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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题His aim is to persuade the country to abandon its nuclear plan or at least to modify it and throw it open to ( ).问题1选项A.scrutinyB.confirmationC.prospectD.accusation【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。scrutiny “详细审查;监视”;confirmation “确认;证实”;prospect “前途;预期”;accusation “控告;指控”。句意:他的目标是说服这个国家放弃其核计划,或者至少对其进行改进,并且接受_。根据句意可知选项A符合题意。2. 单选题We need someone who has an _ view as the nations chief law enforcement officer.问题1选项A.imaginativeB.impartialC.inquisitiveD.instinctive【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. imaginative 富于想象力的,创新的 B. impartial 公平的,公正的C. inquisitive 好奇的,爱打听的 D. instinctive 本能的,直觉的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处做定语修饰下文的“view(观点)”,表示我们需要一个有着什么样观点态度的人。由“as the nations chief law enforcement officer(担任国家首席执法官)”可知,空格处应该说的是首席执法官的特点,既然是执法官,就需要是公平、公正的。impartial指平等对待所有人和群体,没有偏见,因此B选项“公平的,公正的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项imaginative“富于想象力的,创新的”指拥有新想法和有趣想法的能力;C选项inquisitive“好奇的,爱打听的”指喜欢问问题,有想知道更多的欲望;D选项instinctive“本能的,直觉的”指与本能有关的或基于本能的,而不是基于思考或训练的;均不能和“law enforcement officer(执法官)”相对应。【句意】我们需要一个有公正态度的人来担任国家首席执法官。3. 单选题This report tells about twin girls separated at birth, raised in strikingly different homes, who _ have strikingly similar psyches.问题1选项A.moreoverB.nonethelessC.deliberatelyD.coincidentally【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. moreover 此外,而且 B. nonetheless 尽管如此,然而C. deliberately 故意地,蓄意地 D. coincidentally 巧合地,碰巧地【考查点】副词辨析。【解题思路】who引导了一个定语从句修饰先行词“twin girls(双胞胎女孩)”,上文说到她们“在截然不同的家庭(strikingly different homes)中长大”,和下文“心理却惊人地相似(strikingly similar)”形成对比,说明前后存在转折的逻辑关系,尽管她们在不同的家庭中长大,但心理却是相似的。nonetheless作连接副词表示转折,因此B选项nonetheless“尽管如此,然而”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项moreover“此外,而且”指引入新的信息来补充或支持之前所说的内容,表示递进的逻辑关系;C选项deliberately“故意地,蓄意地”指有计划地做某事,而非偶然;D选项coincidentally“巧合地,碰巧地”指因为巧合而发生;均不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】这份报告讲述了一对在出生时就被分开的双胞胎女孩,虽然在截然不同的家庭中长大,但她们的心理却惊人地相似。4. 单选题Love does not _ gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.问题1选项A.phase inB.fade inC.give inD.consist in【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. phase in 逐步采用,逐步到位 B. fade in 渐显,渐强C. give in 让步,投降 D. consist in 在于,存在于【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】由but可知,前后两个分句之间存在转折的逻辑关系,后半句说到“而在于注视着同一个方向(in the same direction)”,与其相对的是“注视彼此(each other)”,本句表达的是爱情的意义和特点,即爱情是什么,在于什么。consist in指作为基本或主要部分和特征,因此D选项consist in“在于,存在于”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项phase in“逐步采用,逐步到位”指在一段时间内逐渐开始使用某物或做某事,通常使用被动语态,且不符合题干的语义逻辑;B选项fade in“渐显,渐强”指变得更清楚或更大声,后面不接动词,且不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项give in“让步,投降”指接受一直在抵制或反对的事情,后面不接动词,且不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】爱情不在于彼此凝视,而在于注视着同一个方向。5. 翻译题The first edition of Thomas Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions appeared in 1962. (1)His vision revolutionized the way we think about science,and it has given us a new way to look at change in “science” itself.(2)Whereas previous visions of science saw science as an accumulation of all that had been learned over history, Kuhn envisioned science as having,at any one time, a worldview, or “paradigm (范式)”,of its environment.Kuhn (库恩) postulated that most scientists engage in “ normal science ” that often results in solid, but relatively incremental gains, which nevertheless accumulate and collectively contribute to research and subsequent scientific knowledge forward. When anomalies arise, some individual(s) step(s) out of the paradigm, and propose( s) a new principle or law. (3)If the scientific community accepts the proposed change, then science experiences a “paradigm shift”,and new science proceeds with that new paradigm.Paradigm shifts are important, and a necessary part of life. Things do change, and we have to adjust and adapt to that change. Perhaps not surprisingly, important paradigm shifts often come from the young. (4)It usually takes a long time to effect a paradigm shiftoften as much as 20-25 yearswhich,perhaps not so coincidently,is about the life of a generation.(5)A relatively recent white paper emanating from MIT justifiably argues that the intersections of arrays of scientists,engineers, mathematicians,as well as individuals with a host of many other professional talents, will be the next Kuhnian scientific revolution and in fact,the “Third” biomedical revolution. This new revolution is broadly known as Convergence.【答案】(1)他的视角彻底改变了我们思考科学的方式,给了我们一个全新的方式来看待“科学”自身的变化。(2)然而过去,人们把科学当作人类在历史长河中所学到的全部知识的积累过程,而库恩则把科学看成在任一时刻对环境的一种世界观,或者“范式”。(3)如果科学界认可了有些人所提出的变化,那么科学就将经历“范式转移”,而新的科学将按照新的范式向前发展。(4)引发范式转移通常需要很长时间往往长达2025年也许并非巧合,这大约相当于一代人。(5)最近一份出自麻省理工学院的详情报告理由充分。它认为各类科学家、工程师、数学家以及个人与其他专业人才的交汇将成为下一场库恩意义上的科学革命,事实上也就是“第三次”生物医学革命。6. 单选题They have reduced( ) in the labor market by allowing employers and prospective employees to connect more easily than ever before.问题1选项A.incentiveB.budgetC.aggressionD.friction【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive “刺激,动机”;budget “预算”;aggression “侵略,侵犯”;friction“摩擦”。句意为:雇主和潜在雇员之间的联系较从前变得更加容易,通过采用这一方式,他们减少了劳动市场中的摩擦。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题Economists said that their smooth growth this year was suspicious because they were so( )other economic indicators.问题1选项A.in line withB.in excess ofC.at odds withD.in proportion to【答案】C【解析】考察介词辨析。in line with符合,与一致;in excess of 超过,较为多; at odds with与不一致,差异; in proportion to成比例。句意:经济学家们说今年的经济平稳增长是可疑的,因为今年的经济发展与其他经济指数存在很大的差异。选项C符合句意。8. 单选题You could argue that many artists have become more( )happiness because modern times have seen so much misery.问题1选项A.confident inB.skeptical ofC.realistic aboutD.incapable of【答案】B【解析】考察形容词短语辨析。confident in “对有信心”;skeptical of “对怀疑”;realistic about “对现实”;incapable of “没有能力做”。句意:你可能会认为艺术家们越来越怀疑快乐了,因为现代社会经历了如此多的不幸。选项B符合句意。9. 单选题Our trouble lies in a simple confusion, one to which economists have been prone since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Growth and ecology operate by different rules. Economists tend to assume that every problem of scarcity can be solved by substitution, by replacing tuna with tilapia, without factoring in the long-term environmental implications of either. But whereas economies might expand, ecosystems do not. They changepine gives way to oak, coyotes arrive in New Englandand they reproduce themselves, but they do not increase in extent or abundance year after year. Most economists think of scarcity as a labor problem, imagining that only energy and technology place limits on production. To harvest more wood, build a better chain saw; to pump more oil,drill more wells; to get more food, invent pest-resistant plants.That logic thrived on new frontiers and more intensive production, and it held off the prophets of scarcityfrom Thomas Robert Malthus to Paul Ehrlichwhose predictions of famine and shortage have not come to pass. The Agricultural Revolution that began in seventeenth-century England radically increased the amount of food that could be grown on an acre of land, and the same happened in the 1960s and 1970s, when fertilizer and hybridized seeds arrived in India and Mexico. But the picture looks entirely different when we change the scale. Industrial society is roughly 250 years old: make the last ten thousand years equal to twenty-four hours, and we have been producing consumer goods and CO2 for only the last thirty-six minutes. Do the same for the past 1 million years of human evolution, and everything from the steam engine to the search engine fits into the past twenty-one seconds. If we are not careful, hunting and gathering will look like a far more successful strategy of survival than economic growth. The latter has changed so much about the earth and human societies in so little time that it makes more sense to be cautious than triumphant.Although food scarcity, when it occurs, is a localized problem, other kinds of scarcity are already here. Groundwater is alarmingly low in regions all over the world, but the most immediate threat to growth is surely petroleum.1. Economists are prone to( ) .2.What does the author think of ecosystems?3.What does the passage say about the predictions made by Thomas Robert Malthus and Paul Ehrlich?4.What happened in the 1960s and 1970s?5.The purpose of mentioning the search engine is to show( ) .6.The last sentence of the second paragraph implies that ( ) .问题1选项A.emphasize the differences between economic growth and scarcityB.see economy from an ecological perspectiveC.ignore the environmental impact of economic growthD.use different approaches to economics and ecology问题2选项A.They may deteriorate.B.They may benefit from the economy.C.They are associated with productivity.D.They are closely related to technology.问题3选项A.They proved to be useful.B.They have not come true.C.They proved to be accurate.D.They have not drawn enough attention.问题4选项A.Land expansion occurred in Mexico.B.Fertilizer began to be used in England.C.Hybridized plants were grown in the US.D.Food production increased in India.问题5选项A.the high speed of modem machinesB.technological progressC.popular interest in the InternetD.the economic impact of information technology问题6选项A.economic growth has reduced biodiversity worldwideB.people and nature should coexist in harmonyC.people should be proud of their position in natureD.economic growth has changed the ecosystem rapidly【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B第6题:D【解析】1.细节推理题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据“without factoring in the long-term environmental implications.( 经济学家并没有考虑到经济发展对环境及生态的长期影响。)”, 即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。2.观点态度题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据“But whereas economies might expand, ecosystems do not. (但是,尽管经济可能会扩张,生态系统却不会。)”即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据 “whose predictions of famine and shortage have not come to pass.( 他们关于饥荒和短缺的预言并没有实现。)”即可得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据 “The Agricultural Revolution that began in seventeenth-century England radically increased the amount of food that could be grown on an acre of land, and the same happened in the 1960s and 1970s(始于17世纪英格兰的农业革命极大地提高了一英亩土地上的粮食产量,20世纪60年代和70年代也发生了同样的事情,),”即可得出本题答案。5.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段倒数第三句。根据 “Do the same for the past 1 million years of human evolution, and everything from the steam engine to the search engine fits into the past twenty-one seconds.( 在过去100万年的人类进化过程中,同样的事情也会发生,从蒸汽机到搜索引擎,所有的一切都能在过去的21秒内完成。)”即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。6.细节推断题。根据题干将信息点定位至原文第二段最后一句。根据 “has changed so much about the earth and human societies in so little time(在这么短的时间里,地球和人类社会发生了巨大的变化)”即可得出本题答案。10. 单选题Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has been obsessed by the possibility that it will one day be extinguished. The impact of an asteroid on earth and the spectre of nuclear holocaust are the most prevalent millennial fears. Now some scientists are increasingly leaning towards the view that a new nightmare must be added to the list. Their concern is that intelligent computers will eventually develop minds of their own and destroy the human race.The latest warning comes from Professor Stephen Hawking. He told an interviewer this week that artificial intelligence could “outsmart us all” and that a technological catastrophe is a “near certainty”.Most non-experts will dismiss his claims as a fantasy rooted in science fiction. But the pace of progress in artificial intelligence, or AI, means policy makers should already be considering the social consequences.According to a recent survey, half the worlds AI experts believe human-level machine intelligence will be achieved by 2040 and 90 per cent say it will arrive by 2075. Several AI experts talk about the possibility that the human brain will eventually be “reverse engineered”. Some prominent tech leaders, meanwhile, warn that the consequences are unpredictable. Elon Musk, the pioneer of electric cars, has argued that advanced computer technology is “potentially more dangerous than nuclear threats. That said, the risk that computers might one day pose a challenge to humanity should be put in perspective. Scientists may not be able to say with certainty when, or if, machines will match or outperform mankind.But before the world gets to that point, the drawing together of both human and computer intelligence will almost certainly help to tackle pressing problems that cannot otherwise be solved. The growing ability of computers to crunch enormous quantities of data, for example, will play a huge role in helping humanity tackle climate change and disease over the next few decades. It would be folly to arrest the development of computer technology now一and forgo those benefits一because of risks that lie much further in the future.There is every reason to be optimistic about AI research. There is no evidence that scientists will struggle to control computers, even at their most advanced stage. But this is a sector in which pioneers must tread carefullyand with their eyes open to the enduring ability of science to surprise us.1.According to Paragraph 1 , ( ).2.The underlined word “catastrophe” can be interpreted as( ).3.Professor Stephen Hawking believes that artificial intelligence( ).4.AI experts contend that( ).5.With the help of computer intelligence, human beings can( ).6.The author suggests that we should( ).问题1选项A.human civilization will some day disappearB.intelligent computers will threaten mankind one dayC.natural disasters will lead to human extinctionD.artificial intelligence will control the human mind问题2选项A.revolutionB.advancementC.challengeD.disaster问题3选项A.will be much smarter than humansB.only appears in science fictionsC.should not be overdevelopedD.will have negative social impacts问题4选项A.humans may be threatened by artificial intelligenceB.the implications of AI development is still unknownC.the human brain will not be subject to machine intelligenceD.computer technology can cause massive destruction问题5选项A.solve technical problemsB.conduct vast data analysisC.forecast weather preciselyD.prevent fatal diseases问题6选项A.restrict AI development due to the potential risksB.be optimistic about AI and maximize the benefitsC.cautiously develop AI with an open attitudeD.suspend AI research at its most advanced stage【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B第6题:C【解析】1.段落大意题。将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据 “Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has been obsessed by the possibility that it will one day be extinguished” “t intelligent computers will eventually develop minds of their own and destroy the human race.(自从文明诞生以来,人类就一直被这样一种可能性所困扰:有一天,智能计算机将被消灭,而智能计算机最终将发展出人类自己的思想,并毁灭人类。)”即可得出本题答案。2.词汇推断题。根据题干信息,将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据前文的 “warning(警告)”和第一段的 “extinguished(灭绝的)”,即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干关键词Stephen Hawking,可将信息定位至原文第二段。根据 “artificial intelligence could outsmart us all and that a technological catastrophe is a near certainty( 人工智能可能“智胜我们所有人”,一场技术灾难“几乎是肯定的”)”即可得出本题答案。4.观点态度题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段。根据 “the consequences are unpredictable” “potentially more dangerous than nuclear threats.(其后果是不可预测的,可能比核威胁更危险)”即可归纳总结得出本题答案。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键词“help of computer intelligence”,可将信息点定位至原文第五段。 根据 “The growing ability of computers to crunch enormous quantities of data(计算机处理大量数据的能力越来越强,),”即可得出本题答案。6.观点态度题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。根据 “There is every reason to be optimistic about AI research(我们完全有理由对人工智能研究保持乐观)” “pioneers must tread carefully(开拓者必须小心行事)”,即可得出本题答案。11. 单选题Although there are plans to ( )additional pensions, this will not affect anyone retiring before 1998 and will only marginally affect those retiring by 2009.问题1选项A.break downB.scale downC.boil downD.narrow down【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。break down “故障,分解”;scale down “缩减”;boil down “归结”;narrow down “缩小范围”。句意:尽管有计划缩减额外退休金数额。选项B符合句意。12. 单选题What is perhaps of great importance is the fact that she challenged the decision of her employers and won the case( ) .问题1选项A.in the extremeB.to the pointC.against all oddsD.around the comer【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。in the extreme “非常,极度”;to the point “ 中肯,切题”;against all odds “困难重重”;around the comer “即将到来”。语境为:最重要的或许在于,她敢于质疑雇主的决定,并且克服重重困难最终获得胜利。选项C符合句意。13. 单选题New research by Hillary Pennell and Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz at the University of Missouri suggests that, at least for women, the influence of superheroes is not always positive. Although women play a variety of roles in the superhero genre, including helpless maiden and powerful heroine, the female characters all tend to be hypersexualized, from their perfect, seducing figures to their sexy, revealing costumes. Exposure to this, they show, can impact beliefs about gender roles, body esteem, and self-objectification.Consider, for example, superhero movies like Spider-man or Superman. These action-packed films typically feature a strong, capable, intelligent man fighting a villainous force. The goal of course is to save humanity, but more often than not there is also an immediate need to rescue a fair lady in distress. The female victim is typically delicate, naive, and defenseless, but at the same time sexy and beautiful. What she lacks in strength and cunning she makes up for in kindness and curves. It is not surprising (or insignificant) that she is often the object of the heros affections.Pennell and Behm-Morawitz argued that exposure to these stereotypic female victims, whose primary appeal is sexual, may lower womens body esteem, heighten the value they place on body image, and result in less equal gender role beliefs and expectations. However, female characters have come a long way in the superhero genre, and its possible that the antidote to the helpless fair maiden is the competent, commanding superheroine.The X-Men films, for example, feature a number of empowering female characters like Storm, Jean Gray, and Dazzler, each of whom wields a unique special ability and displays impressive cognitive and physical competence. Perhaps exposure to this new generation of female heroines will result in more equal gender beliefs, higher body esteem, and greater prioritization of physical competence over appearance.Still, todays superheroines, like their female victim counterparts, are often unrealistic, sexualized representations of female figures, with large chests, curvy backsides and unattainable hourglass dimensions. Their skin-tight outfits underline their sexuality with plunging necklines and bare skin, and many of their names (e. g. , Risque, Mystique, Ruby Summers) connote, shall we say, a slightly less respectable profession than superheroine.Pennell and Behm-Morawitz thus speculated that while todays powerful superheroines might elevate equal beliefs about gender roles, their sexualized nature might simultaneously have destructive effects on body image and self-objectification.1.Whats the implied meaning of the first paragraph?2.Female victims in superhero movies tend to be( ).3.According to the author, the image of stereotypic female victims can be improved by( ).4.The film audience in Paragraph 4 will most probably support the idea that( ).5.What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph?6.What is Hilary Pennell and Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz attitude towards todays superheroines?问题1选项A.Women are either helpless or powerful in superhero movies.B.Superhero movies definitely inspire women to become stronger.C.Female characters are extremely sexy and appealing in superhero movies.D.Superhero movies make women objectify themselves and question their body shapes.问题2选项A.formidable and quick-wittedB.sophisticated and intimidatingC.pretentious and loathsomeD.amiable and seductively-shaped问题3选项A.showing more competent and


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