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2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Several loudspeakers are()from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.问题1选项A.connectedB.sustainedC.associatedD.suspended【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项connect“有联系的”。B选项sustain “持续的”。C选项associate“联合的”。D选项suspend“悬浮的,暂停”。句意:天花板上有几个扩音器,我们可以很清楚地听到扩音器的声音。扩音器是悬挂在天花板上的,因此D选项符合题意。2. 单选题If you saw a doctor leaving a house, you might ()that someone in the house was ill.问题1选项A.induceB.deduceC.reduceD.refer【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项induce“诱导;引起;引诱”;B选项deduce“推论;演绎出”;C选项reduce“减少;降低”;D选项refer“涉及;委托;参考”。句意:如果你看到一个医生离开一所房子,你可能会房子里有人生病了。“医生”和“有人生病”之间存在推论,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题The magician picked()several from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.问题1选项A.by accidentB.on occasionC.at randomD.on average【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。by accident“偶然,意外地”;on occasion“有时,偶尔”;at random“随便地,随机地,任意地”;on average“平均,普通”。魔术师应该是随机地挑选几位观众来帮助他完成表演。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题Humans are uniquely smart among all the other species on the planet. We are capable of outstanding feats of technology and engineering. Then why are we so prone to making mistakes? And why do we tend to make the same ones time and time again? When Primate Psychologist Laurie Santos form the Comparative Cognition Lab at Yale University posed this question to her team, they were thinking in particular of the errors of judgment which led to the recent collapse of the financial markets. Santos came to two possible answers to this question. Either humans have designed environments which are too complex for us to folly understand, or we are biologically prone to making bad decisions.In order to test these theories, the team selected a group of Brown Capuchin monkeys. Monkeys were selected for the test because, as distant relatives of humans, they are intelligent and have the capacity to learn. However, they are not influenced by any of the technological or cultural environments which affect human decision-making. The team wanted to test whether the Capuchin monkeys, when put into similar situations as humans, would make the same mistakes.Of particular interest to the scientists was whether monkeys would make the same mistakes when making financial decisions. In order to find out, they had to introduce the moneys to money. The monkeys soon cottoned on, and as well as learning simple exchange techniques, were soon able to distinguish “bargains”-If one teammember offered two grapes in exchange for a metal disc and another team-member offered one grape, the monkeys chose the two-grape option .Interestingly, when the date about the monkeys purchasing strategies was compared with economists data on human behaviour, there was as perfect match.So, after establishing that the monkey market was operating effectively, the team decided to introduce some problems which humans generally get wrong. One of these issues is risk-taking. Imagine that someone gave you $ 1000. In addition to this $ 1000, you can receive either A) an additional $ 500 or B) someone tosses a coin and if it lands heads you receive an additional $ 1000, but if it lands tails you receive no more money. Of these options, most people tend to choose option A. They prefer guaranteed earnings, rather than running the risk of receiving nothing. Now imagine a second situation in which you are given $ 2000. Now,you can choose to either A) lose $ 500, leaving you with a total of $1500, or B) toss a coin; if it land heads you lose nothing , but if it lands tails you lose $ 1000, leaving you with only $ 1000. Interestingly, when we stand to lose money, we tend to choose the more risky choice, option B. And as we know from the experience of financial investors and gamblers, it is unwise to take risks when we are on a losing streak.So would the monkeys make the same basic error of judgment? The team put them to the test by giving them similar options. In the first test, monkeys had the option of exchanging their disc for one grape and receiving one bonus grape, or exchanging the grape for one grape and sometimes receiving two bonus grapes and sometimes receiving no bonus. It turned out that monkeys, like human, chose the less risky option in times of plenty. Then the experiment was reversed. Monkeys were offered there grapes, but in option A were only actually given two grapes. In option B, they had a fifty-fifty chance of receiving all three grapes or one grape only. The results were that monkeys, like humans, take more risks in times of loss.The implications of this experiment are that because monkeys make the same irrational judgements that humans do, maybe human error is not a result of the complexity of our financial institutions, but is imbedded in our evolutionary history. It this is the case, our errors of judgement will be very difficult to overcome. On a more optimistic note however, humans are fully capable of overcoming limitations once we have identified them. By recognising them, we can design technologies which will help us to make better choices in future.1. What was the aim of the experiment outlined above?2. Which of the following statements is the best paraphrase of the highlighted sentence? On a more optimistic note however, humans are fully capable of overcoming limitations once we have identified them.3. The words “cottoned on “ are closest in meaning to().4. Which paragraph addresses why moneys were chosen for the experiment?5. What can be inferred about Laurie Santos?问题1选项A.To investigate whether monkeys could learn to use moneyB.To investigate where human mistakes come fromC.To find out whether it is better to take risks in times of lossD.To determine whether monkeys make more mistakes than humans问题2选项A.Hopefully, humans will soon be able to solve these problems.B.Fortunately, humans can solve problems that we know aboutC.Luckily, humans do not have many limitations which have been identifiedD.We are happy to note that we can solve the problem which we have identified.问题3选项A.learntB.knewC.completedD.concluded问题4选项A.Paragraph 2B.Paragraph 3C.Paragraph 4D.Paragraph 5问题5选项A.She thinks that both humans and monkeys are greedyB.Her job frequently involves working with monkeysC.She believes that humans should never take risks.D.She prefers monkeys to humans.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.细节题。由题干关键词定位到文章第一、二段.“hen why are we so prone to making mistakes? And why do we tend to make the same ones time and time again?” 为什么我们如此容易犯错误?为什么我们会一次又一次地犯同样的错误? “Either humans have designed environments which are too complex for us to fully understand, or we are biologically prone to making bad decisions”,要么是人类设计的环境过于复杂以至于我们无法完全理解,要么是我们在生理上容易做出错误的决定。第二段“In order to test these theories, the team selected a group of Brown Capuchin monkeys”,为了验证这些理论,研究小组选择了一组棕色卷尾猴来做实验。由此可知,选项A“为了研究猴子是否能学会用钱”,选项C“为了弄清楚在有损失的时候冒险是否更好”,选项D“为了确定猴子是否比人类犯更多的错误”均与文章不符,因此B选项正确。2.推理判断题。由题干关键词定位到文章最后一段.“On a more optimistic note however, humans are fully capable of overcoming limitations once we have identified them”,然而,从更乐观的角度来看,一旦我们确定了局限性,人类就完全有能力克服它们。由此可知,选项A“希望人类不久就能解决这些问题”,选项B“幸运的是,人类能够解决我们所知道的问题”,选项D“我们很高兴地注意到,我们可以解决我们所确定的问题”均与文章不符,因此C选项正确。3.推理判断题。由题干关键词定位到文章最后三段.“The monkeys soon cottoned on, and as well as learning simple exchange techniques”,猴子们很快就适应了,并且也学会了简单的交流技巧。由此可知,选项B“了解,知道”,选项C“完成”,选项D“包含”都与题干不符,因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词定位到文章第二段.“Monkeys were selected for the test because, as distant relatives of humans, they are intelligent and have the capacity to learn”,猴子被选为测试对象,因为它们是人类的远亲,他们是聪明的,并且有学习的能力。由此可知,题干所表述的“哪一段提到为什么选择猴子进行实验?”应为第二段,因此A选项正确。5.推理判断题。由题干关键词可知,这题需要对整篇文章进行分析总结。文章讲述为了查出人类为什么易于犯错,以及易于犯同样错误的原因,研究团队找来了一群猴子做实验,而实验的结果表明,猴子也会做出与人类同样的选择,并且在做选择时受到一定外部条件的限制。由此可知,选项A“她认为人类和猴子都是贪婪的”,选项B“她的工作经常与猴子打交道”,选项D“与人类相比,她更喜欢猴子”文章均未提及,因此C选项正确。5. 单选题They are well () with each other since they once studied at the same university.问题1选项A.identifiedB.recognizedC.acquaintedD.acknowledged【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。be identified with表示“支持;与有密切相关”;recognize表示“承认,认可”,常与as构成固定搭配be recognized as表示“被认为,被当作”,有时也与with构成搭配 be recognized with表示“被识别出,被承认”;be acquainted with表示“了解;知晓(某事);熟悉”,be acknowledged with表示“被承认,被认可”。根据句意可知,因为他们曾经在同所大学中学习过,所以彼此很熟悉。此时since引导原因状语从句,因此,只有C项最符合固定搭配以及句意,故本题正确答案为C选项。6. 单选题It was found that job applicants who make more eye contact are()as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible.问题1选项A.acknowledgingB.affordingC.allowing forD.accounting for【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。acknowledge表示“承认,答谢”; afford表示“提供,供应得起”;allow for“考虑到;顾及”; account for“对负有责任”。句意:那些有更多眼神接触的求职被认为是更清醒、可靠、自信和负责任的。7. 单选题All the slaves in USA were() after the civil war.问题1选项A.arrestedB.abandonedC.manumittedD.magnified【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项arrest“逮捕;(司法机关)扣留(船只)”;B选项abandon“ 遗弃;离开”;C选项manumit“解放;释放”;D选项magnify“放大;赞美”。句意:美国内战结束后,所有奴隶都被释放。因此C符合题意。8. 单选题Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his()to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.问题1选项A.impressionB.reactionC.comprehensionD.sentiment【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项reaction“反应”。B选项impression“印象,感想”。C选项comprehension“理解,包含”。D选项 sentiment“感情,情绪”。句意:有时,学生可能会被要求写他对某本书或文章的反应,这与正在研究的主题有一些关系。impression和 comprehension通常于of连用,reaction to sth.表示 “(对情况、行动、影响 等做出的)反应,回应”。因此B选项符合题意。9. 单选题My supply of confidence slowly()as the deadline approached.问题1选项A.abolishedB.eliminatedC.diminishedD.exterminated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。abolish “废除”;eliminate “消除,排除”;diminish “减少,缩小”; exterminate “消除;根除”。主语是confidence “信心”,与之搭配的动词是diminish,因此选项C符合题意。10. 单选题My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk()far.问题1选项A./B.suchC.thatD.as【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。本句中的that就相当于so,意为“如此”, 修饰副词far。选项C符合题意。such后面要接名词或者名词短语。as的语义不符。11. 单选题In 2008 there were fears that we might enter another economic()as bad as the 1930s.问题1选项A.dropB.recessionC.decreaseD.slump【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。drop“水滴”;recession“衰退,不景气”;decrease“减少,降低”;slump“(价格,数量等)骤降”。句意:2008年的时候,有人担心我们可能会进入与上世纪30年代一样严重的又一次的经济衰退。选项B更符合语境。12. 单选题It is impossible for us to()such a difficult task within the limited time.问题1选项A.fuelB.frownC.fulfillD.frost【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项fuel “供以燃料,推动”。B选项frown “皱眉,不同意”。C选项fulfill “履行, 完成”。D选项frost “结霜,冻坏”。句意:我们不可能在有限的时间内完成如此艰巨的任务。因此C选项符合题意。13. 单选题It was found that job applicants who make more eye contact are ()as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible.问题1选项A.referredB.perceivedC.recommendedD.presumed【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。refer “参考,涉及;perceive “理解,认知”; recommend “推荐,介绍”;presume “假定,推测”。句意:研究发现,那些有更多眼神交流的求职者会给人更机警、可靠、自信、负责的印象。选项B符合题意。14. 翻译题As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?Imagine that two people are carving a six-foot slab of wood at the same time. One is using a hand-chisel, the other, a chainsaw. If you are interested in the future of that slab, whom would you watch?This chainsaw/chisel logic has led some to suggest that technological evolution is more important to humanitys near future than biological evolution, nowadays, it is not the biological chisel but the technological chainsaw that is most quickly redefining what it means to be human The devices we use change the way we live much faster than any contest among genes,Were the block of wood,even if, as I wrote in January, sometimes we dont even fully notice that were changing.1. Assuming that we really are evolving as we wear or inhabit more technological prosthetics-like ever-smarter phones, helpful glasses, and brainy carsheres the big question: Will that type of evolution take us in desirable directions, as we usually assume biological evolution does?Some, like the Wired founder Kevin Kelly, believe that the answer is a resounding “yes”. In his book “What Technology Wants”. Kelly writes: 2. “Technology wants what life wants; Increasing efficiency; Increasing opportunity; Increasing emergence; Increasing complexity; Increasing diversity; Increasing specialization; Increasing ubiquity; Increasing freedom: Increasing mutualism: Increasing beauty: Increasing sentience: Increasing structure increasing evolvability.”We can test the “Increasing” theory by taking a quick trip up north, to an isolated area south of the Hudson Bay. Here live the Oji-Cree, a people, numbering about thirty thousand, who inhabit a cold and desolate land roughly the size of Germany. For much of the twentieth century, the Oji-Cree lived at a technological level that can be described as relatively simple. As nomads, they lived in tents during the summer, and in cabins during the winter. Snowshoes, dog sleds, and canoes were the main modes of transportation, used to track and kill fish, rabbits, and moose for food. A doctor who worked with the Oji-Cree in the nineteen-forties has noted the absence of mental breakdowns or substance abuse within the population observing that “the people lived a rugged, rigorous life with plenty of exercise.” the Oji-Cree invariably impressed foreigners with their vigor and strength. Another visitor,in the nineteen-fifties, wrote of their “ingenuity, courage, and self-sacrifice,” nothing that, in the North, “only those prepared to face hardship and make sacrifices could survive.”The Oji-Cree have been in contact with European settlers for centuries, but it was only in the nineteen-sixties, when trucks began making the trip north, that newer technologies like the internal combustion engine and electricity really began to reach the areas. The Oji-Cree eagerly embraced these new tools. In our lingo, we might say that they went through a rapid evolution, advancing through hundreds of years of technology in just a few decades.The good news is that, nowadays, the Oji-Cree no longer face the threat of winter starvation, which regularly killed people in earlier times. They can more easily import and store the food they need, and they enjoy pleasures like sweets and alcohol. Life has become more comfortable. The constant labor of canoeing or snowshoeing has been eliminated by outboard engines and snowmobiles. Television made it north in the nineteen-eighties, and has proved enormously popular.But, in the main, the Oji-Cree story is not a happy one. 3. Since the arrival of new technologies, the population has suffered a massive increase in morbid obesity,heart disease,and Type 2 diabetes. Social problems are rampant; idleness, alcoholism,drug addiction, and suicide have reached some of the highest levels on earth. Diabetes, in particular, has become so common (affecting forty per cent of the population) that researcher think that many children,after exposure in the womb, are born with an increased predisposition to the disease. Childhood obesity is widespread, and ten-year-olds sometimes appear middle-aged. Recently, the Chief of a small Oji-Cree community estimated that half of his adult population was addicted to OxyContin or other painkiller.Technology is not the only cause of these changes, but scientists have made clear that it is a driving factor. In previous times, the Oji-Cree lifestyle required daily workouts that rivaled those of a professional athlete. “In the early 20th century,” writes one researcher, walking up to 100 km/day was not uncommon.” But those days are over, replaced by modem comforts. Despite the introduction of modem medicine, the health outcomes of the Oji-Cree have declined in ways that will not be easy to reverse. The Oji-Cree are literally being killed by technological advances.The Oji-Cree are an unusual case. It can take a society time to adjust to new technologies, and the group has also suffered other traumas, like colonization and the destruction of cultural continuity. Nonetheless, the story offers an important warning for the human race. The problem with technological evolution is that it is under our control and, unfortunately, we dont always make the best decisions.4.This is also the principal difference between technological and biological evolution, Biological evolution is driven by survival of th fittest, as adaptive traits are those that make the survival and reproduction of a population more likely. It isnt perfect, but at least,in a rough way, it favors organisms who are adapted to their environments.Technological evolution has a different motive force. It is self-evolution, and it is therefore driven by what we want as opposed to what is adaptive. In a market economy, it is even more complex: for most of us, our technological identities are determined by what companies decide to sell based on what they believe we, as consumers, will pay for. As a species, we often arent much different from the Oji-Cree. Comfort-seeking missiles, we spend the most to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. When it comes to technologies, we mainly want to make things easy. Not to be bored. Oh, and maybe to look a bit younger.Our will-to-comfort, combined with our technological powers, creates a stark possibility. If were not careful, our technological evolution will take us toward not a singularity but a sofalarity. Thats a future defined not by an evolution toward superintelligence but by the absence of discomforts.The sofalarity (pictured memorably in the film “Wall-E” is not inevitable either. But the prospect of it makes clear that, as a species, we need mechanism to keep humanity no track. 5. The technology industry, which does so much to define us, has a duty to cater to our more complete selves rather than just our narrow interests. It has both the opportunity and the means to reach for something higher. And, as consumers, we should remember that our collective demands drive our destiny as a species, and define the post human condition.【答案】1.假设当我们用更多的科技手段比如越来越智能的手机,方便的眼镜和智能汽车来弥补自身不足时,我们确实也在进化,一个重大问题就出现了:这样的进化能否像生物进化那样,把我们带向更加美好的未来?2.科技想要的就是生活想要的:增进效率、机会、新事物,增强复杂性、增进多元化、增强专业度、增进普遍化、增强自由度、增强协作、增添美丽、 增强感官能力、增强条理性、增强人的进步能力。3.自新技术出现以后,这里的人们就饱受肥胖症、心脏病和第二型糖尿病的折磨。社会问题也蔓延猖獗:失业率、嗜酒率、吸毒率以及自杀率飙升,有些甚至达到了世界最高水平。糖尿病变得尤其普遍(影响着40%的人口),研究者们认为许多儿童由于在子宫中就受到影响,生来就有的更严重的糖尿病倾向。4.这也是技术与生物进化的主要区别,生物进化是以优胜劣汰为驱动力的,因为适应性特征使生物种群生存和繁殖的可能性更大,它不是完美的,但至少在以一个大致的方式进行,它对适应环境的生物是有利的。5.科技产业对我们来说非常重要,它有责任来满足我们真正的自我,而非我们狭隘的嗜好。科技产业有机会也有能力取得更高的成就。另外,作为消费者的我们也应该牢记,我们的共同需求推动着我们作为人类物种的命运,决定着新一代人类的未来。15. 单选题The teams effort to score was()by the opposing goalkeeper.问题1选项A.frustratedB.preventedC.discouragedD.accomplished【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项frustrate表示“挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心”,B选项prevent表示“预防;防止;阻止”,C选项discourage表示“阻止;使气馁;使沮丧”,D选项accomplish表示“完成;实现;达到(目的)”。由句意可知,该队想要进球的努力被对方的守门员挫败了。frustrate与effort搭配,表示“挫败的努力”。因此,本题正确答案为A选项。16. 单选题When the American psychologist Wayne Oates died in 1999, the New York Times began his obituary by noting two facts. First, the man had authored an astonishing 57 books. Second -and presumably not coincidentally- he had coined the word workaholic. Oates invented the new-ubiquitous term in a 1968 essay, in which he confessed that his own addition to industriousness had been a disorder similar to substance abuse. Of course, he acknowledged, workaholism is much more respectable than drinking a fifth a day-more the sort of personality trait that might help someone, say, earn an obit in the paper record.What precisely, qualifies someone as a workaholic? Theres still no single accepted medical definition. But psychologists have tried to distinguish people merely devoted to their careers from the true addicts. A seminal 1992 paper on how to measure the condition argued that sufferers work not only compulsively but also with


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