2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(5)教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(5)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:A Read and say.二、教学目标:1. 听懂、会说、会读单词:job, a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook2. 听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What s your/his/her job?I m/He s/She s a 三、教学重点:1. 职业类单词的听、说、读。2. 能运用Whats your/his/her job?进行问答四、教学准备:图片、录音机、自制单词卡片、收集能表现人物职业的图片、人物头饰或道具五、教学过程:Step1 : Free talk :T: Good morning/afternoon. Nice to meet you. How are you? How old are you? (你多大了?T反复出示此卡片。) (启发学生答:I m 12/13.)T:(point to some pictures)Who s that boy/girl/man/woman?S: He s/She s/He s a /She s a (teacher/doctor/nurse)T: Excuse me, are you a S: Yes, I am. /No, Im not. Im a Step2: Presentation and practice:1.(承上)S : Are you a teacher?T: Yes, I am .What do you want to be after twenty years? Would you tell me? Whats your job?2. T :(板书: Unit 3 What s your job?)揭课题,Today we ll learn a new lesson .(Ss: Learn to say)What s your job? 出示单词卡片job,领读数遍job /d b/(将音标卡片贴在黑板上)启发学生答: I m a(student).S: Whats your job, Miss ?T: Im a teacher.3.(出示预先准备好的一些人物职业图片)Ask and answer:Whats his job? / Whats her job? Hes / Shes a 在适当的时机新授单词: a worker, a driver, a waiter/waitress, a policeman, a policewoman, a cook, a farmer. 教授时将单词卡片贴在黑板上,师领读数遍。4. 用各种方式操练巩固上述单词,让学生加深印象。Step3: Consolidation:1. Open your books, turn to page 24. Listen to the tape and repeat, then ask some students to read loudly.2. Now its funny time. Lets play games. OK?(1)What s missing?(方法: 先向学生一一出示表示各种职业的图片,抽样其中一张后,将剩下的一起出示给学生看,让他们回答少了哪一张?)(2)Guess: (请个别学生上台并戴上准备好的道具或头饰,另一个学生蒙上眼睛并让他/她猜一猜)Ss: What s his/her/my job?S1: He s/She s/You re a Step4: Assign homework:1. Copy the new words2. Design two names cards: One is for your father or mother, the other is for yourself (after twenty years).(设计两张名片,一张是为你的爸爸或妈妈,另一张是为二十年后的你自己设计的。)格式如图: Name: _Age: _Job: _E-mail: _板书设计:Unit 3 Whats your job ?.a worker a driver a waiter a waitress a policeman a policewomana cook a farmer教后记:附送:2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(6)教案 人教版PEPSpecific vocabulary: Specific target sentences: 能听、说、认读These / Those are .Specific functional exponents: 能够在完成语言活动的过程中使用These / Those are这些句子来描述自己或他人的衣服。Source of material: 衣服卡、一些小孩衣服、两张小孩照片、Lets find out图片Assumptions: 本课时的重点和难点在于单、复数形式表达方法上的区别,教师由学生所学过的单数形式引出复数形式,由熟悉的事物引出新事物,这是引导学生学习的一个好方法。Step 1 (课前先把一些衣服卡片和一些小孩子穿的衣服贴在教室的墙壁上,黑板上或讲台前)Step 2 Warm-up1、Lets sing: My clothes2、Free talk(设计意图:Free talk部分的内容,重点放在本单元的单词以及会话上,让学生复习)Step3 Presentation1、教学“these and those”When having free talk with Ss, teacher points to a card and askT: Look at this . Whats this?Ss: Its a skirt.Ask and answer for several times, then go on as follows:T: Look at these, what are they?Ss: These are pants.2、Teach the word”those”in same way.(设计意图:由单数形式引出复数形式,由熟悉的事物引出新事物,这是引导学生学习的一个方法。)3、Ss use Lets find out on page 32,or use the cards around the classroom, ask and answer in pairs.Then ask some pairs to ask and answer in the front of the classroom.(设计意图:教师给学生足够的时间练习对话,并进行指导,以确定学生是否掌握这两个单词的用法。)4、Teach the dialogue.(1)Show a pair of baby shoes. T: Look at these, what are they ? Ss: They are baby shoes. T: Whose are these baby shoes? Can you guess?Help students guess.Then show a photo of a baby wearing this pair of shoes and say: Look, its my brothers shoes.T can do this with other 2 or 3 baby pants,shoes and shorts.(设计意图:小孩的照片总是很有趣,它能给学生带来快乐,能活跃课堂气氛。同时,照片的呈现有助于学生理解教师的意思。)(2)Draw a picture of house to teach the words“neighbour”(设计意图:用画的形式便于学生理解词的意义。)(3)Get students show their baby clothes and say:”I have a baby clothes”Choose a student and make a dialogueT: XXX, are these your baby pants?S: Yes.T: But what for?(并板书与黑板上)S:My neighbour has a new baby.Repeat with some other Ss.Whole class practice the dialogue in pairs.(设计意图:这部分是本对话的重点和难点,因此,在呈现对话前,多练习有助于学生学得更好。)5、Lets talka. Put on the wall picture, play the tape. Students listen carefully and try to catch what the dialogue is.b. Play the tape for the second time, Ss try to repeat.c. Divide the class into 2 , read this dialogue.d. Ss practice this dialogue in pairs.(设计意图:通过不断的读和说来熟练对话。)1、 Story timea. Watch VCD, try to guess what the story tells.b. Watch again, repeat some sentences if they can.(设计意图:Story time在此只是作为一个拓展材料。)Step 4 Practice1、失物招领把孩子们的一些衣物放到讲台上,让孩子描述,描述正确了就可以取回。2、Yes or no教师让孩子蒙上眼睛,摸一摸桌上的衣物猜一猜,These are my socks./ 1、 Lets find out引导学生根据旅游目的及天气条件选择合适的衣服。同桌之间比一比谁的衣服更漂亮。鼓励学生多用学过的语言做表述。(设计意图:以上的三种活动都是为了让学生更好的运用学过的语言,在游戏中用语言显得更有趣味性和真实性。)Step 5 Drill完成同步精练中对应的练习(设计意图:让学生在课堂上做到现学现用,巩固所学内容。活动类型C)Step 6 Homework1、 听录音3次,并将本课时的对话读给朋友或家长听。2、 自编一个新的对话,并和好朋友一起表演表演。


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