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专题检测二十五短文填空(二)(时间:30分钟满分:65分)短文填空(每小题1分,共65分) I .(2017山东临沂经济开发区一模)根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Mike and Tom were good friends.They were walking through the desert.During the trip they had a fierce( 激烈的)argument and Mike hit Tomin the face.Tom 1. wasbeaten (beat).He hurt badly.But he 2.didn tsay (not say)anything.On the contrary(相反地),he wrote in the sand “ Today my best friend hit me. ”They kept on 3.walk ing(walk) un til they found a lake where they decided tocool off and swim.Suddenly Tom started going down in the lake.Luckily,Mike saved him.After Tomcame back to life,he wrote carefully on a stone “Today my best friend saved me. ”While Tom was carving( 雕亥U )the words,Mike asked Tom, “Why did you write in the sand after I hurt you,but now,you 4.arewriting(writ e)on a stone? ”Tomreplied, “I wrote in the sand because the wind 5. can/willblow (blow)away the words.Whe n some one hurts us,we should lear n to forget and forgive.But whe n some one 6. does (do)someth ing good for us,we should write the words on the stone where no wind can ever blow them away. ”It is not easy 7.tofind (fi nd)a special frien d.Lear n to be grateful andtreasure your frien dship.n .(2017山东济南押题卷)A. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)successful,see n, but,Fish ing,onLast Sunday,my father and I wentfishing.We got up very early that day.When weleft home,the moon could still be 1.see n in the sky.The morni ng air was cooland I felt wind 2. on my face.Thismadeus very comfortable.We laughed and talkedall the way while we were ridi ng our bikes.By about six we were already sitti ng by the river.3.Fishingis not easy.If you want to be 4. successful ,you must bevery careful.That day we had another good catch.We caught a lot of fish and enjoyed ourselves very much .It was late whe n we reached home.We felt a little tired 5._buthapp y.I like fish ing very much.B. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空,有的需要加助动词或不定式符 号(每词限用一次)be,clea n,buy,take,haveA friend told me a story about an earring.One day,she 6. took her childre n to a n earby park to play games.After she went home,she noticed that one of her earrings was lost.Theearring had a special meaningto her.It 7. wasbought for her by her sister,who lived very far away from her.That ni ght,she 8.had a dream.She dreamed that she found the earri ng.The nextmornin g,she went to the park .It had rained heavily.After search ing for a whole mornin g,she wan ted to give up.Whe n she 9.wasclea ning off the mud of her shoes,she sudde nly found someth ing.lt was her miss ing earri ng.Anything 10. is/willbe possible if we pay atte nti on to and catch every possibility in our life.川.(2017山东日照一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给词的适当形式A long time ago,there was an emperor.He had a beautiful garden.ln the garde n,there was a little ni ghti ngale(夜莺)singing very 1.beautifully(beauty).One day the emperor h eard about this little bird s beautiful voice.He askedhis guards to bring her to him.As soon as the emperor heard the nightingale svoice,he said, “ Put her in a golde n cage,2.so she can stay there and sing forme whe never I want to hear her. ”The little bird was so 3.unhappy (happy)about being kept in the cage thatshe 4. stopped (stop)s inging one day.The emperor was very an gry.He ordered the scie ntists in his palace to make a robot bird 5.for him.The robot bird couldsing very beautifully,6.too .The emperor was pleased.Soon the robot bird became old .It no Ion ger sang beautiful son gs.Just at that time,the emperor became very weak. One mornin g,while 7.lying (lie)i n bed,theemperor wan ted it to sing once aga in. 8.But the robot bird could n t sing anymore.Sudde nly the ni ght in gale Ian ded on the win dow.She bega n to sing her 9.mostbeautiful son g.The emperor was very happy!He became better and better.After the emperor was well,he changed a lot and became kind to his people.From then on,all his people cherished( 爱戴)him for his love and 10.kindness(kind).?导学号 33404291?IV .(2017辽宁盘锦一模)选择适当的词并用正确形式完成短文,使短文内容完整、正确,有两项多余how,our,differe nt,toy,pay ,on ,become,better,o ne,betwee n,if,spe ndOur clothes will become small with our growth.Some books and 1.toys willbe not used any more.2. How will you deal with these old things?Don tworry!Here s a good way.Online shopping will help you.Online shopping is 3._beco ming more and more popular now.We can bid( 竞价)for the 4.differentgoods(商品、货品)online,such asbooks,dolls,cloth ing and used cars.We can 5.spe nd less money on 6. bettergoods.Also,we can sell the things well through the Internet.There are many world markets 7. onthe Intern et.8. If we want to buy or sell someth ing on li ne,we must become the member 9. first .Let s buy and sell things online.Let s enjoy 10.ourselves online.V .(2017江苏扬州江都区二模)阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入合适的词,使短文意思完整Yangzhou is one of the most 1.famous areas in China for its jade(碧玉,翡翠)production and long 2.history in jade carving( 玉雕).Over 3.thousandsof years,ge nerati ons of jade craftsme n(工匠)have 4. devoted themselves tocontinuing and innovating( 仓U新)the ancient 5.traditionalskills to create manybeautiful jade articles of differe nt shapes and sizes.In 2010,Ch ina ope ned its first n ati on al-level jade museum,6.which wasupdated from the origi nal Yan gzhou Jadeware Museum,i n Yan gzhou.Ch ina Jade Museum is opposite Yan gzhou Jadeware Factory and 7.covers an area of 2,875 squaremeters.Yangzhou jade culture is fully displayed in different forms.As one of the carriers( 载体)of history,China Jade Museum will play an 8._importa ntrole in protecti ng Yan gzhou jade carv ing effectively and in furtheradvancing China s jade 9. cultureand pushing the 10.developmentoftraditi onal arts and crafts.W .(2017江苏盐城响水县二模)阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入合适的词,使短文意思完整Do you like readi ng stories?Almost every one does.Good stories are fun toread.Good stories let you share 1.excitingadventures.They makeyou 2.laugh when something funny is said or done.They make you shiver(颤抖)whensomething is 3.frightening.They make you glad when the ending turns out to be4. happy .Good stories help you to lear n about other times,other people and other 5._places .They may even help you to lear n more about 6.yourself/yourselves.What 7. kin d(s) of good stories do you kno w?There are stories about make-believe( 虚构的)8. people ,such as those about Detective Holmes or Cinderella.Thereare also stories about 9. famous people,such as those about theWright brothers and Abraham Lincoln.There are stories about 10. animals ,such as The Lio n King and The Three Little Pigs.vn .(2017上海中考模拟)将下列选项填入空格。每选项限使用一次A.research B.likeC.cha ngedD.top E.familiarWelive in a digital world no w,a nd a stude nt s tech no logy n eeds have 1. C .For the early years,say whe n you are in primary school,you can get by with no tech no logy at all.Even if you have a computer,it s a good idea to make children 2. E with libraries.At this age,trips to the library are 3.B family out in gs.As you get closer to middle school,a computer with Internetaccess becomes moreof a necessity.Teachers will often give homework that requires a student to use the Internet for 4.A .After a computer,tech no logy choices for stude nts become moredifficult to make,especially when it comes to cellphones.A.record B.easierC.n eedD.reach E.formsKids will beg their parents for a cellphone,especially in middle school.For many parents,it s a matter of safety:They want to know that their kids can 5. D them quickly if n ecessary.For teachers,cellpho nes can be used to 6.A less ons whe nstude nts are abse nt.But many teachers dislike cellph on es.Some kids send messages or have talks in the class.Sendingmessages also raises the problem of cheating inexams.More and more schools are now forbiddi ng the use of cellph on es.Many kids see iPods as n ecessary things to have .I Pods are great for music,but do they do anything good for your children s education?Maybe they do.That s theopinion of Doug Johnson,an educator for 30 years.Johnson says that educators should accept all new 7. E of tech no logy in the classroomncludi ngiPods. “ Some do morewith their cellphones than we can do with our laptops,” he jokes. “ I don t thinkwe should be afraid.The truth is that it s 8. B to change the way we teach than to cha nge the tech no logy habits of an en tire gen erati on.”


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