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2011 学年第一学期七年级英语学科期末练习卷(考试时间 90 分钟 满分 100 分)Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力 共 20 分)I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(共 5 分)1._ 2._3._4._5._n . Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听至 U的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共 5 分)()6.A. A little fat.B. Very fat.C. Very tall.D. A little thi n.()7.A. By bike.B. By car.C. On foot.D. By bus.()8.A. 30 yua n.B. 45 yua n.C. 50 yua n.D. 80 yua n.()9.A. The blue cap.B. The red cap.C. The orange cap. D. The white cap()10. A. I n a restaura nt.B. In a garde n.C. At home.D. I n a park.III . Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T表示,不符合的用 “F表示):(共 5 分)()11. Mr and Mrs Smile are farmers.()12. Jim and Sue are study ing in China now.()13. Mr Smile ofte n reads books in the after noon.()14. Jim and Sue ofte n play games with their Chin ese frien ds.()15. Jim s uncle doesn t like swimming.IV.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) )(共 5 分)16.Kate is on a pla ne to_ .17.Kate brings a_ for her brother s wife.18.Kate s brother has_ child(children).19.Mike would like to be a(n)_ in the future.20.Kate likes travelli ng by_ .Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法 共 40 分)V. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences 看 图片,完成写歹 U 句子21. Hot dogs apple pies and hamburgers are_food.):(共 5分)A B C D EF22. Most childre n like watch ing_ , such asMickey Mouse and Tommy and Jerry.23.Thissigh tells us we can turn left.勺24. Tourists can see soldiers _flag in Tian anmen square.the Chi nese n ational25.1 dont like keeping dogs because sometimes they are too .(用括号中所给单词VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms 的适当形式完成下列句子):( (共 5 分) )26. The radio doesntwork, so you n eed to buy some_27. I have bought a new flat and it s on the_28. After the bell rang, the students waited for the teacherclassroom.29. Mary was(battery).floor of theouqid ing.(_(quiet) in the(luck ) to catch the last bus last ni ght.30.The Summer Palace is one of the mostplaces of in terest in Beijing.(excite)VII . Choose the best answer 选择最恰当的答案 ):(共 20 分) )31.There is_intern ati onal food festival at our school.A. a B. anC. theD. /32.The little girl couldn t find her mother. We helpedA. sheB. her C. hersD. herself33.Please read the_carefully before you use the computer.A. i nvitatio nB. i nformatio n C. i nstructio nD. warni ng34.We always have an exam in ati on_ each term.A. at the end ofB. in the end C. by the end of35._pity it is! You didnpass the exam again.A. WhatB.What aC.What an36._ people visit the Great Wall every year.A.Thousa nds ofB.Thousa ndC. Thousa nds37. Our school has a lot of stude nts fromcoun tries.find her mother at last.D. end ofD.HowD. Thousa nd ofA. ano therB.othersC.the other38. We_break the new traffic rules and lear n how to protect ourselves.A. may notB.mustn C.can t39. The life in the city is_ tha n that in the coun tryside.A. more in terest ingB.much in terest ingC.much busy40. The music played by Lang Lang sounds_ .D.otherD.neednD.more busy23.Thissigh tells us we can turn left.勺A.won derfullyB.beautifulC.sweetlyD. beautifully41.Danny , you are getting fatter and fatter . You mustheat_ meat.A. too manyB. too muchC. too fewD. too little42.The new type of ipad in the photo_ me about five thousa nd yua n.A.tookB. spe ntC. gotD. cost43.I don like that black puppy. Id rather_the white cat.A. to haveB. hav ingC. hasD. have44.The stude nts are look ing forward to_ the Great Wall this weeke nd.A. visitB. visitsC. visitedD. visit ing45. We can use QQ to talk with each other on li ne. Good! Will you please show me_ it?A. what to use B. how to use C. whe n to useD. where to use46.There_a class meet ing in our classroom n ext Mon day.A. is going to have B. going to be C. will haveD. will be47.There are more thanZO pens in my pocket. The un derl ined part mea nsA. aboutB. overC. for48.You must do your homework first,_ you canA. soB. becauseC. if49._ was your trip? It was won derful.A. How long B. How muchC. What50. Shall we go to pla nt some trees in the park?A. Yes, we shall. B. That s right.C. That s all rightD. That s a good idea.WII.Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求, 改写下列句子。 每空格限 填一词):(共 10 分)51.Mary needs to buy a silk scarf as her mothes birthday present.(否定句)Mary_ to buy a silk scarf as her mothesbirthday prese nt.52.We have already visited the Great Wa(.(改为一般疑问句)_you visited the Great Wall_?53. Let watch DVDs in the hall.(改为反意疑问句)Let watch DVDs in the hall,_?54.1 can see this information sign in the park.( 对划线部分提问 )_ you see this in formatio n sig n?55.Of all the sin gers, his favourite sin ger is Jay Chou.( 保持句子意思不变 )Of all the sin gers, he_ Jay Chou_ .Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 阅读和写话共 40 分)I.阅读(共 30 分)A. True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T ”表示,不符合的用“ F ”表示):(共 6 分)Dear pare nts,It Sun day today. I dont have classes I am sitti ng in a computer room now. The weatherD. besidest go outside.D. whe nD. Howisnt nice. It is raining .I miss you very much. There are lots of students here.They are busy. Many students are talking with their e-pals (网友)on QQ. Some stude ntsare playi ng computer games or watchi ng movies on theInternet. My friends, Mike and Eric, are here with me. Mike isbuying sports shoes on the In ternet. And what is Eric doing?Oh ,he is reading an e-book on a computer. They e friendlyand they often help me learn Chinese. When you come toBeijing, I want you to meet them. I m OK in Beijing. Please dont worry about me. I hopeyou are happy and well!LoveMaria()56. Maria does n t have any classes on Sun day.()57. Today is a sunny day.()58. Many students keep in touch with their e-pals by writing letters.()59. Stude nts can play games, watch movies and buy things on the Intern et.()60. Maria thinks her two new friends are friendly and helpful.()61. Maria is in China now.B. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):( (共 6 分) )The Brow ns are the Smiths n eighbours. Mr Brow n sn ame is Joh n. But whe n his neighbours talk about him, they all call him ” Mr Goin g-to-go ”.Do you know why? MrBrow n says he is going to do someth ing, but he n ever does it. Every Saturday Mr Browngoes to the Smiths back door and talks to Mr Smith. He always says he is going to dosomething. ”lm going to clean my house today,” he says, or “m going to wash my cartomorrow ,” or “These trees in front of my house are too big, so Im going to cut themdow n n ext week”Mr Smith usually says Are you John?” He knows his neighbor is not going to clea nhis house, or wash his car, or cut dow n any trees. Then he says, Well, excuse me. John,Im going to do some work in the house” And he does . Mr and Mrs Smith often say totheir only child Dick. “A re you going to do something? Then do it! Don be ano ther Mr.Goin g-to-do!”()62. What s the relatio nship 关系)between Mr. Brow n and Mr. Smith?A. They are brothers.B. They are n eighbours.C. They are father and sonD. They are teacher and stude nt.()63. Why do people call Mr Brown“ MrtcG odng ?A. Because he talks a lot and does a lot.B. Because he often talks much before he starts his work.C. Because he always says to do somethi ng, but n ever does it.D. Because he usually n eeds help whe n he is going to do someth ing.()64. When will Joh n cut the trees down?A. Today.B. Tomorrow.C. Next week.D. We don t know.()65. What does Mr. Smith think cf John s talks?A. Pleasa nt.B. Tiri ng.C. Worryi ng.D. Sad.()66. Who does Mr. Smith ask Dick not to lear n from?A. Mr. Brow n.B. Mrs. Brow n. C. Mrs. SmithD. Himself.()67. Which of the followi ng is right?A. Mr. Brow n is always busy.B. It s easier for Mr. Brown to say than to do something.C. Dick is another“ Mr-t6kdng .D. Mr. Smith always helps Mr. Brow n do someth ing.C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(共 6 分)Im Jim. I come from America. Now I m ten years old, but I have bee n in Chi na for 6years. My father wan ted to ope n an America n restaura nt in Chi na, because there weremany Chin ese restaura nts in America. At last, we 68 a KFC in Sha nghai. My motherwas a teacher in America. Now she works at the KFC. In America, manystude nts work at KFC to make money for their 69. Ihope Chin ese stude nts can _70_ money bythemselves ,too. So many young people work at our KFC.They like to work here, 71 they can learn English from myparents. My family often go out andhave pic nics n ear the river on Sun days, because my father likes fish ing and my motherenjoys 72. We go back to America during the summer holidays. We visitmy gran dpare nts 73 we are at home. They like Chin ese history. They came to Chi nain 2008. We were glad that we watched the Olympic Games in Chi na.()68.A. openedB.openC. closedD. close()69.A. teachersB. pare ntsC. worksD.studies()70.A. getB. doC. takeD.bring()71.A. thatB. whyC. soD.because()72.A. readi ngB. singingC. dancingD.swimming()73.A. beforeB. howeverC. whe nD.afterD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内 填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(共 6 分)Life in the past was much harder than it is today becausepeople didn have moder nthi ngs to live with great peace and convenien ce. Now, people can have a c 74 andenjoyable life with the help of modern machines and medicine.However, life today has got some new problems. One of the biggest is p 75 . In bigcities, heavy traffic pollutes the air and makes cities so noisy . In addition, people usemach ines to make more d 76 water which pollutes our rivers and lakes.T_77_ have a better life, we must work hard to fight against pollution. The first thingwe must do is to make rules, for example, we must clean the water before it is put intorivers. We must pla nt more trees in stead of c 78 them dow n. And we can build moreunderground lines to help reduce 减少)air pollution as well as noise pollution. The morewe help reduce pollution, the better our life will be in the future. Therefore, we must workharder to have a more p 79a nd convenient life. Itsourduty from now on!74._ 75._ 76._77._ 78._ 79._E. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(:(共 6 分)Rent priceI lived in a rented(出租的)flat in Gubei(古北)before, a wonderful place for living,with two bedrooms for RMB 1500 per month. Now I move into a new flat with twobedrooms. It is rented at the price of RMB 2500.Food priceFast food:There are two KFCs, one McDonaldsand two Pizza Huts within a500-metre area around the building I am working in. RMB 20-30 is enough to get a mealon weekdays.Local food:There are lots of restaurants in the city. Normal cheap dishes cost aboutRMB 20, while some expensive ones cost RMB 50-60. So I usually spend about RMB50-80 for Saturday dinners.TransportationBus: RMB 2 for air-conditioned bus.Taxi: RMB 14 starting price (起步价)within 3 km and RMB 2.4 for each kilometermore.Metro: RMB 3 to 9 enough to every comer of the city with no traffic jams.With the help of many Chinese people, my life in Shanghai is exciting. And it is sointeresting that I would never think about leaving it.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(:(6 分)80. It is cheaper to live in Shanghai now than before, isnt it?81. What does the writer think of the area of Gubei?82. Which kind of food does the writer usually have for Saturday dinne?r83. How much must she pay for a 2.5-kilometre taxi ride in Shanghai?84. Why is it faster to travel by underground?85. What does the writer think about her life in Shanghai?II. 写话:(共 10 分)Write a passage of at least 50 words about the topic “ My habits ”(以我的习惯”为题写 篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 )Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点)What habits do you have?Are they good or bad for you? Why?How do you change some of them into good ones?2011 学年度第一学期期终考试七年级英语试卷(2012.01)听力文字与参考答案I. Listen and choose the right pictu(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共 5 分)1. Fresh fruit is good for our health. We should have more.2. The weather report says it will b e fine tomorrow. Let s have a picnic together.3. Miss Li is in the supermarket. She wants to buy some vegetables.4. Mike s dream job is to be a policeman. He thinks it is very cool.5. Kitty was very happy with her friends at her birthday party.n. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共 5 分)6.M: Do you have a sister, Mary?W: Yes, I do. She is a little fat.M: I want to have a sister, too. I am the only child in my family.Q: What does Mary s sister look like?7.M: Shall we go to the zoo?W: Yes.M: How can we get there, by bike?W: Oh, no. It s too far from here. Let s take a bus.Q: How will they get to the zoo?8.M: Where did you buy this shirt ?W: In Green Market in Sunny Town.M: How much did it cost you?W: The shirt cost 30 yuanQ: How much did the shirt cost?9.M: I want to buy a cap for my father.W: Which one ? the blue one or the red one?M: I think the red one is OK.Q: Which cap does the boy want to buy?10.W: This park is so beautiful.M: Yes, I think so. Shall we come here tomorrow?W: All right.Q: Where are the two people now?III Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true orfalse(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T 表示,不符合的用“F 表示):(共 5 分)Mr and Mrs Smile come from Sydney. They work on a farm there. They like their work very much.They have two children, Jim and Sue. They are studying in Beijing now.Mr and Mrs Smile like swimming and reading. They often go swimming in the afternoon and readbooks in the evening. Jim and Sue have many friends in China. They often play games with them.Jim s uncle, John Smile, works in a factory near Sydney. He likes swimming, too. He wantsto work in Beijing. But he can t speak any Chine. sSeoahteaglloes to Chinese classes everyweek.IV.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词 ) (共 5 分)Kate is on a plane. She is going to visit her brother sfamily.THhaeirlabnrdo.thTehrelirvees inare three people in her brother s family. They have a big farm. She brings them some presents. Shebought a black sweater for her brother and a beautiful dress for his wife and a model airplane for their onlychild Mike. Mike wants to be a pilot, so he must like it very much. The presents are in her box under the seat.She is sitting in a seat next to the window. She likes this seat because she can see clouds out of the window.She often travels by air and she likes it.答案Part 1阅读I.1.B 2.E3.C4.A 5.DII.6.A 7. D8.A9. B 10.DIII.11. T 12.T13. F14. T 15. FIV .16. Thailand17. dress18. onePart 2V.21 American22.cartoons 23.directionVI.26 .batteries27. fourth28. quietlyVII. 31.B 32. B33. C34. A 35. B41. B 42. D43. D44.D 45.BVIII.51. doesntneed52.Have yetPart 3IX.19. pilot20. plane/air24. raising 25.noisy29. lucky 30. exciting36. A 37. D 38.B 39.A 40. B46.D 47.B 48.A 49.D 50.D53. shall we 54.Where can 55. likes best(A)56. T57. F 58. F 59. T60. T(B)62 .B 63. C64. D 65. B66. A(C)68.A 69. D70. A 71. D 72. D(D)74.convenient75.pollution 76 dirty. 77.61. T67.B73.CTo 78. cutting 79. peaceful(E) 80. No, it isn t.81. It is wonderful / a wonderful place for living.82. She usually has some local food for Saturday dinner.83. She must pay RMB 14.84. Because there are no traffic jams.85 She thinks it s exciting/ interesting.X. (Omitted)


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