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2022年考博英语-中国科学技术大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The racial, intellectual and economic policies of the National Socialist Party were carried out with unprecedented ruthlessness.问题1选项A.crueltyB.contemptC.cautionD.concession【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. cruelty (尤指蓄意的)残酷,残忍 B. contempt 蔑视,轻蔑C. caution 谨慎,小心 D. concession 让步,妥协【答案】A【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】ruthlessness的意思为“无情,残忍”,指的是国家社会党实施政策的方式非常残忍,cruelty与之词义相近,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】国家社会党的种族、知识和经济政策以前所未有的残暴方式进行。2. 单选题Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?问题1选项A.senselessB.unimportantC.indifferentD.uninteresting【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. senseless 无意义的,无目的的 B. unimportant 不重要的C. indifferent 漠不关心,不感兴趣 D. uninteresting 不吸引人的,无趣的【答案】B【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】of no account的意思为“不重要的”,这里在问在美国,知识分子是否被认为无足轻重,unimportant与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】美国知识分子在他所处的社会中被排斥,被认为无足轻重,这是真的吗?3. 单选题The cars handle well and have a striking design, with “butterfly” doors that _ up and open.问题1选项A.switchB.sweepC.swingD.swell【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. switch (使)改变,转变 B. sweep 打扫,清扫C. swing (使)摆动,摇摆 D. swell (使)凸出,鼓出【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键词butterfly,可知车门的设计就像蝴蝶一样,结合后面and open,可知横线处指的是车门打开的方式,swing符合语境,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合语境。【句意】这款车操作良好,设计引人注目,它的蝴蝶门可以向上摇,然后打开。4. 填空题Three broad categories of terrorist crime may be distinguished, not in legal terms, but with intention.Foremost is the use of violence and the threat of violence to create public fear. A B C D【答案】C with intention改为by intention【解析】【考查点】被动语态。【解题思路】根据be distinguished,可知此句为被动语态,by intention指的是通过意图来区分。【句意】恐怖主义犯罪的三大类可以通过意图而不是法律术语加以区分。其中最重要的是使用暴力和暴力威胁来制造公众恐惧。5. 填空题Competition protects the freedom of the individual from ensuring that there is no monopoly of power.In contrast to one, all-powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. A B C D【答案】B from改为by【解析】【考查点】介词。【解题思路】protect为这里的谓语动词,指的是维护个体自由,B部分到句尾指的是维护个体自由的方式,介词by“(表示方式)”符合语境。【句意】竞争可以权力垄断,维护个体自由。与全能的政府相比,许多企业为了利润而相互竞争。6. 填空题I had already put in 10 years of work on my book when I ran into a complete dead end. Writing about my first ancestor, Kunta Kinte, for his voyage to America aboard a slave ship, had become impossible for me. A B C D【答案】C for 改为on【解析】【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】on ones voyage to意思为“某人去的航行”,为固定搭配。【句意】当我陷入一个完全的死胡同时,我已经为我的书花费了10年的时间。对我来说,要写我的祖先昆塔肯特坐贩奴船去美国的故事,是不可能做到的事。7. 填空题In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation more than by the “battle of the sexes”. A B C D【答案】D more than改为rather than【解析】【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】by cooperation和by the “battle of the sexes”相对应,形成对立的逻辑关系,rather than符合逻辑。【句意】在这样的家庭中,成长中的男孩和女孩比他们的父母更容易接受平等的观念,并为参与一个以合作为特征的世界做好充分准备,而不是“性别之战”。8. 翻译题Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it.There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of them I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach each its due weigh. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of techniques. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is likely to absorb the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed in enormously lowering the infant death-rate in the world. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more dramatic example, you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested (无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.Therefore, with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise.【答案】【参考译文】大多数人会认同,虽然我们现在的时代在知识方面超过了以前的任何一个时代,但在智慧方面并没有相应的增长。但是,一旦我们试图给智慧下定义并想办法提升智慧,达成一致的意见就不复存在。有几个因素有助于增长智慧。其中,我首先要讲的是一种比例感,即在一个问题中考虑到所有重要因素,并给予每个因素应有的份量的能力。这比过去更加困难,因为各种技术需要更加广泛和复杂的专业知识。例如,假设你正在参与医学科学的研究,这工作很可能需要你全身心投入,你没有时间考虑你的发现或发明在医学领域之外可能产生的影响。你大幅度地降低了世界上婴儿的死亡率,这也造成了完全意想不到的结果:世界上人口最多的地区粮食供应不足,生活水平降低。再举一个更生动的例子,你研究原子的组成是出于对知识的渴望,无关利害,却无意中让势力强大、又丧心病狂的人掌握了毁灭人类的方法。因此,随着知识和技能的每一次增长,智慧就变得越发必要,因为知识和技能的每一次增长都会提高我们实现目标的能力。因此,如果我们动机不纯,也会提高我们作恶的能力。9. 填空题Contraction of front and side parts of the brainas cells die offwas observed in some subjects in their thirty, but it was still not evident in some sixtyand seventy-year-olds. A B C D【答案】C thirty改为thirties【解析】【考查点】固定表达。【解题思路】in ones thirties意思为“在某人三十多岁时”,这里指的年龄是概数。【句意】有的人大脑前部和侧部的收缩随着细胞的死亡在三十多岁时就能被观察到了,但是也有些人直到六七十岁依然不明显。10. 单选题Continued inequities between the rich and powerful minority and the impoverished masses appalled most Egyptians.问题1选项A.offendedB.captivatedC.shockedD.puzzled【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. offended 得罪,冒犯 B. captivated 迷住,使着迷C. shocked 使震惊,使惊愕 D. puzzled 迷惑,使困惑【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】appalled的意思为“使胆寒,使惊骇”,和most Egyptians构成动宾搭配关系,指的是大多数埃及人很震惊,shocked与之词义相近,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】有钱有势的少数人和贫穷大众之间长期不平等,这使大多数埃及人感到震惊。11. 单选题Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships _ by over the years.问题1选项A.slipB.stickC.shiftD.skip【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. slip 悄悄疾行,溜 B. stick 粘贴,粘住C. shift 快速移动;转移,挪动 D. skip 蹦蹦跳跳地走【答案】A【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】golden friendships和横线处构成主谓搭配关系,这里指的是美好的友谊因为无暇顾及而_,slip符合语境,指的是友谊在不知不觉间消失,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语境。【句意】许多人一心扑在自己的生活上,以至于美好的友谊随着时间的流逝而溜走。12. 单选题This third pattern can be used by moderately autonomous departments in an enterprise that wants to share its services with other departments.问题1选项A.independentB.cooperativeC.productiveD.supportive【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. independent 独立的,自主的,自治的 B. cooperative 合作的,协作的C. productive 有效益的,富有成效的 D. supportive 给予帮助的,支持的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】autonomous的意思为“自治的,有自治权的”,这里指的是企业中适度自治的部门,independent与之词义相近,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】第三种模式可以使用于企业中适度自治并且希望与其他部门共享服务的部门。13. 单选题Our visual perception depends on the reception of energy reflecting or radiating from that which we wish to perceive. If our eyes could receive and measure infinitely delicate sense data, we could perceive the world with infinite precision. The natural limits of our eyes have, of course, been extended by mechanical instruments; telescopes and microscopes, for example, expand our capabilities greatly. There is, however, an ultimate limit beyond which no instrument can take us. This limit is imposed by our inability to receive sense data smaller than those conveyed by an individual quantum of energy. Since these quanta are believed to be invisible packages of energy and so cannot be further refined, we reach a point beyond which further resolution of the world is not possible. It is like a drawing a child might make by sticking invisible discs of color onto a canvas.We might think that we could avoid this limitation by using quanta with extremely long wavelengths: such quanta would be sufficiently sensitive to convey extremely delicate sense data. And these quanta would be useful, as long as we only wanted to measure energy, but a completely accurate perception of the world will depend also on the exact measurement of the lengths and positions of what we wish to perceive. For this, quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless. To measure a length accurately to within a millionth of an inch, we must have a measure graduate in millionths of an inch; a yardstick graduated in inches is useless. Quanta with a wavelength of one inch would be, in a sense, measures that are graduated in inches. Quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless in measuring anything except extremely large dimensions.Despite these difficulties, quanta have important theoretical implications for physics. It used to be supposed that, in the observation of nature, the universe could be divided into two distinct parts a perceiving subject and a perceived object. In physics, subject and object were supposed to be entirely distinct, so that a description of any part of the universe would be independent of the observer. The quantum theory, however, suggests otherwise, for every observation involves the passage of a complete quantum from the object to the subject, and it now appears that this passage constitutes an important coupling between observer and observed. We can no longer make a sharp division between the two in an effort to observe nature objectively. Such an attempt at objectivity would distort the crucial interrelationship of observer and observed as parts of a single whole. But, even for scientists, it is only in the world of atoms that this new development makes any appreciable difference in the explanation of observations.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to _.2. According to the passage, quanta with an extremely long wavelength cannot be used to give complete information about the physical world because they _.3. The author uses the analogy of the childs drawing (Para. 1) primarily in order to _.4. The author implies that making a sharp division between subject and object in physics is _.问题1选项A.discuss a problem that hinders precise perception of the worldB.point out the inadequacies of accepted units of measurementC.compare and contrast scientific hypotheses about how the world should be measured and observedD.suggest the limited function of sensory observation问题2选项A.exist independently of sense dataB.have an insignificant amount of energyC.cannot, with present-day instruments, be isolated from quanta of shorter wavelengthD.provide an insufficiently precise means of measuring length and position问题3选项A.illustrate the ultimate limitation in the precision of sense data conveyed by quantaB.show the sense of helplessness scientists feel in the face of significant observational problemsC.anticipate the objections of those scientists who believe that no instrumental aid to observation is entirely reliableD.exemplify the similarities between packages of energy and varieties of color问题4选项A.possible in a measurement of an objects length and position, but not in a measurement of its energyB.no longer an entirely accurate way to describe observation of the universeC.still theoretically possible in the small-scale world of atoms and electronsD.possible in the case of observations involving the passage of a complete quantum【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B【解析】第1题:【选项释义】The primary purpose of the passage is to _. 本文的主要目的是_。A. discuss a problem that hinders precise perception of the world A. 讨论妨碍准确感知世界的问题B. point out the inadequacies of accepted units of measurement B. 指出公认计量单位的不足之处C. compare and contrast scientific hypotheses about how the world should be measured and observed C. 比较和对照关于应该如何测量和观察世界的科学假设D. suggest the limited function of sensory observation D. 表明感官观察功能的有限【答案】A【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】第一段提出视觉感知(visual perception)的极限在我们无法接收比单个量子能量传递的更小的感知数据,第二段提出科学家想到了一个办法使用波长极长的量子(quanta with extremely long wavelengths)也不能突破这种限制,第三段提出量子对物理学有重要的理论意义(important theoretical implications),也就是研究视觉感知而得来的启示。综上所述,本文在谈论视觉感知受到阻碍引发的一系列问题,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“指出公认计量单位的不足之处”:文章没有提到计量单位,属于无中生有;C选项“比较和对照关于应该如何测量和观察世界的科学假设”和D选项“表明感官观察功能的有限”:只是文章的部分内容,不能概括全文,属于以偏概全。第2题:【选项释义】According to the passage, quanta with an extremely long wavelength cannot be used to give complete information about the physical world because they _. 根据本文,波长极长的量子不能用来提供关于物质世界的完整信息,因为它们_。A. exist independently of sense data A. 独立于感官数据而存在B. have an insignificant amount of energy B. 没有足够的能量C. cannot, with present-day instruments, be isolated from quanta of shorter wavelength C. 用现在的仪器不能与较短波长的量子隔离D. provide an insufficiently precise means of measuring length and position D. 提供的测量长度和位置的方法不够精确【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词complete information定位到第二段第二、三句,该处讲到“对世界的完全准确的感知(completely accurate perception of the world)还取决于我们想要感知的东西的长度和位置的精确测量(exact measurement of the lengths and positions)。因此(For this),波长极长的量子是无用的。”,可知其原因是它们不能准确测量长度和位置,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“独立于感官数据而存在”:文中没有提到波长极长的量子独立于感官数据,属于无中生有;B选项“没有足够的能量”:文中没有提到波长极长的量子能量不足,属于无中生有;C选项“用现在的仪器不能与较短波长的量子隔离”:文中没有提到,属于无中生有。第3题:【选项释义】The author uses the analogy of the childs drawing (Para. 1) primarily in order to _. 作者用孩子的画作类比(第一段)主要是为了_。A. illustrate the ultimate limitation in the precision of sense data conveyed by quanta A. 说明由量子传递的感官数据的精确度的极限限制B. show the sense of helplessness scientists feel in the face of significant observational problems B. 显示出科学家在面对重大观察问题时的无助感C. anticipate the objections of those scientists who believe that no instrumental aid to observation is entirely reliable C. 预测那些科学家的反对意见,他们认为没有任何仪器辅助的观察完全可靠D. exemplify the similarities between packages of energy and varieties of color D. 举例说明能量包和各种颜色之间的相似性【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中出处提示词Para. 1和信息词childs drawing定位到第一段最后一句,该处讲到“这就像一个孩子画一样(It is like)”,结合该段倒数第二句,该处讲到“这些量子不能被进一步细化,我们达到了一个点,超过了这个点,对世界的进一步解析就不可能了。”,可知childs drawing的例子是对该段倒数第二句观点的佐证,也就是量子传递的感官数据的精确度有限制,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“显示出科学家在面对重大观察问题时的无助感”:文中没有提到科学家对此感觉很无力,属于无中生有;C选项“预测那些科学家的反对意见,他们认为没有任何仪器辅助的观察完全可靠”:文中没有提到科学家有反对意见,属于无中生有;D选项“举例说明能量包和各种颜色之间的相似性”:文中没有提到能量包和颜色的联系,属于无中生有。第4题:【选项释义】The author implies that making a sharp division between subject and object in physics is _. 作者的意思是,在物理学中区分主体和客体的方法_。A. possible in a measurement of an objects length and position, but not in a measurement of its energy A. 在测量物体的长度和位置时有可能,但在测量物体的能量时不能B. no longer an entirely accurate way to describe observation of the universe B. 不再能非常准确地描述对宇宙的观察C. still theoretically possible in the small-scale world of atoms and electrons C. 在原子和电子这很小的范围里,理论上仍然是可能的D. possible in the case of observations involving the passage of a complete quantum D. 全然以量子论来观察,这是可能的【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词division between subject and object定位到第三段,结合该段第三、四、五句,该处讲到“在物理学中(In physics),主体和客体应该是完全不同然而,量子理论(The quantum theory)却提出了相反的观点(suggests otherwise)为了客观地观察自然,我们再也不能将这两者清晰地区分开来(We can no longer make a sharp division)。”,可知作者认为物理学的方法如今不再能客观地观察自然,需要舍弃,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“在测量物体的长度和位置时有可能,但在测量物体的能量时不能”:对应第三段第三句“在物理学中,主体和客体应该是完全不同的(entirely distinct),所以对宇宙任何部分(any part of the universe)的描述都是独立于观察者的。”,可知在物理学中,主体和客体的区分在任何情况下都非常明显,属于反向干扰;C选项“在原子和电子这很小的范围里,理论上仍然是可能的”:对应文章最后一句“即使对科学家来说,也只有在原子的世界里,这种新理论(new development)才会对对观测结果的解释有明显的不同。”,这里的新理论指的是量子论,而不是传统物理学,属于张冠李戴;D选项“全然以量子论来观察,这是可能的”:对应第三段第四句“量子理论却提出了相反的观点构成了观察者和被观察者之间的重要结合(important coupling between observer and observed)”,可知量子论的观点和物理学的观点相反,在量子论中,观察者和被观察者无法清晰地区分开来,属于反向干扰。14. 填空题The effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been made worse by a simultaneous rise in foods prices, due chiefly to the gradual cutting down of government support for food. A B C D【答案】C in foods prices改为in food prices【解析】【考查点】名词。【解题思路】C部分的food是统称,指的是所有食物,为不可数名词,所以用单数food。【句意】主要由于政府逐渐减少在食物方面的支持,同时食物价格上涨,该国食物情况恶化。15. 填空题These drugs _ alertness, elevate mood, and decrease fatigue and the need for sleep, but they often make users irritable and talkative. (height)【答案】heighten【解析】【考查点】动词。【解题思路】These drugs为句子主语,横线处为谓语动词。结合语境,这里先列出了这些药物的治疗功效,然后列出药物副作用,其中一个功效就是_警觉性,heighten的意思为“(使)加强,提高,增加”,符合语境。【句意】这些药物会提高警觉性,改善情绪,减少疲劳和睡眠需求,但它们往往让服用者易怒并且健谈。16. 单选题It has been known for many decades that the appearance of sunspots is roughly periodic, with an average cycle of eleven years. Moreover, the incidence of solar flares and the flux of solar cosmic rays, ultraviolet radiation, and X-radiation all vary directly with the sunspot cycle. But after more than a century of investigation, the relation of these and other phenomena, known collectively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrestrial weather and climate remains unclear. For example, the sunspot cycle and the allied magnetic-polarity cycle have been linked to periodicities discerned in records of such variables as rainfall, temperature, and winds. Invariably, however, the relation is weak, and commonly of dubious statistical significance.Effects of solar variability over longer terms have also been sought. The absence of recorded sunspot activity in the notes kept by European observers in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries has led some scholars to postulate a brief cessation of sunspot activity at that time (a period called the Maunder minimum). The Maunder minimum has been linked to a span of unusual cold in Europe extending from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries. The reality of the Maunder minimum has yet to be established. However, especially since the records that Chinese naked-eye observers of solar activity made at that time appear to contradict it. Scientists have also sought evidence of long-term solar periodicities by examining indirect climatological data, such as fossil records of the thickness of ancient tree rings. These studies, however, failed to link unequivocally terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle, or even to confirm the cycles past existence.If consistent and reliable geological or archaeological evidence tracing the solar-activity cycle in the distant past could be found, it might also resolve an important issue in solar physics: how to model solar activity. Currently, there are two models of solar activity. The first supposes that the Suns internal motions (caused by rotation and convection) interact with its large-scale magnetic field to produce a dynamo, a device in which mechanical energy is converted into the energy of a


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