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选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库语法专项训练(一)名词性从句专项练习1.Is Mary from New York City I dont know _.A. from what city does she come from B. from what city she comeC. what city does she come from D. what city she comes from2The reason why I didnt go to Shanghai was _ a new job.A. because I got B. because of getting C. I gotD. that I got3It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A. while B. that C. if D. for4It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever5. I am sure _ he said is true.A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what6. I dont doubt _ hell come.A. that B. ifC. what D. whether7. _ surprised me most was _ such a little boy of seven could play the violin so well.A. That.what B. What.that C. That.which D. What.which8. She is pleased with what you have given him and _ you have told him.A. that B. which C. all what D. all that9. The little boy ate _ his mother gave him.A. that B. which C. whatever D. no matter what10. ._ we go swimming every day _ us a lot of good.A. If.do B. That.do C. If.does D. That.does11. I have no idea _ or not he has finished the work.A. if B. that C. whether D. which12. We all know the truth _ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things.A. where B. wherever C. that D. that wherever13. I asked her in English _ she was, and she told me _ she was an actress.A. whothat B. whoX C. whatX D. howthat14. At that time I had no idea _ I could hand it to him without being seen.A. if B. how C. which D. that how15. _ Tom liked to eat was different from _.A. Thatthat you had expected B. What that you had expectedC. Thatwhat you had expected D. Whatwhat you had expected(二)定语从句专项练习1Jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office. A. whichB. thatC. thisD. it2I work in a business _ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. howB. whichC. whereD. that3We are living in an age _ many things are done on computer. A. whichB. thatC. whoseD. when4The gentleman _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. A. whoB. about whomC. whomD. with whom5All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _ in the forest. A. once they grewB. they grew onceC. that once grewD. once grew6I dont like _ you speak to her. A. the wayB. the way in thatC. the way whichD. the way of which7All _ is needed is a supply of oil. A. the thingB. thatC. whatD. which8He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year. A. theseB. thoseC. thatD. which9Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A. he explainedB. what he explainedC. how he explainedD. why he explained10York, _ last year, is a nice old city. A. that I visitedB. which I visitedC. where I visitedD. in which I visited11A fast food restaurant is the place _, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly. A. which B. whereC. there D. what12Her sister has become a lawyer, she wanted to be. A. whoB. thatC. whatD. which13Women drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those dont. A. who; 不填B. 不填; whoC. who; whoD. 不填; 不填14Look out ! Don t get too close to the house _ roof is under repair. A. whose B. which C. of which D. that15I saw a woman running to ward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction_she had come. A. of whichB. by whichC. in which D. from which(三)虚拟语气专项练习1You did not let me drive. If we _in turn, you _ so tired A. drove; didnt getB. drove; wouldnt getC. were driving; wouldnt getD. had driven ; wouldnt have got2When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_A. breaksB. has brokenC. were brokenD. had been broken3I insisted _to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing _ wrong with him A. on him to go; should beB. he went; beC. he go; wasD. he should to; is4If only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. layC. had lainD. should lie5How I wish every family _a large house with a beautiful garden.A. hasB. hadC. will haveD. had had6_it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu BridgeA. WereB. ShouldC. Would D. Will7-Your aunt invites you to the movies today-I had rather she _ me tomorrow than todayA. tellsB. toldC. would tellD. had told8He has just arrived, but he talks as if he _ about thatA. knowB. knowsC. knownD. knew9In case I _, I would try againA. will failB. would missC. should failD. shall fail10Their suggestion is that we_ go out for a walkA. canB. haveC. shallD. /11_difficulties, we would be successfulA. Should we overcomeB. Would we overcomeC. Might we overcomeD. Could we overcome12The judge ordered the thief _punishedA. should beB. would beC. was to beD. must be13But for water, it _impossible to live in the earthA. isB. wouldC. wereD. wouldnt be14It was requested that the play _againA. should put on B. would put onC. be put onD. put on15. _your help, I _the examA. Without, will failB. If not , will failC. But for, would have failedD. If it is not for, would have failed(四)倒装与省略1If Joes wife wont go to the party, _.A. he will eitherB. neither will heC. he neither will D. either he will2My room gets very cold at night. _A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mineD. So mine does3It _ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common. A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasnt until; when D. wasnt until; that4I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom _ so lonely as now. A. have I felt B. I had felt C. I have felt D. Had I felt5Little _ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.A. he realized B. he didnt realize C. didnt he realize D. did he realize6In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than _.A. that used to be B. it is used to C. it was used to D. it used to be7 that Maric was able to set up new branches clsewhere. A.So successful her business was B.So successful was her businessC.So her business was successful D.So was her successful business8Did you see who the driver was? No, so quickly_ that I couldnt gat a good look at his face.Adid the car speed by Bthe car sped by Cdoes the car speed by Dthe car speeds by9_, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strangeC. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound10How was the televised debate last night? Super! Rarely _ so much media attention. A. a debate attractedB. did a debate attract C. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate(五)非谓语动词专项练习1 Its a long time since I saw my sister. _ her this weekend? A. Why not visitB. why not to visit C. Why not visitingD. Why dont visit2At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closedB. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closedD. to open and close3After a knock at the door, the child heard his mothers voice _ him. A. callingB. called C. being called D. to call4There is nothing more I can try _ you to stay, so I wish you good luck. A. being persuadedB. persuadingC. to be persuadedD. to persuad5Excuse me sir,where is Room 301? Just a minute.Ill have Bob _you to your room. A.show B.shows C. to show D. showing6He is a student at Oxford University, _ for a degree in computer science. A. studied B. studying C. to have studied D. to be studying7Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English in a short period. 8You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking9The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _ every day. A. watered B. watering C. water D. to water10_ by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. A. Driven B. Being driven C. To drive D. Having driven 11The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.A. to be heard B. to have heard C. hearing D. being heard 12 the safety of gas, the government has checked the citys gas supply system thoroughly. ATo ensureBEnsuring(六CHaving ensured.DTo have ensured13He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _ in his lectures. A. interestedB. interestingC. interest D. to interest14“Things _ never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself. A. lost B. losing C. to lose D. have lost 15Can I smoke here? Sorry. We dont allow _ here. A. people smokingB. people smoke C. to smoke D. smoking(六)情态动词专项练习1I hear youve got a set of valuable Australian coins I have a lookYes, certainly 2.Are you coming to Jeffs partyIm not sure I go to the concert instead 3. Johnny, you play with the knife, you hurt yourself A.wont; cantB.mustnt; mayC.shouldnt; must D.cant; shouldnt4. When can I come for the photos I need them tomorrow afternoonThey be ready by 1200 5. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone get outA.had toB.wouldC.couldD.was able to6. Shall I tell John about it No, you Ive told him already A.neednt B.wouldntC.mustntD.shouldnt7. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I for her A had to write it outB must have written it outC should have written it outD ought to write it out8. Jack yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me A mustnt have arrivedB shouldnt have arrivedC cant have arrivedD need not have arrived 9. Its freezing outside. You _ put on your overcoat. A. had better to B. had better C. would better D. would better to 10. Tom ought not to _ me your secret, but he meant no harm. A.have told B. tell C. be telling D. having told11. “Must we do it now?” “No ,you _. ”A.wont B. neednt C. cant D. dont 12. You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do . A.neednt to come B. dont need come C. dont need coming D. neednt come13. -Shall we go skating or stay at home? -Which _ do yourself?A.do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather14. Whats the name?Khulaifi. _I spell that for you ? A.Shall B. Would C. Can D .Might15. We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter,_ ?A. do you B. can we C. will you D. shall we 选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库 (按ctrl 点击打开)


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