2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit2 第四课时教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit2 第四课时教案 苏教牛津版Unit 2 In a toy shop (第四教时)一、教学内容Read and act; Listen and repeat; Ask and guess; Sing a song二、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I have a look? Id like,please. In which box? Guess.2. 能熟练掌握本单元所学句型和单词。3. 了解辅音字母d和f在单词中的读音。4. 能有表情地演唱歌曲We are happy bees.三、教学重点和难点1. 能熟练掌握本单元所学句型、单词和日常交际用语。2. 会背诵四会单词。四、课前准备单词卡片、录音机、磁带、玩具五、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A .Free talkWhats this ?How lovely!Whats that?I see.This is your rabbit, I think.Thats his tiger, I think.I like my panda.请两组学生进行谈话。Its a monkey.Its a bear.Yes, it is.No, it isnt.I like your panda, too.谈话练习。B.Read and actT与一名学生进行对话。S: Hello, Miss Wang.T: Hello, Sun Yin.S: Whats that on the desk?T: Its a photo.S: Can I have a look?T: Sure. Here you are.2.出示课文图画,让学生听录音,回答问题。Whats that on the desk?Wheres the photo?3. 放录音,让学生跟读。4. 领读。5. 指导朗读。一名学生与T进行对话。听录音,回答问题。Its a photo.Its on the desk.跟读录音。跟老师读。齐读,分角色表演。C.Listen and repeat1. T: Now, lets look at the picture. 出示四个单词和图画:desk,dog, fat, five2. 放录音,让学生跟说单词,体会d和f在单词中的读音。3. 观察图画,提问:Whats on the desk? How many dogs can you see?4. 放录音,让学生跟说句子:Your five fat dogs are on the desk.让学生说说含有d和f的单词,体会发音。如:David, door, bed, fridge, father, fishing观察四个单词。跟说四个单词,体会读音。Dogs.I can see five fat dogs.跟说句子。说说含有d和f的单词,体会发音。D.Ask and guess1. 与学生进行对话。S: Id like a toy panda.T:I have one. In which box?Guess!S: The green box?T: No.S: The blue box?T: Yes. Here you are.2. 领读I have one. In which box? The green box?让学生了解含义。3. 让学生自由练习。4. 请几组学生表演。一名学生与教师进行对话。跟读句子,了解含义。自由练习。上台表演。E.Sing a song1. 放录音,让学生跟着轻声唱。2. 让学生跟录音有感情地唱。3. 小组进行比赛。跟录音唱歌。有感情地唱。小组比赛。六、板书设计Unit 2 In a toy shop Can I have a look? Sure. Here you are. In which box? The green box?七、作业设计1. 背诵E部分。2. 能自编一段对话。八、课后反思 Whats this? 和Whats that? 是本单元的重点句型。有少数同学在回答的时候会用This is或that is 来回答,在今后还需加强练习。在教授Ask and guess时,我把学生的文具用品分别放在几个不同的文具盒里,让他们猜,学生都比较感兴趣,也比较容易接受。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit2(1)教案 广东版开心TEACHING AIMS: students can ask and answer questions about the days of the week and daily activitiesTEACHING KEY: to help students to prehend Conversation and vocabularyTEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparenciesTEACHING PERIOD: the first periodPROCEDURES:Getting ready l Bring in large calendar and sports equipment, e.g. a basketball, a ping-pong paddle, etc, to class.l T: What day is it today? (Point to the days of week on the calendar, then point to the current day of the week.) Oh, its (Tuesday).l Hold up a basketball. l T: I play basketball on (Tuesday). (point to the day on the calendar again.)l Give the basketball to various Ss and have Ss repeat the sentence I play basketball on (Tuesday).l Hold up other pieces of equipment, e.g. a ping-pong paddle and pretend to play.l T: I play ping-pong on Sunday. (Point to Sunday on the calendar.)l Give equipment to various Ss, model sentences and have Ss repeat.Using the bookl T: open your books. Lets listen to the tape. l Play the tape and point to each picture.l T: Lets listen again and repeat.l Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.l Put Ss into four groups for the roles of Gogo, jenny Tony and Mrs. Green , who is Tony and jennys mom.l Play the tape again, after each sentence for each group to repeat its part.l Encourage groups to add actions, e.g. pretending to play each sport in the dialog.Extension activity TB p.24Vocabulary Getting ready l Put picture cards9-16 up on the board.l T: (point to Sunday) Its Sunday. Repeat. Ss: Its Sunday.l Continue with the other days of the week.l T: all the days together make one week. (Show picture card 16.) we repeat. Ss: week.Using the bookl T: open your books to page 10. Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each day as you say it.l Play the tape and have Ss repeat each day of the week.l For the word week, have Ss circle a week on the calendar in the picture. l T: is it Wednesday? (Point to Saturday.)Ss: no, it isnt. Its Saturday. is it Monday?(point to Monday.)Ss: yes, it is.l Model if necessary.l Point to other days of the week and ask similar questions.Extension activity TB p.24Target l Getting ready l Point to the pictures in the vocabulary section.l T: what day is it today?Ss: its (Thursday).l T: what do you do on (Thursday)? S1: I(play the piano)on (Thursday).Using the book l Play the tape, pausing after each sentence for Ss to repeat.l T: what day is it today? (Point to one strident.)S1: Its (Wednesday.)l T: what do you do on (Wednesday)?(point to another student.)S2: I (play soccer ) on (Wednesday).l Repeat the activity with several Ss.Extension activity TB p.24Optional activities TB p.26


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