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word 2016-2017学年度第二学期七年级英语下册教学简案Unit5 Topic1 Section A一、学习目标:1、 知识与技能:A:学习并掌握本节课生词:gate-group . 通过预习达到会读、识记要求,上课时默写,要求在听写本上做好准备,标清序号15个,条理清晰,每行4个,成绩计入个人周成绩表。只要你肯下决心并付诸行动,你一定会赢在起跑线上的!B:学习频度副词:如usually(通常),你在P1 还能够找到两个,试一试: _(经常);_(总是)C:能够用一般现在时谈论交通方式,尝试翻译: How do you usually e to school ?_? I usually e to school by bus . _ 康康总是怎样回家的?_?2、 过程与方法课前做好预习,预习中做好预测,标出不会的容,寻求同桌、小组帮助,聆听别人的见解,专注于教师的总结。3、 情感态度价值观:随着社会经济的开展,人们的生活水平和生活质量越来越高,各种交通工具开始进入人们的日常生活,我们要学会珍惜,学会感恩,更要学会创造!交通安全时时刻刻要牢记! 他总是步行回家。_.三、知识:1、默写如下单词:自行车_ 公交车_ 小轿车_ 火车_飞机_ _轮船_ 小船_ 地铁_ 脚_2、写出如下动词的单三形式 A. e _ look_ work_ live _ B.guess_ teach_ dress_ watch_ catch_ C. try _study _carry_ fly _ D. go _do _have_ be _3、补全对话: A: Nice to see you again ! B: _! A: Your new bike looks very new !B:_! A: Happy birthday ! B:_! A: Happy New Year ! B:_!四、学习容:Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译如下词组或句子1. at the gate 2. Happy New Year ! The same to you ! 3. look very nice .4. by bike by subway by bus5. How about .? = _?6. Its time for class !=_!7. Its time _ sth = Its time _ _ sth . 8. Its time _sb _ sth . Its time _ sb _ _ sth .五、学习小结:1交通工具的表达法:by +_. 2对交通工具的提问用:_+_?3. 当节日属于大家共同拥有时,面对别人的祝贺我们应该说:_!当节日属于你个人拥有时,面对别人的祝贺你应该说: _!六、达标检测:一根据句意和首字母提示完成句子1. My mother o_ goes to work by bus . 2.They a_ play games after school . 3. They are brothers , they look the s_. 4. Its a long way , you must go there by t_. (二) 单项选择题( )1.Happy New Year ! _! A.Thank you ! B. You are right ! C. The same to you ! D. Sorry !( )2. -_ do you usually have lunch ? -At school . A. When B. Where C. How D. Why ( )3. How are you going to the Summer Palace ? We are going there _ bike . A. for B. at C. of D. by ( )4. _ do you usually go to your office ? By bus . A. How often B. What time C. When D. How ( )5. Its five oclock . Its _ go home . A.time to B. time for C. time D. time to go to ( )6. Kangkangs new shoes look _. A. happy B. well C. nice D. the same( )7. _ ? Its half past six. A. Whats the oclock B. Whats the time is. C. What time is it D. Whats the time is it ( )8. Hi, Li Ming , your book is very interesting (有趣). _. A.Thank you . B. Dont say so ! C. Thats right D. You are right ( )9. -I usually take the subway to school . _? -I usually go to school by bus . A. How are you B. How do you C. What do you D.How about you 三对划线局部提问 1. Jane usually goes to school by subway . 2. They always go to work by bus.Unit5 Topic1 Section B一、学习目标:1、知识与技能:A:学习并掌握本节课生词:weekday - park 要求:熟读、识记会默写,在听写本上做好准备,上课默写,再创一个辉煌100分!B:学习频度副词:通常经常总是有时很少从来都不C:学习交通方式的动词词组表达法:乘火车:take a train . 你来试一试: 乘飞机_乘轮船_乘小船_乘公交_乘小轿车_ 步行:walk ; 骑自行车ride a /ones bike ; 乘地铁take the subway2、过程与方法注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。3、情感态度价值观:“ 黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟,我们要惜时珍时,更要勤奋。二、重点难点1、频度副词总结2、交通方式的动词表达方式与于介词表达方式的转换三、知识:1、使用介词翻译如下词组:骑自行车 乘公交乘地铁乘火车乘飞机乘轮船乘小船步 行2、写出如下频度副词 always _ often _ seldom 对以上频率副词提问,使用:How often .? 牢记哦!四、学习容:Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译如下词组或句子,然后在文中标出。1.what time 2.get up 3. on weekdays _ 4. 4.at about six oclock _5.go to school_ 6.on foot_7.by bike_ 8.How about ? = What about ?_9.walk to school = go to school on foot _10.by subway _ 11.take a bus _12.The early bird catches the worm . _Step 2 : Underline the important sentences (在课本中画出重点句子并用上节课所学过的容转换成同义句)1. I seldom walk to school .=_2. I always take a bus to school.= _Step 3: Observe and continue(观察并续写)1. take a bus to school = go to school by bus 2. take a plane to Beijing .=_ 3. 3.take the subway to work .=_4. ride a bike home .= _ 5. 5. walk to his office = _6. drive a car to the Great Wall . =_ 牢记规律总结:交通方式的动词词组和介词词组之间的转换1. take a bus /plane/train/ship/boat to +地点= go/e to +地点+by bus /plane/train/ship/boat2. walk to +地点=go/e to +地点3. ride a / ones bike to +地点= go / e to +地点+by bike 4. drive a/ones car to +地点=go / e to +地点+by car . 当后面的地点是home /there/here等副词时,要去掉to Step 4: 翻译并识记: 1. get up early _ 2. walk to school _3. do my homework at school _ 4. help my parents _ 5. see a movie_6. watch TV in the evening ._六、学习小结:1、频度副词:_ _ _ _ _ _2、交通工具的动词表达法: take a +工具单数= _ ride a bike = go .by bike walk = go on foot drive a car = go by car take the subway = go by subway 3、翻译“早起的鸟儿有虫吃 七、达标检测:一根据汉语意思和句意写出单词1. What do you usually do on _(平日)? 2. The early bird _(捉住) the worm .3. Mary often _(骑) her bike to school . 4. Jim often gets up _(早地) to catch the bus . 5. I _(很少)watch TV on weekdays . 二单项选择( )1. I dont want _ so early . A. to get up B. gets up C. get up D. getting up ( )2. My father never _. A. cooks B. cook C. cooking D. is cooking ( )3. Will you get there by _ train ? No, Ill take _ taxi (出租车) A. / a B. a / the C. / / D. the / a( )4. Does your mother get up early every day ? _. A. Yes, she does B.No, she does C. Yes, she does D. No, she dont .( )5.Xiao Ming never _ home on foot . She often takes the subway . A. go to B. goes to C. walks D. goes .Unit5 Topic1 SectionC 一、学习目标:1、知识与技能:A:学习并掌握本节课生词:homework-talk 要求:熟读、识记会默写,在听写本上做好准备,上课默写,再接再厉!2、过程与方法注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。3、情感态度价值观:正确看待中西方文化和生活习惯,不要盲目崇拜,树立“工作/学习第一意识。 二、重点难点1、频度副词词组总结2、运用频度副词谈论日常生活三、知识:1、写出如下频度副词 always _ often _ seldom 对以上频率副词提问,使用:_? 2、He goes to the school library very often . (对划线提问)3、同义句转换: Very few students ride bikes to school . =四、学习容: Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译如下词组或句子,然后在文中标出。1. would like to do sth = would love to do sth = want to do sth 2. know about . 3. after lunch 4.the school life of American students .= the American students school life .5.go to school 6.take a yellow school bus or walk to school .7. very few students . 8. ride bikes .9.have lunch 10.at school 11.eat out 12.on school days 13.have a short rest =have a little rest 14.what time ? 15.be over 16.at about 3 oclock 17. in ones free time 18.play basketball or soccer 19.go swimming and so on . 20.how often 21. have ball games 22.four times a year .Step 2:翻译并熟背(课本P6)踢足球打篮球去游泳去钓鱼听音乐看电视做他的家庭作业去公园Step 3. 3 Pair work . 翻译并熟背(课本P6)约见朋友做饭去动物园一周一次一周两次一周三次很是经常每一天很少Thats good ! Work must e first !五、学习小结:1、频度副词词组:每天;每年;一周一次; 一年四次;很是经常2、对频度副词或频度副词词组提问用:How often ? 3、翻译“工作/学习第一六句型转换1. I usually go to school on foot . (同义句转换)2. He always goes home by bike . (同义句转换)3. Jane sometimes gets up at 6:00 对划线局部提问4. My father always watches TV in the evening .改为否认句5. Maria often does her homework at 7:00.(改为一般疑句Section D一、学习目标:1、 知识与技能:学习频度副词组:every day 每天; every week_ ; every Sunday _; once a week 一周一次; twice a week _;three times a year_ ; very often _对以上词组提问用how often ? 一定要记牢哦!C:能够运用频度副词谈论日常生活:在课文中找出一下句子做好批注How often do they have ball games ? 他们多久进展一次球赛?Four times a year . 一年四次2、过程与方法注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。3、情感态度价值观:正确看待中西方文化和生活习惯,不要盲目崇拜,树立“工作/学习第一意识。 二、重点难点1、频度副词词组总结2、运用频度副词谈论日常生活三、达标检测:一根据首字母提示写出单词1. Chinese students want to know a_ the second life of American students .2. Work must e f_.3. We often have a short r_ after lunch .4. The first class usually e_ at half past eight in our school .5. Jane likes playing f_ very much .二单项选择( )1. I dont want _ so early . A. to get up B. gets up C. get up D. getting up ( )2. My father never _.A. cooks B. cook C. cooking D. is cooking ( )3. Will you get there by _ train ? No, Ill take _ taxi (出租车) A. / a B. a / the C. / / D. the / a( )4. Does your mother get up early every day ? _. A. Yes, she does B.No, she does C. Yes, she does D. No, she dont .( )5.Xiao Ming never _ home on foot . She often takes the subway . A. go to B. goes to C. walks D. goes .Unit5 Topic2 SectionA一、学习目标:1. 知识与技能:A:学习并掌握本节课生词:make -pool . 通过预习达到会读、识记要求,上课时默写,要求在听写本上做好准备,标清序号20,条理清晰,每行4个,成绩计入个人周成绩表。只要你肯下决心并付诸行动,你一定会赢在起跑线上的!B:学习动词的现在分词的构成规律:1)在词尾直接加ing: workworking ; playplaying 2)以不发音的e结尾的动词去掉e再加ing; eing ; havehaving3)以重度闭音节结尾,结尾只有一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母再加ing kidkidding;shopshopping ; beginbeginning; runrunning 4)以ie结尾的动词变ie为y再加ing. diedying;lie-lying; tie-tyingC:学习现在进展时的用法:1)句型结构:be + V-ing + .2)句型含义:正在做、3)特征词:look ! listen! Now , at the moment 尝试翻译:My mother is cooking breakfast _ 她正在做家庭作业_.D:能够用现在进展时谈论日常生活场景,尝试翻译: What are you doing ?_? We are playing basketball on the playground. _2. 过程与方法课前做好预习,预习中做好预测,标出不会的容,寻求同桌、小组帮助,聆听别人的见解,专注于教师的总结。3. 情感态度价值观:A. 热爱学校,保持校园干净整洁。B. 参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康!二、重点难点1、现在分词2、一般现在时态三、知识:含有be动词的句子的否认句和一般疑问句的变化规律I am watching TV.(变成否认句;一般疑问句;肯定回答;否认回答)_;_? _; _.四、学习容:Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译如下词组或句子1.do your homework 2.watch TV 3. make cards . 4.would like to 5.play basketball _? 6.Good idea! _!Step2 : Read 1a again ,找出使用现在进展时态的句子并翻译,然后回答下面的问题:s Michael doing ?Step 3 : Look at the pictures in 2b and talk about them : e.g. Picture1 : Where is Mary ? Whats she doing ?Step 4 Read 2b . 1)找出表示地点的词组并翻译。2)找出使用现在进展时的句子并翻译 3) 正确理解:at the moment = now = right now (现在)Step 5. Work alone 2bStep 6. Practice 2bStep 7. Work alone Part3 课堂上展开竞赛 Step 8. Pair work .要求学生认真观察例句并同桌进展合作,课堂展示。 五、学法指导:1、独立自主,学会使用工具书和其他辅助资料。2、立足于课本,坚信书读百遍其义自现的道理。3、小组合作. 4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。5、学会质疑和解疑。 6、随手笔记六、学习小结:1、动词现在分词的构成规律:2、动词的现在进展时态的用法:七、达标检测:一根据句意和首字母提示完成句子(每题215=30分)1. My father is sleeping at the m_.2. Look, Jane is m_ cards . 3. The boys are playing basketball on the p_.4. The students are having lunch in the d_ hall . 5. S_ is Pauls favorite sport . (二) 用适当的单词填空(每空一分,共30分)1.He is playing soccer _ the playground . 2.Maria is _ the library .3.They are dancing _ the gym . 4.I am _ the teachers office .5.They are cleaning _ the dormitory . They are not sleeping _ the moment .三单项选择题(125=25分)( )1. Look ! The girl _. A. runs B. running C. is runing D. is running ( )2. Whats Rala doing ? She is _ shopping . A. going B. to go C. goes D. go ( )3. I like the swimming pool _. A. well B. good C. best D. fine ( )4. Sam is _ art teacher . He likes playing _ football . A. a; the B. an; the C. an ; / ( )5. Would you like to play games with me ? _. A. Thats right. B. All right . C. Good idea! D. I dont think so. ( )6. What are you doing ? Im _ A. walk B. swim C. rideing D. singing ( )7. Are you watching TV? _.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I am .D. No, I am .四对划线局部提问 1. They are doing their homework (变成否认句) 2. The students are cleaning the dormitory .(变成一般疑问句) 3. The girl is reading in the library . (对划线局部提问)Unit5 Topic2 SectionB一、学习目标:1、知识与技能:A:学习并掌握本节课生词:borrow - put on 要求:熟读、识记,课堂上提问展示竞猜,一睹你的风采!B: 继续学习现在进展时:时态结构是:_C:学习借物:尝试翻译一下:Excuse me ,can/could/may I borrow ?Excuse me , do you have any ? D: 学习写寻物启事和招领启事:2、过程与方法注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。3、情感态度价值观:拾金不昧二、重点难点1、borrow/return的用法与借物用语。2、现在进展时三、知识:1、写出现在分词形式:look watchcleansinghaveuse e writeshop forget sitrun 2、对划线局部提问 She is singing in her room .对进展时态中的现在分词提问要使用:Whats /Whatre doing ? 牢记哦!四、学习容:Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译如下词组或句子,然后在文中标出。1. a few2. many students 3. of course_4. look for_5. on the shelves_ 6. How long ? _7. two weeks_ 8. on time _ 9. return=giveback_10. return sth to = give sth back to _ 11. Excuse me, can I borrow .? 12. do better in = be better at 12. Here you are !13. How long can I keep them ?14. You must return them on time .15. Its a pleasure ! = Thats OK!= Thats all right!= Not at all != You are wele!16. Thank you all the same != Thank you anyway . Step2 .Read 1a again ,answer the four questions below (根据1a回答如下问题)1.What does Li Ming want to borrow ? 2. How long can he keep them ?Step 3 . Read 1a after the record , and then act it .Step 4 . plete 1bStep 5 . Listen to the record about 2b answer the question : Whats Maria doing ? Read 2b again and practice it . What else ? 别的还有什么? “else (别的/其他的),只能用在不定代词和特殊疑问词之后。Step 6: Read 1a again , plete 2b Notes: LOST (寻物启事); FOUND (认领启事)Step 7: Part 3 . Listening exercise .五、学法指导:1、识记单词,熟读课文 2、学用工具 3、小组合作 4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。 5、学会质疑和解疑。 6、随手笔记六、学习小结:1、借用:_ 归还_ 准时_ 多长时间_ 2、翻译“打扰了,请问我可以借用、吗? _?七、达标检测:一根据汉语意思和句意写出单词1. You must _(归还) it on time . 2. He is looking for her _(钱包)3. How long can I _(保持) the book ? 4. What _(别的) is in your purse ? 二单项选择( )1. -You must look after your things . -Sure , _ . A. I do . B. I will C. I would D. I am ( )2. What are you doing ? Im _ my English book . A. looking after B. looking at C. looking for D. looking like .( )3. Could you give me _ orange juice ? Sorry, there isnt _ . A. any ; any B. some; some C. some ; any D. any ; some ( )4. My father is _ my mother . A. talking with B. speaking with C. saying D. telling ( )5. _can I keep the library book ? A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much ( )6. Whats in your bag ? _A.Something other B. Nothing other C. Anything else D. Nothing else . ( )7. Excuse me , do you have a ruler ? Sorry ! I dont have one . _. A. Im sorry , too. B. Thats bad . C. No problem. D. Thank you anyway . ( )8. The apples are very nice . Would you like _? A. it B. one C. another D. they 三句型转换1. Please return the book to me now .(同义句转换) Please _ _ _ _ _ now2. Thank you all the same . (同义句转换) _ you _. 3. You can keep the story book for two weeks . 对划线局部提问4. My father always watches TV in the evening .用now改写句子Unit5 Topic2 SectionC一、学习目标:1、知识与技能:A:学习并掌握本节课生词:around - draw1.around: 在周围: 在我们学校周围_ 大约=about :大约在六点钟_ show sb. around () : 带领某人参观、show me around your school _ 2. sitsitting : I am _(sit) between Lucy and Lily at the moment. seat 座位 have a seat = take a seat 3. writewriting . He is _(write) a letter . 4. at the back of 在后面在某一围部 Sheis cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom . 翻译:_ 5. draw : draw pictures 画画 要求:熟读、识记,课堂上提问展示竞猜,一睹你的风采!B:继续学习现在进展时:时态结构是:_C:学习表示方位的介词和介词短语: in : 在里; in the room ; in the lab ;在教室 用 in English _; 用日语_ 穿/戴 in red_; in a balck cap_on:在、上: on the desk on the playground at 在某处;at the bus stop _at the desk_ 在某时:at ten oclock _ between and 在和之间2、过程与方法注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。3、情感态度价值观:积极参加体育锻炼二、重点难点1、介词和介词短语 2、现在进展时三、知识:1、写出现在分词形式:look watchcleansinghaveuse e writeshop forget sitrun 2、翻译:他们正在操场跑步_.四、学习容:Step1 : Read 1a .在现在进展时态的句子下面划线并正确理解提问展示Step2. 找出文中的的所有介词短语划线。Step3. Read 1a again . 填空并用介词翻译 1.show his mother _ his school ; 2._ the playground 3.run_ the playground; 4. _ the gym 5._ the swimming pool 6.what _? 7._there; 8. _ the classroom 9. _ the back of the class room 找出并翻译如下动词词组 1. have a soccer game 2. play basketball 3. sit there and watch 4. swim in the swimming pool 5. listen to music 6. clean the blackboard7. read Renai English Post 8. do his homework 9. write a letter 10. look at Step 4 .plete 1b A /BStep 5 .Part 2 .以小组为单位先填空后展示,找出并翻译如下动词短语。、 1. draw pictures 2. make cards 3. do her homework 4. write a letter 5. drink orange juice 6. listen to music .7. sing a song 8. watch TV 9. work on a puter 10. play games 11. have an English class . 12.eat oranges五、学法指导:1、识记单词,熟读课文 2、学用工具 3、小组合作4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。 5、学会质疑和解疑。 6、随手笔记六、学习小结: 1、方位介词:in /on / at / between 2、现在进展时:肯定:主语+be(am/is/are)+ V-ing 否认:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+ V-ing 疑问:Be +主语+ V-ing ? 对V-ing 提问:Whats/Whatre doing ? 七、达标检测:一根据句意填空1. Peter is showing his mother _ his school . 2. A few students are running _ the playground .3.A few students are listening _ music and some others are swimming _ the swimming pool .4 .What about the girls _ there ?5. Look _ the classroom . Sally is cleaning the blackboard _ the back of the classroom . 6. He is playing _ the puter . 7. Here are some photos _ his . 二用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. He_(go) to play games after class .2. Please e and _(watch) the games.3. The boy is _(run) around the playground .4. What are they _(do) now ?5. She is _(write) a letter in English.三句型转换1. My favorite sport is swimming _ _ your favorite sport ? 2. Dont do your homework on the playground .(改为肯定句) Please _ your homework on the playground .3. My father is mending his car 对划线局部提问4. My uncle is working on the puter . (用every day 改写) My uncle _ on


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