湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练 完型填空(51)

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湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练 完型填空(51)_第1页
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湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练:完型填空(51) (1)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Many years ago my grandfather had a small farm and chickens. One morning he 1 me out to the chicken coop(鸡舍)to collect fresh eggs. He became 2 when I didnt return after a short while. When he came 3 me I jumped with joy, but he saw tears in my eyes and noticed that I was in a(n) 4 chicken coop nearby, which could be entered only 5 the same door. When he 6 my pain and asked, “What was wrong?” I told him 7 , “That nasty rooster,” who was now docile(驯服的), in my grandfathers 8 , “came pecking after me and all the hens started cackling, which scared me, and I ran into the next coop for 9 .” He took me by the hand and we walked right by the now 10 nasty rooster and comfortable nesting hens. We sat under the apple tree, and he related the following story. “Did you notice 11 that rooster and hens behaved when I came in? Totally 12 from when you first came in.” I shouted, “The rooster and hens seemed to pounce on(攻击)me.”My grandfather then said, “Thats a new rooster the neighbor gave me. All your life you are going to 13 people who will act like that rooster and hens. Only in different ways! Its 14 for that rooster to protect his coop and his hens. The rooster is the 15 and the hens are followers. Same with people! It doesnt 16 whether they are men or women. There will always be people who will try to 17 your life and if you let them, you will become like the hens.”“ 18 to be the leader, you have to first be able to lead your own life and be the rooster of your actions. You can be like the rooster leading the hens. 19 of us in life are followers, like the hens and some stay 20 in their own chicken coops, like you did.”1.AtookBpickedCsentDcarried2.AconcernedBexcitedCsurprisedDinterested3.Acalling onBdropping inClooking forDrunning after4.AfullBemptyCsmallDlarge5.AwithBoverCunderDthrough6.AcomfortedBnoticedCremovedDfelt7.AtearfullyBproudlyCnervouslyDcarefully8.AcontrolBeyesChandsDpresence9.AeggsBsafetyChensDbalance10.AangryBsatisfiedCquietDpuzzled11.AwhyBhowCwhatDwhether12.AslowlyBfiercelyCdifferentlyDpopularly13.Acome overBcome acrossCcome upDcome out14.AhardBbraveCuselessDnatural15.AleaderBkeyCmemberDproblem16.AdisturbBincludeCmatterDbelong17.AleadBinvolveCchangeDmind18.AAndBAsCButDSo19.ANoneBMostCAllDBoth20.AmissingBworryingCpackedDhidden(2)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A few years ago I was days away from the world trip I had been planning for 6 months. I decided to go out with two of my friends to have a 1 drink. The first half of the evening was filled with them 2 me about safety in foreign countries and telling me to be 3 in all the dangerous places I was visiting. As the night progressed we all got very drunk and rude 4 it was the last time we would see each other for some time. Come closing time at about 1 am, we walked 5 out of the pub and began to make our way home. As we were making our way through the risky neighborhood, five random robbers jumped out of a lane and for no apparent reason began to 6 me and my friends. Luckily a large group of slightly nicer individuals appeared on the scene and came to our aid, 7 the robbers away. Apart from a few cuts and stolen mobile phones, no one was too badly hurt and within a few minutes we were 8 about the whole suffering. However, what happened next wasnt so funny (for me at least). As we 9 our walk home a police car pulled up and a group of officers 10 and surrounded us. We began to explain that we were all right and there was no need to give any statement, but we were all told to 11 up. Two particularly large officers then 12 me and threw me in the back of the car, before ordering my friends home. I was still a little drunk and before I could 13 what was happening I was in a police station being told to empty my pockets. Following some brief questions and being informed that I was 14 for attack, I was thrown in a cell and told I would be 15 tomorrow. I spent the night worrying that in my 16 confusion I had hit and hurt someone, however these worries were put to rest in the morning when a kind elderly officer entered my cell with a blanket and a cup of tea. A few minutes later I was being handed back my 17 and having antiseptic cream(消毒膏) put on my black eye. It turned out that one of the gang who jumped me and my friends resembled me and was wearing 18 clothes, leading the police to 19 me for him when looking at CCTV footage. After a few awkward 20 I was told that they needed the cell space so I had to leave. They didnt even offer me the bus fare home. The funniest part? I still have the arrest document that says:Arrested: James WheatonOn suspicion of: An attack on James Wheaton1.A. welcomeB. goodbyeC. greetingD. celebration2.A. persuadingB. teachingC. lecturingD. informing3.A. careful B. considerateC. confidentD. modest4.A. announcingB. providing C. discoveringD. considering5. A. rudelyB. unsteadilyC. unnaturallyD. weakly6.A. seek B. catchC. beatD. call7.A. chasingB. throwingC. carryingD. sending8.A. tellingB. talkingC. complainingD. laughing9.A. madeB. continuedC. followedD. began10.A. set offB. picked outC. piled outD. took off 11.A. shut B. put C. speak D. break 12.A. blamedB. criticized C. noticedD. grabbed13.A. recognizeB. realizeC. rememberD. remark14.A. arrestedB. judgedC. sentencedD. tried15.A. removedB. registeredC. relievedD. released 16.A. accidentalB. drunkenC. spiritualD. random 17.A. possessionsB. pocketsC. clothesD. maps18.A. fancyB. familiarC. sameD. similar19.A. misunderstandB. mistakeC. misleadD. mismatch20.A. discussionsB. excusesC. apologiesD. explanations (1)120 CACBD BADBC BCBDA CACBD(2)120 BCADB CADBC ADBAD BADBC4用心 爱心 专心


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