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2022年考博英语-东华大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题My husband ate a _breakfast before he set off for his remote farmhouse.问题1选项A.primeB.convenientC.heartyD.heady【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项“prime”,意为“最初的,首位的”;B选项“convenient”,意为“方便的,附近的”;C选项“hearty”,意为“衷心的,强健的,营养丰富的,丰盛的”;D选项“heady”,意为“顽固的,任性的”。句意:我的丈夫在启程去偏远农舍之前,享用了一顿丰盛的早餐。因此,C选项符合题意。2. 单选题Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. That compulsion has resulted in robotics-the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. Our subway trains are control led by tireless robot-drivers. And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with sub-millimeter accuracy-far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone.But if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less human supervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for themselvesgoals that pose a real challenge. “While we know how to tell a robot to handle a specific error,” says Dave Lavery, manager of a robotics program at NASA, “we cant yet give a robot enough common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world.”Indeed the quest for true artificial intelligence has produced very mixed results. Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.What they found, in attempting to model thought, is that the human brains roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talentedand human perception far more complicatedthan previously imagined. They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment. But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. The most advanced computer systems on Earth cant approach that kind of ability, and neuroscientists still dont know quite how we do it.1. Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in _.2. The word “gizmos” (line 1, paragraph 2) most probably means _.3. According to the text, what is beyond mans ability now is to design a robot that can _.4. Besides reducing human labor, robots can also _.5. The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are _.问题1选项A.the use of machines to produce science fictionB.the wide use of machines in manufacturing industryC.the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous workD.the elites cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work问题2选项A.programsB.expertsC.devicesD.creatures问题3选项A.fulfil delicate tasks like performing brain surgeryB.interact with human being verballyC.have a little common senseD.respond independently to a changing world问题4选项A.make a few decisions for themselvesB.deal with some errors with human interventionC.improve factory environmentD.cultivate human creativity问题5选项A.expected to copy human brain in internal structureB.able to perceive abnormalities immediatelyC.far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant informationD.best used in a controlled environment【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.【试题解析】细节推理题。题干意思是“人类的聪明才智最初是在”。第一段第一句Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.(自人类有了聪明才智以来,人们设计出了越来越精巧的工具来应付危险、无聊、繁重或纯粹是肮脏的工作)可推断,人类的聪明才智最初是设计工具来解决困难危险的工作。A项“使用机器来创作科幻小说”,第一段最后一句And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.(如果科学家们还没有实现在机械上创造科幻小说,那么他们也已经很接近这个目标了)可以知道,机器创造小说还没有实现,所以不选;B项“机器在制造业中的广泛使用”,这属于人类的聪明才智,但不是最初的,不符合题意所以不选;D项“精英们巧妙地处理危险而无聊的工作”,“精英”一词没有在文中提及,所以不选;C项“发明用于困难和危险工作的工具”符合题意,因此C项正确。2.【试题解析】语义推测题。题干意思是“第二段第一行的词语gizmos最有可能是什么意思?”A选项“课程、规划”,B选项“专家”,C选项“设备”,D选项“生物”。看到第二段第一行the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor.(现代世界越来越多地充斥着智能的装置,我们几乎注意不到它们的存在,但它们的普遍存在却节省了大量人类劳动),推断gizmos是一种节省人类劳动力的装置;另外后面描述到了工厂的机械臂,银行自助柜台,列车上的机器人司机等为人类节省了大量的劳动力。因此选项C正确。3.【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“设计出一个什么机器人能现在是超出人类能力范围?”。第三段最后一句Dave Lavery说we cant yet give a robot enough common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world(我们现在还没法设计出能有足够的常识去应付一个动态世界的机器人)可知,D项“独立应对变化的世界”正确。A项“完成精细的任务,如进行脑部手术”在第二段提到过,人类为了节省劳动力制造出很多智能设备,因此此项不选;B项“用言语与人类互动”这一项在文中没有提到,因此不选;C项“有一点常识”干扰项,人类制造具有足够常识的机器人目的是为了应对多变的世界,有一点常识不是人类制造该机器人的目的,所以不选。因此该题D项正确。4.【试题解析】细节推理题。题干意思是“除了节省劳动力以外,机器人还可以”。第三段第二句Dave Lavery说while we know how to tell a robot to handle a specific error(我们知道如何告诉机器人去处理一个特定的错误),以及第五段第二句提到they have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment.(他们已经制造出在可控的工厂环境中能以不到一毫米的精确度识别机器面板上的误差的机器人),由此可知机器人除了节省劳动力以外还可以处理一些错误。A项“自己做决定”,第三段第一句提到But if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with to make at least a few decisions for themselvesgoals that pose a real challenge(但是如果机器人要达到节省人工的下一个阶段,它们将必须在更少的人力监督之下工作,而且还要能够自己做出至少几个决定这些目标引发真正的挑战)可知,让机器人自己做决定还只是一个挑战,并没有实现,所以此项错误;C项“改善工厂环境”,文中没有提到机器人可以改善环境,所以不选;D项“培养人类创造力”文中也没提到。因此该题B项正确。5.【试题解析】观点态度题。题干意思是“作者使用猴子的例子来论证机器人是”。最后一段第一句提到the human brains roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talentedand human perception far more complicated(人类大脑中大约1000亿个神经细胞比之前想象的更有天赋,人类的感知也比之前想象的更复杂)可知,机器人与人类大脑相比,机器人的智能和感知能力还相差甚远,因为人类可以在瞬间识别出猴子的面孔而机器人做不到。A项“有望复制人类大脑的内部结构”,最后一句提到The most advanced computer systems on Earth cant approach that kind of ability(地球上最先进的计算机系统都无法达到这种能力)可知机器人要做到复制人类大脑还做不到,此项错误;B项“能够立即感知到异常情况”,最后一段作者用猴子的例子是来证明人类大脑的感知能力比机器人更快,因此此项不选;D项“最好在受控环境中使用”,文中只是提到机器人可以在可控的环境中识别出精确的误差,没有建议在受控环境中使用,所以此项不选。故该题C项正确。3. 单选题In _ times, human beings did not travel for pleasure, but to find a more favorable climate.问题1选项A.primitiveB.primeC.preliminaryD.primary【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项“primitive”,意为“原始的;远古的”;B选项“prime”,意为“主要的;最好的;基本的”;C选项“preliminary”,意为“初步的;开始的;预备的”;D选项“primary”,意为“主要的;初级的;基本的”。句意:在_原始_时代,人类长途跋涉不是为了消遣,而是为了寻找更适宜的气候。空格后提到人们长途跋涉是为了寻找适宜的气候,这说明是原始时代,人们不断迁徙,为了寻找适宜的气候来生存。因此A选项符合题意。4. 单选题A drunk man walked in, _ in appearance.问题1选项A.repulsiveB.reluctantC.reproachfulD.reputed【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项repulsive“可憎的、排斥的”;B项reluctant“不情愿的”,常与to搭配构成不定式;C项reproachful“责备的、指责的”;D项reputed“享有声望的”;句意:一个醉汉走了进来,面目可憎。因此该题A项正确。5. 单选题This is one of the few jobs you can do in this place and _being completely drunk.问题1选项A.contribute toB.get away withC.make forD.try on【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“contribute to”,意为“有助于,促成,捐献”,B选项“get away with”,意为“侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱”,C选项“make for”,意为“有助于,促进,导致”,D选项“try on”,意为“试用,试穿”,句意:这是你在这里能做的为数不多的工作之一,而且还能避免喝醉。因此,B选项符合句意。6. 单选题After reading these books, he was _ to the Darwinian theory of evolution.问题1选项A.changedB.convertedC.transferredD.adjusted【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项change“改变、变化”;B项convert“使转变”;C项transfer“转移、调动”;D项adjust“调整、使适应”;be converted to 转变为、皈依;句意:读了这些书之后,他皈依了达尔文的进化论。因此该题B项正确。7. 单选题If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a problem. Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Labor is simply another factor of production to be hiredrented at the lowest possible costmuch as one buys raw materials or equipment. The lack of importance attached to human-resource management can be seen in the corporate hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resource management is centralusually the second most important executive, after the CEO, in the firms hierarchy.While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firms. The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees. And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. If American workers, for example, take much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing stations than workers in Germany (as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in Germany than it is in the United States. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retraining generates costs and creates bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of technological change. And in the end the skills of the bottom half of the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half can t effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.1. Which of the following applies to the management of human resources inAmerican companies?2. What is the position of the head of human-resource management in an American firm?3. The money most American firms put in training mainly goes to_.4. According to the passage, the decisive factor in maintaining a firms competition advantage is_.5. What is the main idea of the Passage?问题1选项A.They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skill.B.They see the gaining of skills as their employees own business.C.They attach more importance to workers than to equipment.D.They only hire skilled workers because of keen competition.问题2选项A.He is one of the most important executives in the firm.B.His post is likely to disappear when new technologic are introduced.C.He is directly under the chief financial executive.D.He has no say in making important decisions in the firm.问题3选项A.workers who can operate new equipmentB.technological and managerial staffC.workers who lack basic background skillsD.top executives问题4选项A.the introduction of new technologiesB.the improvement of workers basic skillsC.the rational composition of professional and managerial employeesD.the attachment of importance to the bottom half of the employees问题5选项A.American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in human-resource management.B.Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human-resource management.C.The head of human-resource management must be in the central position in a firms hierarchy.D.The human-resource management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题解析】事实细节题。题目问的是哪一个符合美国公司的人力资源管理。可定位到文章首段中的第二句,本句提到美国的人力资源管理“is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States”。第三句说到“Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility”,技能获取被认为是一种个人责任,与B选项“他们把技能的获得看作是员工自己的事”符合,因此B 选项正确。A选项“他们以最低成本雇佣员工,而不考虑他们的技能”来自第四句“Labor is simply another factor of production to be hiredrented at the lowest possible costmuch as one buys raw materials or equipment”,可知劳动力与原材料或设备一样,只是以尽可能低的成本租用,但本句并未提到忽视员工技能这一点,可排除;C和D选项在原文中未提及,可排除。“Labor is simply another factor of production to be hiredrented at the lowest possible costmuch as one buys materials or equipment.”,这句话的意思是美国的企业是以最低的成本去雇佣劳动力,就跟购置材料和设备一样。由此可知,选项C以及选项D的说法错误,而选项B原文并没有提及,为无关选项。因此,答案为A。2.【试题解析】事实细节题。题目问的是人力资源管理管理负责人在美国的企业中的地位,根据关键词“the head of human-resource management”定位到原文第一段的“The post of head of human resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of corporate hierarchy., The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO).”可得知,人力资源管理者处理企业中的边缘位置,在做重大决策前,从来没有人会咨询人力资源管理者。因此,答案为选项D。3.【试题解析】事实细节题。题目问的是美国的企业用于培训的资金主要在哪个方面。根据关键词training、money定位到原文第二段的“The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees.”,因此答案为选项B。选项A和C,,根据原文中的“And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.”可得知,美国企业在缺乏基本技能以及能操作新设备的员工培训方面花费的资金非常少。选项D原文并没有提及,为无关选项。因此,答案为B。4.【试题解析】事实细节题。题目问的是保持公司竞争力优势的决定性因素是什么,根据关键词decisive factor, competition advantage定位到文章首句,“If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a problem.”可推断出员工技能对于公司竞争力优势很重要。因此,正确答案为选项B。选项A新工艺的引进,文章虽然有提到,但并无依据表明它可以保持公司竞争力优势。选项C文章并没有提及,为无关选项。选项D文章末尾虽有提到bottom half的群体技能可能会影响优势群体的工资,但与公司竞争力优势并无关系。5.【试题解析】主旨大意题。本文的主题是什么,从文章首段首句可知,如果可持续的竞争优势取决于员工的技能,那么美国企业是有问题的,下文也有提到美国企业对于人力资源管理缺乏重视,从而影响了竞争力。 由此可知,答案为选项D。选项A说的是美国的人力资源管理和日本、德国是不同的,这两个选项的说法都符合原文,但比较片面不足以概括全文。选项B说的是广泛的再培训对于有效的人力资源管理来说是必不可少的,这两个选项的说法都符合原文,但比较片面不足以概括全文;选项C说的是“人力资源管理的主管必须处于公司级别的中心位置”,说法太过于绝对。8. 单选题Although Asian countries are generally more _ in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leaders in both China and India.问题1选项A.conservativeB.confidentialC.comprehensiveD.consistent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项conservative“守旧的、传统的、拘谨的”;B项confidential“机密的、秘密的”;C项comprehensive“广泛的”;D项consistent“一致的、调和的”;句意:与西方国家相比,尽管亚洲国家在社会习俗上普遍较为保守,但在印度和中国却出现过几位著名的妇女领导人。因此该题A项正确。9. 单选题_ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.问题1选项A.Making upB.Doing upC.Putting upD.Sizing up【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配的用法。A项make up“构成、化妆”;B项do up“扎、捆”;C项put up“举起、建造”;D项size up“判断、估量”;句意:我们估量了一下这面墙,决定需要三罐油漆。因此该题D项正确。10. 单选题In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other, merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly. As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70 per cent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four rail roads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated service. Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyones cost. If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line. It is a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. “Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace” asks Mar- tin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shipper.Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be his with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortuning fortunes, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on. Consider the $10. 2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year. Conrails net railway operating income in 1996 was just $ 427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. Who is going to pay for the rest of the bill. Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.1. According to those who support mergers, railway monopoly is unlikely because_.2. What is many captive shippers attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?.3. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that_.4 The word “arbiters” most probably refers to those_.5. According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by_.问题1选项A.cost reduction is based on competitionB.services call for cross-trade coordinationC.outside competitors will continue to existD.shippers will have the railway by the throat问题2选项A.IndifferentB.SupportiveC.IndignantD.Apprehensive问题3选项A.shippers will be charged less without a rival railroadB.there will soon be only one railroad company nationwideC.overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate reliefD.a government board ensures fair play in railway business问题4选项A.who work as coordinatorsB.who function as judgesC.who supervise transactionsD.who determine the price问题5选项A.the continuing acquisitionB.the growing trafficC.the cheering Wall StreetD.the shrinking market【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】:事实细节题。题目问的是支持并购的人为什么认为铁路行业内不会形成垄断。根据题干关键词“支持者,合并,不可能”可以定位到第二段。支持者认为“Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. ”意思是因为要和卡车竞争,所以不存在垄断的可能。”因此C最符合文章原意。A不对,文章说支持者认为合并能降低成本,而不是竞争降低成本。B不对是因为文中只是说可以更好协调服务,而不是跨行业。D把主语和宾语弄反了,而且也不是支持者的观点,所以也是错误的。因此,答案为C。2.【试题解析】:观点态度题。题目问的是许多受控制的托运商对铁路合并的态度是什么。注意问的不是作者的态度 ,,是货主的态度,,根据文中第三段由于铁路运输业之间的合并使得发货商只能求助于一家公司,他们所付的运费要高出20%30%,如果他们觉得收费过高,他们有权提出申诉要求降低费率,但这一过程既昂贵又耗时而且只有在真正极端的情况下才有效果;根据第五段首句“Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increa


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