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3AM1U2 EX1班级姓名I 正确抄写下列单词和句子。hi miss fanghow are vouwhats your n amemy n ame is kitty-口_丿 一 I1.判断划线部分读咅是否相同,用T和 F表示。1. bag make ()2. jam hand ()3. fine five ()4. close dog ()5. father sad ( )6. open fold ()川.用”,an, the填空。1. I haveapple. Ifsbig and red.2. Look atblackboard. Itsdirty.3. Getcard. Foldcard.4. This isnice oran ge.orange is oran ge.5. There iscake ontable.6. Opendoor, please.iv.按要求写单词。反义词:close clean down同类词:writedoorv.用 ”am, is ard填空。1.Alicehappy. Shethi n.2.-Howyou -Ifine, tha nk you.3.-Whatyour n ame -My n ameKitty4.-your mother tall -Yes, she.5.The jamnot bad.屮.完成对话。1.-Hello,-My n ame is Danny. Whats your n ame -Kitty.2. - Look at the blackboard. It is dirty.-the blackboard, please.vn.将下列句子配对。A. Fine, tha nk you.B. Yes, Im a girl.C. OK.D. Yes, a lion.E. Im Eddie.班级姓名()1. What syour n ame()2. Clea n the table, please.()3. You are a girl.()4. How are you()5. A lio n3AM1U2 EX2I .正确抄写下面句子。look at the tree kittywr计e your name on the papern .用所给动词组词。1. look:2. ope n:4. write:6. fold:)3. bag girl ()6. ha nd hello ()1. -re you my teacher -Yes, I2. -Hello, what name -_3. The blackboard is dirty.4. Pickyour pencil andv.连词成句。n ame is Peter.the blackboard, please.your n ame.3. close:5. pick:川.判断划线部分读音是否相同,用T和F表示。1. elephant desk ()2. apple name (4. like five ()5. Kittycake (iv.填入合适的单词,将句子补充完整。1. your, please, open, bag2. Ben, are, you, how3. book, your, close, pleasew .根据上下文完成句子。1. My name is Kitty.your name2. Im fine.are you3. -Write your n ame on the paper. -.vn .阅读短文且判断,用 T和F表示。(It sSunday morning. Peter and Sam are playing in the park.)Peter: Good morni ng.Sam: Good morni ng.Peter: Whatsyour n ameSam: My n ame is Sam. Whatsyour n amePeter: Im Peter. Do you like playing in the beautiful parkSam: Yes, I like it very much. Peter: So do I.()1. Today is Saturday morning.()2. Peter and Sam are classmates.()3. Peter likes to play in the park.()4. Sam likes the beautiful park.3AM1U2 EX3班级姓名I .选择合适的动词填空。| open close clean look write1. the win dow, please. cold.2. the blackboard, please. 3.the box, please.4. at the book andyour n ame.n .选择填空。()1.Whatyour name?A. areB. is()2.-Is thisbook -No, It sbook.A. your, yourB. your, my()3.Two pen cilslon g.A. isB. are()4.Look_your book, please.A. toB. at()5.The fat manjam.A. likeB. likesA. I m Lin da.B. Fine, tha nk you.C. Good after noon.D. OK.川.根据意思给下列句子配对。()1. Close the book, please.()2. Whatyour n ame()3. How are you()4. Good after noon, Sam.iv 根据情境选择。()1.今天很热,妈妈对你说:A. Close the win dow.B. Ope n the wi ndow.()2.放学后,老师让你把桌子擦一下:A. Clean the desk.B. Clean the chair.()3.上课了,老师让你们把书打开:A. Open your books.B. Close your books.v.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Im a ten-year-old boy. My n ame is San dy. I m from Shan ghai. Shan ghai is a beautiful city. I love it very much. Mary is my good friend. She is thin. She likes singing very much. She is not from Shanghai. She is from Beijing, We often play together (一起).After class, we usually (通常)clean the classroom. Mary always cleans the blackboard and I clean the desks and chairs. Then we go home together.()1. Imnow.A. nine years oldB. ten years old()2. Mary and I are both.A. Chin eseB. America n()3. Mary always clea ns the.A. desksB. blackboard()4. Sandy and Mary always gotogether.A. to schoolB. home()5.is Maryshobby.A. SingingB. Dancing3AM1U2 EX4班级姓名i .正确抄写下列单词和句子。clean the desk please alicehello i m kitty11 1 1 1 IMLL 1wfhats your namemy name is danny .VV-rrCrt-Cr-y U U1 1 IO 1 十 IP1 1 IV 1 1 CH十1匸 10 -tl-CIrrrl-y-TT .按要求写词语。1. 反义词:closecleanfat2. 同义词:desk close3.简略写法:I amyou arewhat is4.同类词:writesad川.选出不同类的单词。()1.A. youB. IC. are()2.A. morni ngB. eve ningC. hi()3.A. MissB. MrC. brother()4.A. fineB. fiveC. two()5.A. jamB.milkC.waterIV .选出划线部分发音不容的单词。()1.A. MissB.thisC.hi()2.A. appleB.n ameC.bag()3.A. grangeB.hotC.fold()4.A. heB.deskC.sheV .用 am,.is, are 填空。1.-Whoyou -IKitty.2. -Whatyour n ame -My n ameJerry.3. -Howyou -Not so well. 4. That manfat and tall.w .按要求改写句子。1. My n ame is Alice.(对划线部分提问)n ame2. Im fine.(对划线部分提问)3. Im Peter.(换一种说法,句意不变)is Peter.4. Close your book.(改为否定句)your book.5. Close your book.(改为否定句,句意不变)your book.vn.根据中文提示,完成句子。1. Snow White” is(一本好书)2. (王太太)is Peters mother.3. Is(你的名字)Kitty4. I can.(擦门)


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