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2022年考博英语-中国海洋大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Scientists recently revealed an instinct in women intact and unaffected by the age of technology. Glancing through glossy art books, Lee Salk noticed that four times out of five Mary is depicted holding the infant Jesus against her left breast The Madonna sparked off a series of experiments and observations to determine on which side women hold their babies and why.First he determined that modern mothers still tend to hold their baby on the left. Of 255 right-handed mothers, 83% held the baby on the left. And out of 32 left-handed women, 78% held the baby on the left. As a control, women were watched emerging from supermarkets carrying baby-sized packages; the bundles were held with no side preference.Then, dental patients were given a large rubber ball to hold during treatment. The majority clutched the ball to their left side, even when it interfered with the dentists activities. This suggested that in times of stress objects are held against the left side.At that point an apparently contradictory phenomenon was observed. A large number of mothers who brought their premature babies to a follow-up clinic were seen to hold their babies against their right side.So, 115 mothers who had been separated from their babies for 24 hours after birth were observed for holding response. The experiments presented the baby directly to the mid-line of the mothers body, and noted that the mothers of the group who had held their baby on the left had already had a baby from which they had not been separated after birth.The author suggested that the time immediately after birth is a critical period when the stimulus of holding the baby releases a certain maternal response. That is to say, she senses the baby is better off on her left.Left-handed holding enables the baby to hear the heart-beat a sound associated with the security of the womb. In order to discover whether hearing the heart has a beneficial effect on the baby, the sound of a human heartbeat was played to 102 babies in a New York nursery for 4 days. A control group of babies was not exposed to heartbeats. The babies in the beat group gained markedly more weight and cried far less than the babies in the control group.1.Why did Lee Salk watch women coming out of supermarkets?2.The word critical in line 1, paragraph 6 means( ).3.What is the reason given for the gain in the weight of the babies in the beat group?4.Salks experiments proved that( ).问题1选项A.To see how they carried their babies.B.To see if they were left-handed.C.To see if they carried parcels and babies differently.D.To control them.问题2选项A.very seriousB.extremely importantC.very dangerousD.risky问题3选项A.The sound of the human heartbeat reminds the baby of the security of the womb.B.The sound of the human heartbeat resembles that of the babys own heartbeat.C.The sound of the human heartbeat resembles that of the mothers heartbeatD.The sound of the human heartbeat is regular and rhythmical.问题4选项A.mothers have an instinct to hold their babies on the left immediately after birthB.mothers hold their babies on the left only at times of stressC.mothers of premature babies do not have the instinct to hold their babies on the left.D.mothers find it more comfortable to carry their babies on the left because the heart is on that side.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。第二段指出: As a control, women were watched emerging from supermarkets carrying baby-sized packages; the bundles were held with no side preference(作为对照,观察女性从超市里抱着婴儿大小的包裹从超市走出来时,却发现没有任何方向偏好)。因此推断C项“看看她们是否以不同的方式抱包裹和婴儿”正确。2.词义题。critical 所在句子为: The author suggested that the time immediately after birth is a critical period when the stimulus of holding the baby releases a certain maternal response.(作者认为“出生后的一段时间是一种想要怀抱婴儿的刺激催化出一定母性反应的时期)。定语从句“when the stimulus of holding the baby releases a certain maternal response(一种想要怀抱婴儿的刺激催化了 -种母性的反应)”修饰先行词critical period,由此推断critical的意思可能为 “非常重要的”。故选B。3.细节事实题。第一段指出: Left-handed holding enables the baby to hear the heart-beat a sound associated with the security of the womb (用左侧怀抱婴儿可以使其听到母亲的心跳声,即一种与子宫安全状态相关的声音),由此可知A “人类心跳的声音提醒婴儿子宫的安全状态”正确。4.判断推理题。A:婴儿出生后,母亲立刻就会有用左侧怀抱婴儿的本能,倒数第二段指出: the time immediately after birth is a critical period when the stimulus of holding the baby releases a certain maternal response (紧接着分娩的那一时刻非常关键,此时,一种想要怀抱婴儿的刺激催化了某种母性的反应),故A项与原文不符;B:只有在紧张的时候母亲才会把婴儿抱在左边,文章并未提及;C:早产婴儿的母亲没有将自己的婴儿抱在左侧的本能,第四段指出: A large number of mothers who brought their premature babies to a follow-up clinic were seen to hold their babies against their right side (许多母亲带着早产儿随访诊所就医时,是把婴儿抱在右边的),但是并不能推测出C项;D: 母亲发现将自己的婴儿抱在左侧更舒服,因为心脏在左侧,最后一段指出:Left-handed holding enables the baby to hear the heart-beat a sound associated with the security of the womb (.用左侧怀抱婴儿可以使其听到母亲的心跳声,即一种与子宫安全状态相关的声音),由此推测D正确。2. 单选题The ( )of the lake is covered with reeds and rushes.问题1选项A.beachB.shoreC.coastD.bank【答案】B【解析】句意:湖岸上覆盖着芦苇与杂草。考查近义词辨析。Beach 海岸 (主要指接近海水较为平坦的地方,其上往往覆盖有沙子或碎石); shore水与陆地交界的“岸”(如:海 岸、湖岸、河岸等); coast海岸,海岸线(通常只能指“海岸”,不 指湖岸或河岸); bank大多指江河之岸,特别是高处水平以上的岸或堤岸。根据题干中的reeds and rushes(芦苇和杂草)可知B项正确。3. 单选题Mary wanted to turn natural history into a science that would ( )physics and chemistry.问题1选项A.be the same asB.rank withC.be at issueD.take on【答案】B【解析】句意:玛丽想要将自然历史变成与物理和化学并列的一门学科。考查短语辨析。be the same as与相同; rank with 与并列; be at issue争论不休; take on承担,呈现,接纳,雇用。故B符合句意。4. 单选题He seemed too old for her, ( )like a father ( )a husband.问题1选项A.more.thanB.not so.asC.most.thanD.rather.than【答案】A【解析】句意:对她来说,他似乎有点太老了,相比丈夫,他更像她的父亲。考查固定搭配。由前半句句意“他似乎有点太老了”推测后面句意为: 相比丈夫,他更像她的父亲。more .than. 相比,更是。故选A。5. 单选题( )deserves the award will certainly get it.问题1选项A.Who we thinkB.Whoever we thinkC.Whoever we think ofD.Whoever do we think【答案】B【解析】句意:我们认为,不管谁应得这个奖品,他一定会得到。语法题。考查主语从句引导词。分析题干可知空格处为主语从句, whoever引导主语从句时,其意义相当于“anyone who”,“we think”在这里充当插入语,故B正确。6. 单选题The man over there is ( )our principal.问题1选项A.no other butB.no one thanC.no other thanD.one other than【答案】D【解析】句意:那个男人正是我们的首长。考查短语辨析。no other than和none other than都有“正是”的意思,但none other than语气更强,还表示“惊奇、赞美、强调等语气”,故选D。7. 单选题When we reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we( ).问题1选项A.need not to hurryB.neednt have hurriedC.need not to have hurriedD.did not need to hurry【答案】B【解析】句意:我们到达火车站时,火车还没到,所以我们本不必那么匆忙的。语法题。考查虚拟语气。根据句意可知空格处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,。neednt have done表示“本来不需要做某事却做了(对过去的虚拟)”,故选B。8. 单选题The lamp would not work because of a ( )in the switch.问题1选项A.defectB.blotC.foulD.shortcoming【答案】A【解析】句意:由于开关有问题,所以台灯不亮。考查名词辨析。Defect 缺陷,不足; blot 污点; foul 犯规; shortcoming 缺点,短处,多形容人。故A符合句意。9. 单选题After his wifes death, he was on the verge of a ( ).问题1选项A.breakdownB.breakoutC.break inD.breakthrough【答案】A【解析】句意:他的妻子过世后,他陷入了崩溃的边缘。考查形近词辨析。Breakdown崩溃,倒塌,损坏,故障; breakout逃脱,越狱; break in打断,闯入,开始工作; breakthrough突破,突破性进展。由关键词his wifes death (他妻子的死亡)可知A符合句意。10. 单选题It used to bein popular imagination, if not always in realitythat it was the man of the house who toted the tool belt, fixing a leaky faucet here and repairing a hole in the drywall there, while overseeing home improvements, from new bookshelves to room additions. It seemed part of our evolutionary development as a toolusing species that it was men, alone, who would prowl the aisles of hardware stores.Demographics change. Women account today for fully half of the U.S.S140 billion retail hardware and home improvement industry sales in the United States. They have been motivated by the do-it-yourself movement that began in the early 1980s, and by changing economic and social realities that have made women more self-reliant. Home improvement television shows, specialty magazines, teaching clinics, and even websites cater to these do-it-yourselfers, understanding that women are the “instigators” of home improvement projects whether or not there is a man in the house. The common wisdom in the industry is that women have significant control not only over selection of products, but also over the household budget.1.Which of the following can best sum lip the passage?2.Women are taking up home repairs more and more just because ( ).3.We can guess from context clues that the word 4lo tote” means( ).4.Which of the following statements is true?问题1选项A.Women now can work on home improvement all by themselves, not needing mens help.B.Women are now becoming experts at home improvement.C.Its women, not men, who now go to hardware stores.D.Women are born better at home repairs.问题2选项A.men are unwilling to do itB.women have been found to be more talented at itC.women are affected by certain thoughts and movementD.woman want to demonstrate that they are superior to men问题3选项A.to repairB.to carryC.to sellD.to buy问题4选项A.Women havent taken up home improvement at allB.Nowadays, men dont work on home improvement any more.C.More and more women now make efforts to become do-it-yourselfers.D.Men cant be the instigator of home improvements.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章最主要讨论的是女性所扮演的角色的变化:之前不参与家居环境改进相关的工作,现在主要依靠自己对家居环境进行改进,并决定产品的选择和家庭预算。因此B项“如今,女性变得善于进行家居环境改进”比较能概括文章大意。2.细节事实题。第二段指出: They have been motivated by the do-it-yourself movement that began in the early 1980s, and by changing economic and social realities that have made women more self-reliant (受20世纪80年代初期的自己动手运动的推动 和变化的经济社会现实的影响,女性更多的是依靠自己)。故选C项 “女性受到了某些思想和运动的影响”。3.词义题。“to tote”出现在第一句: It used to bein popular imagination, if not always in realitythat it was the man of the house who toted the tool belt, fixing a leaky faucet here and repairing a hole in the drywall there, while overseeing home improvements, from new bookshelves to room additions (过去,的通常是一个家庭中的男性,虽然现实不一定如此,但至少在大家的观念里是这样的。包括在这儿修理一个漏水龙头,在那儿填补干墙上的一个洞,与此同时还要监督家居的环境改进,从购置新书架到其他房间布置物)。分析句子可知, who toted the tool belt作定语修饰 “男性”,通过后面的 “在这儿修理一个漏水龙头”推断toted the tool belt应该表示 “携带工具腰带”,因此四个选项中与“to tote”意思最接近的应该是B。4.判断推理题。第二段指出: They have been motivated by the do-it-yourself movement that began in the early 1980s, and by changing economic and social realities that have made women more self-reliant (受20世纪80年代初期的自己动手运动的推动和变化的经济社会现实的影响,女性更多的是依靠自己),由此推断C项“如今,越来越多的女性努力成为自己动手者”符合原文。11. 单选题( ) both the largest and northernmost state in the United States, Alaska has thesmallest population.问题1选项A.Despite beingB.Despite it isC.Despite thatD.In spite being【答案】A【解析】句意:虽然阿拉斯加州是美国最大且位置最靠北的州,但是人口却是最少的。语法题。考查现在分词引导状语从句。分析题干跟选项可知,空格处表示让步 “尽管”,句子后半句为主句,所以前半句为be动词的现在分词形式引导的让步状语从句。故选A。12. 单选题There was a long ( ) silence between them after his angry words.问题1选项A.clumsyB.inconvenientC.funnyD.embarrassing【答案】D【解析】句意:他愤怒的话语使得他们之间出现了长时间令人尴尬的沉默。考查形容词辨析。Clumsy笨拙的, inconvenient不便的,打扰的; funny有趣的,好笑的; embarrassing使人尴尬的,令人为难的。故D符合句意。13. 翻译题Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.The strategic nature of the threat now posed by human civilization to the global environment and the strategic nature of the threat to human civilization now posed by changes in the global environment present us with a similar set of challenges and false hopes. Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life a simplistic notion at best But the real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will of course involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself.【答案】当前,人类文明对全球环境造成的威胁的战略实质和全球环境的变化对人类文明造成的威胁的战略实质向我们提出了一系列相似的挑战,同时也使我们产生了一些自欺欺 人的期望。有人认为有了某种崭新的终极技术,无论是核能还是基因工程,就可以解决这个问题。还有人则认为只有大力减少我们对技术的依赖才能改善人类的生存环境这种看法充其量是一种简化的看法。然而,真正的解决办法将在彻底改变和最终修复文明与地球间的关系中被找到。要完成这一点,只有通过重新仔细估量导致这种关系在较近时期内发生的剧烈变化的所有各种因素才行。改变我们与地球的关系的途径当然会涉及到新技术的发明和应用,但是关键的改变将与思考这种关系本身的新方式有关。14. 单选题The reason Hollywood is a natural place for making movies is ( )the sun shines there every day.问题1选项A.whyB.whichC.thatD.because【答案】C【解析】句意:好莱坞作为电影制作自然之地的原因在于那里每天都有太阳照射。语法题。考查从句的连接词。分析句子结构可知空格引导表语从句,而且该引导词不在表语从句中作任何成分,故C正确。15. 单选题( )their economic system is reformed, the destiny of that country will be hard to predict.问题1选项A.Only afterB.UnlessC.Now thatD.As long as【答案】B【解析】句意:除非实行经济体制改革,不然那个国家的命运将很难预测。连词辨析。Only after仅仅等才; Unless 除非,如果不; now that 既然,由于; as long as 只要。故B符合句意。16. 单选题The result of our survey indicated that students in the city averaged( )of daily self-study this year than last year.问题1选项A.60 minutesB.as many as 60 minutesC.more 60 minutesD.60 minutes more【答案】D【解析】句意:我们的调查结果显示,城市里的学生每天的自学时间相比去年平均増加了 60分钟。语法题。考查比较级。由题干关键词than可以排除A和B。表示“平均比多”用“averagemore than”。故D正确。17. 单选题We are not ( )to veto our own proposals.问题1选项A.likelyB.possibleC.probableD.potential【答案】A【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项likely“很可能的(可能性比较强)”,其主语可以是人;B选项possible“可能的,合理的”,主语一般为 it;C选项probable“很可能的;可信的”,一般是这样用的:it is probable that;D选项potential“潜在的,可能的”,一般为:it is potential to do sth.。句意:我们不可能否定我们自己的提议。句子主语是We,根据题干可知likely符合句意。18. 单选题I ( )the packages up before taking them to the post office.问题1选项A.bumpedB.bundledC.bulkedD.bunched【答案】B【解析】句意:我把包裹打包好带去了邮局。考查形近词辨析。四个选项均为对应动词的过去式。Bump 碰撞,颠簸而行,提高; bundle捆,匆忙地走; buckle扣住,弯曲,专心做事; bunch使成一束(或一群),隆起,成束成群。根据关键词package(包裹)可知B符合句意。19. 单选题Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of persons intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from population, it is likely that their degree of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take two identical twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We should soon find difference in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence.1.The writer is in favor of the view that a mans intelligence is given to him ( ).2.If a child is born with low intelligence, he can( ).3.In the second paragraph “if we take two unrelated people at random from population” means if we( ).4.The example of the twins going to a university and to a factory separately shows( ).5.The best title of this passage could be( ).问题1选项A.at birthB.through educationC.both at birth and through educationD.neither at birth nor through education问题2选项A.become a geniusB.still become a genius if he is given special educationC.reach his intellectual limits in rich surroundingsD.not become intelligent in his life问题3选项A.pick any two peopleB.take out two different peopleC.choose two people who are relativesD.choose two people with different intelligence问题4选项A.the importance of their intelligenceB.the role of environment on intelligenceC.the importance of their positionsD.the part that birth plays问题5选项A.surroundingsB.intelligenceC.the dependence on environmentD.the effect of education【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。第一段指出: To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth(在一定程度上,我们的智力水平是先天决定的), On the other hand,a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings(另一方面,一个生活在单调乏味环境中 的孩子比一个生活在丰富多彩的环境中的孩子有更少的智力发展),由此可知C项“先天条件和后天教育共同决定了一个人的智力水平”符合作者观点。2.细节事实题。A:成为天才,B: 如果接受特殊教育,还是能够成为天才的,由第一段中的 “To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence (在一定程度上,我们的智力水平是先天决定的。没有什么样的教育能够让一个天生智力水平低下的孩子变成一个天才)”可知A和B错误。C:可以在丰 富多彩的环境中达到其智力的上限,D: 在他的一生中都不能变聪明,由第一段中的“Thus the limits of persons intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment (因此,每个人的智力的上限是先天决定的,而后天的环境决定了一个人能否让自己的智力达到上限)”可知C项正确,D错误。3.语义题。第二段中心句为: It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with (很容易证明人的智力水平是天生的),随后便通过实验证明这一中心句。“if we take two unrelated people at random from population”所在句为:Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from population, it is likely that their degree of intelligence will be completely different (如果,那么很有可能这两个人的智力水平完全不同),由此可知A“任意挑选两个人”与题干句语义最接近。4.判断推理题。根据题干the twins going to a university and to a factory separately”定位至第三段。第三段主题句为: This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence (两个没有亲属关系但亲密接触的人很有可能拥有相同的智力水平, 这一事实也暗示了前面的结论)。因此可知第三段是为了论证后天环境对个人智力发展的重要作用,故选B“环境在智力发展中所扮演的角色”。5.主旨大意题。文章论证的是先天因素和后天环境在个人智力发展中所扮演的角色。故选B“智力”。20. 单选题Although American institutions have an unquestionable prestige in the ( )academic marketplace, their history was not comparable with that of the British ones.问题1选项A.curricularB.contemporaryC.communicativeD.conceptual【答案】B【解析】句意:尽管美国的院校在当代学术论坛上有无可置疑的声望,但是它们的历史却比不上英国院校的历史。考查形容词辨析。Curricular课程的; contemporary属同时期的,同一时代的,当代的; communicative乐意沟通的,语言交际能力的; conceptual概念(上)的,观念(上)的。因此B符合句意。


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