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北京语言大学22春英语语音离线作业二及答案参考1. _ what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone. AHad I known BIf I know_ what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone.AHad I knownBIf I knowCIf I knewDIf had I knownA2. We didn t have enough staff _ the job: A. to B. for C .withWe didn t have enough staff _ the job:A. toB. forC .with参考答案B3. We shah advise you by cable as soon as the goods Awill ship Bwill be shipped Cship Dare shipWe shah advise you by cable as soon as the goodsAwill shipBwill be shipped CshipDare shippedD4. What will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of tWhat will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.BPeoples comments about the results.COther four new wonders of the world.DHow to visit the wonders of the world.正确答案:C本题为推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“Hereisthenewlistofworldwonders”可知,由此往后文章将逐一介绍新世界七大奇迹,因此我们判断在这三大奇迹之后应该接着介绍其他四大奇迹。5. Listen, there_. Oh, yes. There_.Agoes the bell; it goesBgoes the bell; goesListen, there_. Oh, yes. There_.Agoes the bell; it goesBgoes the bell; goes itCthe bell goes; it goesDthe bell goes; goes it正确答案:A6. Everyone has opportunity to_education.Ahave accessBaccess toChave access toDaccesEveryone has opportunity to_education.Ahave accessBaccess toChave access toDaccess正确答案:C7. 梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)参考答案:Brushing stimulates the skin and the tissues underneath so blood can nflow more easily and more oxygen can reach the brain.8. You seem to take a keener interest in the subject _ has ever been shown before. A) as B)You seem to take a keener interest in the subject _ has ever been shown before.A) asB) whichC) thatD) thanD由keener判断除此句为比较结构,因此要用than。9. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词instit/u/te中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.b/u/ryB.min/u/teC.h/u/rryD.h/u/man参考答案:D10. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词l/i/fe中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.l/i/terB.b/i/scuitC.coastl/i/neD.d/i/saster参考答案:C11. An offer can be withdrawn but cannot be revoked.An offer can be withdrawn but cannot be revoked.参考答案:错误错误12. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in ouWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid _ the L/C subsequently.AamendBamendmentCamendingDto amendC13. The Arctic is considered _ (be)a northern part of the AtlanticThe Arctic is considered _ (be)a northern part of the Atlanticto be14. He listened with (please) _ to the beautiful music at the party.He listened with (please) _ to the beautiful music at the party.pleasure15. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词m/i/neral中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.bu/i/lderB.gu/i/deC.p/ea/cefulD.h/u/ge参考答案:B16. Please look after my house and the flowers in my yard during my (absent) _.Please look after my house and the flowers in my yard during my (absent) _.absence17. I was overjoyed at the news of my hometown _ so much progress. Ato make Bto have madeI was overjoyed at the news of my hometown _ so much progress.Ato makeBto have madeCmadeDhaving madeD18. Validity of Agreement This Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in foValidity of AgreementThis Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force forto be effective as fromtoIf a renewal of this Agreement is desired, notice in writing should be given by either party one month prior to its expiry Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement协议有效期:本协议经有关双方签字后保持有效年,从某日期起到某日期止。如果一方需要延长协议,必须在满期前一个月书面通知另一方。如果一方未能履行协议条款,另一方有权终止本协议。19. It took me quite a long time to _ a new dress at the store.A、pick upB、pick outC、takIt took me quite a long time to _ a new dress at the store.A、pick upB、pick outC、take upD、take out正确答案:B20. 5在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.nei/th/erB./th/irstyC./th/roughD./th/ousand参考答案:A21. The director required that every member in his department (refer) _ to his report.The director required that every member in his department (refer) _ to his report.(should) refer关键词require其后宾语从句需要用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,或直接用原形。22. You do look _. You are not at all like a person who has been ill in bed for years.A.goodB.wellC.sadD.disappointed参考答案:B23. Hi. Jane. Thank you for helping me last week._.A. Please dont trouble me agaiHi. Jane. Thank you for helping me last week._.A. Please dont trouble me againB Thank you againC. Please dont mention it参考答案:C24. I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it【C1】_I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it【C1】_so. At your age you【C2】_be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to【C3】_on your own two feet. But take a good look at the【C4】_rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they【C5】_with their parents.【C6】_striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one anothers hands for【C7】_. They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same【C8】_. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled round【C9】_the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such away is【C10】_the crowd is doing it. They have come out of cocoon(蚕茧)into a larger cocoon. It has become harder and harder for a teenager to【C11】_the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements【C12】_a teenager should have and be. And many of todays parents have come to【C13】_high marks for the popularity of their children. All this【C14】_a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own【C15】_. 【C16】_the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when【C17】_is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you dont care to【C18】_at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you【C19】_who you are. Thats the only kind of popularity that really【C20】_.【C1】AisBwereChave beenDhad been正确答案:B本句是wish引导的宾语从句,表示对现在的虚拟。所以B选项were为正确答案。25. “_ haste, the less speed” is good advice he often gives us.A.MoreB.The moreC.The morerD.Morer参考答案:B26. What would you call your baby? Recently , 8 couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4Real. Even though New Zealand has quite liberal rules about naming children, names beginni31. Why was the baby boy in New Zealand not allowed to be named 4Real?32. In Britain, what kind of names are forbidden?33. Who is Gandalf?34. What are the rules in China about naming a child? (give one example)35. What are the most popular names for boys in Britain? (give at least two examples)参考答案:31. Because names beginning with a number are not allowed.32. Names relate to offensive words such as swear words.33. A character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films.34. No foreign letters or symbols are allowed.35. Jack , Charlie and Thomas. (Any two of these will be OK. )27. 创世说创世说正确答案:基督教神学关于人类起源的学说。基督教的创世说对人类的起源问题作了比较系统的说明。圣经.创世记中说:上帝用泥土造出了第一个人亚当后来从他身上抽出一根肋骨造了夏娃并使他们成为夫妻。亚当和夏娃由于偷吃禁果而被逐出伊甸园开始在人间繁衍后代。基督教的创世说在西方广为流传至今仍有相当影响。基督教神学关于人类起源的学说。基督教的创世说对人类的起源问题作了比较系统的说明。圣经.创世记中说:上帝用泥土造出了第一个人亚当,后来从他身上抽出一根肋骨造了夏娃,并使他们成为夫妻。亚当和夏娃由于偷吃禁果而被逐出伊甸园,开始在人间繁衍后代。基督教的创世说在西方广为流传,至今仍有相当影响。28. The old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance. AconsiThe old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance.AconsideringBconsideredCconsiderDto considerA29. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, sizes, colours and prices, and also samWe would like you to send us details of your various ranges, sizes, colours and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material usedAincludeBincludingCconcludeDconcludingB30. What a vast lake!The water extends as far as the eye can seeWhat a vast lake!The water extends as far as the eye can see多大的湖啊!一望无际。31. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词f/al/se中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A./al/lB./al/soC.t/al/kD.w/al/k参考答案:B32. People under eighteen _ to buy strong drinks or cigarettes in some countries. (not allow)People under eighteen _ to buy strong drinks or cigarettes in some countries. (not allow)are not allowed33. A number of cable exchanges have _ our purchase from you of the following: Aresulted in BrA number of cable exchanges have _ our purchase from you of the following:Aresulted inBresulted fromCas a result ofDas a resultA34. It is (reason) _ for parents to pay for their children&39;s education.It is (reason) _ for parents to pay for their childrens education.reasonable35. lt usually snows in winter in Ireland. (改为否定句lt usually snows in winter in Ireland. (改为否定句参考答案It doesnt usual1y snow in winter in lreland.36. Are you feeling _ ? Yes. I&39;m fine now Aany well Bany better Cquite good Dquite bAre you feeling _ ?Yes. Im fine nowAany wellBany betterCquite good Dquite betterBany可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better。37. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词succ/ee/d中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.br/ea/thB.n/ie/ceC.h/ea/venD.pr/e/pare参考答案:B38. 6在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.en/ou/ghB.ab/ou/tC.t/ou/chD.y/ou/ng参考答案:B39. Some people like to eat apples. But some prefer bananas _ apples.A.toB.forC.withD.against参考答案:A40. In the late 1960s , motorcyclists in California , USA , ( 16 ) to go out in the countryside and ride their machines up and down mountain tracks just for fun. They made (17) noise and did a lot of dama16. A. had been used B. has been used C. used D. was used17. A. many B. much C. any D. some18. A. as well B. either C. too D. as well as19. A. was born B. is born C. were born D. are born20. A. when B. how C. which D. where参考答案:16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C41. 27在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.b/ea/chB.b/ea/tC.b/ea/stD.gr/ea/t参考答案:D42. How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?AVery much pleased.BVery much frightened.How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?AVery much pleased.BVery much frightened.CGreatly attracted.DGreatly surprised.正确答案:C解析:文章最后一段讲述到,飞机起飞后,安睁开双眼,看到窗外的美景,深受吸引。43. 写作要点: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1学生了解社会的必要性。 2学生了写作要点: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1学生了解社会的必要性。 2学生了解社会的途径。 3我怎么做?正确答案:With the development of our society the campus should no longer be an Ivory Tower . It is necessary for college students to go outside to get to know the world. They should acquire knowledge not only from books but also from the society. Thus they can adapt to society more quickly after they graduate from school.rn Science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. Most students can keep themselves informed by watching TV listening to the radio reading newspapers and using computers. Its also good to take a part-time job such as tutoring or working in a restaurant. Any of these methods will enable students to get in touch with society.rn Summer vacation is round the corner. Ive already enrolled to be a volunteer to help others. I think I can do well. Although I wont be paid the most important thing is that I can learn a lot about society.Withthedevelopmentofoursociety,thecampusshouldnolongerbeanIvoryTower.Itisnecessaryforcollegestudentstogooutsidetogettoknowtheworld.Theyshouldacquireknowledgenotonlyfrombooksbutalsofromthesociety.Thustheycanadapttosocietymorequicklyaftertheygraduatefromschool.Scienceandtechnologyaredevelopingrapidlywitheachpassingday.MoststudentscankeepthemselvesinformedbywatchingTV,listeningtotheradio,readingnewspapersandusingcomputers.Itsalsogoodtotakeapart-timejob,suchastutoring,orworkinginarestaurant.Anyofthesemethodswillenablestudentstogetintouchwithsociety.Summervacationisroundthecorner.Ivealreadyenrolledtobeavolunteertohelpothers.IthinkIcandowell.AlthoughIwontbepaid,themostimportantthingisthatIcanlearnalotaboutsociety.44. 根据以下要求,写一篇题为“Film and TV”的短文。 写作要点: (1)电影观众人数在我们的城市根据以下要求,写一篇题为“Film and TV”的短文。 写作要点: (1)电影观众人数在我们的城市呈逐年下降趋势。 (2)电视观众人数越来越多(原因:方便、经济、选择范围大)。 (3)然而,还是有人喜欢看电影(原因:有气氛、娱乐性强)。 写作要求: (1)短文须包括主要内容,可适当增减细节,使内容连贯。 (2)词数100个左右。 (3)参考词汇:下降decrease;氛围atmosphere;娱乐entertainment;电影电视观众film-goerTV watcher。正确答案:Film and TVrn We can see that film is giving way to TV in our city presently. For example in 1992 there were less than 20 thousand TV watchers and more than 80 thousand film-goers while in 2002 we had about 1 million TV watchers but only about 10 thousand film-goers. The number of film-goers is decreasing and the number of TV watchers is increasing. Televisions are quite common nowadays and so more and more people turn to TV because it is convenient and cheap and watchers have a wide range of programs for them to choose from. At the same time there are still some people who prefer films because they like the atmosphere in the cinema as well as the entertainment.FilmandTVWecanseethatfilmisgivingwaytoTVinourcitypresently.Forexample,in1992,therewerelessthan20thousandTVwatchers,andmorethan80thousandfilm-goers,whilein2002,wehadabout1millionTVwatchersbutonlyabout10thousandfilm-goers.Thenumberoffilm-goersisdecreasingandthenumberofTVwatchersisincreasing.TelevisionsarequitecommonnowadaysandsomoreandmorepeopleturntoTVbecauseitisconvenientandcheapandwatchershaveawiderangeofprogramsforthemtochoosefrom.Atthesametime,therearestillsomepeoplewhopreferfilmsbecausetheyliketheatmosphereinthecinemaaswellastheentertainment.45. Promissory notes can only be commercial notes,which are issued by firms.Promissory notes can only be commercial notes,which are issued by firms.参考答案:错误错误46. If he _ (be)here at that time, everything _ (settle)in a minuteIf he _ (be)here at that time, everything _ (settle)in a minutehad been$would have been settled47. There have been several minor conflict between the two countries over the past decade.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:错48. I saw them _ towards the airport. A. driving B. drived C. to driveI saw them _ towards the airport.A. drivingB. drivedC. to drive参考答案A49. We will work _ we are needed Awhenever Bbecause Csince DwhereverWe will work _ we are neededAwheneverBbecauseCsince DwhereverD地点状语从句,用wherever引导。50. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词p/ea/ce中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.br/ea/stB.th/ea/treC.b/ea/chD.oc/ea/n参考答案:C51. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词gr/a/duation中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.radio/a/ctiveB.ur/a/niumC.r/a/diumD.cour/a/ge参考答案:A52. I haven got_to do this evening. W uld you like to go to see a filmI haven got_to do this evening. W uld you like to go to see a film?A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing参考答案B53. We have some deep and pressing problems-a huge deficit,deep social problems and a political system iWe have some deep and pressing problems-a huge deficit,deep social problems and a political system in need of reform.我们还面临着一些深刻而迫切的问题巨大的赤字、深刻的社会问题和需要改革的政治体制。54. No sooner_seen her father than she ran to him.Ahad sheBshe hadCis sheDwas sheNo sooner_seen her father than she ran to him.Ahad sheBshe hadCis sheDwas she正确答案:A55. We are exporters _ long standing and high reputation, engaged _ exportation of following aWe are exporters _ long standing and high reputation, engaged _ exportation of following articles.of, in56. 【C12】AWhenBYetCHoweverDSo【C12】AWhenBYetCHoweverDSo正确答案:B副词however表示前后两句之间的转折关系,但后面往往用逗号隔开,因此此处yet(然而)符合题意。57. Of course, our _ relationship is good, but business is business. (person)Of course, our _ relationship is good, but business is business. (person)Dersonal58. This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec9, 2008After signiThis contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec9, 2008After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratificationThe date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the ContractBoth parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation.本合同由双方代表于2008年12月9日签订。合同签订后,由各方分别向本国政府当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期,双方应力争在60天内获得批准,用电传通知对方,并用信件确认。59. The child was _. he made up a wonderful story when he was given only the beginning of it. A) iThe child was _. he made up a wonderful story when he was given only the beginning of it.A) imaginativeB) imaginingC) imaginaryD) imageryAimaginative富有想像力的;imaginary想像的,非真实的;imagery意象。60. 11在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.bir/ths/B.dep/ths/C.mon/ths/D.mou/ths/参考答案:B


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