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2022年考博英语-河北工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Improved consumer confidence is _ to an economic recovery.问题1选项A.crucialB.subordinateC.cumulativeD.satisfactory【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. crucial至关重要的,关键性的 B. subordinate隶属的,从属的C. cumulative(在力量或重要性方面)聚积的,积累的 D. satisfactory令人满意的,够好的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据句子意思“消费者信心的增强对经济复苏_”可知,空格处表示“至关重要的”符合句意。因此,该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】消费者信心的增强对经济复苏至关重要。2. 单选题The _ was a _ of gastronomic delights.问题1选项A.internist.progenyB.gourmet.connoisseurC.scientist.facilitatorD.tyro.master【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. internist.progeny内科医生子孙 B. gourmet.connoisseur美食家鉴赏家C. scientist.facilitator科学家诱导者 D. tyro.master初学者能手【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键词gastronomic delights(特色美食)可知,两个空格处都与美食相关,这与B项符合。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】这位美食家是美食的鉴赏家。3. 单选题He is always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.问题1选项A.scrupulousB.perpetualC.puerileD.studious【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. scrupulous细心的,小心谨慎的,一丝不苟的 B. perpetual永久的,不断的,无期限的C. puerile幼稚的,孩子气的;天真的 D. studious勤奋的,好学的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】由keeping the records up to date(保持记录的更新)可推测,划线单词meticulous表示“一丝不苟的,小心翼翼的”,因此A选项含义最为接近。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项与划线单词意思不符合。【句意】他总是一丝不苟地保持记录的更新。4. 单选题A A technical view of a new invention sometimes B differ from C an economic D perspective.问题1选项A.technicalB.differC.anD.perspective【答案】B【解析】【考查点】主谓一致。【解题思路】句子主语是第三人称单数A technical view(技术观点),因此谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式differs。该题选择B项。【句意】对一项新发明的技术观点有时与经济观点不同。5. 单选题Despite A it is both the largest and B the northernmost state C in the United States, Alaska has D the smallest population.问题1选项A.it isB.the northernmostC.inD.the smallest【答案】C【解析】【答案】C【考查点】介词的用法。【解题思路】当表示地理位置关系时,in表示“在里”;of表示“属于的”,内含隶属关系。阿拉斯加属于美国的一个州,因此本题应该将C项的介词改为of。【句意】尽管阿拉斯加是美国最大的州,也是美国最北的州,但它的人口却是最少的。6. 单选题My first encounter with the international artist and art critic Fairfield Porter was actually through the poetry of his wife, Anne (Channing) Porter. While both grew to become quite celebrated in their crafts, Fairfields story is unique.Born into an affluent, artistic family in 1907, the boy who was one day become a renowned artist and respected art critic showed a comparative lack of artistic ability when seen next to his siblings. While his older brother Eliot took to photography, Fairfield Porter, despite being remarkably intelligent, appeared to be lacking any natural artistic talents. It seemed that, although a member of a family full of artists, his true skill lay in the critiquing of others artistry. This was evidenced in his second year at Harvard by Farfields decision to pursue art history as his major field of study. After studying at Harvard under Arthur Pope and then traveling briefly through Europe, Fairfield came back to the United States to further his education at the Art Students League in New York City. There he became acquainted with the famed photographer Alfred Stieglitzthe work of whom is said to have positively influenced Fairfields paintings to some degree.Between the years 1931 and 1932, Fairfield spent the majority of his time in Italy learning to appreciate and critique the works of the great Renaissance painters. His training came from both direct study under world-famous art historian Bernard Berenson, and from countless hours spent in museums and galleries observing the greatest pieces of Italian art.Following his marriage to Anne upon his return from Italy, Fairfield spent the better part of the next two decades developing his skills as a painter while caring for his autistic son. During this period his meetings with the French Intimist painter Willem De Kooning would prove to have a profound effect on his later works. Porter was the first to publicly acclaim the work of Kooning.In fact, what made Porter so famous was his knack for responding directly to an artists work. He found fault with the common “talk based” criticism that spoke to art only in reference to its past or to some vague theoretical framework; such criticism attempted to shape the future of art and was far too biased for Porter. His time as an art critic for such publications as Art News and The Nation ended, however, in 1961 when he decided to pursue a full-time painting career.The other side of his fame, his uncommon approach to painting, is just as important to the understanding of Fairfield Porters contributions to the world of art. His personal philosophy comes from a blending of two views; art should be personal, emotional, and representative of its subject, while at the same time be boldly colorful, expressive, and generally abstract. Drawing on his vast knowledge of art history, especially the styles of French Intimism, Porter fused these two feelings to create a powerful, emotive collection of paintings about families, individuals, and the home, as well as moving nature scenes such as The Door to the Woods (1971) and MaineToward the Harbor (1967).When he died in 1975, on a morning walk along the ocean, he left the world as one of the most respected art critics in the past century. On top of that, his work as a painter is still viewed within the art community as amazingly distinctive and especially representative of his life. It is sad to say that now, however, some thirty years after his death, he is still virtually unknown outside of art circles. This remarkably insightful, articulate, creative individual needs to be discovered by the common man and revered for his continuing influence on the artists of today. The words of this intellectual were some of the best and most honest critiques of art ever spoken.1. The main purpose of the passage can best be described as an attempt to _.2. The authors attitude toward the subject of the passage can best be characterized as _.3. As described in the passage, Porters method of criticizing art can best be summarized by which of the following statements?4. Porters painting style can be described by all of the following EXCEPT _.5. Without the first paragraph, the passage would lose _.问题1选项A.explain Porters renowned ability to candidly address artists worksB.illustrate the influence several renowned artists had on the works of PorterC.appraise Porters unusual methods of painting and critiquing artworkD.chronicle Porters life, particularly the events and beliefs that shaped his career问题2选项A.detached interestB.amused toleranceC.warm appreciationD.deep abhorrence问题3选项A.Porters criticisms were frank and forthright, and were based solely on his evaluation of the piece of art that he was appraising.B.Porter criticized art based on the context of the painting and conceptual structures that he found most useful in his evaluation.C.Porters critiques were comparable to those of Bernard Berenson, who greatly influenced Porters outlook on art.D.Porter targeted his criticisms at helping artists by attempting to influence their forthcoming works.问题4选项A.stirringB.vividC.triteD.individualistic问题5选项A.an overview of the passage as a wholeB.a brief introduction and transition into the topicC.important detail that later becomes relevant to the passageD.an explanation of the logic behind the authors viewpoint【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The main purpose of the passage can best be described as an attempt to _. 1. 这篇文章的主要目的可以被描述为试图_。A. explain Porters renowned ability to candidly address artists works A. 解释波特坦率地谈论艺术家作品的著名能力B. illustrate the influence several renowned artists had on the works of Porter B. 说明几位著名艺术家对波特作品的影响C. appraise Porters unusual methods of painting and critiquing artwork C. 评价波特不同寻常的绘画和评论艺术品的方法D. chronicle Porters life, particularly the events and beliefs that shaped his career D. 记录了波特的一生,尤其是塑造了他职业生涯的事件和信念【答案】D【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】通读全文可知,全文主要记录了艺术批判家波特的一生,并且介绍了他的作品出名的原因。文章第一段引入话题,第二至四段介绍了波特的成长背景以及职业生涯中的经历,第四段倒数第二句还提到“他与法国画家威廉德库宁的会面对他后来的作品产生了深远的影响”;最后三段讲述了波特能够成名的原因,一是他能够直接回应艺术家的作品,二是他有不寻常的绘画方式;综上所述,可推断这篇文章的主要目的是介绍波特的一生,尤其是记录那些塑造他的职业生涯的那些大事件及信念。因此,该题选择D项“记录了波特的一生,尤其是塑造了他职业生涯的事件和信念”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“解释波特坦率地谈论艺术家作品的著名能力”、B项“说明几位著名艺术家对波特作品的影响”和C项“评价波特不同寻常的绘画和评论艺术品的方法”表述片面,属于以偏概全。2.【选项释义】2. The authors attitude toward the subject of the passage can best be characterized as _. 2. 作者对文章主题的态度可以用_来描述。A. detached interest A. 超然的兴趣B. amused tolerance B. 有趣的宽容C. warm appreciation C. 热情的欣赏D. deep abhorrence D. 深恶痛绝【答案】C【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】全文讲述了波特求学的经历,以及成名的原因,都包含作者的欣赏。由最后一段第三和第四句“然而,遗憾的是,在他去世大约30年后的今天,他在艺术界之外仍然默默无闻。这个极富洞察力、能言善辩、富有创造力的人需要被普通人发现,并因其对当今艺术家的持续影响而受人尊敬。”可以看出,作者对这个艺术家的态度是欣赏的,而这篇文章的主题就是这个艺术家。因此,该题选择C项“热情的欣赏”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“超然的兴趣”和B项“有趣的宽容”在文中并没有体现,属于无中生有;D项“深恶痛绝”由解题思路可知,属于反向干扰。3.【选项释义】3. As described in the passage, Porters method of criticizing art can best be summarized by which of the following statements? 3. 如文中所述,波特批评艺术的方法可以用以下哪一种陈述来总结?A. Porters criticisms were frank and forthright, and were based solely on his evaluation of the piece of art that he was appraising. A. 波特的批评是直截了当的,并且仅仅是基于他对他正在评估的艺术品的评价。B. Porter criticized art based on the context of the painting and conceptual structures that he found most useful in his evaluation. B. 波特批评艺术基于绘画的背景和概念结构,他发现这在他的评价中最有用。C. Porters critiques were comparable to those of Bernard Berenson, who greatly influenced Porters outlook on art. C. 波特的批评可以与伯纳德贝伦森的批评相媲美,贝伦森对波特的艺术观产生了巨大的影响。D. Porter targeted his criticisms at helping artists by attempting to influence their forthcoming works. D. 波特批评艺术的目的是通过影响艺术家的作品来帮助他们。【答案】A【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第五段前两句“事实上,让波特如此出名的是他直接回应艺术家作品的技巧。他对常见的以谈话为基础的批评提出了异议,这种批评只针对艺术的过去或一些模糊的理论框架;这些批评试图塑造艺术的未来,但对波特来说,这些批评太偏颇了。”可知波特的艺术批评方法是直接的,并且对以“谈话为基础”的批评提出了异议,也就是说波特评价作品是基于艺术作品本身,而不参考作品的背景和模糊的理论。A项“波特的批评是直截了当的,并且仅仅是基于他对他正在评估的艺术品的评价”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“波特批评艺术基于绘画的背景和概念结构,他发现这在他的评价中最有用”由解题思路可知,该项属于反向干扰;C项“波特的批评可以与伯纳德贝伦森的批评相媲美,贝伦森对波特的艺术观产生了巨大的影响”与题干无关,属于出处错位;D项“波特批评艺术的目的是通过影响艺术家的作品来帮助他们”在文中没有提及,无中生有。4.【选项释义】4. Porters painting style can be described by all of the following EXCEPT _. 4. 波特的绘画风格除了_以外,可以用以下所有的方式来描述。A. stirring A. 激动人心的B. vivid B. 生动的C. trite C. 陈腐的D. individualistic D. 个人主义的【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据关键词painting style定位至倒数第二段,根据最后两句“他的个人哲学来自两种观点的融合;艺术应该是个人化的、情绪化的、有代表性的,同时也应该是丰富多彩的、有表现力的、抽象的。利用丰富的艺术史知识,特别是法国情感画家的风格,波特将这两种感觉融合在一起,创造了一个关于家人、个人和家庭的强有力的、充满情感的绘画集合,以及感人的自然场景。”可知,波特的绘画风格是强有力的、充满情感的,内容是关于家庭、个人、家庭以及感人的自然场景。只有C项“陈腐的”不符合原文对波特绘画风格的描述,但符合题干。因此,该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项“激动人心的”、B项“生动的”和D项“个人主义的”由解题思路可知,这三项符合原文,属于反向干扰。5.【选项释义】5. Without the first paragraph, the passage would lose _. 5. 没有第一段,文章将失去_。A. an overview of the passage as a whole A. 这篇文章的整体概述B. a brief introduction and transition into the topic B. 一个简短的介绍和到主题的过渡C. important detail that later becomes relevant to the passage C. 与文章相关的重要细节D. an explanation of the logic behind the authors viewpoint D. 对作者观点背后逻辑的解释【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息定位到第一段的内容“我第一次接触到国际艺术家和艺术评论家费尔菲尔德波特,实际上是通过他的妻子安妮波特的诗作。虽然两人都在各自的行业中变得非常有名,但费尔菲尔德的故事却是独一无二的。”可知,第一段是作为对全文的引语,通过作者与波特的相遇,引出主角波特,以及接下来对波特的叙述。因此,该题选择B项“一个简短的介绍和到主题的过渡”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“这篇文章的整体概述”从第一段的内容来看,该段并不是文章的总体概述,该项属于曲解原文;C项“与文章相关的重要细节”和D项“对作者观点背后逻辑的解释”由解题思路可知,第一段只是作为引语,所以这两项属于曲解原文。7. 单选题Most Americans think of vegetarians as a minority, as food faddists. In fact, in this country people who include meat in their diets are the majority; but throughout the world, meat eaters are, and have been, the minority themselves. Though archaeologists can demonstrate that humans have kept animals for food for thousands of years, meat was generally for the rich: the poor in most countries are vegetarians. And the followers of many religions are also vegetarians. The Hindus, the Buddhists, the Sufis, and other groups do not eat meat.In fact, religion is a major reason still for choosing a vegetarian diet; many religions teach that eating meat weakens ones spirit. Adam and Eve were told to eat fruits and vegetables, according to Genesis. When Daniel was facing the lions, he followed a vegetarian diet, so he could remain pure.Other vegetarians believe they are healthier than people who eat meat. Though this has never been scientifically proved, popular works on vegetarian diets often promise better health. There is evidence to show that vegetarians have greater stamina, and many people on vegetarian diets live long lives.Some people do not eat meat for economic reasons; meat is expensive and, in many parts of the world, very scarce. The most common reason for choosing a vegetarian diet, though, is the ethical one. Why do humans feel that they must kill other beings in order to eat well? Most vegetarians admit that they find eating the flesh of dead animals revolting. In fact, they refer to “flesh-eaters” as we might refer to cannibals and also use the zoo label “carnivore” interchangeably.Because choice of diet is a cultural and ethical matter, not all vegetarian diets are alike. Ovo-vegetarians eat vegetables, but will allow themselves eggs. The lactovegetarian eats vegetables mainly, but adds dairy foods such as milk and cheese. These two categories of vegetarians feel that eggs and dairy products are permissible; taking these products does no harm to the cow or chicken. Strict vegetarian ways are represented by the Vegan Society, whose members prefer the label “vegan.” Vegans live “on the products of the plant kingdom.” Not only do vegans avoid meat; they also avoid eggs, honey, and milk in any form. They reason that it is as cruel to rob animals as it is to kill animals.A vegetarian must be careful to maintain a balanced diet; and of course a carnivoreor omnivore, really, because most people in America eat both meat and vegetablesmust be equally careful. Excellent nutrition is important, whether for vegetarians or the rest of us (many people who eat meat assume their diet is nutritional for that reason alone). No one has ever been able to prove definitely that one diet is more beneficial than the other.The most compelling argument in favor of vegetarianism, however, is vegetarianisms efficiency. The periodical Scientific American estimated in 1976 that there are enough plants to support several times the current world population; but if those plants are first fed to an animal to fatten it for slaughter, there is an 80 percent loss in efficiency by the time a human eats a pound of meat. Every human consumes 260 pounds of food annually to avoid starvation, and there are adequate food crops available to provide that 260 pounds for every one of us. The question is: Do we eat the plants, or do we eat the animal to which we feed them? And do we let someone else go hungry?1. The purpose of this passage is to _.2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?3. We can conclude from the passage that _.4. The passage suggests that _.5. As used in this passage, the word “faddists” means _.问题1选项A.discuss vegetarianism as a fadB.discuss the ethical reasons for becoming a vegetarianC.discuss the disadvantages of eating meatD.discuss the prevalence and advantages of vegetarianism问题2选项A.Worldwide meat-eaters are in the minority.B.There is some evidence that vegetarians have greater stamina than carnivores.C.All vegetarian diets are essentially alike.D.Ovo-vegetarians eat vegetables and eggs.问题3选项A.vegetarianism could help ease the world food shortageB.lactovegetarians eat only vegetablesC.vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meatD.most people dont eat meat for economic reasons问题4选项A.only poor people become vegetariansB.most religions advocate vegetarianismC.whether or not vegetarianism is better for the body is still debatableD.vegetables arent as nutritious as meat问题5选项A.opponentsB.people attracted to what is currently fashionableC.fanaticsD.“health nuts”【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The purpose of this passage is to _. 1. 这篇文章的目的是_。A. discuss vegetarianism as a fad A. 讨论素食主义是一种时尚B. discuss the ethical reasons for becoming a vegetarian B. 讨论成为素食者的道德原因C. discuss the disadvantages of eating meat C. 讨论吃肉的缺点D. discuss the prevalence and advantages of vegetarianism D. 讨论素食主义的流行和优势【答案】D【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】首先,根据首段第二句“事实上,在这个国家,饮食中含有肉类的人占大多数;但在全世界,吃肉的人一直都是少数”,以及末段第一句“然而,支持素食主义最令人信服的理由是素食主义的效率”可知,这篇文章的主题是素食主义;然后看到文章的内容,原文主要介绍的是素食主义流行起来的原因:宗教信仰仍然是选择素食的一个主要原因,有的人认为素食更健康,素食者也有更强的耐力,有些人出于经济原因不吃肉,但更常见的原因是道德方面的原因;由此可见,这篇文章的目的是讨论选择素食流行起来的原因和它的优势。故本题正确答案为D选项“讨论素食主义的流行和优势”。【干扰项排除】A项“讨论素食主义是一种时尚”、B项“讨论成为素食者的道德原因”和C项“讨论吃肉的缺点”只是提及一部分,属于以偏概全。2.【选项释义】2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true? 2. 根据短文,下列哪个陈述是不正确的?A. Worldwide meat-eaters are in the minority. A. 在世界范围内,肉食者是少数。B. There is some evidence that vegetarians have greater stamina than carnivores. B. 有证据表明素食者的耐力比食肉动物强。C. All vegetarian diets are essentially alike. C. 所有的素食饮食基本上都是一样的。D. Ovo-vegetarians eat vegetables and eggs. D. 蛋素食者吃蔬菜和鸡蛋。【答案】C【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第五段第一句“因为饮食的选择是一个文化和伦理问题,并不是所有的素食饮食都是一样的”可知,C项“所有的素食饮食基本上都是一样的”表述与原文相反,但符合题干要求,因此该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项“在世界范围内,肉食者是少数”,定位第一段第二句“但在全世界,吃肉的人一直都是少数”可知,该项符合原文,属于反向干扰;B项“有证据表明素食者的耐力比食肉动物强”,定位第三段第三句“有证据表明,素食者的耐力更强,而且许多吃素的人寿命更长”可知,该项符合原文,属于反向干扰;D项“蛋素食者吃蔬菜和鸡蛋”,定位第五段第二句“蛋素食者吃蔬菜,但会让自己吃鸡蛋”可知,该项符合原文,属于反向干扰。3.【选项释义】3. We can conclude from the passage that _. 3. 从这篇文章我们可以推断_。A. vegetarianism could help ease the world food shortage A. 素食主义可以帮助缓解世界粮食短缺B. lactovegetarians eat only vegetables B. 乳素食者只吃蔬菜C. vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat C. 素食者比吃肉的人更健康D. most people dont eat meat for economic reasons D. 大多数人出于经济原因不吃肉【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据文章最后一段第二和第三句“科学美国人在1976年估计,地球上有足够的植物养活数倍于目前世界人口;但是,如果首先把这些植物喂给动物,使其肥壮以便屠宰,那么当一个人吃下一磅肉时,效率就会损失80%。为了避免饥饿,每个人每年要消耗260磅的食物,而有足够的粮食作物供应我们每个人260磅的食物。”可知,当一个人吃下一磅肉时,农作物利用的效率就会降低80%,为了避免饥饿,每人每年消耗食物260磅,农作物利用的效率大大降低,而多吃素食少吃肉可以有效的利用农作物,留下更多的粮食作物供应人们的需求,所以推断素食主义有利于缓解世界粮食短缺问题。因此,该题选择A项“素食主义可以帮助缓解世界粮食短缺”。【干扰项排除】B项“乳素食者只吃蔬菜”定位至第五段第三句“乳素食者主要吃蔬菜,但也加入牛奶和奶酪等乳制品”可知,该项表述与原文不符,属于曲解原文;C项“素食者比吃肉的人更健康”,根据第三段前两句“其他素食者认为他们比吃肉的人更健康。虽然这一点从未被科学证实过,但关于素食的流行著作往往承诺更健康。”可知,科学从来没有证实素食者比吃肉的人更健康,所以该项属于反向干扰;D项“大多数人出于经济原因不吃肉”,根据第四段前两句“有些人出于经济原因不吃肉;肉很贵,而且在世界上许多地方非常稀缺。然而,选择素食最常见的原因是道德原因。”可知,出于经济原因不吃肉只是一些人,常见的原因还是因为道德,所以该项属于曲解原文。4.【选项释义】4. The passage suggests that _. 4. 这篇文章表明_。A. only poor people become vegetarians A. 只有穷人才会成为素食者B. most religions advocate vegetarianism B. 大多数宗教提倡素食主义C. whether or not vegetarianism is better for the body is still debatable C. 素食主义是否对身体有益仍有争议D. vegetables arent as nutritious as meat D. 蔬菜不如肉有营养【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段前两句“其他素食者认为他们比吃肉的人更健康。虽然这一点从未被科学证实过,但关于素食的流行著作往往承诺更健康。”可知,该段讲到其他素食者认为他们比吃肉的人更健康。但这个观点并未有科学依据,因此素食主义对身体是否有益还值得讨论。所以,该题选择C项“素食主义是否对身体有益仍有争议”。【干扰项排除】A项“只有穷人才会成为素食者”,虽然在原文第一段讲到,大多数国家的穷人都是素食者,但并不表示只有穷人才是素食者,而且在第四段第二句也提到“选择素食最常见的原因是道德原因”,所以该项表述太绝对,属于曲解原文;B项“大多数宗教提倡素食主义”,根据第二段第一句“事实上,宗教仍然是选择素食的主要原因;许多宗教教导说吃肉会削弱人的精神”可知,宗教信仰仍然是选择素食的一个主要原因,但原文并未说明大多数宗教都是提倡素食主义,该项曲解原文;D项“蔬菜不如肉有营养”,根据倒数第二段最后一句“没有人能够确切地证明一种饮食比另一种更有益”可知,蔬菜和肉类的营养在文中并没有得出确切的结果,该项属于曲解原文。5.【选项释义】5. As used in this passage, the word “faddists” means _. 5. 在这篇文章中,faddists这个词的意思是_。A. opponents A. 对手B. people attracted to what is currently fashionable B. 被当下的时尚所吸引的人C. fanatics C. 狂热者D. “health nuts” D. 注重养生的人【答案】B【考查点】词汇推测题。【解题思路】根据关键词faddists定位至原文首句“大多数美国人认为素食者是少数(as a minority),是食物的faddists”可知,美国人认为素食者是少数,也就是说素食主义是一种新鲜的事物,那么可以推测faddists是指对新鲜事物的一种爱好;且faddists的词根是fad,表示“时尚”,综合理解可推断,faddists表示“被当前时尚吸引的人”,B项“被当下的时尚所吸引的人”


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