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2022-2023年考博英语-南京师范大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 翻译题Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy, to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put to use. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives. To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so. Medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a predominantly rural society with a much lower population density than it is today. It had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was localized. In terms of energy use and the nutrients captured in the product, it was inefficient. Contrast this with fanning since the start of the industrial revolution. Competition from overseas led farmers to specialize and increase yields. Throughout this period food became cheaper, safe and more reliable. However, these changes have also led to habitat loss and to diminishing biodiversity. Whats more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050. Yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agriculture in many regions. All this means that agriculture in the 213r century will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th.【答案】可持续发展几乎适用于从能源到清洁水和经济增长的所有领域,因此很难对其背后的基本假设或概念的使用方式提出质疑。在农业方面尤其如此,在农业方面,可持续发展往往被视为进步的唯一衡量标准,而没有适当地从历史和文化角度加以评价。首先,重要的是要记住,农业的性质在历史上已经发生了显著的变化,并将继续发生变化。北欧的中世纪农业为主要的农村社会提供了食物、衣服和庇护,人口密度比今天低得多。它对生物多样性的影响微乎其微,而且它造成的任何污染都是局部的。就能量使用和产品中获取的营养而言,它是低效的。这与工业革命开始以来的扇风形成了鲜明对比。来自海外的竞争促使农民专业化并提高产量。在此期间,食物变得更便宜、更安全、更可靠。然而,这些变化也导致了栖息地的丧失和生物多样性的减少。此外,发展中国家对动物产品的需求增长如此之快,以至于到2050年每年需要额外增加3亿吨谷物才能满足需求。然而,城市和工业的发展正在减少许多地区可供农业使用的水资源。所有这一切意味着,21世纪的农业将与20世纪大不相同。2. 单选题31. Money-laundering (洗钱)has been one of the worlds fastest-growing industries over decade despite increasing efforts by the worlds financial authorities to stamp it out. Following is a simple guide to the world of money-laundering.Money-laundering is the process by which money obtained by illegal means is given the appearance of legitimate income and returned into circulation. The word and practice are widely believed to have been invented by the US Mafia (黑手党). As a means of mixing the dirty cash obtained from prostitution, gambling, gun-running, blackmail and its other wicked activities, so that it came out more or less clean, the Mafia bought up and operated large numbers of Laundromats (自助洗衣店). As good cash businesses they were a good means of providing the appearance of honest cash flow.Various techniques can be employed and the means of money-laundering, but they essentially boil down to three stages. Step one: moving the money from the scene of the crime A to a remote location B ideally in another country,preferably a bank account, if possible one that is anonymous. Step two: disguising the trail leading from A to B. Step three: making the cash available to the criminals, along with a plausible explanation of how ti came legally into their possession.Apart from harming the economies that it feeds off, the money-laundering industry is essential to organized crime. As the head of the UNs crime-fighting wing Pino Arlacchi remarked, organized crime “brutalizes society and diminishes respect for the value like honesty and cooperation upon which successful societies are based. Or as a senior US official said in 1999, “money-laundering may look like a polite form of white-collar crime, but it is the companion of brutality, deceit and corruption.The liberalization of markets around the world and deregulation(解除管制)of exchange controls are regarded as the chief causes of the rapid expansion of money-laundering over the past decade. Together they have opened up many more channels for laundering dirty money and provided more opportunities to hide its origins. UN officials believe the most important single measure in eliminating money-laundering is the ending of bank secrecy.1. We know from the passage that money-laundering( ).2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “stamp it out” (para. 1) in the first paragraph?3. The reason why the Mafia bought up and ran substantial Laundromats is that( ).4. In money-laundering, money would be moved from the scene of the crime to( ).5. With the worldwide liberalization of markets, money-laundering has expanded rapidly by( ).问题1选项A.has almost been stamped out by the worlds financial authoritiesB.has greatly promoted the development of the worlds industriesC.only has a ten-year history but has grown rapidlyD.has expanded rapidly over the past decade问题2选项A.To put an end to it completely.B.To mark a sign by pressing on it.C.To announce it illegal.D.To do harm to it.问题3选项A.the Mafia can carry out large numbers of illegal transactions in them.B.the Mafia has many wicked activities like prostitution and gambling in them.C.the Laundromats can give the dirty cash the appearance of legitimate income.D.the Laundromats is such a profit-making industry that it has attracted the Mafia.问题4选项A.the financial authoritiesB.the circulation fieldsC.Laundromats operated by the MafiaD.anonymous bank account in another country问题5选项A.deregulating the exchange controlsB.buying and operating more LaundromatsC.having more channels to launder dirty moneyD.tightening the bank secrecy rules【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。由第一段“Money-laundering (洗钱)has been one of the worlds fastest-growing industries over decade despite increasing efforts by the worlds financial authorities to stamp it out. Following is a simple guide to the world of money-laundering. 尽管国际金融机构加大了打击洗钱活动的力度,但洗钱活动在过去10年里一直是全球发展最快的行业之一。以下是对洗钱世界的简单介绍。可知D项“洗钱活动在过去十年发展很快”正确。AB两项明显错误,C项“洗钱只有十年历史但是增长很快”与原文内容不符,洗钱并不只有10年历史。2.词义题。由Money-laundering (洗钱)has been one of the worlds fastest-growing industries over decade despite increasing efforts by the worlds financial authorities to stamp it out.中的despite表示让步关系可知,尽管采取了一些措施来( )洗钱活动,但是洗钱仍然成为增长最快的行业之一。由前后逻辑可推断出stamp it out是消灭,打击的意思。故A项正确。3.推理判断题。由第二段“As a means of mixing the dirty cash obtained from prostitution, gambling, gun-running, blackmail and its other wicked activities, so that it came out more or less clean, the Mafia bought up and operated large numbers of Laundromats (自助洗衣店). As good cash businesses, they were a good means of providing the appearance of honest cash flow.为了使从卖淫,赌博,贩卖枪支,敲诈和其他非法活动所得的混合收入看起来是干净的,黑手党经营了很多自助洗衣店,将其他非法收入混入洗衣店的收入,使赃款看上去是合法的。故C项“自助洗衣店给脏钱披上合法收入的外衣”正确。4.细节事实题。由第三段“Step one: moving the money from the scene of the crime A to a remote location B ideally in another country,preferably a bank account, if possible one that is anonymous. 第一步:把钱从犯罪现场A转移到一个偏远的地点B,当然理想的地点是在另一个国家,存入一个银行账户,如果是一个匿名账户那就更好了。”可知赃款从犯罪现场最终被转移到另一个国家的银行账户。故D项正确。5.细节事实题。由最后一段“The liberalization of markets around the world and deregulation(解除管制)of exchange controls are regarded as the chief causes of the rapid expansion of money-laundering over the past decade. 全球市场的自由化和对外汇解除管制被视为过去十年里洗钱快速扩张的主要原因。可知A项“解除外汇管制”正确。B项“购买和经营更多的自助洗衣店”不是原因;C项“有更多的渠道来洗黑钱”是解除外汇管制的结果,而非原因。D项是反洗钱措施。3. 单选题Lateral thinking (迂回思维),first described by Edward de Bone in 1967, is just a few years older than Edwards son. You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but the de Bone was so famous, Caspars parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teacher might snap, “Where do you get that idea from?”“We had to be careful and not overdo it.”Edward admits. Now Caspar is at Oxford which once looked unlikely because he is also slightly dyslexic (诵读困难). In fact, when he was applying to Oxford, none of his school teachers though he had a chance.“So then we did several thinking sessions,”his father says, “using my techniques and,when he went up for the exam, he did exactly well.” Soon after, Edward de Bone decided to write his latest book, “Teach Your Child How to Think,”in which he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into informal exercises for parents and children to share.Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence, and knows that children arent very logical. So isnt it an uphill battle, trying to teach them to think?“You know,”Edward de Bone says, “if you examine peoples thinking, it is quite unusual to find it of logic. But the faults of perception are huge! Often we think ineffectively because we take too limit view.”31. “Teach Your Child How to Think” offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly see the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternative.1. What is “TRUE about Caspar?2. Caspar succeeded in applying to Oxford because( ).3. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Edward( ).4. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements express Edward de Bones view?5. Lateral thinking refers to the following EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.He first described lateral thinking.B.He is often scolded by his teacher.C.He is Edwards son.D.He is an adventurous thinker.问题2选项A.he used in the exam the techniques provided by his fatherB.he read the book “teach Your Child How to Think” before the examC.he was careful and often overworkedD.all of his school teachers thought he had a chance问题3选项A.was prompted to study lateral thinking because his son was slightly dyslexicB.once taught businessmen how to think before he wrote for parents and childrenC.was likely to improve childrens logic with his bookD.gave a description of lateral thinking several years after his son was born问题4选项A.We often think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.B.Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence.C.Everybody knows that children arent very logical.D.It is an uphill battle trying to teach children to think.问题5选项A.seeing the implications of what you are sayingB.exploring the alternatives for what you are sayingC.improving ones logic in thinkingD.improving ones perception in thinking【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。由第一段Lateral thinking (迂回思维),first described by Edward de Bone in 1967, is just a few years older than Edwards son. You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but the de Bone was so famous, Caspars parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teacher might snap, “Where do you get that idea from?”“迂回思维”首次被爱德华与1967年提出,随后他的儿子出生了。你可能会想象Caspar会被抚养成一个冒险的思考者,但是爱德华是如此出名,以至于Caspar的父母担心每次他提出一些奇特的想法时,他的老师可能会打断他的话,并说“你从哪里学到这个想法的?”可知Caspar是Edward的儿子,故C项正确。A项“Capsar首次提出迂回思维错误,该观点是他父亲提出来的。B项和D项文中未提及。2.推理判断题。由第二段“so then we did several thinking sessions,” his father says, “using my techniques and,when he went up for the exam, he did exactly well.”他的父亲说:“然后我们进行了几次思考的研讨会,当他考试时,用上我的技巧,他考得很好。”可知Caspae成功被牛津大学录取的原因是他在考试时用了他父亲教的技巧。故A项正确。3.推理判断题。由第二段“Soon after, Edward de Bone decided to write his latest book, “Teach Your Child How to Think,” in which he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into informal exercises for parents and children to share. 不久之后,爱德华德伯恩(Edward de Bone)决定写他的新书教你的孩子如何思考(Teach Your Child How to Think)。在这本书中,他把自己为头脑风暴的商人们开发的思考技巧转化成了供父母和孩子们分享的非正式练习。”可知爱德华曾经是教商业思维的。故B项正确。4.推理判断题。第三段“Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence, and knows that children arent very logical. So isnt it an uphill battle, trying to teach them to think? 传统上认为思考是按照逻辑顺序进行的,并且知道孩子们不是很有逻辑。试着教他们思考,这不是一场艰苦的战斗吗?”由反问句可知教孩子们学会思考是一件很难的事情。故D项正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一段“Teach Your Child How to Think” offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly see the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternative. “教你的孩子如何思考”提供了改善感知能力的课程,让你清楚地看到你所说的话的含义,并探索其他选择。可知A项“弄清楚你所说的话的含义”;B项“探索你所说内容的替代方案”;D项“提升一个人的感知能力”正确。C项“提高思维的逻辑性”文中没有提到。故答案C4. 单选题The media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s, I remember experiencing the events related to the Peoples Park that wore occurring on campus. Some of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinctions between these realities.Electronic media are having a greater impact on the peoples lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that television brings into your home every day. Consider also the contact you have with others simply by using telephone. These media extend your consciousness and your contact. For example, the video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake focused on “live action” such as the fires or the rescue efforts. This gave the viewer the impression of total disaster. Television coverage of the Iraqi War also developed an immediacy. CNN reported events as they happened. This coverage was distributed worldwide. Although most people were far away from these events, they developed some perception of these realities.In 1992, many people watched in horror as riots broke out on a sad Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, seemingly fed by video coverage from helicopters. This events was triggered by the verdict (裁定)in the Rodney King beating. 32. We are now in an age where the public can have access to information that enables it to make its own judgments, and most people,who had seen the video of this beating, could not understand how the jury was able to acquit(宣布无罪)the policemen involved. Media coverage of events as they occur also provides powerful feedback that influences events. This can have harmful results, as is seemed on that Wednesday night in Los Angeles. By Friday night the public got to see Rodney King on television pleading, “Can we all get along?” By Saturday, television seemed to provide positive feedback as the Los Angeles riot turned out into a rally for peace. The television showed thousands of people marching with banners and cleaning tools. Because of that, many more people turned out to join the peaceful event they saw unfolding on television. The real healing, of course, will take much longer, but electronic media will continue to be a part of that process.1. Where is the passage most likely to be from?2. The 1989 San Francisco earthquake was mentioned to show( ).3. The term electronic city,( para.2) refers to( ).4. The 1992 Los Angeles riots broke out because( ).5. It can be inferred from the passage that( ).问题1选项A.Textbook of MediaB.ThesisC.Newspaper or MagazineD.Speech问题2选项A.how damaging the earthquake wasB.how people carried out rescue workC.the electronic media extend your consciousness and your contactD.the viewers impression of total disaster问题3选项A.Los AngelesB.San FranciscoC.BerkeleyD.Earth问题4选项A.the jury acquitted the policemen who had beaten Rodney KingB.people can make their own judgmentsC.video coverage from helicopters had made people angryD.video coverage had provided powerful feedback问题5选项A.media coverage of events as they occur can have either good or bad results.B.most people who had seen the video of the Rodney King beating agree with the verdict of jury.C.the 1992 Los Angeles riots lasted a whole week.D.Rodney King seemed very angry when he appeared on television on Friday.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。本文通俗易懂,列举了大量实例让公众能更好地理解,具有很强的煽动性,说明了媒体报道既有好的一面也可能带来坏的影响,全面公正,符合演讲的风格。A项“媒体的教科书”和B项“理论”涉及到大量的理论支撑,本文并没有太多理论,相反举了大量例子。故AB项排除。C项“报纸或杂志”需要很强的画面感,语言应该言简意赅,与本文语言风格不符。故D项正确。2.细节事实题。由第二段“These media extend your consciousness and your contact. For example, the video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake focused on “live action” such as the fires or the rescue efforts. This gave the viewer the impression of total disaster. 这些媒体可以扩展你的意识和你的接触层面。例如,1989年旧金山地震的视频报道聚焦于“现场行动”,比如火灾或救援行动。这给观众一种灾难的印象。可知1989年旧金山地震的视频报道是对these media extend your consciousness and your contact的举例论证,故可推知该例子是为了表明这些媒体可以拓展你的意识和接触层面。C项是对“these media”的同义转述,故C项正确。3.词义题。由第二段“Television and telephone communications are linking people to global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city.由or可知electronic city与“global village”地球村同义,再联系上下文可知,电子媒体将我们联系在一起,electronic city本义为电子城,在文中指电子媒体将地球上的人们联系起来。故D项正确。4.推理判断题。由第三段1992, many people watched in horror as riots broke out on a sad Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, seemingly fed by video coverage from helicopters. This events was triggered by the verdict in the Rodney King beating. We are now in an age where the public can have access to information that enables it to make its own judgments, and most people, who had seen the video of this beating, could not understand how the jury was able to acquit(宣布无罪)the policemen involved. 1992年的一个令人悲伤的周三晚上,洛杉矶爆发了骚乱,许多人惊恐地目睹了这一切,似乎直升机上的视频报道助长了骚乱。这一事件是由罗德尼金殴打案的判决引发的。我们处于一个公众都能获得信息并且能作出判断的时代,大多数人到这个殴打视频后都不能理解陪审团为什么会宣布殴打无辜者的警察无罪。可知1992洛杉矶爆发骚乱的原因在于陪审团宣布殴打King的警察无罪。故A项正确。5.推理判断题。由第三段Media coverage of events as they occur also provides powerful feedback that influences events. This can have harmful results, as is seemed on that Wednesday night in Los Angeles. 媒体对事件发生时的报道也提供了影响事件的有力反馈。这可能会产生有害的结果,就像洛杉矶周三晚上发生的那样。可知媒体对事件的报道会产生有害影响。而第二段提到了电子媒体对人们的生活的积极影响。故综合全篇来看,媒体对事件的报道既可以带来积极影响也可能带来有害的影响。故A项正确。B项“大多数看过罗德尼金殴打视频的人都同意陪审团的裁决。”与原文内容相反。C项“1992洛杉矶暴乱持续了一整个星期”,文中提到该暴乱开始与周三的晚上,于周六演变成和平集会,所以并不是持续了一整周。故C项不正确。D项与原文“By Friday night the public got to see Rodney King on television pleading, “Can we all get along? 到周五晚上,公众看到罗德尼金在电视上恳求道:“我们能和睦相处吗?”不符,从原文可看出Rodney King并不是很生气。故D项错误。5. 单选题For 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth. Yet,even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground.With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to measure the Suns output without being impeded by the Earths atmosphere. Solar Max. a satellite from theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), has been measuring the Suns output since February 1980. Although a malfunction in the satellites control system limited its observation for a few years, the satellite was repaired in orbit by astronauts from the space shuffle in 1984. Maxs observations indicate that the solar constant is not really constant after all.The satellites instruments have detected frequent,small variations in the Suns energy output generally amounting to no more than 0.05 percent of the Suns mean energy output and lasting from a few days to a few weeks. Scientists believe these fluctuations coincide with the appearance and disappearance of large groups of sunspots on the sunspots are relatively dark regions on the Suns surface that have strong magnetic fields and a temperature about 2.000 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the Suns surface. Particu


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