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tpo33 口语答案 【篇一:托福口语 tpo33 模考真题 音频资料】xt 托福口语 tpo33 模考真题 +音频资料摘要: 准备考托福的同学都知道托福口语的重要性,除了作为单独一科外其他知识也会考察,因此在选择备考材料时必须要慎重,很多考生都会选择 tpo ,是因为 tpo 的难度和题型都无限接近真实考试,本文为大家分享的是托福口语 tpo33 模考真题。今天小编为大家推荐一份非常练习口语的资料就是 托福 口语tpo33 模考真题 +音频资料,小编已经将其分解成各个部分,非常的好用哦,我们一起来看看吧。tpo33 task1 question:a friend of yours wants to go to university next year but cannot decide on a major field of study. what advice would yougive your friend to help make this decision?解析: 1, try to find some part-time jobs related to the major hewants to apply2, ask college students for help3, ask parents for help4, search for information on the internet5, talk to the professors in this field范文: i would suggest my friend to ask some college students forhelp. i mean, theyre the ones who are already involved in thesemajors, and they should have some first-hand information, likewhat classes they need to take, whether theyre interesting ornot, and if this major is promising. when i graduated from highschool, i hesitated between computer science and electronicengineering. i ended up majoring in ee, and find myself hatethis major just because the classes i take are not the ones ithought i might be interested in. if i had the chance to asksome of the ee students before i entered college, im sure iwouldnt have this kind of issue.task2 question: do you think that eating healthy food is easier or moredifficult today than it was 40 or 50 years ago? use examplesand details to support your answer.解析:more difficult1) fast food is everywhere2) healthy food is usually more expensive nowadayseasier1) people have more access to buying healthy food2) more and more people are aware of eating the right way 范文: it s definitely more difficult. now that fast food is everywhere,i can t help myself from going into those restaurants thatserve fried chicken, burgers and pizza. when i don t know whatto eat for lunch, i would reach for mcdonald s next to myschool. i have to admit that they re really tasty, and i can nevergo wrong with a beef burger combo. however, in the past,there weren t this many choices. most people who earn aregular salary would cook at home, and it s usually healthier at least the food wouldn t be so greasy, and there would bemore vegetables rather than meat. so i think it is becomingmore difficult to eat healthy food right now.task3 reading part: bicycle borrowing programit s great that the university has aprogram where students can borrow bicycles from the gym.however, two changes would make the program moreconvenient. first, the borrowing period should be shortened to four hours maximum so that more bikes wouldbe available when students want to borrow them. second,currently, students who borrow bikes have to leave a cashdeposit, which is returned to them when they return the bikes,but i think students should be required to leave their studentidentification cards instead, so they don t have to remember tobring cash.sincerely,susan lee托福口语 是非常重要的,相信大家都知道,以上就是小编为大家整理的托福口语 tpo33 模考真题部分内容,大家可以根据本资料的提示进行自己的练习,希望对大家的备考有帮助。相关推荐 :托福口语下载托福口语 tpo26 【独立 +综合】真题文本托福口语 tpo24 【独立 +综合】真题文本相关字搜索: 托福口语 tpo33 模考真题,托福口语 tpo33【篇二:托福口语 tpo33 task3( 听力 解析 范文)-bicycleborrowing program_ 托福口语】xt 托福口语 tpo33 task3( 听力+解析+范文):bicycle borrowing program_ 托福口语重点单词 查看全部解释 understand .?nd?st?nd 想一想再看 vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 . 理解为,认为 proposal pr?p?uz?l 想一想再看 n. 求婚,提议,建议 联想记忆x 单词 proposal 联想记忆:pro 向前+pos 放+al 向前放 建议,提议 identification ai.dentifikei?n 想一想再看 n. 身份的证明,视为同一,证明同一,确认 联想记忆 x 单词 identification 联想记忆: iden 相同的事物识别;参: identical (adj 同一的;同样的) available ?veil?bl 想一想再看 adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的 联想记忆 x 单词 available 联想记忆:avail 效用。参: availability (n 可用性,实用性) sincerely sinsi?li 想一想再看 adv. 真诚地,真心地 certain s?:tn 想一想再看 adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron.convenient k?nvi:nj?nt 想一想再看 adj. 方便的,便利的inconvenient .ink?nvi:nj?nt 想一想再看 adj. 不方便的 conversation .k?nv?sei?n 想一想再看 n. 会话,谈话 联想记忆 x 单词 conversation 联想记忆:con 共同+vers 转 两个齿轮对着 一起转 谈话+ation 谈话【篇三:新托福 tpo 口语参考答案 tpo33 】 go to university next year but cannot decide on a major fieldof study. what advice would you give your friend to help makethis decision? my advice would be to follow your interests. there is a famoussaying that you are good at what you like and you like whatyou are good at. if my friend had an interest, i would suggesthe stick to it, even if it is not a practical field and it s not gohelp find any jobs. but, with interests, one tries hard andmakes the best of oneself effortlessly. for example, if a personis interested in history, this person won t feel bored readingponderous books. he or she may enjoy reading hard-to-understand materials or books of ancient while others may feelit is tiring and boring. 2. do you think that eating healthy food is easier or moredifficult today than it was 40 or 50 years ago? use examplesand details to support your answer. yeah, i think so. i think the first reason is that our pace of lifehas increased a lot. most people in the city don t have enoughtime cooking. they either eat in the restaurant or eat fast food.and most of the food there are prepared hastily or they areplain junk food. more importantly, unlike 40 or 50 years ago, the fruits and vegetables are mostlygrown in greenhouses with heavy use of chemicals. animalsare raised in factories with extremely bad environments. so thefood sources are unhealthy. even if we cook carefully, it s stillharder to eat healthy food. 3. the man expresses his opinion about the proposaldescribed in the letter. briefly summarize the proposal. thenstate his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasonshe gives for holding that opinion.the writer of the letter gives two suggestions. the first suggestion is to shorten the bicycle borrowing period so thatmore bikes will be available. the second suggestion is to leavestudent cards instead of cash when students borrow bicycles.but the man in the conversation does agree with the twosuggestions. first of all, he thinks that students borrowingbicycles usually need longer periods. for example, his friendand he borrow bicycles every weekend to go off-campus. theyoften go to the state park and it usually takes a whole day.secondly, he thinks that if students leave their cards whenborrowing bicycles, they won t be able to get into library or dining halls. this will create inconvenience. 4. explain the concept of carrying capacity using the exampleof themoth and ragwort. the greatest number of animals a habitat can support is calledcarrying capacity. carrying capacity is not fixed. it changesaccording to the environment. the professor uses therelationship of moth and ragwort to illustrate this concept.moth is a kind of insect that eats ragwort. ragwort is a plantthat grows in the field. normally, the number of moth in theragwort field is stable. but if there were a lot less rain in a year,ragwort wouldn t grow well. moth wouldn t survive and eventhose that survived lay fewer eggs. so the number of mothwould decrease. but if the rain went back to a normal level, theragwort would grow well. moth would have enough to eat andwould lay more eggs. and the number of moth would alsoincrease. 5. briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. then state which of the two solutions from theconversations you would recommend. explain the reason foryour recommendation. the man has promised the girl to take her place to worktonight. but he didn t know that he was going to ha ve a musicrehearsal at the same time. but the girl has already made herplan this evening. so this is the problem. there are two solutions. the man, bob, quits the musicrehearsal and goes to work as he promised. or, the girl cancelsher plan with her friends. i would recommend the man to workas he promised, because it s he who created the problem. if hehadnt promised the girl to take her place, she probablywouldn t have made her plan tonight. even if there are newsongs he hasnt practiced and tonight is the last practice, hehas to take full responsibility of the mess, which is made byhim.6. using the professor s example of the pizza restaurant, explain two advantages of and they ll go to your restaurant because they trust th e name and think they will definitely have good experience.


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