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会计学1unitsession第一页,共39页。1. Lead in2. Text Analysis3. Do the exercise4. Assignments1. Review第1页/共38页第二页,共39页。Review第2页/共38页第三页,共39页。客房客房(k fn)预订部预订部房价房价团体团体(tunt)预订预订单人房间单人房间(fngjin)预订房间预订房间双人房间双人房间套房套房book a roombook a roomroom reservationsroom reservationsroom rateroom ratea single rooma single rooma double rooma double rooma suitea suitegroup reservationgroup reservationReview第3页/共38页第四页,共39页。Review晚上好,我有预定晚上好,我有预定(ydng),名字是,名字是Tomlinson.好,我找到了。是好,我找到了。是27日退房吗日退房吗?没错。没错。我能用您的信用卡划账押金我能用您的信用卡划账押金(yjn)吗?吗?当然可以。另外,请给我一间无烟当然可以。另外,请给我一间无烟(w yn)房间。房间。当然可以,女士。这是您的房间钥匙。您的房间在当然可以,女士。这是您的房间钥匙。您的房间在7楼。房间号楼。房间号码码781。Translate the dialogue into English.G: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Tomlinson.R: Ok Ive found it. Checking out on the 27th?G: Thats right.R: Can I take a credit card for the deposit?G: Yes, sure. Also, Id like a non-smoking room please.R: Certainly madam. Heres your key. Your room is on the 7th floor. Room 781. 第4页/共38页第五页,共39页。QuestionsWhat do you usually do with a hotel before you travel in a strange city?Where do you usually stay when you are traveling? 第5页/共38页第六页,共39页。Lead inKinds of hotels in the United States:Places to stay for a short time may be called Places to stay for a short time may be called h h_,_,h h_, _, m m_ or _ or m m_ _ h h_, _, i i_, _, l l_ or _ or r r_._. _ _ also referred to as also referred to as youth hostelsyouth hostels, are often , are often for students working away from home. for students working away from home. _ _ have plenty of have plenty of parking spaceparking space and are usually and are usually near near a a freewayfreeway or or highwayhighway. . _are in the are in the mountainsmountains, on the , on the coastcoast, or near , or near lakeslakes. .A.A. Hotels HotelsB.B. Hostels HostelsC.C. Motels MotelsD.D. Resorts Resorts otelsotelsostelsostelsotelsotelsotorotorotelsotelsnnsnnsodgesodgesesortsesorts第6页/共38页第七页,共39页。Lead infacilities of a hotel第7页/共38页第八页,共39页。Lead in第8页/共38页第九页,共39页。_ bed_ bed_ beds_ beds_ bed_ bed _ _ -sizesize bed bed_bedbed_-size-size bed bed_ bed_ beda rollawaya rollawaytwintwina singlea singlea queena queena watera watera doublea doublea kinga kingKinds of beds第9页/共38页第十页,共39页。Which one is Which one is continental breakfastcontinental breakfast? ?A AB BImage AImage A is an is an English BreakfastEnglish Breakfast. It usually includes . It usually includes f f_ or or j j_, _, omom_, _, h h_, _, j j_ and and t t_. _. ruitruituiceuiceeleteletamamamameaeaImage BImage B is a is a Continental BreakfastContinental Breakfast. Mostly, it consists of . Mostly, it consists of c c_ or or t t_, _, a ra r_ and_ and j j_._.offeeoffeeeaeaollollamamContinentalContinental Breakfast Breakfast is cold food. (is cold food. () )English Breakfast English Breakfast is hot meal (is hot meal ( ).).第10页/共38页第十一页,共39页。Title in hereMove luggageChange sheetsMaking calls within the hotelOrder foodMake reservationsBell man/boyMaidSwitchboard operatorRoom service waiterDesk clerkKinds of hotel staff第11页/共38页第十二页,共39页。DictationRead the passage and then finish all the practiceFill in the blanksKey pointsQuestion第12页/共38页第十三页,共39页。Part IPart IIPart IIIW_ to Climer Lodge.L_ services guide.Additional services ins_. Part IVWelcome f_.elcomeodgingtructionseedback第13页/共38页第十四页,共39页。Part 2 What is the convenient way for you to contact the resident manager if you have any questions? Where are children not allowed to go, even with their parents?Where are coffee, tea and a light continental breakfast usually served? Part 2Skim & scan the text and answer the questions第14页/共38页第十五页,共39页。Part 2 Where are glasses, extra blankets, and pillows? Where should you leave your key when you leave the hotel?What time is the check out time? Part 2Skim & scan the text and answer the questions第15页/共38页第十六页,共39页。Find some mistakes according to the passage:88,then the 7-digit off-campus number88,then the 7-digit off-campus numberDial 8+011+Country Code+City Code+NumberDial 8+011+Country Code+City Code+NumberNo need to dial the 52 prefix dial only the last 5 numbersNo need to dial the 52 prefix dial only the last 5 numbers第16页/共38页第十七页,共39页。Time to contact the resident manager _:00 p.m. on weekdays _ hours on weekendsBusiness hoursLounge area: _:00 a.m. to _:00 p.m. 2. Recreation Center on Saturday: _:00 a.m. to _:00 p.m.3. Checking out: _:00 a.m.The first two numbers1. Local calls: _2. International calls: _3. An operator- assisted calls: _52461191110888080第17页/共38页第十八页,共39页。熨衣熨衣板板罐装饮料机罐装饮料机救生员救生员备用备用毛毯毛毯清扫客房清扫客房服务服务备用毛巾备用毛巾电话卡服务电话卡服务系统系统衣架衣架休息区休息区extra blanketextra towelhousekeeping servicescalling card carrierironing boardgarment rackCanned beverage machineLounge arealifeguardHotel第18页/共38页第十九页,共39页。If a guest wants to make an on-campus phone call, he has to dial 52 first.In case of fire, guests should dial 911.On departure, the guest should turn in the key at the reception desk.Comments from guests can be written on the back of the form and left with the key in the room.1243第19页/共38页第二十页,共39页。SummaryClimer Lodge is a hotel with beautiful _ to accommodate guests of Miami University.There are machines to _ them with ice and canned beverages on the lower level.In the kitchenette guests can have coffee, tea and a light _ breakfast.Different telephone _ are offered, too.There is also a _ center, which is open every day from morning till evening.For the guests convenience an iron and ironing board is provided upon _.On weekends _ towels are provided in order to make the guests stay more comfortable. facilitiescontinentalrecreationproviderequestextraservices第20页/共38页第二十一页,共39页。Word Studyfacility n. equipment, buildings, services that are provided for a particular activity or purpose 设施设施(shsh); 场所场所She had no cooking facilities in her room.她的房间她的房间(fngjin)里不能做饭里不能做饭.第21页/共38页第二十二页,共39页。Word Studyaccommodate v. provide people with a place to live or stay 提供提供(tgng)食宿食宿They cant accommodate guests at the moment.第22页/共38页第二十三页,共39页。Word Studyemergency n. an unexpected and difficult or dangerous situation 紧急情况紧急情况These bells are supposed to be used only in emergencies. The plane made an emergency landing.第23页/共38页第二十四页,共39页。离开离开(l ki)时请和我打招呼。时请和我打招呼。离开离开(l ki)时请检查一下行李以防把东西忘下。时请检查一下行李以防把东西忘下。离开时请把空调关掉。离开时请把空调关掉。第24页/共38页第二十五页,共39页。一看到那条大狗,小女孩吓哭了。一看到那条大狗,小女孩吓哭了。听到我们队获胜听到我们队获胜(hu shn)的消息,我们都兴奋地跳了起来。的消息,我们都兴奋地跳了起来。第25页/共38页第二十六页,共39页。Translate the following sentences into English. 1.1.如遇紧急情况如遇紧急情况, ,请拨打报警请拨打报警(bo jng)(bo jng)电话电话110. 110. In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110. alarm number emergency Do the ExerciseDo the Exercise第26页/共38页第二十七页,共39页。2.在校外住的学生每天乘班车在校外住的学生每天乘班车(bnch)上学和回家上学和回家. The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus.off-campusDo the exerciseDo the exercise第27页/共38页第二十八页,共39页。. .给他安排给他安排(npi)(npi)房间前房间前, ,接待员记下了他的姓名和身份证号码接待员记下了他的姓名和身份证号码. . The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room. jot down ID number Do the exerciseDo the exercise第28页/共38页第二十九页,共39页。. .离开离开(l ki)(l ki)时请把空调关掉时请把空调关掉. . Upon departure, please switch off/turn off the air-conditioner.upon departureDo the exerciseDo the exercise第29页/共38页第三十页,共39页。. .如果还有其它要求如果还有其它要求, ,请与客房经理请与客房经理(jngl)(jngl)联系联系. . If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the resident manager.additionalcontactDo the exerciseDo the exercise第30页/共38页第三十一页,共39页。1. We are fortunate to have this beautiful facility to accommodate very special guests of Miami University. Dr. Johnson was honored to be invited as a visiting professor at that university. 他们有幸取得了听那位著名科学家演讲的入场券。他们有幸取得了听那位著名科学家演讲的入场券。我昨天有幸看到了他精彩我昨天有幸看到了他精彩(jn ci)的表演。的表演。 They were fortunate to have got admission tickets to attend the famous scientists lecture. I was fortunate to see the excellent performance yesterday. Now you tryDo the exerciseDo the exercise第31页/共38页第三十二页,共39页。2. Please contact the manager if you have any questions or needs after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Please contact us if you are interested in this job. 如果你对此项服务需要了解更多的情况,请别客气与我联系。如果你对此项服务需要了解更多的情况,请别客气与我联系。如果你对我们的新产品感兴趣,请与我们的销售如果你对我们的新产品感兴趣,请与我们的销售(xioshu)经理联系。经理联系。 Dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information about the service. Please contact our sales manager if you are interested in our new products. Now you tryDo the exerciseDo the exercise第32页/共38页第三十三页,共39页。3. Upon departure, please leave the key in your room. Upon arrival, dont forget to let me know that you are safe and sound. 离开时,请检查一下行李以防把东西忘在旅馆里。离开时,请检查一下行李以防把东西忘在旅馆里。到达之后到达之后(zhhu),你应该找一个向导带你游览。,你应该找一个向导带你游览。 Upon departure, please check to make sure that nothing is left behind. Upon arrival, you should find a guide to help you go sightseeing. Now you tryDo the exerciseDo the exercise第33页/共38页第三十四页,共39页。4. At the tone, you may enter your calling card number or wait for an AT &T operator. At the news that the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists, the whole world was greatly shocked. 看到那条大狗,小女孩吓哭了。看到那条大狗,小女孩吓哭了。听到我们队获胜的消息,我们都兴奋听到我们队获胜的消息,我们都兴奋(xngfn)地跳了起来。地跳了起来。 At the sight of the big dog, the little girl was frightened into crying. At the news of our teams winning the game, we all jumped with joy.Now you tryDo the exerciseDo the exercise第34页/共38页第三十五页,共39页。 5. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lack of housekeeping services. The football players apologized to their fans for their poor performance in that match. 因为没能及时与您取得联系,我向您道歉。因为没能及时与您取得联系,我向您道歉。霍华德先生向学生道歉,因为他缺乏霍华德先生向学生道歉,因为他缺乏(quf)耐心而经常向学生大喊耐心而经常向学生大喊大叫。大叫。 I apologize to you for my not contacting you in time. Mr. Howard apologized to his students for lack of patience and keeping on shouting at them.Now you tryDo the exerciseDo the exercise第35页/共38页第三十六页,共39页。 6. May we have your comments or suggestions? May we have the honor of your coming and visiting our country at your convenience? 能告诉我您的电话号码和电子邮件地址吗?能告诉我您的电话号码和电子邮件地址吗?能就我们旅店的管理情况能就我们旅店的管理情况(qngkung)提点建议或意见吗?提点建议或意见吗? May I have your telephone number and e-mail address? May we have your advice or opinions on the management of the hotel?Now you tryDo the exerciseDo the exercise第36页/共38页第三十七页,共39页。1. Remember the new words and key points. 2. Finish all the rest exercises on Page 51-533. Retell the passage and try to grasp the detail informatiion.4. Preview Passage II, and do the Exercises 7 in advance.第37页/共38页第三十八页,共39页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结会计学。_:00 p.m.。_:00 a.m. to _:00 p.m.。1.如遇紧急情况,请拨打报警电话110.。2.在校外住的学生每天乘班车上学和回家.。.给他安排房间前,接待员记下了他的姓名和身份证号码.。.离开时请把空调关掉.。.如果还有其它要求,请与客房(k fn)经理联系.第三十九页,共39页。


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