sharp。4.语义题。Throw 扔(石头)。句子说的是this morning(早上)发生的事,因此用一般过去时。5.固定搭配。Has idea 知道。5. 单选题The large village in southern Hunan where she was bom and grow up is in a hilly area not far from the border with Guangdong.问题1选项A.in southern HunanB.grow upC.in a hilly areaD.border with GuangdongE.没有问题【答案】B【解析】时态错误。grow改为grew。and表示并列,and前用的一般过去时was,后面也应该用一般过去时。6. 单选题The Earths atmosphere recorded the huge decline in the population of the Western Hemisphere in the 150 years following the arrival of Columbus from Spain in 1492. Soldiers, officials, settlers and merchants from Eurasia and slaves from Africa unwittingly introduced common diseases such as smallpox (天花),measles (麻疹)and influenza to which the inhabitants of the Americas possessed no immunity. Scholarly estimates of the total number of deaths from disease vary widely, but the number may have exceeded 50 million and certainly wiped out 75% or more of native Americans. This rapid depopulation of the hemisphere allowed forests to grow in former farmlands. By 1610 the growth of all those trees had sucked enough carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the sky to cause a drop of at least seven parts per million in atmospheric concentrations of the most prominent greenhouse gas and start a little ice age.Based on that dramatic shift, Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin, British ecologists working at University College London, believe 1610 should be considered the starting date of a new geologic epoch currently under discussion among earth scientists: the Anthropocene, or recent age of humanity. Lewis and Maslin dub the decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide the Orbis Spike from the Latin for world, because since 1492 human civilization has progressively globalized. In a paper published this month in Nature, they argue that human impacts on the planet have been dramatic enough to warrant formal recognition of the Anthropocene epoch and that the Orbis Spike should serve as the marker of its opening.The Anthropocene is not a new idea. As far back as the 18th century the first scientific attempt to lay out a chronology of Earths geologic history ended with a human epoch. By the 19th century the idea was commonplace, appearing as the Anthropozoic (human life rocks) or the *Era of Man in geology textbooks. But by the middle of the 20th century, the idea of the Holocene (the term means entirely recent in Greek designates the most recent period, dating from 11,700 years ago, when the glaciers (冰河)of the last ice age receded) had come to dominate, recognizing humans as an important element of the current epoch, but not the defining one.That idea is no longer adequate, according to scientists ranging from geologists to climatologists. Human impacts have simply grown too large: some scientists point to the flood of nitrogen (N) released into the world by the invention of the Haber-Bosch processfor wresting the vital nutrient from the air to support agriculture, others emphasize the fact that modem people now move more earth and stone than all the worlds rivers put together.Researchers have advanced an array of proposals for when this putative new epoch might have begun. Some link it to the start of the mass extinction of large mammals (卩甫孚L 动物)such as woolly mammoths and giant kangaroos some 50,000 years ago or the advent of agriculture around 10,000 years ago. Others say the Anthropocene is much more recent and to the beginning of the uptick in atmospheric CO2 concentrations after the invention of an effective coal-burning steam engine.The most prominent current proposal connects the dawn of the Anthropocene to that of the nuclear age: long-lobed radionuclide (放射性同位素)leave a long-lived record in the rock. The boom in human population and consumption of everything from copper to maize (玉米)after 1950 or so, known as the Great Acceleration, roughly coincides with this nuclear marker. So does the advent of plastics and other remnants of industrial society, dubbed ”technofossils by Jan Zalasiewicz of the University of Leicester, the geologist who heads the group that is pushing for addition of the Anthropocene to the standard geologic time scale. The radionuclides can then serve as what geologists call a Global Stratotype Section and Point, more commonly known as a “golden spike.” Perhaps the most famous such golden spike is the thin layer of iridium(Ir) a found in pock exposed near El Kef, Tunisia; it pinpoints the asteroid impact that terminated the age of the dinosaurs and ended the Cretaceous about 65 million years ago.Lewis and Maslin reject this radionuclide spike because it is not tied to a *world- changing event-at least not yetalthough it is a clear signal in the rock. On the other hand, their Orbis Spike in 1610 reflects both the most recent CO2 low point and the redistribution of plants and animals around the world associated with the Age of Discovery and the rise of world empires, a true changing of the world. Much like the golden spike that marks the end of the dinosaurs, the proposed Orbis Spike itself would be tied to the low point of atmospheric CO? concentrations around 1610, as recorded in ice cores, where tiny trapped bubbles betray past atmospheres. Further geologic evidence will come from the appearance of maize pollen in sediment cores taken in Europe and Asia at that time, among other indicators that will complement the CO2 record. Therefore, scientists looking at ice cores, mud or even rock will find this epochal shift in the future.The CO2 drop coincides with what climatologists call the Little Ice Age. That cooling event may have been tied to regenerated forests and other plants growing on some 50 million hectares of land abandoned by humans after the mass death brought on by disease and warfare, Lewis and Maslin suggest. And it wasnt just the death of millions of aboriginal Americans. The enslavement (or death) of many millions of Africans for labor in the new lands may also have added to the climate impact. The population of the regions of western Africa most affected by the New World slave trade did not begin to recover until the end of the 19th century. In other words, from 1600 to 1900 areas of that region may have been regrowing forest, enough to reduce atmospheric CO?, just like the regrowth of the Amazon and the great North American woods, although this hypothesis remains in some dispute.However delimited, the new designation would mean we are living in a newAnthropocene epoch, part of the Quaternary period, which started more 2.5 million years ago with the advent of the cyclical growth and retreat of massive glaciers. The Quaternary is part of the Cenozoic (recent life”)era that began 66 million years ago and is, in turn, part of the Phanerozoic (revealed life) eon, which started 541 million years ago and encompasses all of complex life that has ever lived on this planet. In the end, the Anthropocene might supplant the Holocene. It is designated an epoch, unlike other interglacial, because back in the 18th century geologists thought humans were a very recent species, arriving via divine intervention or evolving on Earth in the Holocene,* Lewis argues, but scientists now know Homo sapiens arose more than200,000 years ago in the Pleistocene epoch. Humans are a Pleistocene species, so. calling the Holocene an epoch is a relic of the past. Maslin suggests downgrading the Holocene to a stag within the Pleistocene, like other interglacial spans in the geologic record. But Zalasiewicz disagrees with this bid to get rid of the Holocene. *I dont see the need, he says, systematic tracing of a Holocene-Anthropocene boundary globally would be illuminating in all sorts of ways.1.The scientists cited in this article agree that humans have become a major factor in the history of Earth. As the article highlights, what they disagree on is( )2.European penetration of the New World in the century and a half after 1492 led to( )3.The decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide that reached its low point in or around 1610 was( )4.The scientific hypothesis that humanity can alter the history of Earth in highly significant ways( )5.The Orbis Spike proposed by Lewis and Maslin would be most reliably located in( )6.Radionuclides can be likened to iridium( )7.Some scientists think that radionuclides are the key to defining the Anthropocene because( )8.Professor Zalasiewicz probably favors retaining the distinction between the Holocene and the Anthropocene because tracing its boundary( )问题1选项A.the extent to which humans are altering Earth.B.precisely when human activity became a defining element in Earths history.C.what to name the period of major human impact.D.when human activity will become the dominant factor in changes in the Earth.问题2选项A.massive depopulation.B.widespread contagious disease.C.greatly reduced use of land for agriculture.D.all of the above.问题3选项A.a singular, isolated event that left a discernible mark in geochronoloy.B.the first of a long chain of events that changed the way humans interact with nature.C.the result (and signal, as reflected in geology) of the first in a significant set of modem changes in how humans use planetary resources.D.the cause of a new ice age on a par with those that preceded the Holocene.问题4选项A.has recently re-emerged and gained support after fading in the 20th century.B.is still supported by only a small number of researchers in the earth sciences today.C.was rejected as absurd by pioneering geologists in the 1700s.D.is weakened by the continuing lack of evidence that can be used to support it, much let confirm it.问题5选项A.samples of Arctic ice, but not Antarctic iceB.samples of Arctic and Antarctic ice.C.tree rings from temperate forests.D.alluvial sediments, most obviously from the Mississippi and Amazon basins.问题6选项A.because of the similarity in their basic chemistry.B.as physical indicators of a boundary in Earths chronology.C.as the cause of vast changes in the earthly environment.D.as key components in the technofossils now proliferating in the geological record.问题7选项A.nuclear explosions did enormous damage to the earthly environment.B.they have a long half-life that means they will continue to be useful for many centuries.C.they provide a temporal marker reliably correlated with a massive historical increase in the human impact on our planet.D.they contributed greatly to the vast increase in the human impact on Earth in the mid-20th century.问题8选项A.will allow geologists to create a more subtle picture of the interglacials that are a crucial feature of the climate on Earth,B.will force geologists to think more deeply about the relation between climate change and planetary history.C.will reduce the support for using less plausible indicators to define geochronological boundaries.D.will reveal some important things about us humans as well as about the climate and history of the planet【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D第6题:D第7题:C第8题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。题干:文章引用的科学家同意人类在地球历史中的主要作用。正如文章强调的,他们有争议的是。根据文章大意可知B项“具 体什么时候人类活动开始成为地球历史上的一个决定性/确定性因素”,此表述过于绝对。故选B。2.细节事实题。题干:1492年后的一个半世纪中,欧洲的侵入导致了。第 1 段指出: The Earths atmosphere recorded the huge decline in the population of the Western Hemisphere in the 150 years following the arrival of Columbus from Spain in 1492. Soldiers, officials, settlers and merchants . introduced common diseases such as smallpox (天花),measles (瘾疹)andinfluenza ; This rapid depopulation of the hemisphere allowed forests to grow in former farmlands(1492年,随着从西班牙来的哥伦布的到来,往后一个半世纪中,地球大气记载了西半球人口的巨幅下降;战士,官员,移民,商人等染上了疾病,比如天花,麻疹和流感;这种迅速的人口降低使得森林/丛林在之前的农地中生长), 所以欧洲侵入导致了人口下降,疾病传染以及农用地的荒废。故选D。3.推理判断题。根据题干关键词carbon dioxide以及1610定位至第二段: Based on that dramatic shift, Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin, British ecologists working at University College London, believe 1610 should be considered the starting date of a new geologic epoch currently under discussion among earth scientists: the Anthropocene, or recent age of humanity (基于此巨大转变,英国生态学家认为1610应该被认为是新地质时代的一个开端期:人类世或人类新时代。因此,二氧化碳降低到约1610时,它是一个人类地质时代的划分)。故选A: 是一个单独的事件,这在地球年代学中留下了明显的标志。4.推理判断题。第三段指出: But by the middle of the 20th century, the idea of the Holocene (.) had come to dominate, recognizing humans as an important element of the current epoch, but not the defining one (但是,在20世纪中期,全新世的概念占到主导地位,即将人视为当前时代中重要的因素,但是不是决定性的因素), 下一段指出: That idea is no longer adequate, according to scientists ranging from geologists to climatologists. Human impacts have simply grown too large.( 这个观点已不再适用, 根据地质学家和气候学家的观点,人类影响简直太强大了), 故选A: 20世纪,在消退后最近又重新出现并且获得支持。5.推理判断题。根据题干关键词Orbis Spike定位至第八段: The CO2 drop coincides with what climatologists call the Little Ice Age. .The population of the regions of western Africa most affected by the New World slave trade did not begin to recover until the end of the 19th century. In other words, from 1600 to 1900 areas of that region may have been regrowing forest, enough to reduce atmospheric CO2, just like the regrowth of the Amazon and the great North American woods, although this hypothesis remains in some dispute(二氧 化碳的下降与气候学家所称的“Little Ice Age”同时发生。直到19世纪, 受新世界奴隶贸易影响的西部非洲区域的人口才开始恢复状态。也就是说, 从1600-1900,该区域可能一直有重新生长的森林,足以减少大气中的二氧化碳,比如亚马逊的再生长,北美的木材,尽管这个假设存在争议),因此, Orbis Spike即二氧化碳的降低最可能发生在D项:冲积沉积物,最明显来自密西西比和亚马逊河流域。6.细节事实题。根据题干定位至第六段: The radionuclides can then serve as what geologists call a Global Stratotype Section and Point, more commonly known as a “golden spike.” Perhaps the most famous such golden spike is the thin layer of iridium(Ir) a found in pock exposed near El Kef, Tunisia; (放射性核素可以作为地质学家所谓的全球层型剖面和点,通常被称为“金尖峰”。也许最著名的金尖峰是在突尼斯埃尔克夫附近的洞穴中发现的薄薄的铱层(Ir)) 。因 此,D项“在地质记录中,作为技术化石的构成或组成部分”是正确答案。7.推理判断题。根据题干定位至第六段: The boom in human population and consumption of everything from copper to


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