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2022-2023年考博英语-沈阳药科大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single day.问题1选项A.lastB.stayC.arrangeD.manage【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. last 持续 B. stay 暂住C. arrange 安排 D. manage 管理【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前文提到“他带着这些东西到任何地方去(Arriving anywhere)”,后文提到“_一个月或者一年和_一天一样简单”,根据句意,应该是指到某个地方去并且待一段时间,原文put up“( somewhere)留宿”,因此,B选项stay“暂住”符合句意,且与原文接近。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义。【句意】他带着这些东西到任何地方去,住上一个月或一年就像住一天一样简单。2. 单选题There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents wished.问题1选项A.enhancedB.revisedC.alternatedD.modified【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. enhanced 加强,提高 B. revised 修改C. alternated 交替,轮流 D. modified 修改【考查点】近义词辨析【解题思路】原文指的是婴儿为了满足父母的意愿改变基因。D选项modified“修改”,指为了适应某一特定的目的,稍微改变某物,与原文最相符。原文alter“改变”。【干扰项排除】A选项enhanced “加强,提高”,改变不一定是提高;B选项revised “修改”,指修改意见或计划,或者修订书刊或估算;C选项alternated “交替,轮流”,与altered属于形近词,但两者意义不同。【句意】人们担心,婴儿可能会根据父母的意愿进行基因改造。3. 单选题New Energy Sources to the RescueAs petrol prices rise, policy makers and venture capitalists are suddenly embracing alternatives. Will the trend last?Reasons for the changeIn his long career in country music, Willie Nelson has always been on the left side of all things. Now, at 73, he is in the vanguard. Mr. Nelson, who lives on a big farm outside Austin, powers his car with the help of vegetable oil. He has even created his own line of this cleaner-burning diesel blend. He called it “Bio Willie”, which is distributed at several sites in Texas and is going national, too. Mr. Nelson argues that it will help Americas farmers, truckers, and the environment while, at the same time, reducing dependence on foreign petroleum.With high petrol prices causing troubles in Washington, D.C., everyone is trying to find out alternatives. Soya beans, canola (rapeseed), switch grass, anything, is being investigated. Even George Bush, a former oilman who supports loyally the industrial development, called last week for more research into ethanol and bio-diesel-two key types of bio-fuels and boldly predicted that “ethanol will replace gasoline consumption”. Jim Woolsey, a former head of the CIA notes that developing bio-fuels is in the national interest, since it is high time America stopped its reliance on petroleum from foreign countries and so stopped funding some fanatical religious organizations.Future: convenience and painsThe federal government is beginning to formulate policy to promote the use of bio-fuels. In Montana, Hawaii and Minnesota all petrol must contain 10% ethanol, while Washington State requires petrol and diesel to contain 2% renewable fuel by volume. For both ethanol and bio-diesel, Congress has required a near-doubling of production by 2012. Both blends notes Mr. Woolsey approvingly, need little new infrastructure to support them (unlike, say, hydrogen fuel-cell cars). Ethanol can be dispensed at regular petrol stations and works, within limits, in todays cars. Bio-diesel fuelling stations, such as those for Bio Willie, are popping up around America.Unfortunately for Mr. Bushs political fortunes, a bio-fuels revolution will not happen in time to ease Americas current pain at the pump. Right now, ethanola clean-burning, high-octane alcohol typically derived from corn in America, or sugar in Brazilaccounts for just 3% of Americas petrol use, though American cars can handle a 10% ethanol blend. Bio-diesel is used even less.Moreover, ethanol is typically blended with regular fuel, and a widespread shift to an ethanol blend (a result of another provision of last years energy bill) has contributed to some petrol shortages in Texas and elsewhere, as the supply chain creaks into life. Skeptics argue that growing crops for ethanol will burn more petrol than it will save.But others are persuaded, despite the pains at the beginning stage. “If I had to bet $100, Id bet on bio-fuels, says Hunter Lovins, co-author of “Natural Capitalism”, adding that she would favor them even over other renewable energy sources. Rich investors also believe its growth. Richard Branson, a British entrepreneur who heads the Virgin conglomerate, recently announced plans to invest up to $400 million in ethanol production.Growing Production?Can production be scaled up? A recent bioengineering breakthrough means that it should soon be possible to convert plant products far more efficiently to ethanol. This lends promise to cellulosic ethanola product that can be made from agricultural “waste”, such as corn cobs or weeds, which is widely available. (Once corn kernels and sugar-cane sap have been taken away for sugar, they leave plenty of stalks and leaves behind.) The most promising source of cellulosic ethanol, say expert, is switch grass, a native American grass that grows naturally in the prairie heartland and thrives in the poor Mississippi Delta.Bio-diesel, as yet, is a smaller enterprise. Its plants require less capital than those for ethanol. It is growing fastsales volume tripled, to 75m gallons, between 2004 and 2005but that is still a drop in the tanker of the 60 billion gallons of diesel that Americans consume each year. Much of the stuff is made from soya beans, and Jeff Plowman of Austin Bio-fuels, a tiny start-up, notes that soya been futures are tracking the price of heating oil for the first time. In Texas, Mr. Plowman also sees potential for cottonseed oil, a byproduct of cotton production. Elsewhere, there is even talk of producing bio-diesel from pig manure.Troubles are still occurring, having pushed back the enthusiasm. In Minnesota, a requirement to have 2% of diesel made from soya was suspended last year when truckers began to complain of clogged filters, though it was fairly quickly reinstated.Bio-fuels and American farmsCould bio-fuels, in addition to easing the strain on the environment and on wallets, help to save American farms? Some policymakers certainly hold out this dream, particularly in the Midwest, where ethanol and bio-diesel production is concentrated. Montanas Democratic governor, Brian Schweitzer, who uses bio-diesel (made for example from canola) in his own Volkswagen Jetta, imagined with optimism about a technology that he hopes “will jump-start rural America”. He points out that America exports masses of wheat, soya beans and corn, and talks of “converging those export acres to bio-fuels”. When the 2007 farm bill is debated, he hopes for “a vision that helps American farmers once again produce their own horsepower on their own farms”. This “vision” would include federal crop insurance for farmers who grow canola, safflower and camellia, bringing them up to the level of wheat and soya beans.The notion of American farmers defying the tide of capitalism to grow their own fuel is a glorious delusion. It seems great, yet its not practical. However, Mr. Schweitzer is right that Congress has some big decisions to make about bio-fuels. To what extent, if any, should government subsidize this newly-emerged industry? Already it has received plenty of help. Ethanol producers get a tax credit worth 51 cents a gallon, much to the delight of the industry. There is also a 54 cents-a-gallon tariff on imports of ethanol from Brazil. Starting with the removal of that tariff, Congress needs to rethink its misleading energy policies. Nathanael Greene, of the Natural Resources Defense Council, argues that the federal governments most important immediate step should be to enact a loan guarantee to create Americas first cellulosic ethanol plant, which would probably be built in Idaho.If bio-fuels do take off, environmentalists and policymakers will still be unable to relax. Mr. Greene emphasizes, rightly, that bio-fuels alone might not solve all the problems. His organization argues that although American production could rise to 100 billion gallons of bio-fuels by 2050, such changes also need to be combined with improved fuel efficiency and better city planning. More flex-fuel vehicles, which can take up to 85% ethanol blended with petrol, would be particularly sensible.15. What is “Bio Willie”, which is distributed at several sites in Texas and is also going national?16. Which of the following reasons is NOT for American government and some of American people to start research into the possibility of using bio-fuels?17. Right now, ethanol accounts for _ of Americas petrol use.18. Why did Richard Branson recently announce plans to invest heavily in ethanol production?19. According to the expert, the most promising source of cellulosic ethanol is _.20. In which part of America is ethanol and bio-diesel production concentrated?问题1选项A.A kind of vegetable oil from his big farm.B.A kind of new fuel called ethanol.C.A kind of cleaner-burning diesel blend.D.A kind of petroleum from foreign countries.问题2选项A.The new fuels will help Americas farmers, truckers and the environment.B.The high petrol prices caused troubles in Washington, D.C.D.C.D.C.C. The government wants to meet the need of some fanatical religious organizations.D. It is high time America stopped its reliance on foreign petroleum.问题3选项A.10%B.2%C.5%D.3%问题4选项A.Because he believed its promising future.B.Because he comes from Britain where he got rich profit from ethanol production.C.Because he is a patriotic American entrepreneur.D.Because a bio-fuels revolution didnt happen in time to ease Americas current pain at the pump.问题5选项A.corn cobsB.weedsC.soya beansD.switch grass问题6选项A.In the Northeast.B.In the South.C.In the Northwest.D.In the Midwest.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D第6题:D【解析】15.事实细节题。题干“在德克萨斯州的几个地点分发,也正在向全国推广Bio Willie,是什么”,可定位到原文Reasons for the change小节第1段第3句He called it “Bio Willie”, which is distributed at several sites in Texas and is going national, too.(他称其为“Bio Willie”,在德克萨斯州的几个地点分发,也正在向全国推广。)由此可知,该句中的it即我们想要找的答案,因此定位到前一句Mr. Nelson, who lives on a big farm outside Austin, powers his car with the help of vegetable oil. He has even created his own line of this cleaner-burning diesel blend.(纳尔逊(Nelson)先生住在奥斯汀城外的一个大农场里,他在植物油的帮助下发动汽车。他甚至创造了这种清洁燃烧混合柴油产品线。)由此可知,Bio Willie是“cleaner-burning diesel blend(更清洁的柴油混合)”,C选项“一种更清洁的柴油混合物”表述正确。干扰选项A“一种来自他的大农场的植物油”表述错误,因为原文虽然提到了来自他的大农场的植物油,但只是提到了在植物油的帮助下发动汽车,并没有直接说Bio Willie就是一种植物油,而是说Bio Willie中混合了植物油。B选项“一种叫做乙醇的新燃料”、D选项“一种来自外国的石油”原文并未提及。因此,本题最佳选项为C。16.事实细节题。题干“以下哪一个不是美国政府和一些美国人开始研究使用生物燃料的可能性的原因”可定位到原文Reasons for the change小节。A选项“新燃料将帮助美国的农民、卡车司机和环境”,可定位到本节第1段最后一句Mr. Nelson argues that it will help Americas farmers, truckers, and the environment(Nelson先生认为,这将帮助美国的农民、卡车司机和环境)选项表述符合原文,排除;B选项“高油价给华盛顿特区带来了麻烦”,可定位到本节第2段第1句With high petrol prices causing troubles in Washington, D.C., everyone is trying to find out alternatives.(随着高油价给华盛顿带来麻烦,每个人都在试图寻找替代方案。)选项表述符合原文,排除;C、D选项可定位到本节第2段最后一句Jim Woolsey, a former head of the CIA notes that developing bio-fuels is in the national interest, since it is high time America stopped its reliance on petroleum from foreign countries and so stopped funding some fanatical religious organizations.(前中央情报局局长Jim Woolsey指出,开发生物燃料符合国家利益,因为美国是时候停止依赖外国石油,从而停止资助一些狂热的宗教组织了。)由此可知,政府是想停止对狂热的宗教组织的资助,而非满足他们的需要,C选项“政府想要满足一些狂热的宗教组织的需要”表述错误,符合题意;同时D选项“美国是时候停止对外国石油的依赖了”选项表述符合原文,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为C。17.事实细节题。题干“目前,乙醇占美国汽油使用量的_”,可定位到原文Future: convenience and pains小节。本节第2段第2句Right now, ethanolaccounts for just 3% of Americas petrol use.(目前,乙醇仅占美国汽油使用量的3%。)D选项“3%”表述正确。干扰选项A“10%”、B“2%”,可定位到本节第1段第2句In Montana, Hawaii and Minnesota all petrol must contain 10% ethanol, while Washington State requires petrol and diesel to contain 2% renewable fuel by volume.(在蒙大拿州、夏威夷州和明尼苏达州,所有汽油必须含有10%的乙醇,而华盛顿州要求汽油和柴油中含有2%的可再生燃料。)由此可知,10%是某些州规定的汽油中乙醇的占比;2%是华盛顿州要求的可再生燃料在汽油和柴油中的占比,都不是乙醇在美国汽油使用量的占比,排除;C选项“5%”,原文并未提及,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为D。18.事实细节题。题干“为什么Richard Branson最近宣布计划大力投资乙醇生产”,可定位到原文Future: convenience and pains小节。本节第4段最后一句Richard Branson, recently announced plans to invest up to $400 million in ethanol production.(英国企业家Richard Branson,他最近宣布计划投资4亿美元用于乙醇生产。)联系上文Rich investors also believe its growth.(富有的投资者也相信它的增长。)由此可知,Richard Branson是看中了投资乙醇利润的增长空间,才决定投资的,A选项“因为他相信它的前途光明”符合原文。B选项“因为他来自英国,在那里他从乙醇生产中获得了丰厚的利润”、C选项“因为他是一个爱国的美国企业家”、D选项“因为生物燃料革命没能及时缓解美国目前在加油方面的痛苦”,原文均未提及。因此,本题最佳选项为A。19.事实细节题。题干“据专家说,纤维素乙醇最有前途的来源是_”,可定位到原文Growing Production?小节。本节第1段第5句The most promising source of cellulosic ethanol, say expert, is switch grass(专家说,最有前途的纤维素乙醇来源是柳枝稷)由此可知,D选项“柳枝稷”表述正确,符合题意。干扰选项A“玉米棒”、B“野草”可定位到本节第1段第3句This lends promise to cellulosic ethanola product that can be made from agricultural “waste”,such as corn cobs or weeds, which is widely available.(这给纤维素乙醇带来了希望。纤维素乙醇是一种可以从广泛使用的农业“废物”(如玉米棒或野草)中提取的产品。)虽然玉米棒或野草也是纤维素乙醇的来源,但是并不是题目要求的最有前途的来源,排除;C选项“大豆”,可定位到本节第2段第4句Much of the stuff is made from soya beans(大多数都是由大豆制成的),结合本段第1句Bio-diesel, as yet, is a smaller enterprise.(到目前为止,生物柴油是一个较小的企业。)由此可知,大豆是许多生物柴油的原材料,而非乙醇,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为D。20.事实细节题。题干“美国的哪部分地区集中生产乙醇和生物柴油”,可定位到原文Bio-fuels and American farms小节。本节第1段第2句Some policymakers certainly hold out this dream, particularly in the Midwest, where ethanol and bio-diesel production is concentrated.(一些政策制定者肯定坚持这一梦想,尤其是在乙醇和生物柴油生产集中的中西部地区。)由此可知D选项“中西部”表述正确。A选项“东北”、B选项“南方”、C选项“西北”,表述错误。因此,本题最佳选项为D。4. 单选题The ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest are the last relatively intact “old growth” ecosystem in America. _46_ principally in northern California, Oregon and Washington, the ancient forests are a vital part of our national heritage. Today, our ancient forests are in _47_. They are being destroyed at the _48_ rate of 60, 000 acres per year. Ninety percent of our ancient forests have _49_. Only 10 % still stand. Overcutting these forests destroys an ecosystem and _50_. The forests provide clean water and air, spawning grounds for salmon, a billion dollar per year fishing industry, abundant wildlife and _51_ drugs.The timber industry in the Pacific Northwest has been undergoing a _52_ since the early 80s_53_ the spotted owl became an issue, _54_ has led to steadily falling employment _55_. The industry modernized mills, exported raw logs overseas, and abandoned the Pacific Northwest to other _56_ of the United States. This led to the _57_ of over 26,000 timber-related jobs in Oregon and Washington during the 80s.Industry claims that environmental laws are to _58_ for the decline in timber jobs in the Pacific Northwest do not _59_ under close examination. _60_, the industry itself is responsible for many of these jobs due to the overcutting of the forests for the past decade.问题1选项A.ScatteredB.SpottedC.FoundD.Viewed问题2选项A.progressB.jeopardyC.riseD.risk问题3选项A.astonishingB.thrillingC.terrificD.frightening问题4选项A.destroyedB.being destroyedC.been destroyedD.to be destroyed问题5选项A.industryB.enterpriseC.economyD.establishment问题6选项A.life-lastingB.fatalC.mortalD.lifesaving问题7选项A.transitionB.transportationC.transitD.transaction问题8选项A.before longB.long sinceC.as long asD.long before问题9选项A.of whichB.whoC.in whichD.which问题10选项A.levelsB.standardsC.layersD.criteria问题11选项A.directionsB.dimensionsC.regionsD.zones问题12选项A.gainB.lossC.profitD.wastage问题13选项A.blameB.praiseC.criticizeD.punish问题14选项A.hold outB.hold inC.hold upD.hold down问题15选项A.In factB.In theoryC.In practiceD.In a sense【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:C第6题:D第7题:A第8题:D第9题:D第10题:A第11题:C第12题:B第13题:A第14题:C第15题:A【解析】46. 【选项释义】A. Scattered 分散 B. Spotted 发现C. Found 可见于 D. Viewed 看,察看【考查点】语义衔接与动词辨析【解题思路】空格后接的是一些地点,北加州,俄勒冈州和华盛顿州(northern California, Oregon and Washington),主句部分的主语是古老的原始森林(the ancient forests),据此推断,该句表达的是古老的原始森林分布的位置,C选项Found“可见于”,可以指某物存在于或生长在某个地方,符合句意。【干扰项排除】A选项Scattered“分散”,森林一般是指一个集中的整体,不是分散的,用“分散于”指分布不合适;B选项Spotted 侧重于指突然或者不容易注意到的情况下发现,不符合句意;D选项Viewed 侧重于指观看或仔细察看。【句意】原始森林主要分布在加州北部、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州,是我们国家遗产的重要组成部分。47. 【选项释义】A. progress 发展 B. jeopardy 危险C. rise 增长 D. risk 风险【考查点】句间逻辑与名词辨析【解题思路】空格前的介词为in;后一句提到“它们正在被摧毁(being destroyed)”,由此可知原始森林处境不容乐观。因此,B选项jeopardy“危险”符合语境,in jeopardy指处于危险的境地,可能失败、丢失或被摧毁,此处指可能被摧毁。【干扰项排除】A选项progress“发展”,不符合原文逻辑;C选项rise“增长”,不符合原文逻辑;D选项risk“风险”,常搭配的介词为at,at risk指处于危险中,与原文搭配不符。【句意】现在,我们的原始森林正处于危险中。48. 【选项释义】A. astonishing 惊人的 B. thrilling激动人心的C. terrific 极好的 D. frightening 令人害怕的【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】该形容词在原句中用来形容原始森林被摧毁的速度之快,应该是形容不好的事情,D选项frightening“令人害怕的”符合语境。【干扰项排除】A选项astonishing 指令人十分惊讶的,侧重于形容好的方面;B选项thrilling 指激动人心的,侧重于形容好的方面;C选项terrific 极好的,侧重于形容好的方面。【句意】他们正在以每年6000英亩的令人害怕的速度被摧毁。49. 【选项释义】A. destroyed 破坏(主动语态,过去分词) B. being destroyed 破坏(被动语态,现在分词)C. been destroyed 破坏(被动语态,过去分词) D. to be destroyed 破坏(被动语态,不定式)【考查点】时态和语态【解题思路】根据前两题可知,原始森林正处于危险中,每年以极大的速度被破坏。本句空格前有have,选项的核心动词是destroy“破坏”,因此,本句要表达的应该是“90%的原始森林已经被破坏了”,本句应该使用现在完成时和被动语态。现在完成时的基本格式为“have+过去分词”,被动语态的基本格式为“be+过去分词”,因此,C选项been destroyed“破坏(被动语态,过去分词)”符合要求。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项,时态或语态不正确。【句意】90%的原始森林已经被破坏了。50. 【选项释义】A. industry 工业;行业 B. enterprise 企业C. economy 经济 D. establishment 商店【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】本句提到“砍伐这些森林破坏生态系统(ecosystem)和_。”由此可知,空格处填入的是“砍伐森林”所破坏的东西。后一句进一步解释到“森林提供了清洁的水和空气,鲑鱼的产卵地,每年10亿美元的渔业,丰富的野生动物和_51_药物”,其中“清洁的水和空气,鲑鱼的产卵地、野生动物”对应的是“生态系统”,“渔业、药物”对应的应该是空格处填入的词语,C选项“经济”可以很好的涵盖这些方面。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项,无法同时涵盖渔业和药物,不符合语义。【句意】砍伐这些森林破坏生态系统和经济。51. 【选项释义】A. life-lasting 永久的 B. fatal 致命的C. mortal 致命的 D. lifesaving 救命的【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】该词修饰的是后面的drugs“药物”,既然是药,那应该是用来救命的,D选项lifesaving“救命的”符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合句意。【句意】森林提供了清洁的水和空气,鲑鱼的产卵地,每年10亿美元的渔业,丰富的野生动物和救命的药物。52. 【选项释义】A. transition 过渡;转变 B. transportation 运输;交通工具或运输系统C. transit 运输;中转站 D. transaction 交易【考查点】句间逻辑与形近词辨析【解题思路】本句为该段首句,句意为“太平洋西北地区的木材行业一直在经历一个_52_”。后文是本句的进一步介绍。后文提到“工厂现代化(modernized mills)”“放弃太平洋西北部市场(abandoned the Pacific Northwest)”等,由此推断,木材行业正经历转变,A选项transition“过渡;转变”符合原文语义逻辑。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项,为正确选项的形近词,但不符合原文语义逻辑。【句意】太平洋西北地区的木材行业一直在经历转变。53. 【选项释义】A. before long 不久;很快 B. long since 很久以前C. as long as 只要;和一样长 D. long before早在【考查点】词组辨析【解题思路】根据“”提示,空格处所在句是对前文的补充说明,前文内容为“八十年代早期(the early 80s)”,空格后文内容为“斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题”,并且时态为一般过去时。由此可知,空格处“_斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题”是对“八十年代早期”的补充说明。D选项long before“早在”最符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A选项before long“不久;很快”,如果填入这个短语的话,句子的重点就是“斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题”这件事,而本段的核心是在介绍木材行业转型导致就业减少,“斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题”这件事出现在本段中很突兀,不符合原文语境;B选项long since“很久以前”,后接的从句应该使用现在完成时,而原文使用的是一般过去时;C选项as long as“只要;和一样长”,不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】自80年代早期起早在斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题前54. 【选项释义】A. of which 其中 B. who 谁C. in which在里 D. which 哪一个【考查点】定语从句的关系词【解题思路】原句是一个非限制性定语从句,空格处为关系词,在从句中充当主语;该从句修饰的是前面整个句子,即“自80年代早期起早在斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题前,太平洋西北地区的木材工业一直在经历转型”,且原文中并不缺少介词,这种情况下,关系词应使用D选项which。(当先行词为前面句子的全部意思后部分意思时,应使用which引导的非限制性定语从句。)【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合语法规范。【句意】自80年代早期起早在斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题前,太平洋西北地区的木材工业一直在经历转型,这导致了就业_55_的稳步下降。55. 【选项释义】A. levels 水平; B. standards 标准;可接受的水平C. layers 层;层次 D. criteria (判断的)标准【考查点】语义衔接与名词辨析【解题思路】由54题可知,该句句意为“自80年代早期起早在斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题前,太平洋西北地区的木材工业一直在经历转型,这导致了就业_的稳步下降。”根据前后因果关系推断,应该是斑点猫头鹰的问题导致了该行业就业率的下降,而不是就业标准的下降(就业标准一般是上升,就算要下降也不会是这个原因。),A选项levels“水平”符合语义,employment levels“就业水平”,即雇员总体受雇的水平状态,一般用雇用率表示(某一时期内的就业总人数占该时期就业总人数的百分数)。另外,本段最后一句提到“超过26000个与木材相关的工作(over 26,000 timber-related jobs)”,由此可知,该段讲的应该是就业水平,而非就业标准。【干扰项排除】B选项standards“标准”,侧重于指可接受的水平,不符合语义逻辑;C选项layers“层;层次”,一般不与employment搭配,不符合语义逻辑;D选项criteria“(判断的)标准”,不符合语义逻辑。【句意】自80年代早期起早在斑点猫头鹰成为一个问题前,太平洋西北地区的木材工业一直在经历转型,这导致了就业水平稳步下降。56. 【选项释义】A. directions 方向;指向 B. dimensions 方面;维度C. regions 地区 D. zones 区域【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】空格部分的意思为“美国的其他_”,空格后接的内容为“美国”


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