凤凰职教高二英语集体备课Unit7电子教案设计 2

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word高二英语集体备课电子教案课题Unit7 Its Not Related to My Major主备人时间20130522201305.28单元达成任务语言技能1. To learn how to express certainty and uncertainty.2. To improve the students abilities of listening ,speaking, reading and writing.3. To learn the grammar “Gerunds and Infinitives.职业技能1. To discuss the difference between a career and a major.2. To plan future career wisely.3. To improve study habits.句型Important Sentences:1.I cant stand filing.2.I think Im concinced that you should try for this position.3.I think you should give it a shot. 4.I applied for jobs in film and television.5.I can have a chance to put what Ive learned into use.6.Nor do you have to bee a chef because you have a gift with spices.7.Whether youre just entering college or preparing for graduation, its time to start thinking about your career .8. You can just have a lot of activities and hobbies on topof it.重点词汇certificate, relation, nor, vocation, recently, confuse常用短语give it a shot, jot down, on top of it, for the time being, have a try, putinto use, have a chance to do sth.课时安排Period One Warm-up, Listening and Speaking A 2课时Period Two Listening and Speaking B 1课时Period Three Reading and writing 3课时Period Four Grammar 1课时Period Five Real Life Skills & Exercises 1课时备课日期May2223授课类型New课 题教学设计教案、学案授课时数Two章节名称Unit7 Its Not Related to My Major Listening and Speaking 主要教学容句型:1.I cant stand filing.2.I think Im concinced that you should try for this position.3.I think you should give it a shot.without me. 重点词汇:certificate, convinced,常用短语:business studies, give it a shot,教学目标Knowledge Objectives:1. To learn the new words such as certificate, convinced,. etc.2. To learn the phrases such as business studies, give it a shot,berelated to,Ability Objectives:Enable the students to improve the listening and speaking abilities.Feeling Objectives:1. To arouse the students interests in this unit.2. To understand the relationship betwwen major and position.Importance:1. The words and phrases in this part.2. The students abilities of listening and speaking.3. The students can know about the relationship betwwen major and position.Difficulties: How to improve the students interests in this topic.教学资源textbook , puter, projection, teaching software and blackboard教学方法Discussing Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching 教学过程( Part A) (第一课时复备Step One: Lead inAsk Ss to discuss the respective charecter and difference between the study at school and the life after work.Step Two: Warm-upActivity One:Put the words in the box into the two groups given in Task One. Activity Two: Discussion1.Try to understand the sentences in Task Two on page106 in the textbook.2.Discuss whether they agree or disaree with the sentences.3.Underline the useful expressions 4.Finish Task Two on page106 in the textbook.Step Three: Listening and speaking AActivity One:Pre-listening: word study1. filing, certificate, bookletetc.2. Let Ss to describe the picture and guess what Alices new job is.1) Listen to the conversation. 2) Discuss the answers.Activity Two:1.Listen again and tick true or false2.Discuss the answers.3.Listen again and fill in the blanks.4.Check the answers.Post-listening1. Present the conversation on the screen, and try to solve the language points via explaination and discussion.2. Do the exercises in the Ex-book.Step Four: Practice1. Revise the points learned today.Step Five: Homework1. Finish the exercises in the Ex-book.Notes:1.I cant stand filing.2.I think Im concinced that you should try for this position.3.I think you should give it a shot.without me. 教学反思The students are not good at listening and speaking because the short of vocabulary.教学过程( Part B) 第二课时复备Step One: Revision1. Make the students have a dictation of the new words in the vocabulary.2. Read Task Three theyve learnt in last lesson.Step Two:ListeningPre-Listening1.Learn some new words to make preparations for the listening. convinced,give it a shot. 2.look through the topic and guess the main content of the list. 3.Understand the expressions of certainty and uncertainty in the box.While-listeningActivity One:Listen to the conversation and plete it with the expressions of certainty and uncertainty in Task Five.Discuss the answers. Activity Two:1. Go through the conversation and deal with some language points in it.2. Listen again and then circle the best answer in Task Four.3. Practice the conversation with their partners.4. Act it out.Step Three:Post-listeningDiscussion ActivityThree:Discuss in groups: Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity5 .Situation 1 and Situation2 (on page109)(Preparations for the task by giving some words related and learning the conversation strategy.)Step Four:PracticeActivity Four: Show the students an example . Guide the students to make up dialogue with the help of the example. Then practice their dialogues.Step Five: Homework1. Revise the new words and do some exercises in the Exercise Book.The exercises in class.Exercise 1-2 at page187-188 in the EX-BOOKS.教学反思The students can basically master the contents after learning.备课日期 May 2426授课类型 New课 题 教学设计教案、学案授课时数Three章节名称Unit7 Its Not Related to My Major Reading and Writing主要教学容Words:media, for the time being, put.into use, confuse,invest.etcSentences:1.I graduated two years with a bachelors degree in media studies.2. And after my graduation, I applied for jobs in film and telivision.3. I can have a chance to put what Ive learned into use.4. Whether youre just entering college or preparing for graduation,its time to start thinking about your career.5. You dont have to spend your life singing at weddings just because you have a silky voice.6. Youll do it more often and invest in training.Writing:Learn to write your own career plan.教学目标Knowledge Objectives:1. To learn the new words such as media, for the time being, put.into use, confuse,invest and so on. 2. To understand the main idea of the reading material.3. To analysis some sentences and master the language pointsAbility Objectives1. To improve the students reading and writing abilities.2. To learn how to paragraph.Feeling Objectives:1.To think about the the difference between a career and a major.2. To plan future career wisely教学重难点重点:1.The words and some useful language points in this part.2.The studentsabilities of reading and writing.难点:How to improve the students abilities of reading and writing.教学资源textbook , puter, projection, teaching software and blackboard教学方法Discussing Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching 教学过程() (第一课时复备Teaching proceduresStep1: Revision1.Revise the conversation they have learnt in listening and speaking.2.Read it in pairs and read it together.3.Act out their own dialogues.Step2: Lead-in( picture talking)1.Show the picture on Page110 to guess what Mr.Kings job is.Step3: ReadingPresent the title:Its Not Related to My Major.Pre-reading( words study)Learn some new words to make preparations for the ing reading.(frombachelor tovaried).While-reading1. SkimmingRead the passage quickly to gain the main idea of each paragraph. Then discuss them in class. 2. Scanning1)Read the passage and tick true or false.2)Check the answers in class.3) Read the passage again and circle the best answer.4) Discuss the answers in class.5) Discuss in groups: What would you do next if you were Mr.King. Find more information about the topic and share it with the class.Step4. Summary and Homework1. Read the passage and mark difficulties.2. Finish the exercises in the Ex-book.3.Preview Passage B 4.Recite the new words and expressionsNotes:1.I graduated two years with a bachelors degree in media studies.2. And after my graduation, I applied for jobs in film and telivision.3. I can have a chance to put what Ive learned into use.教学反思The students should do more reading exercises if time permits.教学过程() Passage B第二课时复备Teaching proceduresStep1: Revision1. Revise the language points in Passage A2. Read Passage A paragraph by paragraph.3. Check the word spelling.Step2: Lead-inDiscussion: Which job will you pursue after graduation? Will you choose what you are good at or what you like to do?Ask Ss to present their opinions in class.Step3: ReadingPresent the title:Plan Your Future Career Wisely.Pre-reading( words study)Learn some new words to make preparations for the ing reading.Practise the pronunciation.While-reading.Skimming1. Read the passage quickly to gain the main idea.2.Answer the question: What mistakes should be avoided in career planning?.Scanning1.Read the passage again. 2.Circle the best answer in Task 5 on Page 113.Post-reading1. plete the sentences in Task 6 on Page113 in the textbook. 2. Discuss the answers in class.3.Finish the chart in Task 8 on Page113.4. Present their keys in class. Step4. Summary and Homework1. Read the passage and mark difficulties.2.Make a career plan. (Writing)Notes: The answers to the exercises:EX1:1.F2. F3. T4. TEX2:1. A2. . B3. A教学反思The students can learn a lot from this lesson if they read it carefully.教学过程(III) Passage A-B (第三课时复备Step One: Revision1. Read Passage B.2. Check the writing task.Step Two:Language pointsRead the paragraphs and mark the difficulties, then deal with the language points to the students.1.And after my graduation, I applied for jobs in films and television.2. I only did boring jobs like making coffee for people and photocopying.3.I can have a chance to put what Ive learned into use.4. Whether youre just ertering college or preparing for graduation, its time to avoid start thinking about your career.5. Nor do you have to bee a chef because you have a gift with spices.6. Though it might require more soul searching, the list of what you enjoy is the most important.Step Three:ExercisesI. Do some translation work.1. 她花费了很多时间在学习上。2. 当时教室里只有三个学生。3. 如果不好好学习, 你如何能够取得好成绩?4.我暂时在一家餐馆里当兼职服务员。Step4. Summary and Homework1.Revise the points in this class2. Preview Part C教学反思The students should do more exercises to consolidate the points.备课日期May.27授课类型New课 题教学设计教案、学案授课时数One章节名称Unit7 Its Not Related to My MajorGrammar主要教学容1. Gerunds2. Infinitives教学目标Knowledge Objectives:To learn the grammar:Gerunds and InfinitivesAbility Objectives:1.Make the students know about the grammar and use the grammar correctly.2.To improve the studentsabilities of using knowledge.Feeling Objectives:1. To improve the students abilities in English.教学重难点Importance:1. The words and phrases in this part.2. The use and functions of the gerunds and the infinitivesDifficulties:How to improve the students interests in learning this.教学资源Textbook , puter, projection,teaching softwore and blackboard教学方法Discussing Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching 教学过程( Part A) (第一课时复备Step One: Lead in1.Revise the points learnt in the reading part by checking the homework.2.Present some sentences by translating them into Chinese.Step Two: Warm-upActivity One:Show the following sentences to the students:1.Grandma avoids using chemicals on the vegetables she grows.2.I prefer doing the reading in the evening.3.He remembered putting the key in the bag.4.Do you want to call your mother now?Ask the students to pay attention to underlined parts and analyze them by themselves. Discuss in groups : Whats the functions of the gerunds and the infinitives?Activity Two:Studying1. Discuss in class to learn the gerunds and the infinitives.During this step, explain the difficulties for the students.Step Three: ExercisesActivity One:1. Show the exercises on Page116.2.Discuss the answers.3. Correct the mistakes.Step Four: Consolidation1. The exercises of Part C on Page64-65 in the guide book. Discuss the answers in groups. 2. Correct the answers if necessary.Step Five: Conclusion and Homework1.Conclude the gerunds and the infinitives.Step Six: Homework1.Review the gerunds and the infinitives.The answers to the exercises:EX1:1. to have 2. parking3. freeing4. to try5. to survive6. seeing7. from speaking8. to have教学反思The studentds can do more exercises related to consolidate the grammar.备课日期 May 28授课类型 New课 题 教学设计教案、学案授课时数One章节名称Unit7 Its Not Related to My Major Real Life Skills & Revision主要教学容1. To review what theyve learnt in this unit.2. To find out how theyd like to study.教学目标Knowledge Objectives:1. To revise the language points. 2. To review the gerunds and the infinitivesAbility Objectives: To improve Ssability of using the gerunds and the infinitives.教学重难点重点:1.To improve the students ability of using language. 2. The studentsabilities of expressing certainty and uncertainty in the box.难点:How to improve the students abilities.教学资源textbook , puter, projection, software and blackboard教学方法Discussing Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching 教学过程复备Step One: Revision1. Check the homework.2. Correct the errors and explain the difficulties that the students met in the homework.Step One: Warm-upAnswer the questions and find out how theyd like to study.Step Two:Presentation Activity OneShow the questions on Page 117. Discuss them in groups. Check the answers.Step Three:DiscussionActivity Twopare and discuss the advantages and diadvantages of each answer.Activity ThreeFind out what you can do to impvove the study habits.Step Four: Revision1. Revise the points in this unit 2.2. plete the rest exercises in the guide book.Step Five: HomeworkRevise the whole unit.教学反思The students can basically master the points in this unit.16 / 16


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