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2022年考博英语-电子科技大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Land belongs to the city; there is( )tiling as private ownership of land.问题1选项A.no such aB.not suchC.not such aD.no such【答案】D【解析】句意:土地属于城市,没有诸如土地私人所有的事情。考查固定句式。there is no such thing as. 没有如样的事情。2. 单选题The tone of the article( )the writers mood at the time.问题1选项A.reproducedB.reflectedC.imaginedD.imitated【答案】B【解析】句意:这篇文章的语气反映了这位作者当时的情绪。、考查动词辨析。四个选项均为对应动词的过去式。reproduce 复制,再生,生殖;reflect 反映,反射;imagine 想像,猜想,臆断;imitate 模仿,仿造。空格处动词的宾语为the writers mood (作者的情绪),因此B符合句意。3. 单选题My niece has been to Sumatra and Iran as well as all of Europe; by the time she is twenty,she( )almost everywhere.问题1选项A.will beB.would have beenC.will have beenD.would be【答案】C【解析】句意:我侄女曾经去过苏门答腊岛、伊朗及全欧洲,等到她二十岁吋,她将几乎去过所有地方。语法题。考查将来完成时。分析句意可知空格处应使用将来完成时: shall/will have+过去分词,故选C。4. 单选题The government( )the diplomatic note from Japan for its unclear attitude to the trade between two countries.问题1选项A.deniedB.refusedC.rejectedD.objected【答案】C【解析】句意:因日本在两国间的贸易问题上态度不明确,该政府拒绝了日本的外交照会。考查动词辨析。deny 否认,否定;refuse 拒绝别人的请求、帮助、邀请等,是普通用语;reject 拒绝接受,不予考虑;object 反对,不赞成,与介词to搭配。故选C。5. 单选题His argument does not suggest that mankind can( )to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.问题1选项A.resortB.grantC.affordD.entitle【答案】C【解析】句意:他的论据未标明,人类在这些资源的使用上能浪费得起。考查动词辨析。resort 常去,求助,诉诸,resort to 依靠,求助于;;grant 授予,允许,承认,grant to 同意给予,准予;afford 给予,提供,承担得起;afford to (有条件)做,承担得起,负担得起;entitle 给称号,使有权利。因此C符合句意。6. 单选题There are many kinds of metals,( )its special properties问题1选项A.each havingB.every havingC.each hasD.one has【答案】A【解析】句意:这里有很多种金属,每一种都有它特有的属性。语法题。考查独立主格。“its special properties它特有的属性”的逻辑主语是空格前“metals金属”,因此这里使用独立主格结构来 表示补充说明。7. 单选题I couldnt be present myself, but I sent my( )to the meeting.问题1选项A.delegateB.specimenC.representativeD.representation【答案】C【解析】句意:我本人不能亲自出席,可我派了代表出席会议。考查名词辨析。Delegate 代表,代表团成员,指委派到别处代某一机构或某 (些)人行事的人;specimen 样本,抽样;representative 代表,代销人,词义较广,可指选 举或委派的代表,还可表示某一种人的代表人物;representation表现,陈述。根据前半句句意可知C符合句意。8. 单选题( )dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.问题1选项A.AlthoughB.WhateverC.AsD.However【答案】D【解析】句意:不管他多么无趣,但是他确实是一位非常成功的高级管理人员。考查连词辨析。although 尽管,虽然,然而(其后跟正常语序的句子);whatever 无论什么;as 因为,随着,虽然(引导让步状语从句时,该从句中的表语成分一般放在句首),当时;however 不管怎样(接副词或形容词)。由句意可知前后为让步关系。故选D。9. 单选题His( )brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure.问题1选项A.richB.quickC.productiveD.fertile【答案】D【解析】句意:他脑子很灵,己经想出了一个靠谱的治疗方法。考查形容词辨析。rich 富有的,肥沃的,昂贵的;quick 快的,迅速的;productive 生产的,多产的,富有成效的;fertile (土地)富饶的,肥沃 的;(人的头脑)主意多,有创造力的;能生育的。10. 单选题It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial ( )will be conducted by computer.问题1选项A.transmissionsB.transitionsC.transactionsD.transformations【答案】C【解析】句意:事实上,所有的资金交易都将由计算机来处理,人们将不需要携带大量的现金,所以在街上闲逛将会更安全。考查名词辨析。transmission传送,传递,传达,传播,传染;transition 过渡,转变,转换;transaction 交易,事务;transformation 转化,转换,改革,变形。由句意“人们将不需要携带大量的现金”可知C正确。11. 单选题The party,( )I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable问题1选项A.by whichB.for whichC.to whichD.at which【答案】D【解析】句意:我以贵宾身份参加这个聚会,聚会极其令人愉快。语法题。考查定语从句。空格所在句为which引导的定语从句修饰先行词party(聚会)。与party搭配的介词通常为at或in。因此选D。12. 单选题I recommend that the planning( )until all the materials have been supplied.问题1选项A.is not startedB.will not be startedC.not be startedD.is not to be started【答案】C【解析】句意:我建议应该在所有的材料己被提供后才启动这个计划。语法题。考查虚拟语气。句子谓语为recommend,表示要求建议,这类动词所接的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气: (should) +原形动词,且should 般会省略,故选C。13. 单选题The word “science” is heard so often in modern times that almost everybody has some notion of its meaning. However, its definition is difficult for many people. The meaning of the term is confusing, but everyone should understand its meaning and objectives. Just to make the explanation as simple as possible, suppose science is defined as classified knowledge (facts).Even in the true science, distinguishing facts from fiction is not always easy. For this reason great care should be taken to distinguish between beliefs and truths. There is no danger so long as a clear difference is made between temporary and proved explanations. For example, hypotheses are attempts to explain natural phenomena. From these positions the scientists continue to experiment and observe until they are proved or discredited. The exact status of any explanation should be clearly labeled to avoid confusion.The objectives of science are primarily the discovery and the subsequent understanding of the unknown. Man cannot be satisfied with recognizing that secrets exist in nature of that questions are unanswerable; he must solve them. Toward that end, specialists in the field of biology and related fields of interest are directing much of their time and energy.Actually, two basic approaches lead to the discovery of new information. One, aimed at satisfying curiosity, is referred to as pure science. The other is aimed at using knowledge for specific purposes - for instance, improving health, raising standards of living, or creating new consumer products. In this case knowledge is put in economic use. Such an approach is referred to as applied science.Sometimes practical-minded people miss the point of pure science in thinking only of its immediate application for economic rewards. Chemists responsible for many of the discoveries could hardly have anticipated that their findings would one day result in applications of such a practical nature as those directly related to life and death. The discoveries of one bit of information opens the door to the discovery of another. Some discoveries seem so simple that one is amazed they were not made years ago, however, one should remember that the construction of the microscope had to precede the discovery of cell. The host of scientists devoting their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries; they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied.1. To define science we may simply call it( ).2. Pure science, leading to the construction of a microscope,( ).A scientist interested in adding to our knowledge about oxygen would probably call his approach( ).3. Which of the following statements does the author imply?4. The best title for the passage is( ).问题1选项A.the study of unrelated subjectsB.an attempt to explain natural phenomenaC.the study of unrelated fieldsD.classified knowledge问题2选项A.may lead to antiscientific, “impure” resultsB.necessarily precedes applied science, leading to the discovery of a cellC.is not always as pure as we supposeD.necessarily results from applied science and the discovery of a cell问题3选项A.applied scienceB.agriculture scienceC.pure scienceD.environmental science问题4选项A.Scientists engaged in theoretical research should not be blamed for ignoring the practical side of their discoveries.B.Today few people have any notions of the meaning of science.C.In science, it is not difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.D.Practical-minded people can understand the meaning and objectives of pure science.问题5选项A.The Nature of Science and ScientistsB.Biology and the Scientific AgeC.Hypotheses and TheoriesD.On Distinguishing Facts from Fictions【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干关键信息“to define science” 定位至第一段: Just to make the explanation as simple as possible, suppose science is defined as classified knowledge (正是为了使解释尽可能简单,假定科学被定义为“分类知识”),故选D “分类知识”。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词the construction of a microscope定位至第五段:however, one should remember that the construction of the microscope had to precede the discovery of the cell (然而,人们应该不会忘记:显微镜的建造必须早于细胞的发现),因此B项“一定会领先于应用科学,导致细胞的发现”正确。3.判断推理题。题干为:一位对增加我们关于氧气的常识感兴趣的科学家可能称他的方法为?第四段指出:two basic approaches lead to the discovery of new information. One, aimed at satisfying curiosity, is referred to as pure science (两种基本的方法导致了新信息的发现。一种是为了满足好奇心,被称为纯科学),因此这个科学家的方法可以被称为产科学,故选C。4.判断推理题。A:从事理论研究的科学家不应该由于忽视他们发现的实用性而被谴责,第五段指出: The host of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of the discoveries (许多致力于纯科学研究的科学家并不为忽视发现的实用性而道歉),因此A项符合原文所述。B:现在很少有人能真正理解科学的含义,第一段指出: The word science is heard so often in modern times that almost everybody has some notion of its meaning (现代人经常听到科学这个词,几乎每个人都对它的含义有一些概念),因此B不符合原文所述。C:就科学而言,区分事实和虚构并不是很难,根据第二段首句“Even in the true sciences distinguishing fact from fiction is not always easy (即使在真正的科学中,区分事实和虚构并不总是容易的)”可知C项不正确。D:追求实用性的人能够理解纯科学的含义和目标。根据第五段首句“Sometimes practical-minded people miss the point of pure science (有时候有实际头脑的人会忽略纯科学的意义)”可知D项与原文不符。故选A。5.主旨大意题。文章主要讲的是科学的定义、科学的分类以及科学家的特性,因此,A项“科学和科学家的特性”最适合做文章标题。14. 单选题The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it( ), was that lie was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.问题1选项A.was turned outB.turned outC.being turned outD.was being turned out【答案】B【解析】句意:后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了欺诈活动。语法题。分析句子可知应用一般过去时, 固定搭配turn out“结果(证明)是”用主动语态即可。15. 单选题The old couple now still( )for tlieir beloved son, 30 years after his death.问题1选项A.cherishB.groanC.dispenseD.mourn【答案】D【解析】句意:在他们心爱的儿子过世三十年后,这对老夫妇现在仍然哀悼他。考查动词辨析。cherish 珍爱;groan 呻吟,抱怨;dispense 分配,免除,执行;mourn 哀悼,忧伤,服丧。根据句意“在他们心爱的儿子过世三十年后”可知D符合句意。16. 单选题Computers are employed to process census data and to( )such financial business as collecting taxes.问题1选项A.facilitateB.fabricateC.fortifyD.falsify【答案】A【解析】句意:电脑被用来处理普查数据和辅助金融业务,比如收税。考查动词辨析。facilitate 促进,促使,使便利;fabricate 制造,伪造;fortify (尤指)筑城防御;(在物质或精神上)加强,增强;增强(感觉或态度);falsify 伪造,歪曲。空格处动词的宾语为“financial business (金融业务)”,因此A符合句意。17. 单选题If we( )our relations with that country, well have to find another supplier of raw materials.问题1选项A.diffuseB.diminishC.terminateD.preclude【答案】C【解析】句意:如果我们终止与那个国家的关系,那么我们将必须找到另一个原材料供应商。考查动词辨析。diffuse传播,普及,使分散;diminish使减少,使变小; terminate 使终止,使结束,解雇;preclude 排除,妨碍,阻止。根据后半句句意可知C符合句意。18. 单选题We should maintain our cultural( ),which represents the deep memory of our nation.问题1选项A.agencyB.tendencyC.legacyD.fancy【答案】C【解析】句意:我们应该维护好代表我们民族最深刻记忆的文化遗产。考查名词辨析。Agency服务机构,(尤指)代理机构; tendency 偏好,性情,趋势; legacy 遗产,遗赠财物,遗留; fancy想象的事物,想象(力)。故C符合句意。19. 单选题Anthropology is the study of human beings as creatures of society. It fastens its attention upon those physical and industrial techniques, those conventions and values, which distinguish one community from all others that belong to different tradition.The distinguishing mark of anthropology among the social sciences is that it includes for serious study other societies than our own. For its purposes any social regulation of mating and reproduction is as significant as our own, though it may be that of the Sea Dyaks, and have no possible historical relation to that of our civilization. To the anthropologists, our customs and those of New Guinea tribe are two possible social schemes for dealing with common problems, and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other. He is interested in human behavior, not as it is shaped by one tradition, our own, but as it has been shaped by any tradition whatsoever. He is interested in a wide range of custom that is found in various cultures, and his objective is to understand the way in which these cultures change and differentiate, the different forms through which they express themselves and the manner in which the customs of any peoples function in the lives of the individuals.Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great moment. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplace. As a matter of fact, it is the other way round. Traditional custom is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.1. According to the passage, we can say that anthropology( ).2. For serious study, an anthropologist( ).3. In the third paragraph, the author is trying( ).4. Which of the following does the author most probably agree with?5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.can deal with human beings as one group of the creatures in the living worldB.can reveal an enormous diversity of traditionsC.can provide insights into the relationship between human beings and natureD.can distinguish the human race from other creatures问题2选项A.must not study his own cultureB.is not supposed to have a prejudice against any societyC.should focus on those societies which are historically related to each otherD.is obliged to work only on those societies that have no historical relationship to each other问题3选项A.to be critical of customB.to say that anthropology is more important than psychologyC.to strengthen the role custom plays in experience and beliefD.to draw our intention to the importance of custom问题4选项A.The goal of the anthropologist is to understand the way in which people express themselves.B.The anthropologist tries to understand why cultures are carried on without any change.C.The anthropologists professional interest is as wide as the variety of customs.D.The anthropologist is to explore social relations of different people.问题5选项A.Human Behavior.B.Creature of Society.C.The Science of Custom.D.The Functions of Cultures.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。第一段指出: It fastens its attention upon those physical and industrial techniques, those conventions and values, which distinguish one community from all others that belong to different tradition (它把注意力集中在那些自然特征和工业技术、 传统和价值观上,它们使一个社区区别于从属于不同传统的其他社会), 即人类学能体现从属于不同传统的社会之间的不同,因此B项“揭示传统的巨大多样性”正确。2.判断推理题。A项中“must not”和D项中“only”表述过于绝对,故排除。B:不应该对任何社会存在偏见,第二段指出: .and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other (只要他还作为一位人类学家,他就一定会避免厚此薄彼,对任何文化存在偏见),因此B与原文所述相符。C:应关注历史上相互关联的社会,第二段指出: For its purposes, any social regulation.and have no possible historical relation to that of our civilization (就其目的而言,任何社会规则都与我们文化中的社会规则不可能有历史联系),因此C与原文不符。故选B。3.作者意图题。题干为:在第三段,作者打算?第三段开始指出: Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great moment (当前,习俗并没有被看作是一门重要的学科), 随后强调了 As a matter of fact, it is the other way round (事实正好相反)。而后谈及了习俗的作用和多样性。因此作者第三段谈及的是习俗的重要性和地位。故选D。4.判断推理题。第二段指出: He is interested in a wide range of custom that is found in various cultures, and his objective is to understand the way in which these cultures change and differentiate, the different forms through which they express themselves and the manner in which the customs of any peoples function in the lives of the individuals (他感兴趣的是在各种文化中所发现的浩瀚的习俗范围,他的目标就是弄懂这些文化变化和相互区别的方式,搞清楚它们表达自己的不同方式,弄明白任何一个民族的习俗在某一特定文化中的个人生活中的作用方式),故选C“人类学家的专业范畴与习俗的丰富性一样广泛”。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了人类学的研究范围、对象和目标。通篇都在介绍人类学所研究的重点是人类的习俗,以及后文重点介绍了习俗的重要性和地位。故C项“习俗的科学”比较适合做文章标题。20. 单选题While typing Helen has a habit of stopping( )to give her long and flowing hair smooth.问题1选项A.occasionallyB.simultaneouslyC.eventuallyD.promptly【答案】A【解析】句意:当Helen打字的时候,她有一个习惯:偶尔停下来平整她飘逸的长发。考查副词辨析。occasionally 偶尔,有吋候;simultaneously 同吋地;eventually最终;promptly迅速地,敏捷地。根据题干关键词“stop to give(停下来去)”可知A项符合句意。


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