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会计学1Unit 幼儿教师实用英语口语初级幼儿教师实用英语口语初级第一页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。经过本单元的学习,学生应:1) 掌握幼儿早操活动的重点句型;2) 能用本单元单词、句型组织早操活动。Teaching AimsTeaching Aims (教学目标)Unit 2 Morning Exercises (早操活动)第1页/共23页第二页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。 Key SentencesKey Sentences (重点句型) Dialogues Dialogues (对话) Extensive SentencesExtensive Sentences (拓展句型) Practice Practice (操练) Fun TimeFun Time (开心一刻)第2页/共23页第三页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Section One Key Sentences (重点句型) 1. Its time for morning exercises. 早操时间到了。2. Please follow me to the playground. 请跟我到操场。3. Look at me, boys and girls. Please do as I do. 看着我,孩子们,请跟我做。4. Line up, please. 请排队。5. Lets do morning exercises. 让我们来做早操。第3页/共23页第四页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Dialogue 1Teacher: Good morning, kids. Its time for morning exercises.Children: OK.Teacher: Please follow me to the playground.Children: Oh, yeah.Teacher: Three lines, please. Are you ready?Children: Yes, we are ready.Teacher: Look at me, boys and girls. Please do as I do.Children: OK.Teacher: Great! Lets go on.Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 译文WordsWordsNotesNotes第4页/共23页第五页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。师:早上好,孩子们。早操时间到了。幼:好的。师:请跟我到操场。幼:哦,太好了。师:请排成三排。准备好了吗?幼:准备好了。师:看着我,孩子们,请跟我做。幼:好的。师:太棒了!我们继续吧。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 译文WordsWordsNotesNotes第5页/共23页第六页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。1. Its time for morning exercises. 早操时间到了。 Its time for sth. 是做某事的时间了。 Its time (for sb.) to do sth. 该(某人)干某事了。e.g. Its time for class. 该上课了。 Its time for us to do morning exercises. 我们该做操了。 Its time for us to go to school. 我们该上学了。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 译文WordsWordsNotesNotes第6页/共23页第七页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。2. line指排成的一行。Three lines, please. 意思是Stand in three lines, please.“请排成三排”。e.g. They quickly lined up on the playground. 他们很快在操场上排好了队。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 译文WordsWordsNotesNotes第7页/共23页第八页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Dialogue 2Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.Children: Good morning, Miss Wang.Teacher: Line up, please.Children: OK.Teacher: Stand at ease. Attention. Lets do morning exercises.(After doing morning exercises)Teacher: Fall in. Back to the classroom.Children: Lets go.Teacher: One by one, please. Dont push.Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 译文NotesNotesWordsWords第8页/共23页第九页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。师:小朋友们,早上好。幼:王老师,早上好。师:请排队。幼:好的。师:稍息。立正。我们来做早操。(做完早操后)师:集合。回教室。幼:走喽。师:一个接一个。不要挤。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 译文NotesNotesWordsWords第9页/共23页第十页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Stand at ease. Attention. (口令) 稍息。立正。该句为体育和军训用语。e.g. We repeat “Stand at ease.” and “Attention.” Its so easy and boring. 我们重复稍息和立正,这真是简单而枯燥。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 译文NotesNotesWordsWords第10页/共23页第十一页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Words (单词)attention /E5tenFEn/ n. 立正at ease(口令)稍息fall in排队集合Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 第11页/共23页第十二页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。1. Lets form two teams.让我们组成两队。2. Jump in place. 原地跳。3. Kick your leg.踢腿。4. Stretch out. 伸直。5. Halt. Dismiss. 立定。解散。6. Be/Keep quiet. 安静。7. Turn right/left. 向右/左转。8. Take care, please. 请小心。9. Hurry up, please. 请快点。Section Three Extensive Sentences (拓展句型)第12页/共23页第十三页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。10. Eyes right/left/front. 向右/左/前看。11. Arms out/in. 两臂外伸/放下。12. Please go out and line up. 请出去排队。13. Lets go to the playground. 让我们去操场。14. Squat down.蹲下。 15. One by one, please. Dont push. 请一个接一个,不要挤。Section Three Extensive Sentences (拓展句型)第13页/共23页第十四页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Section Four Practice (操练)1. Dialogue drills Youll hear four English sentences and give your response to each one within five seconds. After that youll hear the answer for your reference.(你将听到4个英语句子,你有秒钟的 时间说出句子应答,然后你将听到参考应答。) (1) A: Are you ready? B: (2) A: Good morning, B: boys and girls. (3) A: Lets do it together. OK? B: (4) A: Do you like morning exercises? B:Yes, we are.Good morning, Madam.OK.Yes, we do._第14页/共23页第十五页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。2.Oral translation Youll hear five Chinese sentences and put each of them into English within ten seconds. After that youll hear the translation for your reference.(你将听到5 个中文句子,你有10秒钟的时间将句子翻译成英语,然后你将听到 参考译句。) (1) 早操时间到了。 (2) 请跟我到操场。 (3) 跟我做。 (4) 我们来做早操。 (5) 请回教室。Section Four Practice (操练)Its time to do morning exercises.Please follow me to the playground.Please do as I do.Lets do morning exercises.Back to the classroom, please._第15页/共23页第十六页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。3. Role-play Make a dialogue about leading kids to the playground to do morning exercises, using the words and sentences of this unit.(用本单元所学单词和句型,创编一个幼 儿早操的情景对话。)Section Four Practice (操练)Sample dialogue第16页/共23页第十七页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Sample dialogueTeacher: Please go out and line up. Stand in a line. Attention!Children: Yes, Madam.Teacher: At ease! Attention! Turn right. Lets go to the playground.Children: Lets go.Teacher: Come on. Please follow me.Children: Yes.Teacher: Fall in. Lets do morning exercises.Children: OK.Teacher: Please do as I do.Section Four Practice (操练)第17页/共23页第十八页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。ChantCome and Do ExerciseChildren, come and do exercise,While we sing a merry song,Right foot first, left foot then,Round about and back again,With your feet you tap, tap, tap,With your hands you clap, clap, clap.Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻)第18页/共23页第十九页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Chant 一起来做运动小朋友们,一起来做运动,唱上一支快乐的歌。右脚先,左脚后,转个圈儿再回来,小脚跺跺,哒哒哒,小手拍拍,啪啪啪。Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻)第19页/共23页第二十页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Game【游戏名称】 我说你做【游戏目标】 在游戏中巩固认识动词短语Hands up, Hands down, Bend your body等。【游戏方法】 老师说动词短句,如:“Hands up.”幼儿就听指令做出举手动作,如说:“Bend your body.”幼儿就听指令做出弯腰动作。游戏反复进行。Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻)第20页/共23页第二十一页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。Follow MeFollow me, follow me,Hands up, hands up.Follow me, follow me,Hands down, hands down.Follow me, follow me,Wave your arms.Follow me, follow me,Bend your knees.SongSection Five Fun Time (开心一刻)第21页/共23页第二十二页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。跟我做跟我做,跟我做,举起手,举起手,跟我做,跟我做,手放下,手放下,跟我做,跟我做,摆胳膊,摆胳膊,跟我做,跟我做,弯弯你的小膝盖。SongSection Five Fun Time (开心一刻)第22页/共23页第二十三页,编辑于星期日:四点 五十八分。


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