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2022-2023年ACCA英国注册会计师试题库含答案(300题)1. 单选题 Which combination of demand and supply curves would be appropriate for a firm attempting to increase its profits byincreasing its market share?A Inelastic demand, inelastic supplyB Elastic demand, elastic supplyC Inelastic demand, elastic supplyD Elastic demand, inelastic supply考点 Chapter4Microeconomicfactors解析 Rationale: To increase market share requires greater quantities of the firms products to be both demanded and supplied. To sell more, a firm needs to lower price. For this to be profitable, demand must be elastic. To produce more, supply must alsobe elastic.2. 单选题 As a general rule, silence cannot constitute acceptance.A TrueB False考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 True. Generally, silence cannot constitute acceptance.3. 论述题 Returning to the question above, now assume that the company operates a marginal costing system. Required Recalculate any variances necessary and produce an operating statement. 考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 (a) There is no fixed overhead volume variance.(b) The standard contribution per unit is $(20 6.60) = $13.40, therefore the sales volume variance of250 units (A) is valued at ( $13.40) = $3,350 (A).The other variances are unchanged, therefore an operating statement might appear as follows.Note. The profit here is the same as the profit calculated by standard absorption costing because therewere no changes in inventory levels. Absorption costing and marginal costing do not always produce anidentical profit figure.4. 材料题 Calculate the net profit percentage ratio for Black and Bury and comment on this ratio for the two companies.考点 考点:Chapter25Theconsolidatedstatementofprofitorloss解析 5. 材料题 Wages are paid 75% in the month of production and 25% in the following month.be included in the cash budget for May in respect of wages?A $222,600B $231,000C $233,800D $235,200考点 考点:Chapter16Thebudgetaryprocess解析 $75% x May wages cost = 75% x 8,400 x $7 x 4 hours176,40025% x April wages cost = 25% x 7,800 x $7 x 4 hours54,600Wage payments for May231,000If you selected option A you calculated the payment the wrong way round as 25% of May wages cost and 75% of April wages cost. If you selected option C you calculated the payment as 75% to be paid in the month and 25% in advance for the following month. Option D is the labour cost for May, which makes no allowance for the timing of cash payments.6. 单选题 Which of these statements are true of marginal costing? (i)The contribution per unit will be constant if the sales volume increases. (ii)There is no under- or over-absorption of overheads. (iii)Marginal costing does not provide useful information for decision making. A (i) and (ii) onlyB (ii) and (iii) onlyC (ii) onlyD (i), (ii) and (iii)考点 Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Total contribution will increase as sales volume increases, but the contribution per unit will be constant as long as the sales price and variable cost per unit are unchanged. Overhead is not absorbed to product unit so there is no under/over absorption of overhead. Marginal costing does provide useful information for decision making because it highlights contribution, which is a relevant cash flow for decision-making purposes.7. 单选题 LT is an accountant who works for Tapa Ltd, a company owned by SP. LT has devised a scheme where TapaLtd can illegally disguise certain revenues so that the companys tax charge is reduced. Any tax that thescheme saves is paid to SP as a dividend. Which TWO offences has LT committed? (1) Tipping off (2) Failure to prevent (3) Laundering (4) Failure to report A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 3 and 4考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 LT has assisted SP in laundering money from a criminal offence (tax evasion) and is also liable forfailing to report SPs money laundering activities.8. 单选题 In relation to exclusion clauses, which of the following describes the contra proferentem rule?A Exclusion clauses are valid unless unreasonableB Any ambiguity in exclusion clauses are interpreted against the person seeking to rely on themC Exclusion clauses must be validly incorporated into the contract考点 Chapter5Contentofcontracts解析 The contra proferentem rule states that any ambiguity in exclusion clauses is to be interpretedagainst the person seeking to rely on them.9. 单选题 What three factors are said to determine the effectiveness of participation in target setting?A Nature of the task, organisation structure, personalityB Personality, technology, organisation structureC Nature of the task, production processes, personalityD Personality, leadership style, aspirations考点 Chapter13Performanceanalysisandbehaviouralaspects解析 Nature of the task, organisation structure, personality10. 材料题 Division Y of Chardonnay currently has capital employed of $100,000 and earns an annual profitafter depreciation of $18,000. The divisional manager is considering an investment of $10,000 inan asset which will have a ten-year life with no residual value and will earn a constant annual profitafter depreciation of $1,600. The cost of capital is 15%. Calculate the following and comment on the results. (i) The return on divisional investment before and after the new investment (ii) The divisional residual income before and after the new investment 考点 考点:Chapter17Divisionalperformanceandtransferpricing解析 (i) Return on divisional investment (ROI) Before investment After investmentDivisional profit $18,000 $19,600Divisional investment $100,000 $110,000Divisional ROI 18.0% 17.8%The ROI will fall in the short term if the new investment is undertaken. This is a problemwhich often arises with ROI, as noted in part (a) of this solution.(ii) Divisional residual incomeThe residual income will increase if the new investment is undertaken. The use of residualincome has highlighted the fact that the new project returns more than the cost of capital(16% compared with 15%).11. 单选题 Which of the following auditors are deemed automatically reappointed each year unless specificcircumstances dictate otherwise?A Auditors of public limited companiesB Auditors of private limited companiesC Auditors of quoted companies考点 Chapter19Othercompanyofficers解析 Only auditors of private companies are deemed automatically reappointed unless specificcircumstances apply.12. 单选题 A company sold warehouse premises at a loss during a financial period. How would this transaction be included in a statement of cash flows for the period that complies with IAS 7 Statement of Cash F/ows and that uses the indirect method to present cash flows from operating activities? Loss on disposal Proceeds from sa/e in cash flows from A Deduct as an adjustment in the calculation of cash flows from operating activities Include in cash flows from investing activities B Deduct as an adjustment in the calculation of cash flows from operating activities Include in cash flows from operating activities C Add as an adjustment in the calculation of cash flows from operating activities Include in cash flows from investing activities D Add as an adjustment in the calculation of cash flows from operating activities Include in cash flows from operating activities 考点 Chapter22Statementsofcashflows解析 A loss on disposal of a non-current asset is added back as an adjustment in the calculation of cash flows from operatingactivities (using the indirect method), and the cash received from the disposal is included within cash flows from investingactivities13. 论述题 Suggest two separate performance indicators that could be used to assess each of the following areas of afast food chains operations. (a) Food preparation department (b) Marketing department 考点 Chapter16私营机构的表现评估解析 Here are some suggestions.(a) Material usage per product (b) Market share Wastage levels Sales revenue per employee Incidences of food poisoning Growth in sales revenue14. 材料题 State which NORMALLY participates in surplus capital考点 考点:Chapter16Loancapital解析 Only shares have any claim against surplus capital, as debentures are only secured against the amountloaned.Of the two types of shares, preference shares may have rights to enjoy access to surplus capital but onlyordinary shares have such facility as a right.15. 材料题 材料全屏 A company makes and sells a single product. At the beginning of Period 1, there are no openinginventories of the product, for which the variable production cost is $4 and the sales price $6 per unit. There are no variable selling costs. Fixed costs are $2,000 per period, of which $1,500 are fixedproduction costs. Normal output is 1,500 units per period. In Period 1, sales were 1,200 units, productionwas 1,500 units. In Period 2, sales were 1,700 units, production was 1,400 units. Required Prepare profit statements for each period and for the two periods in total using both absorption costingand marginal costing. 5 【论述题】 Prepare profit statements for each period and for the two periods in total using both absorption costingand marginal costing. 考点 考点:Chapter1Costing解析 It is important to notice that although production and sales volumes in each period are different, over thefull period, total production volume equals sales volume. The total cost of sales is the same andtherefore the total profit is the same by either method of accounting. There are differences in thereported profit in Period 1 and in Period 2, but these are merely timing differences which cancel out overa longer period of time (in this example, over the two periods).(a) Absorption costing. The absorption rate for fixed production overhead is $1,500/1,500 units = $1per unit. The fully absorbed cost per unit = $(4+1) = $5.(b) Marginal costing16. 材料题 材料全屏 Diamond Ltd has a payback period limit of three years and is considering investing in one of the following projects. Both projects require an initial investment of $800,000. Cash inflows accrue evenly throughout the year. Project Alpha Project Beta YearCashinflow Year Cash inflow $ $ 1 250,000 1 250,000 2 250,000 2350,000 3 400,000 3 400,000 4300,000 4200,000 5 200,000 5 150,000 6 50,000 6 150,000 The companys cost of capital is 10%. 85 【单项选择题】 What is the non-discounted payback period of Project Beta? A 2 years and 2 monthsB 2 years and 4 monthsC 2 years and 5 monthsD 2 years and 6 months考点 考点:Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 The non-discounted payback period of Project Beta=2 years and 6 monthsWorkingsProject Beta Year Cash inflow Cumulative cashinflow $ $ 1 250,000 250,000 2 350,000 600,000 3 400,000 1,000,000 4 200,000 1,200,000 5 150,000 1,350,000 6150,000 1,500,000Project Beta has a payback period of between 2 and 3 years.2 years and 6 months.Payback period = 2 years +$200,000$400,000x 12 months= 2 years + 6 months17. 单选题 Economy means cost cutting. True or false?A TrueB False考点 Chapter18Furtheraspectsofperformancemanagement解析 False18. 单选题 development is a process whereby employees are offered a wide range ofdevelopmental opportunities, rather than focusing on skills required in the current job.Which word or phrase correctly completes this sentence? A ManagementB CareerC Personal考点 Chapter16Traininganddevelopment解析 Rationale: Option A relates specifically to management effectiveness and succession; option B to planning opportunities fornew challenges and learning through career moves (whether vertical or lateral).19. 简答题 Explain the meaning and relevance of interdependence of variances when reporting to managers.考点 Chapter20Standardcosting解析 Interdependence of variances is the term used to describe the situation when there is a single cause of a number of variances.For example, the use of a higher grade of labour than was anticipated is likely to cause an adverse labour rate variance, a favourable labour efficiency variance, and possibly a favourable material usage variance (due to more experience of working with materials).It is important that when variances are reported, the possibility that some of them may have a common cause should be acknowledged, and managers encouraged to work together for the benefit of the organisation.20. 单选题 Which of the following statements about management accounting information is/are true? (i) They must be stated in purely monetary terms. (ii) Limited companies must, by law, prepare management accounts. (iii) They serve as a future planning tool and are not used as an historical record. A (i), (ii) and (iii)B (i) and (ii)C (ii) onlyD None of the statements is true考点 Chapter1Accountingformanagement解析 Management accounts often incorporate non-monetary measures. Therefore statement (i) is incorrect.There is no legal requirement to prepare management accounts. Therefore statement (ii) is incorrect.Management accounts do serve as a future planning tool, but they are also useful as an historical record of performance. Therefore statement (iii) is incorrect.21. 单选题 Which of the following statements is true regarding representations?A A representation is not a term of a contractB A representation does not induce the formation of a contractC A representation is a statement made after a contract was formed考点 Chapter5Contentofcontracts解析 A representation is something said before a contract is formed, that induces the formation of thecontract, but does not become a term of the contract.22. 单选题 A surplus on the balance of payments usually refers to a surplus or deficit on the account.Which word correctly complete thisstatement?A CurrentB CapitalC Financial考点 Chapter3Themacroeconomicenvironment解析 Rationale: It is particularly tempting to equate a trade surplus or deficit with a profit or loss for the country, but this is notthe case.23. 单选题 What is an attainable standard?A A standard which includes no allowance for losses, waste and inefficiencies. It represents the level of performance which is attainable under perfect operating conditionsB A standard which includes some allowance for losses, waste and inefficiencies. It represents the level of performance which is attainable under efficient operating conditionsC A standard which is based on currently attainable operating conditionsD A standard which is kept unchanged, to show the trend in costs考点 Chapter20Standardcosting解析 An attainable standard assumes efficient levels of operation, but includes allowances for normal loss, waste and machine downtime.24. 单选题 Which of the following would be classified as direct labour?A Personnel manager in a company servicing carsB Bricklayer in a construction companyC General manager in a DIY shopD Maintenance manager in a company producing cameras考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Managers are not usually classified as direct labour.25. 材料题 材料全屏 A company makes and sells a single product. The selling price is $12 per unit. The variable cost of makingand selling the product is $9 per unit and fixed costs per month are $240,000. The company budgets to sell 90,000 units of the product a month. 28 【论述题】 What is the budgeted profit per month and what is the breakeven point in sales? 考点 考点:Chapter3Costvolumeprofit(CVP)analysis解析 Contribution per unit = $(12 9) = $3. The C/S ratio is 3/12 = 0.25Budgeted profit = (90,000 $3) $240,000 = $30,000Breakeven point in units of sale = $240,000/$3 per unit = 80,000 units per month(Breakeven point in sales revenue = Fixed costs/C/S ratio = $240,000/0.25 = $960,000)26. 单选题 You are currently employed as a Management Accountant in an insurance company. You are contemplating starting your own business. In considering whether or not to start your own business, what would your current salary level be?A A sunk costB An incremental costC An irrelevant costD An opportunity cost考点 Chapter18Capitalexpenditurebudgeting解析 An opportunity cost is the value of the benefit sacrificed when one course of action is chosen, in preference to another.27. 论述题 Using the information in, and the results of, the question on page 7, determine budgeted overheadabsorption rates for each of the production departments using appropriate bases of absorption.考点 Chapter1Costing解析 Machine shop A: $57,168/7,200 = $7.94 per machine hourMachine shop B: $63,000/18,000 = $3.50 per machine hourAssembly: $46,592/20,800 = $2.24 per direct labour hour28. 简答题 Bytes Limited operates an IT consultancy business and uses a coding system for its elements of cost (materials, labour or overheads) and then further classifies each element by nature (direct or indirect cost): Element of cost Code Nature of cost Code Materials A Direct 10


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