(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 回答问题(03)健康生活+社会现象试题

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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 回答问题(03)健康生活+社会现象试题_第1页
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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 回答问题(03)健康生活+社会现象试题_第2页
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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 回答问题(03)健康生活+社会现象试题_第3页
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回答问题(三)健康生活+社会现象A2019烟台改编Some bad habits are making you grow older fast. Cut down the following habits today for a more beautiful tomorrow.Waiting for your sadness to go awaySadness isnt just uncomfortable; it also makes you become older fast. Take your mental(精神的) health as seriously as your physical health. If youve been fighting with your sadness for more than two weeks, be sure to find professional help. Paying no attention to your sadness or just waiting without doing anything can do harm to your mental health and make you older.Having a cigarette or two on weekendsIf you smoke only when you are with your friends on weekends, can you keep away from the harmful effects of smoking? The answer is “No”. Smoking can break down your skins elasticity(弹性). Your smoking habit may even make your hair become gray. Changing your smoking habit is changing your life.Having a long to-do list day after dayIts normal to have a to-do list in our “go, go, go” daily life. But if youre always running from one thing to the next, and caught in too much business, you are turning older fast, because your too long to-do list makes you tired and under lots of stress. Stress can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and other physical diseases. It can also cause mental health problems or make the problems worse and worse.1.Whats as important as physical health? 2.If you cant get out of your sadness more than two weeks, what would you do? 3.What are the harmful effects of smoking? 4.List two kinds of physical diseases that can be caused by stress. 5.Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage? BMany of us have feelings of loneliness as we grow up. Some teenagers cant stand eating alone in the dining hall, and girls even go to the restroom hand in hand. They fear being called a “loner”. In these cases, we might use the word “loner” in a disapproving(不赞成的) way. However, it can actually have a good meaning as well. It all depends on our attitude toward being alone.“Its hard to feel lonely when youre trying to master a new skill, practice a hobby or try out a new recipe,” wrote US lifestyle writer Adrienne Breaux. She used to be a terrible cook, but whenever loneliness hit her, she would buy a lot of ingredients and figure out how to make them into delicious dishes. After a few months, she became good at cooking. If you can make use of your solo(单独的) time, youll find that it wont trouble you.“Honjok” in South Korea“Honjok” has become a growing lifestyle in South Korea. The word comes from “hon” (alone) and “jok”(tribe一族). These people eat alone, travel alone, and enjoy being by themselves. “I hope it grows into a self-supporting culture of happiness,” said Jang Jae Young, a South Korean who runs a website about this solo lifestyle called honjok.me.Loner Economy(经济) in JapanThere are many solo karaoke bars and solo cafes in Japan. Ramen(拉面) restaurants for solo diners are especially popular. Boards separate each seat. Diners fill out a form to place an order, and then press a button to call the waiter. They dont see the faces of other customers or waiters.People are becoming more peaceful about being alone. This doesnt mean we should totally shut ourselves from the outside world, of course. But it doesn t hurt to have some “me time” once in a while.1.What does the writer want to tell us by mentioning US lifestyle writer Adrienne Breaux? 2.How do you like the “loners” in South Korea? 3.In the passage, the underlined word “this” refers to .4.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (不超过25个汉字) 5.Do you want to be a loner? Why or why not? 【参考答案】A主旨大意本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些加速衰老的坏习惯,并建议人们改掉它们。1. The mental health.2. We would find professional help. 3. Smoking can break down our skins elasticity. 4. Heart disease and high blood pressure.5. To ask people to cut down three bad habits.B1.If you can make use of your solo time (by doing something), loneliness wont trouble you./2.In South Korea, more and more people enjoy being alone./In South Korea, being alone is a trend and more and more people enjoy it./3.People are becoming more peaceful about being alone.4.只要我还有自我,他们来去对我都一样。/5.Yes, I do. Because I can make use of my solo time to improve my life skills./No, I dont. Because Im afraid of loneliness./(开放性试题,言之有理即可。)4


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