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北京语言大学22春英语国家概况离线作业一及答案参考1. Overseas commodity trade alone accounts for about _ of the country&39;s national income.A.one sixthB.one thirdC.halfD.one fourth参考答案:A2. The British press has a long history.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3. The King or the _ is the head of state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the head of the Judicature in the UK, and the temporal head of the Established Church of England.A.the son of the KingB.QueenC.PrinceD.Princess参考答案:B4. The death blow to the Irish language was Ireland&39;s accession to the EU.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A5. Every once in a while you will read some article about a so-called scholar unearthing mateEvery once in a while you will read some article about a so-called scholar unearthing material that is supposed to prove that William Shakespeare did not really write the works attributed to him. Many alternative authors have been suggested most prominently, Christopher Marlowe Francis Bacon. One proponent of Bacon as author of Shakespeares plays actually looked for words like fat and lard and calculated how their places in the texts of the plays proved that Bacon authored them. Any schoolboy can see the fallacy of such an argument and yet many adult readers of newspaper articles, written by men who have never done any research on Shakespeare, are taken in by the arguments proposed against Shakespeares authorship. It is true that we have no manuscripts of the plays as they came from Shakespeares hand. After all, he wrote the plays to be acted, and the actors used the authors manuscripts. However, almost half the plays appeared in print under the authors name during his lifetime which ended in 1616. A few years later, in 1623, two of Shakespeares actor friends published a great folio(对开本 ,对开的)volume with thirty-six plays and put Shakespeares name on the title page. They even got Ben Johnson, Shakespeares great rival playwright, to write a poetic introduction for the folio volume. There are other arguments I might adduce(引证)to vindicate Shakespeares authorship. Suffice it to say, a blanket argument against those who deny Shakespeares authorship is simply this: If Shakespeare did not write the plays attributed to him, it was someone else by the same name.The main idea of the first paragraph is that_.Asome scholars have proved that Shakespeares works were not his ownBsome scholars do not believe Shakespeares works were his ownCsome pseudo-scholars try to prove that Shakespeares works were not his ownDsome pseudo-scholars take it for granted that Shakespeares works were his own正确答案:C参见第一段,so-called与本题的正确选项C中pseudo对应。由此判断应选C。6. There _ many high buildings in this city. Ais Bare Chave DhasThere _ many high buildings in this city.AisBareChaveDhasB7. Which of the following writers is a Canadian?A.Emily BronteB.Kate ChopinC.Margaret Atwood参考答案:C8. The northern tribes began to come to England from the continent in the middle of the 5th century. They were the Germanic tribes: the Angles, _ and Jutes.A.the CelticsB.the VikingsC.the GermansD.Saxons参考答案:D9. A substantial number of Scandinavians settled in Great Britain and Ireland during the 9th century.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. Following the Wars of the Roses was the rule of the House of the _.A.RosesB.LudorC.JadorD.Tudor参考答案:D11. In western California lies Death Valley, 280 feet below sea level. It is the lowest point in the whole of North America.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12. There is hardly _ rain here in summer. A) some B) any C) no D) muchThere is hardly _ rain here in summer.A) someB) anyC) noD) muchBhardly具有否定意义,在含有疑问和否定的句子中只能用any。some用于肯定句中。句意:“夏季这几乎不下雨”。13. _ can not be found in London.A.TeahousesB.GalleriesC.MuseumsD.Theatres参考答案:A14. While the English are largely protestant, the Irish of the Republic largely belong to the Roman Catholic faith.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. Scientists were embroiled (使卷入) last week in an international row over genetically modiScientists were embroiled (使卷入) last week in an international row over genetically modified cotton (GM cotton).A study in China suggested for the first time that the crop was permanently damaging the environment and that insects were building up resistance to it.The study, by the Nanjing institute of Environmental Science, combined the laboratory and field work from four Chinese scientific institutes. The study was done over a several - year period.GM Cotton had a gene resistance to the cotton bollworm (棉铃虫) and isolated from the bacterium (细菌) named Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), but the study found that it harms the natural parasitic (寄生的) enemies of the cotton bollworm.It also indicated that populations of pests besides the bollworm had increased in Bt cotton fields and some had replaced the bollworm as the primary pest.However, the leading GM company, the USs Monsanto, which controls more than 80 per cent of the Bt cotton grown worldwide, dismissed the research.It said that the industry has always cited GM cotton as its biggest success, because it can increase yields by up to 60 per cent and reduce the need for pesticides (杀虫剂) by 80 per cent.But, unfortunately for the industry, (80) the scientists also found that the resistance of Bt cotton to bollworm decreased significantly over time.Why scientists say no to GM cotton?ABecause the cotton was genetically modified.BBecause the cotton was found to damage the environment.CBecause the cotton harms the bollworm.DBecause Monsanto dismissed the research.正确答案:B解析:第二段中谈到,中国科学家发现Bt棉花会永久性地伤害环境,并会使昆虫累积抗性,因此在国际间就引发了一场争论。可见,只有B是正确的。16. The diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felThe diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felt.每次看病的诊断似乎都和我所有的感觉完全相符。17. UK is an island nation.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18. Complete “package” is a financial policy that the bank adopts when the economy and finance are weak.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19. Do you feel like _ out or would you rather _ dinner at home?A、going.to haveB、toDo you feel like _ out or would you rather _ dinner at home?A、going.to haveB、to go.to haveC、to go.havingD、going.have正确答案:D20. The largest seaport of the United States is _.A.San DiegoB.San FranciscoC.ChicagoD.New York参考答案:D21. The original name of New York is _.A.New HampshireB.New AmsterdamC.New JerseyD.New England参考答案:B22. The Indians were the original inhabitants on the continent. However, ever since the dThe Indians were the original inhabitants on the continent. However, ever since the discovery of the land in 1492 they have been cruelly treated. They were driven into barren desert regions, the so-called “Indian Reservations”.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B23. The United States is situated in the central part of North America with its two youngest states-Alaska and Hawaii.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24. The earliest settlers in Ireland came around 7000 BC in the Mesolithic or middle Stone Age Period.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. The Head of State of New Zealand is _.A.the Prime MinisterB.the Governor-GeneralC.the British monarchD.the Ombudsman参考答案:C26. The spirit of “do-it-yourself” may be reflected in many aspects of American life.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B27. Britain&39;s service sector produces 65% of the UK&39;s wealth with 70% of its workforce.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A28. The individual honored as “The Australia of the Year” is often a successful sporting hero.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. 【D2】SPEAKER A: HERE ARE OUR TICKETS AND PASSPORTS. WE RE FLYING TO AMSTERDAM TODAY. SPEA【D2】SPEAKER A: HERE ARE OUR TICKETS AND PASSPORTS. WE RE FLYING TO AMSTERDAM TODAY. SPEAKER B: WELCOME TO YOUTH. LET S SEE.YES, YOUR PASSPORTS ARE STILL VALID AND YOUR TICKETS ARE IN ORDER.【D1】_ SPEAKER A: JUST THESE TWO. SPEAKER B: PLEASE PUT THEM ON THE SCALES. ANY CARRY-ON BAGGAGE? SPEAKER A: YES, TWO PIECES. OH, AND THIS CAMERA. SPEAKER B: ITS BETTER TO PUT THESE IDENTIFICATION TAGS ON THEM.【D2】_ SPEAKER A: NON-SMOKING, PLEASE. AND COULD WE HAVE ONE WINDOW SEAT, PLEASE? SPEAKER B: LET ME SEE. OH,【D3】_ALL RIGHT. YOU RE ALL SET. I VE STAPLED YOUR TWO BAGGAGE CLAIM STUBS TO YOUR RETURN TICKETS. SPEAKER A: THESE TWO? SPEAKER B: YES. AND HERE ARE YOUR BOARDING PASSES. YOU HAVE SEATS 20A AND 20B. YOUR FLIGHT IS ON TIME, AND ITS LEAVING FROM GATE 12. DONT FORGET TO PAY THE AIRPORT TAX BEFORE YOU BOARD.【D4】_ SPEAKER A: THANKS A LOT. A. DO YOU WANT SMOKING OR NON-SMOKING SEATS?B. HAVE A PLEASANT FLIGHT.C. HOW MANY PIECES DO YOU WANT TO CHECK IN?D. HERE ARE TWO LEFT.正确答案:A根据下面说话者A的回答“非吸烟区的座位”,可知,说话者B问说话者A想选择什么样的座位,所以选A项“你们要吸烟区还是非吸烟区的座位呢”。30. “February Revolution”took place in Russia in 1918.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A31. New York City is the second largest city of the United States.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A32. In 1541, Queen Elizabeth I declared to be the Queen of Ireland, the first monarch to do so.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A33. Three of the most famous primitive tribes living in the American continent created such brilliant civilizations. They are _.A.the Aztecs, the Incas and the MayasB.the Iroquois, the Pueblo, and the Pima IndiansC.Yadkin, Coles Creeks, and Smoky Hills参考答案:A34. Canada is a member of _.A.NATOB.the CommonwealthC.both NATO and the Commonwealth参考答案:C35. British colonial expansion began with _.A.the establishment of the British East India Company in 1600B.the settlement of the Dutch East India Company at Cape Town in 1652C.the occupation of Chinese Hong Kong in 1841D.the colonization of Newfoundland in 1583参考答案:D36. English surnames can show various sorts of information about people , including the pEnglish surnames can show various sorts of information about people , including the place a person is from , the job he has , family relationships , ethnic identity and personal ( )A. considerationB. knowledgeC. politenessD. characteristics参考答案:D37. In the early 15th century, the British took over the continent of Australia and declared it “terra nullius”.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B38. Tom left the room quickly, _ the book _ on the table.A、left, lain openB、leavinTom left the room quickly, _ the book _ on the table.A、left, lain openB、leaving, lying openC、left, lay openD、leaving,lie open正确答案:B39. No one had told Mr. Smith about there _ a lecture the following day. (be)No one had told Mr. Smith about there _ a lecture the following day. (be)being40. In the 1960s and 1970s, tennis enjoyed a huge growth as some of the new professional stars, especially women, stimulated amateurs.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B41. You can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will _ the loss incurred. AYou can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will _ the loss incurred.AcompensateBcompensate forCcompensate to youDcompensate youD42. Today, the Irish economy is dominated in many ways by many multinationals, particularly in the electronic and pharmaceutical industries.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B43. Between 55 and 54 B.C. _, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice.A.Julius CaesarB.General LeeC.ChurchillD.Washington参考答案:A44. The land can be divided into three parts according to its geographical features:the eastern part,the western part,and the central Plains.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B45. Which of the following provinces is the home of most French-speaking people in Canada?A.ManitobaB.SaskatchewanC.OntarioD.Quebec参考答案:D46. When John said that he would invite us all to a banquet, I think he _ generous. Don&39;t belieWhen John said that he would invite us all to a banquet, I think he _ generous. Dont believe him.A) was onlyB) was only beingC) is onlyD) has only beenBbe的进行时(+动态形容词)表示一时的表现,此句的意思是,我认为他只是一时兴起的慷慨,不可信。47. The British Prime Minister is the leader of the political party that wins the most seats in a general election.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B48. Any child in UK may attend, without paying fees, until they are eighteen. Education at this stage is _.A.compulsoryB.optionalC.freeD.expensive参考答案:A49. We d better complete every job on time without ( ) anything.A.putting offB.puttingWe d better complete every job on time without ( ) anything.A.putting offB.putting upC.putting awayD.putting back参考答案:A50. Constitutionally the Queen does not seem to have great power.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A51. Would you lend me _ of your money, please? Aany Bmany Csome Da lot ofWould you lend me _ of your money, please?AanyBmanyCsomeDa lot ofC52. In the 1950s and 1960s in an Irish family there were 2 or 3 children on average.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A53. The rich _ not always happy .A、isB、areC、hasD、haveThe rich _ not always happy .A、isB、areC、hasD、have答案:B54. In UK all children must, by law, receive a full-time education from the age of five to sixteen.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B55. We shall be glad to ship the goods _ a direct steamer to Vancouver _ 30 clays after receipWe shall be glad to ship the goods _ a direct steamer to Vancouver _ 30 clays after receipt of you L/C.by,within56. The word “Ireland” is used ambiguously to mean both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B57. The continental USA runs 4505 kilometers from its Atlantic coast to Pacific coast,and 2574 kilometers from Canada to Mexico.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B58. London&39;s fame and fortune is due its river.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B59. By the end of the 7th century England was divided into a number of kingdoms, considered by historians to have been seven and therefore the _.A.“Heptarchy”B.the Seven KingdomsC.the KingdomsD.the Seven Kings参考答案:A60. Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?A.Because Australia is too far away from EuropeB.Because Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the worlds continentsC.Because Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seasD.Because most of the continent is hot and dry参考答案:D


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