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2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题We were four scores left behind with five minutes to go, so the game looked completely( ).问题1选项A.irresistibleB.irretrievableC.irremissibleD.irreplaceable【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。根据句意比赛只剩下五分钟了但我们落后四分,所以这场比赛看上去已完全无法挽救了。可知因为比分悬殊,所以这场比赛的胜利己经无法改变了。A选项irresistible “不可抵抗的”; irretrievable “不能弥补的”;C选项irremissible “无法逃避的”; D选项irreplaceable “不可替代的”。 B选项正确。2. 单选题It has been known for many decades that the appearance of sunspots is roughly periodic, with an average cycle of eleven years. Moreover, the incidence of solar flares and the flux of solar cosmic rays, ultraviolet radiation, and X-radiation all vary directly with the sunspot cycle. But after more than a century of investigation, the relation of these and other phenomena, known collectively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrestrial weather and climate remains unclear. For example, the sunspot cycle and the allied magnetic-polarity cycle have been linked to periodicities discerned in records of such variables as rainfall, temperature, and winds. Invariably, however, the relation is weak, and commonly of dubious statistical significance.Effects of solar variability over longer terms have also been sought. The absence of recorded sunspot activity in the notes kept by European observers in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries has led some scholars to postulate a brief cessation of sunspot activity, at that time (a period called the Maunder min/mum). The Maunder minimum has been linked to a span of unusual cold in Europe extending from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries. The reality of the Maunder minimum has yet to be established, however, especially since the records that Chinese naked-eye observers of solar activity made at that time appear to contradict it. Scientists have also sought evidence of long-term solar periodicities by examining indirect climatological data, such as fossil records of the thickness of ancient tree rings. These studies, however, failed to link unequivocally terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle, or even to confirm the cycles past existenceIf consistent and reliable geological, or archaeological and climatological evidence tracing the solar-activity cycle in the distant past could he found, it might also resolve an important issue in solar physics: how to model solar activity. Currently, there are two models of solar activity. The first supposes that the Suns internal motions (caused by rotation and convection) interact with its large-scale magnetic field to produce a dynamo, a device in which mechanical energy is converted into the energy of a magnetic field. In short the Suns large-scale magnetic field is taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity cycle it drives would be maintained with little overall change for perhaps billions of years. The alternative, explanation supposes that the Suns large-scale magnetic field is a remnant of the field the Sun acquired when it formed,and is not sustained against decay. In this model, the solar mechanism dependent on the Suns magnetic field runs down more quickly. Thus, the characteristics of the solar-activity cycle would be expected to change over a long period of time. Modem solar observations span too short a time to reveal whether present cyclical Solar-activity is a long-lived feature of the Sun, or merely a transient phenomenon.1.The author focuses primarily on( ).2.Which of the following statements about the two models of solar activity is accurate?3.According to the passage, late seventeenth and early eighteenth-century Chinese records are important for which of the following reasons?4.It can be inferred from the passage that the argument in favor of the first model would be strengthened if which of the following were found to be true?问题1选项A.presenting two competing scientific theories concerning solar activity and evaluating geological evidence often cited to support themB.giving a brief overview of some recent scientific developments in solar physics and assessing their impact on future climatological researchC.discussing the difficulties involved in linking terrestrial phenomena with solar activity and indicating how resolving that issue could have an impact on our understanding of solar physicsD.outline the specific reasons why a problem in solar physics has not yet been solved and fault the overly theoretical approach of modem physicists问题2选项A.In both models cyclical solar activity is regarded as a long-lived feature of the Sun, persisting with little change over billions of years.B.In both models the solar-activity cycle is hypothesized as being dependent on the large-scale solar magnetic field.C.In one model the Suns magnetic field is thought to play a role in causing solar activity, whereas in the other model it is not.D.In one model solar activity is presumed to be unrelated to terrestrial phenomena, whereas in the other model solar activity is thought to have observable effects on the Earth.问题3选项A.They suggest that the data on which the Maunder minimum was predicated were incorrect.B.They suggest that the Maunder minimum might be valid only for Europe.C.They establish the existence of a span of unusually cold weather worldwide at the time of the Maunder minimum.D.They establish that solar activity at the time of the Maunder minimum did not significantly vary from its present pattern.问题4选项A.Episodes of intense volcanic eruptions in the distant past occurred in cycles having very long periodicities.B.At the present time the global level of thunder-storm activity increases and decreases in cycles with periodicities of approximately 11 years.C.In the last century the length of the sunspot cycle has been known to vary by as much as 2 years from its average periodicity of 11 yearsD.Hundreds of millions of years ago, solar-activity cycles displayed the same periodicities as do present-day solar-activity cycles.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章主要讲解的是人们将太阳活动极小期与欧洲16世纪至19世纪初期不同寻常的低温联系起来,但是太阳活动极小的真实性还有待考察,如果同意可靠的地质、考古和气象证据能够与远古时代的太阳活动周期挂钩,也许可以帮助理解和确定太阳活动的两种模式。A选项 “指出有关太阳活动的两种相对的科学理论并对其各自的地质依据进行评价”, B选项 “简要概述近期科学在太阳物理学方面的发展并且 就他们对未来气候研究的影响做出评价”, C选项 “讨论将地球上的各种现象与太阳活动联系起来的困难性并指出问题的解决方法影响着我们对太阳物理活动的理解”,D选项“概述有关太阳物理的问题之所以一直没解决的原因并且对现代物理学家过度理论化的方法进行指责”, C选项周期。2.推理判断题。文章对太阳活动的两种模式的介绍主要集中在文章的第三段。根据第三段中的 “In short, the Suns large-scale magnetic field is taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity cycle it drives would be maintained with little overall change for perhaps billions of years. 简而言之,太阳大范围的磁场是自给自足 的,因此与之相关的太阳活动周期将会在几十亿年内维持基本不变。” 可知在第一种模式中,太阳活动的周期是与太阳大范围的磁场相关的并且太阳活动周期是可以长期维持基本不变的。根据第三段中的 “In this model, the solar mechanism dependent on the Suns magnetic field runs down more quickly. Thus, the characteristics of the solar-activity cycle would be expected to change over a long period of time. 在这种模式中,与太阳磁场相关的太阳机制变化更快,因此,太阳活动周期的特点也会在很长一段时间后有所变化”可知在第二种模式中太阳活动的周期也是和太阳磁场相关的,但是太阳活动周期是会有所变化的。所以A选项和C选项错误,排除;B选项正确。D选项文章中没有提及,排除。3.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中的“The reality of the Maunder minimum has yet to be established, however especially since the records that Chinese naked-eye observers of solar activity made at that time appear to contradict it. 太阳活动极小期的真实性还有待考证,特别是中国当时肉眼观察到的太阳活动的记录又与其相矛盾。” 可知A选项他们认为,蒙德极小值所依据的数据是不正确的。是中国17世纪末期至18世纪早期的记录的重要性的原因。4.推理判断题。根据第三段中“In short, the Suns large-scale magnetic field is taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity cycle it drives would be maintained with little overall change for perhaps billions of years. 简而言之,太阳大范围的磁场是自给自足的,因此与之相关的太阳活动周期将会在几十亿年内维持基本不变。”可知选项D “数亿年前太阳活动的周期性特征和如今太阳活动的周期性相同”是对第一种模式的支持。3. 单选题It is the high humidity that makes London winters so chilly,( ).问题1选项A.not that its temperatures are being lowB.not lowness of temperaturesC.since low temperatures are not as presentD.not the low temperatures【答案】D【解析】省略句的用法。根据句子前部分的结构可知题目强调的是high humidity, 并且需填入的部分与the high humidity是并列成分,根据句意使伦敦的冬季如此之冷的是高湿度而不是低气温。可知D选项正确。4. 单选题( ) , all of the soldiers laid down on the ground immediately and could not move their bodies,( )very tired.问题1选项A.The task having been finished; feltB.The task having been finished; feelingC.Finished the task; feltD.The task having been finished; having felt【答案】A【解析】非谓语动词的用法。句意:任务一完成,所有的士兵都立即躺在地上并且无法移动分毫,他们都感到很累。分析句子结构可知,第一个空作伴随状语,且主句的主语与从句的主语the task不一致,所以排除C选项;第二个空谓语动词与laid以及could not move一致,A选项正确。5. 单选题Ever since its discovery, Pluto has never really fitted in. After the pale and glowing giant Neptune, it is little more than a cosmic dust mite, swept through the farthest reaches of the solar system on a plane wildly tilted relative to the rest of the planets. It is smaller than Neptunes largest moon, and the arc of its orbit is so oval that it occasionally crosses its massive blue neighbors path.For years, it has been seen as our solar systems oddest planet. Yesterday, however, scientists released perhaps the most convincing evidence yet that Pluto, in fact, is not a planet at all. For the first time, astronomers have peered into a belt of rocks beyond Pluto unknown until 10 years ago and found a world that rivals Pluto in size. The scientists posit that larger rocks must be out there, perhaps even larger than Pluto, meaning Pluto is more likely the king of this distant realm of space detritus than the tiniest of the nine planets.When discovered in 1930, Pluto at that point was the only thing (that far) out there, so there was nothing else to call it but a planet, says Mike Brown, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. “Now it just doesnt fit.” In one sense, the question of Plutos planetary status is arcane, the province of pocket-protected scientists and sun-deprived pen pushers determined to decide some official designation for a ball of dust and ice 3 billion miles away.Yet it is also unquestionably something more. From science fair dioramas to government funding, planets hold a special place in the public imagination, and how Pluto is eventually seen by kids and Congress alike could shape what future generations learn about this mysterious outpost on the edge of the solar system. The debate has spilt the astronomical community for decades. Even before the distant band of rocks known as the Kuiper Belt was found, Plutos unusual behavior made it suspicious.Elsewhere, the solar system fit into near families: the rocky inner planets, the asteroid belt, the huge and gaseous outer planets. Pluto, though, was peculiar. With the discovery of the Kuiper Belt countless bits of rock and ice left unused when the wheel of the solar system first formed Pluto suddenly seemed to have cousins. Yet until yesterday, it held to its planetary distinction because it was far larger than anything located there.The rub now is Quaoar (pronounced KWAH-oar), 1 billion miles beyond Pluto and roughly half as large. Named after the creation force of the tribe that originally inhabited the Los Angeles basin, Quaoar forecasts problems for the erstwhile ninth planet, says discoverer Dr. Brown: The case is going to get a lot harder to defend the day somebody finds something larger than Pluto.To some, the problem is not with Pluto, but the definition of planet. In short, there is none. To the Greeks, who coined the term, it meant wanderer”, describing the way that the planets moved across the night sky differently from the stars behind them. Today, with our more nuanced understanding of the universe, the word no longer has much scientific meaning.New Yorks Hayden Planetarium caused a commotion two years ago by supposedly demoting Pluto, lumping it with the Kuiper Belt objects in its huge mobile of the solar system. “In reality, however, the planetarium was making a much broader statement, says Nell Degrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist there. The textbooks of the future should focus more on families of like objects than ”planets,. The discovery of Quaoar strengthens this idea: Everyone needs to rethink the structure of our solar system, he says, “Weve just stopped counting planets.Still, many are loath to part with the planet Pluto. They note that Pluto, in fact, is distinct from many Kuiper Belt objects. It has a thin atmosphere, for one. It reflects a great deal of light, while most Kuiper Belt objects are very dark. And unlike all but a handful of known Kuiper Belt objects, it has a moon. ”Maybe Pluto, then, should be representative of a new class of planets, says Mark Sykes, an astronomer at the University of Arizona in Tucson, nIt*s the first example, and we are just beginning to find this category?1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?2.From when was Pluto seriously questioned about its planetary status?3.The sentence In short, there is none. (Para. 7) can be paraphrased as which of the following?4.Which of the following does NOT support the statement that Pluto is our ”solar systems oddest planet”?5.The word commotion” in the expression New Yorks Hayden Planetarium caused a commotion two years ago” (Para. 8) can be replaced by( ).问题1选项A.Rocks larger than Pluto have been found in the Kuiper BeltB.The Kuiper Belt did not exist when Pluto was first discoveredC.The astronomers are divided with regard to the status of PlutoD.There is almost no difference between Pluto and other Kuiper Belt object问题2选项A.As early as 1930.B.More than a decade ago.C.When the Kuiper Belt was discovered.D.When Quaoar was discovered.问题3选项A.There is no problem with Plutos planetary statusB.There is not much difference between Pluto and other planets.C.There is yet no scientific definition of the term planet*.D.There is no clear distinction between planets and stars.问题4选项A.Its orbit is too oval.B.It is unusually small.C.It is farthest from the sun.D.It mainly consists of dust and ice.问题5选项A.exchange of opinionsB.wild imaginationC.thorough investigationD.agitated confusion【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。题干询问根据短文,下列哪个选项是正确的?。A选项 “在柯伊伯带已发现比冥王星更大的岩石”和B选项“在冥王星被首次发现时,柯伊伯带是不存在的”在文中没有提及,排除;由最后一段第二句 “They note that Pluto, in fact, is distinct from many Kuiper Belt objects. 他们注意到冥王星实际上不同于许多柯伊伯带的天体。” 确定D选项“冥王星与其它柯伊伯带物体之间几乎没有差异”错误。由第三段第二句“In one sense, the question of Plutos planetary status is arcane,在某种意义上,冥王星的行星地位问题是晦涩难解的”和第四段中 “The debate has spilt the astronomical community for decades. 十年来,这个争论一直困扰着天文学界,让天文学界分成了持不同观点的派系。”确定C选项“关于冥王星的地位,天文学家们出现了分歧”正确。2.推理判断题。题干询问冥王星的行星地位从什么时候开始受到严肃的质疑?。文章第一段第一句“Ever since its discovery, Pluto has never really fitted in.自从发现它以后,冥王星事实上一直未能融入太阳系。”根据第二段第二句 “Yesterday, however, scientists released perhaps the most convincing evidence yet that Pluto, in fact, is not a planet at all. For the first time, astronomers have peered into a belt of rocks beyond Pluto 然而,昨天,科学家们发布了可能是迄今为止最令人信服的证据,证明冥王星实际上根本不是一颗行星。天文学家们第一次观测到冥王星以外的岩石带。”和第四段最后一句“Even before the distant band of rocks known as the Kuiper Belt was found, Plutos unusual behavior made it suspicious. 甚至在遥远的柯伊伯带被发现之前,冥王星的异常行为就已经让人产生了怀疑。”,确定C选项“当凯伯带被发现时”符合题意,正确。3.推理判断题。题干询问他说:“简而言之,没有。”(第7段)可改述为下列哪一项?,所以答案在第七段。由第七段第一句 “To some, the problem is not with Pluto, but the definition ofplanet.在一些人看来,这个问题(即冥王星是否是行星的问题) 与冥王星无关,而是与对行星的定义有关。”、第七段第二句“To the Greeks, who coined the term, it meant wanderer, describing the way that the planets moved across the night sky differently from the stars behind them. 对于创造了“漫游者”一词的希腊人来说,它的意思是“漫游者”,描述行星在夜空中移动的方式与它们背后的恒星不同。”及第七段最后一句 “Today, with our more nuanced understanding of the universe, the word no longer has much scientific meaning. 今天,随着我们对宇宙更加细致入微的理解,这个词不再有太多的科学意义。”确定C选项“对术语行星仍没有科学定义”正确。4.细节事实题。题干询问下面哪个选项不支持冥王星是我们“太阳系中最奇怪的行星”的说法?。由第一段第二句 “After the pale and glowing giant Neptune,it is little more than a cosmic dust mite, swept through the farthest reaches of the solar system. 苍白,发光的巨头海王星之后,它只不过是一个宇宙尘螨,横扫最远到达太阳系的”确定B选项“它非常小”和C选项“它离太阳最远”与原文一致;由第一段最后一句“the arc of its orbit is so oval that it occasionally crosses its massive blue neighbors path. 它的轨道呈椭圆形,偶尔会穿过它巨大的蓝色邻居的轨道。”确定A选项“它的轨道是很椭圆形的”与原文一致;所以用排除法,确定D选项“它主要地由尘埃和冰构成”符合题意。5.词汇题。题干询问“纽约的海登天文馆在两年前引起了一场骚乱”(第8段)中的“骚动”一词可以被替换为。由第八段第一句“supposedly demoting Pluto, lumping it with the Kuiper Belt objects in its huge mobile of the solar system. 据推测,冥王星将被降级,并与柯伊伯带的巨大移动星系中的物体放在一起。”和第九段第一句 “Still, many are loath to part with the planet Pluto. 尽管如此,许多人还是不愿与冥王星分离。”确定D选项“公开争论不休的混淆”符合语境,正确。6. 单选题One scientific discipline, during its early stages of development, is often related to another as an antithesis to its thesis. The thesis discipline tend to concern itself with discovery and classification of phenomena, to offer holistic explanations emphasizing pattern and form, and to use existing theory to explain the widest possible range of phenomena. The paired or antidiscipline, on the other hand, can be characterized by a more focused approach, concentrating on the units of construction, and by a belief that the discipline can be reformulated in terms of the issues and explanations of the antidiscipline.The relationship of cytology (cell biology) to biochemistry in the late nineteenth century, when both disciplines were growing at a rapid pace, exemplifies such a pattern. Researchers in cell biology found mounting evidence of an intricate cell architecture. They also deduced the mysterious choreography of the chromosomes during cell division. Many biochemists, on the other hand, remained skeptical of the idea that so much structure existed, arguing that the chemical reactions that occur in cytological preparations might create the appearance of such structures. Also, they stood apart from the debate then raging over whether protoplasm, the complex of living material within a cell, is homogeneous, network like, granular, or foamlike. Their interest lay in the core “fundamental” issues of the chemical nature of protoplasm, especially the newly formulated enzyme theory of life.In general, biochemists judged cytologists to be too ignorant of chemistry to grasp the basic processes, whereas cytologists considered the methods of biochemists inadequate to characterize the structures of the living cell. The renewal of Mendelian genetics and, later, progress in chromosome mapping did little at first to effect a synthesis.Both sides were essentially correct. Biochemistry has more than justified its extravagant early claims by explaining so much of the cellular machinery. But in achieving this feat (mostly since 1950) it has been partially transformed into the hew discipline of molecular biologybiochemistiy that deals with spatial arrangements and movements of large molecules. At the same time cytology has metamorphosed into modem cellular biology. Aided by electron microscopy, it has become more similar in language and outlook to molecular biology. The interaction of a discipline and its antidiscipline has moved both sciences toward a synthesis, namely molecular genetics.This interaction between paired disciplines can have important results. In the case of late nineteenth-century cell research, progress was fueled by competition among the various attitudes and issues derived from cell biology and biochemistiy Joseph Futon, a biochemist, has suggested that such competition and the resulting tensions among researchers are a principal source of vitality and “are likely to lead to unexpected and exciting novelties in the future, as they have in the past.”1.Which one of the following best states the central idea of the passage?2.The passage states that in the late nineteenth century cytologists deduced the( ).3.According to the passage, cytologists in the late ninete


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