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2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Sony is said _ to Apple right now about supplying multiple-sensor cameras for new iPhones.问题1选项A.have talkedB.having been talkingC.to talkD.to be talking【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:据说索尼正在和苹果公司商谈向新的苹果设备提供复式传感器相机。be said的固定搭配是后面接不定式,所以排除A,B选项;从关键词right now可知谈话正在进行,或者即将发生,所以需要用不定式的进行式,所以答案选D。2. 单选题Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery _ just around the corner was untrue.问题1选项A.would beB.to beC.wasD.being【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:任何人只要清楚失业人数就知道关于经济即将恢复的断言是不真实的。分析句子成分主句是anyone knew .,that引导宾语从句;从句的结构是assertion was untrue,about后面的成分用来解释说明assertion。因为about后面没有从句连接词,所以我们要用非谓语形式,否则会造成一个从句里面没有连接词却有两个谓语,这样不符合语法,因而A,C错误;关键词around the corner“即将来临”,我们要选现在分词,表即将到来的事情。不定式表将要到的事情,但“将来”什么时候来并不清楚。3. 单选题Apple Computer has unveiled its new desktop computer design, _ all disk drives and processors into a flat display less than two inches thick.问题1选项A.enclosingB.which containsC.includingD.which integrates【答案】D【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。A选项“围住,附上”;B选项“这些包括”;C选项“包括”;D选项“这些把合并在了一起”。句意:苹果公司公开了新款笔记本电脑的设计,()所有硬盘驱动器和处理器到一个少于两英寸厚的平板显示器中。空格后面有个关键介词into,能够和into搭配的只有integrates,所以答案选D。4. 单选题However, growth in the fabricated metals industry was able to _ some of the decline in the iron and steel industry.问题1选项A.overturnB.overtakeC.offsetD.oppress【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“推翻”;B选项“超过”;C选项“抵消,弥补”;D选项“压迫”。句意:然而金属制品工业能够()钢铁工业的衰退。由于金属制成品产业和钢铁工业不存在竞争关系,甚至会存在某种互补关系,所以A,B,D排除,答案选C。5. 单选题Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very( )person.问题1选项A.sensibleB.sensitiveC.toughD.reasonable【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sensible“明智的,合乎情理的”; B选项sensitive“敏感的,易受影响的”;C选项tough“坚强的,强壮的”;D选项reasonable“合理的”。句意:不要说任何伤害她的话。她是非常()的人。根据前面一句,不要说任何伤害她的话,所以可以推测“她”可能会比较敏感,所以答案选B。6. 不定项选择题Following a healthy meal plan is an essential way to get more _1_. Whatever plan you choose, be _2_ to include a variety of _3_ foods and avoid skipping meals. You wouldnt expect to get the _4_ performance out of your car if you filled _5_ with low grade fuel, or if you didnt put any fuel in it at all. _6_ your body at least _7_ you treat your car.And, speaking of eating, be particularly careful about _8_ foods you choose to snack on during the day. When you start to feel tired, your first _9_ might be to head to the nearest vending machine _10_ a bag of chips or a candy bar. _11_ these foods may give you a quick fix of energy, they will soon _12_ you feeling more tired than you were before. Limit your intake of _13_ snacks, or eliminate them from your diet altogether. _14_ wasting your change on vending machine food, _15_ pack some healthy snacks _16_ apple slices or carrot sticks?As for beverages, there are healthier _17_ to coffee, sugary soda and the highly-caffeinated “energy” drinks. Next time you have the urge to pour yourself yet _18_ mug of coffee, try some green tea instead (_19_ has less caffeine). And, if you are looking for any added boost, you might consider _20_ one of the healthier varieties of “energy drinks” on the market.问题1选项A.energyB.rightC.strengthD.power问题2选项A.patientB.certainC.carefulD.sure问题3选项A.necessaryB.healthyC.specificD.available问题4选项A.hopefulB.mostC.maximumD.essential问题5选项A.oneB.upC.outD.it问题6选项A.TreatB.FaceC.Build upD.Cope with问题7选项A.as nice asB.as far asC.as well asD.as good as问题8选项A.thatB.whatC.anyD.whichever问题9选项A.methodB.instinctC.conclusionD.suggestion问题10选项A.inB.overC.forD.about问题11选项A.AsB.SinceC.AndD.Though问题12选项A.leaveB.takeC.allowD.give问题13选项A.processingB.processedC.preparingD.prepared问题14选项A.Other thanB.Except forC.In view ofD.Instead of问题15选项A.how toB.maybeC.why notD.do not问题16选项A.likeB.forC.toD.as问题17选项A.onesB.categoriesC.alternativesD.options问题18选项A.one anotherB.anotherC.otherD.any other问题19选项A.whichB.itC.oneD.that问题20选项A.to tryB.tryC.triedD.trying【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D第6题:A第7题:C第8题:C第9题:B第10题:C第11题:D第12题:A第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C第16题:A第17题:C第18题:B第19题:A第20题:D【解析】第1题:考查名词辨析。A选项“精力,活力”;B选项“左边,权利,正确”;C选项“加强”;D选项“动力”。句意:跟着一个健康的进食计划是获取更多()的关键。根据第二段第三行give you a quick fix of energy,我们可知这题选A。第2题:考查形容词辨析。A选项“耐心的”;B选项“清楚”;C选项“小心的”;D选项“确信的”。句意:无论你选什么样的计划,你都得()。根据句意,这里排除A,C;空格后面有介词to,certain to表“肯定,绝对”。She looks certain to win an Oscar.(她绝对会得奥斯卡),而sure to表“务必,确保”。Be sure to give your family my regards.(务必代我向你的家人问好)。所以这里答案应该选D。第3题:考查上下文文意。A选项“必要的”;B选项“健康的”;C选项“仔细的”;D选项“可供选择的”。从第一句话Following a healthy meal plan里面的关键词healthy,我们可以推断这里选B。第4题:考查上下文文意。A选项“有希望的”;B选项“大部分的”;C选项“最大化的”;D选项“必要的”。句意:你不会预期装劣质油却要求你的车开出()状态。根据关键词performance“性能”,结合选项只有B能与其搭配,所以答案选B。第5题:考查固定搭配。句意:你不会预期车子加劣质油却要求你的车开出最佳状态。根据句意应该填与fill能够搭配的词或者直接填名词或代词作宾语,所以可以排除A。fill out“填写,变大”代入句中不合逻辑,排除C选项;fill up with“加满”貌似符合题意,但是从句主语是you指的是人,人不可以装满油,应该是车子装满油,所以排除B选项;答案应该选D,用it指代车子作fill的宾语。第6题:考查上下文文意。A选项“对待”;B选项“面对”;C选项“增进,加强”;D选项“处理”。句意:至少()你的身体要像对待你的车()。根据这句的关键词treat,可知空格处也应该填treat。B,C,D选项代入句中也不符合逻辑。第7题:考查词组辨析。A选项“和一样好”;B选项“至于,和一样远”;C选项“和一样,以及”;D选项“几乎一样”。句意:至少对待你的身体()对待你的车子。根据句意这里应该填C。我们不能断言所有人都很爱惜自己的车子,所以不能选A。第8题:考查从句连接词。句意:谈到吃的,特别要关注这些你在白天当零食的()食物。根据句子分析snack在句子中作be careful about的宾语,snack后面接定语从句因为先行词在food后面作宾语所以省略了that,所以food前面不接从句连接词,否则会造成从句没有谓语,所以我们选C。第9题:考查名词辨析。A选项“方式,途径”;B选项“本能,直觉”;C选项“结论”;D选项“建议”。句意:当你饿了,你的第一()肯定是找离你最近的售卖机。根据句意,答案选B,其他选项不符合逻辑。第10题:考查介词辨析。A选项“在里面”;B选项“在之上”;C选项“为了”;D选项“关于”。句意:当你饿了,你的第一反应肯定是找离你最近的售卖机()一包薯片或者一根糖。根据生活逻辑,找贩卖机和一包零食之间存在目的关系的,所以答案选C。第11题:考查上下文文意。A选项“因为”;B选项“自从,因为”;C选项“以及”;D选项“尽管”。根据这句的quick fix以及后面的more tired可知,这里存在着一个转折关系,而选项中表转折的词只有Though,所以答案选D。第12题:考查动词词义辨析。A选项“让处于某种状态,离开”;B选项“拿走”;C选项“要求”;D选项“给”。句意:它们会让你很快()觉得自己比以前更累了。根据句意,这里选择A选项。糖果一段时间后会让你感觉自己处在一种比以前更累的状态。第13题:考查上下文语义。句意:限制自己()食物的摄入。这句话是一个祈使句,去掉括号的选项也不缺主要成分,所以括号内应该填一个形容词来修饰食物。根据句意C,D选项可以排除。由专有名词“加工食物”processed food,可以推断这里答案选B。第14题:考查词组辨析。A选项“除了”;B选项“除了之外”;C选项“鉴于”;D选项“代替,而不是”。句意:()浪费你的钱在售卖机的食物上。把选项代入句中,可以排除C,D选项。根据关键词wasting以及后面的healthy snacks,我们可知这里作者对买售卖机里面的零食是不赞同的,而且是建议用有益健康的零食来替代加工食品,所以答案选A。B选项虽然和A选项意思相近但是它有暗含,除了做这件事好/不好,做其他另外的事也好/不好,所以这里答案不能选B。第15题:考查上下文语义。A选项“怎么做”;B选项“也许”;C选项“为什么不”;D选项“没有”。句意:()打包一些健康的零食?。该选项的关键是该句中末尾的问号,问号构成反问句,所以我们这题符合逻辑的是答案C。第16题:考查上下文语义。A选项“喜欢,例如”;B选项:“为了”;C选项:“朝着”;D选项“如同像什么一样”。句意:为什么不打包一些健康的零食()苹果片或者萝卜棒?苹果片和萝卜棒是两种健康零食,所以文章中这里是在举例子,答案选A;如果要用as举例子的话需要和such连用。第17题:考查固定搭配。A选项“一个”;B选项“种类”;C选项“替代品”;D选项“选择”。句意:至于饮料,这里有比咖啡、含糖苏打水和高咖啡因的“能量”饮料更健康的()。根据句子的关键词to,所以这里选C。第18题:考查上下文。句意:下一次你迫切需要使自己清醒()杯咖啡。这里结合选项,需要填的词义是“另一杯”;yet another是固定搭配,所以答案选B。如果这里作转折连词选择其他选项,又会造成后面一句话只有主语没有谓语。第19题:考查从句引导词。句意:()所含的咖啡因更少。答案选A,括号里的内容相当于一个非限制性定语从句,所以只能用which引导。如果当成定语从句选that的话应该把括号内的内容放在instead的前面。选B选项应该把it大写I。第20题:考查非谓语形式。句意:你可以()在市场上多种多样的“功能饮料”。根据句中关键词consider可以排除B,C,选B选项会造成句子两个谓语,consider后面不可以接过去分词;consider to“认为”;consider doing sth“考虑做某事”。这里根据句意我们选择D。7. 不定项选择题When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, its amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas. We may despise them because they mistook these goings on for entertainment. We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2000 years ago and obviously knew no better. But are our feelings of superiority really justified? Are we any less blood-thirsty? Why do boxing matches, for instance, attract such universal interest? Dont the spectators who attend them hope they will see some violence? Human beings remain as blood-thirsty as ever they were. The only difference between ourselves and the Romans is that while they were honest enough to admit that they enjoyed watching hungry lions tearing people apart and eating them alive, we find all sorts of sophisticated arguments to defend sports which should have been banned long ago: spots which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings or bear-baiting.It really is incredible that in this day and age we should still allow hunting or bull-fighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men battle each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames. Let us not deceive ourselves. Any talk of the sporting spirit is sheer hypocrisy. People take part in violent sport because of the high rewards they bring. Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence. A world heavyweight championship match, for instance, is front page news. Millions of people are disappointed if a big fight is over in two rounds instead of fifteen rounds. They feel disappointed because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.Why should we ban violent sports if people enjoy them so much? You may well ask. The answer is simple: they are uncivilized. For centuries man has been trying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally admittedly with little success. But at least we no longer tolerate the sight of madmen cooped up in cages, or public floggings or any of the countless other barbaric practices which were common in the past. Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly. These changes have come about not because human beings have suddenly and unaccountably improved, but because positive steps were taken to change the law. The law is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence. If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.1. It can be inferred from the passage that the authors opinion of nowadays human beings is_.2. The main idea of this passage is_.3. That the author mentions the old Romans is_ .4. How many dangerous sports does the author mention in this passage?5. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is_ .问题1选项A.not very highB.highC.contemptuousD.critical问题2选项A.vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by lawB.people are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violenceC.to compare two different attitudes towards dangerous sportsD.people are blood-thirsty in sports问题3选项A.to compare the old Romans with todays peopleB.to give an exampleC.to show human beings in the past know nothing betterD.to indicate human beings are used to blood-thirsty问题4选项A.ThreeB.FiveC.SixD.Seven问题5选项A.that, by banning the violent sports, we human beings can improve ourselvesB.that, by banning the violent sports, we can improve lawC.that we must take positive steps to improve social welfare systemD.to show the law is the main instrument of social change【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:观点态度题。第一步,精准定位,定位到关键句第一段第五句Are we any less blood-thirsty? Human beings remain as blood-thirsty as ever they were.以及第二段第三句Any talk of the sporting spirit is sheer hypocrisy.(任何有关“体育精神”的说法都是彻头彻尾的伪善)。第二段最后一句They feel disappointed because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.(他们感到失望,因为他们被剥夺了目睹长期折磨和暴力的美妙乐趣),第二步,概括理解,从这里可以看出作者对现在人类的看法也觉得他们不高尚,不然不会有这么多人喜欢看这种暴力游戏,选A选项“不是很高尚”;B选项“高尚”,属于反向干扰;C选项“蔑视的”,定位到We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas.(他们可能会轻蔑地谈论可怜的古罗马人,因为他们享受着在竞技场上进行的杀戮狂欢),这个是现代人对古罗马人的观点,不是作者对现代人的观点,属于张冠李戴;D选项“批判的”,作者对人喜欢暴力这种行为是持批判态度的,不止包括现代人,D选项属于偷换概念。第2题:主旨大意题。第一步,分析文章的行文结构,全文是分总结构,整篇文章围绕着人类喜欢暴力运动这种行为展开的,第一段引入现代人和古罗马人对比,指出现代人仍然喜欢暴力,第二段对第一段进行进一步补充,第三段作者希望人类能够放弃这种暴力喜好,文章中心句也是在最后一段倒数二三句If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.(如果我们禁止危险和暴力的体育运动,我们将进一步改善人类。我们将认识到暴力是可耻的,不值得人类使用),由此可知答案选A选项“非法和危险的运动应该被法律禁止”;B选项“人们愿意花大量的钱去看暴力”,定位到第二段倒数第四句Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence.(观众愿意花大价钱看暴力),文章虽然有提及但是不是文章主旨,这里属于以偏概全;C选项“比较对危险运动的两种不同态度”,全文没有对比两种态度属于无中生有;D选项“人们在运动中是嗜血的”,定位到第一段第五句Are we any less blood-thirsty?(我们不那么嗜血了吗?),这句文章虽然有提及但不是文章主旨,所以不能选,这里属于以偏概全。第3题:推理判断题。第一步,寻找句内线索,定位到该段中心句第一段第一句When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, its amazing how little we have developed in other respects.(当你想到我们在技术上取得的巨大进步时,令人惊讶的是,我们在其他方面的发展微乎其微),第二步,寻找上下文线索,从这里可以看出作者的观点是人类除了在科技方面有进步其他方面都没有进步,然后引出罗马人的例子来解释作者为什么这么说,所以答案选A选项“将古罗马人和现代的人进行比较”;B选项“举个例子”,文章的重点是现代人仍然嗜血不是人类喜欢嗜血游戏,所以选项B错误,属于偷换概念;C选项“来表明过去的人类没有比这更好的了”,定位到第三段第四句话We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2000 years ago and obviously knew no better.(我们可以屈尊地原谅他们,因为他们生活在2000年前,显然不知道什么是更好的。),这里文章虽然提及,但与题干不相关,属于张冠李戴,所以不选;D选项“表明人类已经习惯了嗜血”是文章没有提及,属于无中生有。第4题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,第一段第六行boxing matches“拳赛”,第一段最后一句public hangings or bear-baiting“逗熊游戏”,第二段第一行hunting or bull-fighting,第二段第三行racing cars“赛车”,从这里可知答案选B;public hanging“公开绞刑”是一种刑罚不是娱乐活动,所以不能选C。第5题:主旨大意题。第一步,分析文章的行文结构,全文是分总结构,整篇文章围绕着人类喜欢暴力运动这种行为展开的,第一段引入现代人和古罗马人对比,指出现代人仍然喜欢暴力,第二段对第一段进行进一步补充,第三段作者希望人类能够放弃这种暴力喜好,文章中心句也是在最后一段倒数二三句If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.(如果我们禁止危险和暴力的体育运动,我们将进一步改善人类。我们将认识到暴力是可耻的,不值得人类使用),由此可知答案选A选项“通过禁止暴力运动,我们人类可以提高自己”;B选项“通过禁止暴力体育活动,我们可以完善法律”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;C选项“我们必须采取积极措施来改善社会福利制度”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“说明法律是社会变革的主要工具”。定位到文章最后一段倒数第三句话The law is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence.虽然文章有提及法律是社会变革的主要工具,但是作者提到这个是希望通过立法把这种暴力游戏禁止从而达到人类自我提升的目的,所以不选,这里属于出处错误。8. 单选题Long hours and unsociable shifts _ take their toll on health, relationships and family life.问题1选项A.mustB.canC.are able toD.should【答案】B【解析】考查情态动词辨析。A选项“必须”;B选项“可以”;C选项“可以,能够”;D选项“应该”。句意:长时间工作和缺乏社交的轮班制度()对他们的健康、人际关系和家庭生活造成损害。根据句意,句子应该填的是“可能”,所以把A,D选项排除。able表示对能力的描述,例如Are animals able to think?(动物会说话吗?);can表有对能力描述也可以表推测判断。两者对比后can比较符合题意,所以答案选B。9. 单选题A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers _ not to work at all.问题1选项A.should preferB.preferC.would preferD.preferred【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的用法。选项里面都有prefer,句意是:一项调查显示如果不是因为经济问题,多数母亲更愿意选择不工作。从if可以联想到条件句,后面接的是were,可知这是个虚拟的条件,否则be动词形式我们会选was或者is,因虚拟语气的主句谓语形式是would+原形或者would have done,所以B和D不能选,should的本意是“应该”,would的意思是“将会”,选would句意会更加贴切,所以我们应该选C。10. 不定项选择题Nuclear power supplies 5% of the worlds energy from more than 400 plants. But with the exception of France and Japan, the rich world has stopped ordering new reactors. A technology that was once deemed both clean and “too cheap to meter” has proved to the neither. The industrys chief hope now rests on the poor world. Western firms with reactors to sell will be flocking to Tokyo on October 8th for the World Energy Congress, a giant conference for the energy business. Asia, where electricity demand from developing countries is growing at 8% a year, will be on everyones lips. New reactors are planned in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Pakistan and India. It is good news for the reactor vendors; but these countries are making a mistake.The economic arguments for building new nuclear plants are flawed. The marginal costs of generating electricity from nuclear may be tiny, but as the technology now stands, huge and uncertain costs are involved in building the power stations, dealing with spent fuel, and decommissioning. Many western governments which sang nucleis praises now admit that gas and hydro power can produce cheaper electricity.The economics of nuclear power in the poor world could prove to the worse still. As in the rich world, fossil fuels such as gas and coal are invariably cheaper. In China the case for nuclear power may be a little stronger as domestic reserves of coalthough hugeare located far from some areas of growing electricity demand. But most developing countries are strapped for cash and need to increase electricity supply quickly to meet soaring demand. Nuclear plants fail on both counts: they are hugely capital-intensive, and can take as long as ten years to build.Those still charmed by nuclear power nowadays make three new arguments in its favor: that it is a defense against climate change, against another OPEC-administered oil shock, and against the inevitable exhaustion of fossil fuels. None bears close examination.1. Nuclear power has proved to be _.2. Nuclear reactors _.3. The author seems to suggest that _.4. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?5. Building nuclear plants may involve all of the following EXCEPT _.6. The advantages noted by those for nuclear power _.问题1选项A.indispensableB.expensiveC.economicalD.competitive问题2选项A.have ceased to go into operationB.are assumed to sell in AsiaC.keep the favor of the rich worldD.are rejected by France and Japan问题3选项A.building a nuclear power station will not take too much timeB.western countries refused to buy any nuclear reactorsC.nuclear reactors are in great demand in developing countriesD.nuclear power is costly to the rich world, let alone to the poor world问题4选项A.China will deny itself to the complete use of nuclear power.B.China is supposed to use nuclear power to a degree.C.The arguments in favor of building nuclear power are justifiable.D.Most developing countries are not pressed for either time or money.问题5选项A.labor intensivenessB.huge capital investmentC.long period of timeD.pollution问题6选项A.are utterly groundlessB.are approved unquestionableC.are fully testifiedD.are subject to examination【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:D【解析】第1题:事实细节题。由题干,我们可以定位到文章第一段第三句A technology that was once deemed both clean and “too cheap to meter” has proved to the neither.(这项曾经被认为清洁又便宜的技术,现在被证明两者都没有),A选项“不可替代的”,文章没有提及,而且不符合逻辑;B选项“昂贵”,以前觉得清洁又便宜,但是这种想法已经被推翻了,所以是既不清洁又很贵,答案选B;C选项“economical”(经济的)和cheap是同义词;D选项 “有竞争力的”,文章没有提及,所以排除。第2题:事实细节题。由题干,我们可以定位到第一段第二句 But with the exception of France and Japan, the rich world has stopped ordering new reactors.(但是除了法国和日本,发达国家已经停止订购新的反应堆。)由此可知反应堆仍然有人在用,而且法国和日本也没有拒绝使用反应堆,A选项“人们停止使用反应堆”和D选项“被日本和法国禁止使用”排除。第一段第四句The industrys chief hope now rests on the poor world.(现在这个行业的主要希望就是不发达国家了),以及第一段倒数第二、三句话Asia, where electricity demand from developing countries is growing at 8% a year, will be on everyones lips. New reactors are planned in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Pakistan and India.(在亚洲,发展中国家的电力需求以每年8%的速度增长,这将成为每个人谈论的话题。中国大陆、中国台湾、印尼、韩国、巴基斯坦和印度都计划建设新的核反应堆。),由此可见反应堆的销售者不会偏向地选择富裕国家,因为他们把希望寄托在了不发达国家。所以C选项“反应堆(销售者)仍然倾向于富裕国家”错误;而在发展中国家中打算建立核电站的都是亚洲国家,所以答案是B选项“都准备销往亚洲”。第3题:推理判断题,定位到第三段最后一句Nuclear plants fail on both counts: they are hugely capital-intensive, and can take as long as


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