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壹影片创意阐述贰影片整体调性叁影片架构肆影片分镜示意影片创意阐述 龙,东亚神话传说,千年帝王象征,祥瑞之物 项目为汝州龍府,一个具有传统文化,现代品质,无限尊崇的社区,与龙相关,在影片中,深入项目城市历史文化,并从龙的特性入手,融入整个影片,将项目的交通,配套,建筑风格,景观,户型,智能化服务等各个优势表达出来,呈现一个底蕴深厚,新亚洲风格,注重风水,寓意呈祥,至高无上的项目形象;【影片制作】:高端房地产建筑动画制作 + 特效动画制作 + 高清视频素材【影片观感】:节奏张弛有道,富于变化;镜头长短结合,快慢交替;音效从交响乐到轻音乐,或声势浩大,或低沉稳重,或轻 快愉悦,全片强烈的氛围感,艺术感,极富感染力,打造出一场震撼人心的视听盛宴。【画面要求】: 三维后期制作生动形象,画面干净,节奏明快,动静相宜、波澜起伏第章叁PART ONE影片架构龍龍龍龍游刃有余行动自如文化深厚寓意呈祥形态完美尺度豪阔至高无上帝王尊崇项目交通区位项目的中式建筑风格,景观内容的阐述项目的经典户型项目的智能化服务,专业物管服务,内部的配套分镜头画面展现注:画面仅供参考,后期中画面将予以制作更换,以达到更加贴合项目,清晰唯美,生动流畅的效果龙,千年帝王象征,祥瑞之物Millennium Dragon, a symbol of the emperor, the auspicious of theMillennium Dragon, a symbol of the emperor, the auspicious of the沿袭龙之王气,于汝瓷之都Follow the Dragon King, built on the Ruzhou habitat benchmarkFollow the Dragon King, built on the Ruzhou habitat benchmark 传承深厚历史底蕴 打造人居标杆Continuation of the profound historical background to create a benchmark for Chinese livingContinuation of the profound historical background to create a benchmark for Chinese living片头:由龙的特效幻化为项目进行演绎 logo+迅捷交通、完善周边,天成贵脉自此骄荣一生Continuation of the profound historical background to create a benchmark for Chinese livingContinuation of the profound historical background to create a benchmark for Chinese living新亚洲风格建筑,中轴对称 开阔大气,东方建筑的神韵之美和现代建筑完美融合Axisymmetric open airAxisymmetric open air,The beauty of oriental architecture and the perfect fusion of modern architectureThe beauty of oriental architecture and the perfect fusion of modern architecture檐,中式底蕴,皇家风范Eaves, Chinese style,Royal StyleEaves, Chinese style,Royal Style核心景观中轴,8重珍稀植物叠景,一花一木,融情于景,生活的诗意在这里弥漫The core landscape axis, 8 landscape stack of rare plantsThe core landscape axis, 8 landscape stack of rare plants,Flowers and trees, the financial situation in the scene, the poetry of life here diffuseFlowers and trees, the financial situation in the scene, the poetry of life here diffuse春繁花似锦,绿意盎然springspring, lush flowers blooming like a piece of brocade. lush flowers blooming like a piece of brocade.夏清风徐徐,鸟鸣啾啾Summer breeze, birdsSummer breeze, birds秋层林尽染 一丛金黄In a clump of golden cenglinjinranIn a clump of golden cenglinjinran冬雪花飘落,银装素裹Winter snow, snowWinter snow, snow气派宏伟大门,尽显人居尺度Magnificent gate, full of human settlementsMagnificent gate, full of human settlements豪阔空间格局,诠释龍之气魄Haokuo spatial scale, interpretation of the Dragon SpiritHaokuo spatial scale, interpretation of the Dragon Spirit精装入户大堂,品牌电梯,尽显尊崇Hardcover home lobby, brand lift, show respectHardcover home lobby, brand lift, show respect专属线上呼叫,咨询,预定,下单,线上送货上门,服务上门,视听一体化服务,展现人文关怀Exclusive online call, consulting, booking, ordering, online home delivery, service door, audio-visual integration services, to show the humanistic careExclusive online call, consulting, booking, ordering, online home delivery, service door, audio-visual integration services, to show the humanistic care蕴育龙之王气,筑就人居巅峰,汝州龍府 耀世来临Is the Dragon King, built on the peak of human settlementsIs the Dragon King, built on the peak of human settlements


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