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word本版教程为毕克所著目的是在十天提高单词量到|本版教程为毕克所著目的是在十天提高单词量到10000 学习要脱口背诵,每天学习6小时|学习要脱口背诵,每天学习 6 小时.Vocabulary|字汇 10000Lesson|课 1 A monument was built to memorate the victory|一个纪念碑被建造纪念胜利.The children huddled together for warmth|孩子为温暖一起推挤了.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment|责难有时比较难忍受胜于处罚.The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months|在三个月之根除疾病的所有痕迹的新疫苗.The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable|野蛮人藉由以它作为一间马房弄脏了教堂.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen|孕妇有被扩大的腹部.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them|当援救飞机没有见到他们的时候,失去的徒步旅行者希望是被剥夺的.The children were bereaved by the death of their parents|孩子是丧失藉着他们的父母的死亡.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here|这一个战场被供神用到在这里死了的军人的记忆.A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh|一个好笑话不必然地唤起一声诚恳的笑.Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road|在一条泥泞的污垢道路中旋转左边的凹槽.The old car joltedits passengers badly as it went over the rough road|当它详细检查粗糙的道路了的时候,旧的汽车严重地颠簸而行它的乘客了.Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom|鞠躬现在致敬一位淑女是一个荒废的习惯.Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat|许多野兽在晚上潜行以觅食找寻东西吃.The children scooped holes in the sand|汲取沙子的洞的孩子.Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs|外交官对世界事件的状态感兴趣.The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train|因为他的母牛被火车杀了,所以农民控告了铁路车站.The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off|洗涤槽的柜台向前有许多凹槽哪水将会走开跑.The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice|猫找寻老鼠的地窖的周围潜行以觅食.We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wifeHer singing evoked admiration from the public|唤起来自民众的赞赏的她的歌唱.We still use this machine though it is obsoleteThe bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed|在一场典型的西方电影的强盗骑一匹马而且变武装. either alone or in a group|或孤独的或在一个团体中.Christmas memorates the birth of Jesus Christ|圣诞节纪念耶稣基督的出生.The childrens muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel|在酒店中弄脏所有的毯子的孩子的泥泞鞋子.Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed|在门厅中跑是来自学校规则的一个偏离和将不被允许.She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude|她可以用可容忍的刚毅忍受其他人的失望.The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten|小的女孩在她的小猫的损失是无法安慰的.Arent you hungry|你不饥饿? You are only nibbling your food|你正在只有一点一点地咬你的食物.The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant|新国王的加冕礼是光亮的盛会.After the scourgeof flood usually es the scourge of disease|在洪水的鞭之后通常来疾病的鞭.The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt|被弄翻楼梯和严重地被伤害的被损伤的孩子.The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the pass|在船的铁引起了指南针的磁针的一个偏离.A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance|一个马拉松跑步者一定有棒的刚毅跑如此的长距离.The pretty girls reputation was defiled by malicious gossips|漂亮的女孩的名誉被怀恶意八卦弄脏了.The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor|男孩正在学习走, 他总是遍及地板翻倒.The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant|新总统的就职典礼是光亮的盛会.There are many illnesses, which afflict old people|有许多疾病, 这使老人痛苦.His employer censured him for neglecting his work|他的雇主为疏忽他的工作指责了他.The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation|进入和小心和掩饰的房子之闯入的小偷.Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors|时下, 它是无人情味的处罚鞭打不服从的军人或水手.According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in|依照题字在它的基石上, 这一楝建筑物被竖立在 1919.The gifts of charity meddled with a mans private affair|乱动一个男人的私人事件的慈善的礼物.He doesnt sit straight: his posture is very bad|他不坐直线: 他的姿势非常坏.John rummaged all the drawersto find his gloves|约翰到处翻寻所有的抽屉找他的手套.The water spouted out when the pipe was broken|当管被打破的时候,水喷出了出. The climber traversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope|登杆器面对山倾斜横过了一个长的水平线裂缝.A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window|一个孩子站着了在商店窗户中的玩具以渴望的眼睛看.He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way|他以非常残酷的方式是鞭打他的马.She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse|她到处翻寻来自她的钱包的底部的变化.The law does not meddle unduly 不正当 的 with a persons private life|法律不不适当地乱动一个人的私人生活.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes|光横过了天空对敌人飞机的搜寻.The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read|在古迹上的题字非常难读.The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive|她的白色牙齿的友善闪光非常令人印象深刻.The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard|军人非常用尽因为没有休息他们在一个大风雪中向前地已经前进.,If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht|如果我是富有的, 我想要在一条私人的游艇中在南方太平洋巡航六个月.Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries|黄热病已经在美国被根除但是它仍然在一些国家中存在.The doctors report gave us only a glimmer of hope|医生的报告只给予了我们一个一线希望.On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump|在他的书桌上, 许多文章和文件总是在伟大的块状被堆起.The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry|因为她遗失了珠宝,女人到处搜索房子了.He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife|他经过和一支长的刀高草削减了一条路径.Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice|出自脚经过熔化的冰重复地猛然掉落.That pop-song had a great vogue at one time|那取出-歌在次有了一种棒的时尚.Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasures|到处搜索城市而且赢得它的宝物的敌人军人.Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair|疲累的从他的长散步, 他进入一椅子之猛然掉落.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees|我们经过树看见远光的一丝光线.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now|他过去一直有如一个电影演员的一种棒的时尚, 但是没有人去电影院现在看他.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere|冰年龄所做的将在北半球根除丰富的哺乳动物的生活.He ascribes his success to skill and hard work|他归于对技术和辛苦的工作他的成功.The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark|在壁垒后面被把他们的头保持下来的军人.She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner|她这样四处看看和那以可疑的样子.Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before|自私是一个他的个性的方面我们以前很少看见.For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on|第一次,他必须支付对他的外表的注意, 和事实上他变成了非常很好穿着的从然后在.The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm|男孩在岩石之下一起推挤了保存很温暖.The old man mumbled something to me, but I could not understand him|老男人对我喃喃而语某事了, 但是我无法了解他.This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in|这座毁灭的桥是战的神圣的遗物在 1950.Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog|汽车废气是烟雾的主要因素之一.The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road|口渴的旅客高兴在道路的附近找一个新鲜的春天.He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont|他总是以他的充满食物的嘴说, 它是他的习惯.Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower|四个人在一支伞之下被推挤避免突然的阵雨.Im feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious that I can go to school tomorrow|我是觉得比昨天好, 但是它是可疑的明天,我能去上学.No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur|没有人知道谁写了那一场游戏, 但是它通常被归于到西里尔 Tourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwarks of democracy|我们相信新闻媒体和自由的演讲是政治的壁垒.Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination|采取我说的注意,否则你将会在最后的考试中失败.Lesson 2The judge absolved the man of the crime.The umpire should have no bias in favor of either side.Our baseball team is contending for the championship.We deplore the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and 50 injured.The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg.A crowd of great magnitude attended the Presidents inauguration.The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.I have no relish for seeing people being whipped.Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room.The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield.Many people would be aghst at the thought of another war.We shall not cumber our thought with hisreproaches.The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed.The children were frolicing with the puppy in the backyard.There was much mercial intercourse between the two countries before World War II.In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.I was standing on the very edge of a bank, a precipice not less than fifty feet deep.The church is generally considered as a sanctuary.After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from trees.She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby.The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition.A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.The artist ws so engrossed in his painting that he didnt notice the people watching him.If you got a deep cut in your arm, theres usually a gush of blood.The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim.Her life has been full of ordeals, sickness, poverty and loss of her beloved son.He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt.The brakes screeched and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk.颠簸 痉挛 A man who is six feet talll is bove the average stature in China. 身高 精神境界The Presidents enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority.The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.Damages from last weeks flood have been assessed at $50000.The children searched each and every chamber of the house for the cat.The Congress of the United States has two House of Representatives.Now that she is rich, she disdains to speak to her old friends.One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand.The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight.The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night.She bought a packet of envelops at the stationery store.The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands.The meat was black and scorched outside but still raw inside.The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.The ship surged in the stormy seas,rolling and pitching with each wave.Pots,pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils.When the soldiers ran out of ammunition, they fixed bayonets to their rifles.passion for the orphans caused him to give money for their support.Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished.The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning.A faction in our club tried to make the president resign.The diamond shoen with every hue under the bright sun.He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.The deeds or heroes add luster to a nations history.He persevered in his study until he succeded.Because of his high fever,the sick man raved all night.He intended to slay his fatheers murderer.The doctor told her to take three tablets a day.Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look.Lesson 3The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields.Only high officials had access to the emperor.The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him.I concur with the speaker in condemning every criminal.This summer two weeks of rain concurred with our vacation.He was denounced as a coward and traitor.The first blow makes the anger,but the second makes the fray.Long wear had frayed the collar and cuffs of his old shirts.Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers.Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country.The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river.Since the factory moved,this town has only a remnat of its former population.The child with a cold in his nose snored all night.Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound.It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them.The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts.The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyres.She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum.Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin.The parents were mortified by their childrens bad behavior before the guests.The United States became the predominat nation in the Western Hemisphere.He worked to improve the sanitary condtions of slums.He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet.Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force?The ford foundation allocated millionjs of dollars for cancer research.The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby.The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play.She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons.The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water.He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way .Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him.She was so satiated with bananas thaat she would not even look at one.The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze.A shop selling womans apparel is at the corner of the street.He cajoled his fridends into deciding in his favor.You can discard your old coat but not your old friends.During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.She has had a grudge against me ever since I disagreed with her.Four men kidnapped the little girl, but he police soon caught them and rescued the girl.There is some hope that a peace pact will be signed between the two countries.she pries tooo closely itno the private life of her friends.Men scoured the whold coundtry looking for the lost child.The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver.He swaggered down the street after winnign the fight.The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich mans vagary.Ability to get along with people is an asset in busineess.There was a deep opolitical chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war.The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments.I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks.The wing of the airplance came off and the machine hurtled to the ground.He wanted to be acused of larceny, because he felt fortable in prison .He sworked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body.Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant.He left his affairs in a plete shambles when he died.Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries.He wore all the trappings of high office.Lesson 4When the king abdicated his throne, his brother succeeded him.Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study.The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car.They succeeded in baffling the enemys attack plans.He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on eh stock market.The poor womans mind has been deranged for many years.The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.The mother was pining to see her son and daughter.The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time.The long climb up the mountain made her heart throb rapidly.Many people usually drink hot broth when they are sick.Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall.The dukes son demeaned himself by doing manual babor with his servants.We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital.Our country has prospered by various incentive systems.A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave.She pored over the picture book in silence enjoying the various colors.Like human skin,soil has holes that are called pore.Pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage anWe dont need to speculate about the possible winner in the game.Sweet music caught and held him transfixed aainst the iron fence .A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.If you look at the end of your nose,your eyes converge.We have a duplicate key to the front door.There were few peaceful epoches in the history of our country .Hunger and suffering from cold had made the lost hikers gaunt.The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night.Though the teacher asked a simple question about her parents,the little girl stood mute with embarrassment.He was a passionte partisan of these people and had organized a Workers Union.The parents of the sick boy scanned the doctors face for a sign of hope.She scanned the newspaper in a few minutes.He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork.I tried to cook a nice dinner,but Im afraid Ive rather botched it .Her new shoes chafed the skin on both her feet.After a brisk moring widn dissipater the clouds,the sky was clear all day .The foolish son dissipated his faters forturn by spending it on drinking and gambling .The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time.There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry.Overtime work is often onerous,though it is well paid.The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his mand hat she go.Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.Mother singed chicken to get rid of hairs.The little boy put on his fathers medals and strutted around the room.There are many kinds of diseases that medical science is yet ot unravel.He bellowed in pain when the hammer came down on his finger.The horseback rider drew his cloak tightly around him in the rain.His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention.The ministry was a vvery devout man and devoted his whold life to Christian mission work.A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter.The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted.He pawned his watch to byuy food until he could get a job.When the cannon was fired the earth quaked under his feet.Famine has often been the sequel of war.After the ship sank, salvage of its argo was impossible.The battle was won with so great a loss of soldiers that it was a virtual defeat.He does things that are marvellous or apparently impossible,he is a wizard.Lesson|课 5He admonished his friend not to be late for his work|他劝告他的朋友不去他的工作迟到.He seems to be doing nothing, but really hes just biding his time|他似乎什么也不做, 但是真的他正在出价他的时间.A man who cheats on his ine tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practices in his friends|一个在他的收入上欺骗的男人课以税而且在他的费用上容易在他的朋友中赦这些练习.I designate you to act for me while I am away|当我出去的时候,我指定你代理我.Most animals let their young fend for themselves at an early age|让他们的大多数的动物年轻的在一个早的年龄独立生活.Only hardy plants will survive the severe cold in the Arctic area|唯一的难植物将会在北极圈区域中平安渡过严格的寒冷.Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up|棒球运动员季节从最初的地方练习为了要向上使柔软他们自己.You must pay in humility / condescension / modesty of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy /charity|因为每种利益在博爱 /慈善的手收到了,你一定缴款精神的谦逊 / 谦虚 / 谦逊.Can you recollect the name of the author of Ivanhoe|你能回忆作家的名字吗 Ivanhoe?He was smitten/affected with the view that he stopped and took out his camera|他与他停止了的视野一起责打/影响而且带了他的照相机.According to the testimony of the medical profession, the health of the nation is improving|依照医学职业的证言, 国家的健康是改良.He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink|他喜欢麦酒的痛苦的味道; 啤酒是他的喜欢的事物饮料.Blend the butter and the sugar before adding other ingredient / factor / elements of the cake|在增加蛋糕的其他成分 / 因素 / 元素之前混合奶油和糖.Especially large, s


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