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第 1 课时 Vocabulary一、 根据要求写出相应的单词1. compete _ (n.)2. chanee_ ( 复数形式)3. con fide nt _(adv.)4. advice_(v.)5. suggest_ (n.)二、 词汇测试()1. They gave me lots of useful suggesti ons._A. ideas B. advice C. tools()2. He will help me whe never I am in trouble.A. no matter where B. no matter who C. no matter whe n ()3. We should plant more trees.A. must B. can C. ought to()4. In my opinion, doing more sports is good for our health.A. He thi nks B. I n my view C.ln all()5. Look out! There are many cars.A. Be careful B. Go out C. Hurry up()6.I met him by cha nee in the street.A. by myself B. by now C. by accide nt()7. There will be a football competiti on next week.A. match B. practice C. fans club()8. It is hard for Linda to choose one because these two skirts are both beautiful and expe nsive.A. pick B. wear C. keep()9. A(n)_ refers to a piece of advice.A. opinion B. suggesti on C. no tice()10. A_ is a pers on or a team that wins a game, prize, match and so on.A. capta in B. winner C. leader()11. A_ means a very valuable object.A. treasure B. pity C. trick()12. You can see a large_ about En glish Week on the wall.A. no tice B. speech C. treasureUn it86. com muni cati on_7. poor_(8. hide _ (9. attack_ (10. choose_( v.)反义词)过去式)第三人称单数形式)(过去分词)2()13. Dont talk with people loudly_.It is impolite.OK.A. in the end B. in secret C.i n public()14. Mary,_should I do if I have trouble using this computer?Jim, you can call me_ you have trouble.A. what; whe never B. whe n; whe never C. whe n; whoever()15. Dear classmates, wellstudy in differe ntschools n ext term and enjoy your time inyour new school!A. Never mi nd B. The same to you C. Its OK 第 2 课时 Reading二、阅读理解JoyI was excited to take part in the English speaking competition. We didnt get any prizes, but I ihnulit we werevery succesrfu. Teachers helped us a Jfit. I would like ( tell them that all lheir training was worth it. Duringthis activity. h&w lo talk iibuulin English. I could write a wonderfulariidc. and I learnt new words and improved my English skills.JeanThree months ago. 1 took part in a public speaking compelition. When J was on stage, 1 wus proud of myselfund L fell that my leum members乩ong with my ciwn perforuiiinces wereBefore呂oing onHuge* wasHowever, when 1 was on吕1進,1 fdl very exuiled and enjoyed the cumpetition. 1hope L will lake part in the speakijig oonipelition next time.FaulI ihijik ihat lhe speech festival is a very good ejiperietice for tudent because this kind of competition helpsus improve our English skills.【have leamt how lc write a nice speech and make my speech intatstiog. k hastaught me how to be brave(勇敢的when standing in front cf lots of people and talking. 1 think ifs a goodexperience and it taught me how to be a confideni speaker.()1. Why did Joy thi nk they were very successful?A. Because they lear nt a lot. B. Because they got some prizes.C. Because they spe nt time together. D. Because they made up an in terest ing activity.()2. How did Jea n feel before she went on the stage?A. Excited. B. Tired. C. Bored. D. Afraid.()3. Which of the followi ng did n ot Paul learn from the experie nee?A. How to write a nice speech.B. How to get free trai ning.C. How to be a con fide nt speaker.D. How to make the speech in teresti ng.3()4.Whatdid thethreestudentsthink oftheirexperiences?A.Theyweretiri ng.B. They were terrible.C.Theywereeducation al.D. They were difficult.6. We have fun_ (use) En glish.7.You should speak English _ (clear) andslowly.8. Tom advises me_ (speak) con fide ntly.9. She took part in the _ (write)competition.10. Youd better not_ (choose) the big one.4A. may B. should C. should not()2. One_cross the street against the red light.A. ought not B. ought to not C. ought nt to()3. We_ throw the rubbish into the bin.A. ought to B. may C. would()4. Tom_ say sorry to Tracy because he broke her bike.A. shouldB. must ntC. can()5._he_ his pare nts about this problem?A. Should; listens to B. Should; listen to C. Ought; listen to()6. He_here on time.A. should came B. should come C. should comes()7. You_buy the ticket before gett ing on the train.A. shouldB. must nt C. need()8. To protect our eyes, we_keep eno ugh dista nee from books whe n we read them.A. should nt B. ought not to C. ought to()9._an gry, Mum. I promise I will n ever be late for school aga in.OK. You_ use an alarm clock to wake you up in the morni ng.A. Dont be; had better B. Not be; would rather C. Be not; would like()10. He said such a thing_be allowed happe n.A. ought nt to B. n eed nt C. may notUnit 8 HOMEWORK第 1 课时 Vocabulary、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词1. He took part in the speak ing c_ .2. The headmaster gave us a s_ at the meet ing.3. We have lots of fun in the t_ hunt.4. You should speak slowly and c_.5. You can c_any one of them.6. She is the_ (获胜者)of the game.二、词汇测试()1. He will give us a speech. _A. prese ntB. giftC. talk()2. There are several books on the table.A. a lotB. a bitC. a few()3.My father worked for the whole day._A. all the day B. half of the day C. the daytime()4. Look out! The car is coming.A. Put outB. Watch outC. Get out()5.ln my opinion both of you need to go to the hospital now.A. I knowB. I hopeC. I thi nk()6. Above all, you must put your safety in the first place.A. Most importa ntlyB. After allC. In total()7. The Drama Club is going to perform a play next Friday.A. act outB. tell aboutC. copy dow n()8. Mr Brow n wants to buy a car whe n he is rich._A. not oldB. not poorC. not busy()9. He was very sure about the result, so he told it to us very_7. There are_ (若干)people in the room.8. He can remember the_ (完整的) story.9. You should practise En glish_ (无论何时)you can.10. Tomgave mesome helpful _ (建议)5A. easilyB. con fide ntlyC. successfully()10. A(n)_ is the idea that is advised.A. suggesti onB. opinionC. topic()11. If you are asked to say someth ing_ , youd better cha nge the topic and say other things.A. importa ntB. con fide ntC. else()12. She is a_ girl and her face tur ns red whe n she talks with others.A. richB. shyC. tall()13. If I have the_ to go abroad, Id like to visit Fran ce.A. hopeB. topicC. cha nee()14.The army_ their en emies last ni ght.A. attackedB. hitC. broke()15. Good morni ng, sir!_?rd like to buy a sweater for my daughter.A. What can I do for youB. Can you help me C. How about the sweater三、用所给单词的适当形式填空Success means different things for different people. Some may look it as fame, some as wealth and still someas health. For me, it means achievi ng on es 1 . No matter what your dreams are, you have goals there and the npay your 2 to them. Dreams bring you hope and happ in ess. On the way to 3 them, you may cry and compla in, but the joy of success makesyou forget all the sad ness and 4 you have suffered. So an old say ing says thatthe sweetest fruit comes from the bitterest ordeal (最痛苦的折磨 ).There are several keys to success. First, your goal must be 5 . If _ you set your goal too 6 , success n evercomes to you. Next, you have to make a pla n to do it.You can take some 7 to realize it. Since the process is quite difficult, you n eed to be 8 and patie nt._Even if you meet with some difficulties, n ever 9 . You can always tell yourself that nothing is not 10 ._With this belief, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the road!()1. A. dreamsB. wealthC. health()2. A. successB. moneyC. atte nti on()3. A. thi nking B. getti ngC. see ing()4. A. difficulties B. differe ncesC. promises()5. A. carefulB. popularC. practical()6. A. wideB. highC. n arrow()7. A. stepsB. friendsC. years()8. A. similarB. strongC. hard-work ing()9. A. give on B. give offC. give up()10. A. possibleB. impossibleC. beautiful三、 阅读理解The first English Week at our school startedon 4th November, 2016. The whole school was filledwith an Englishlearning atmosphere (气氛).A series of activities were held. There were han dwrit ing con test, story writ ing con test, En glish songs singing,role play ing in En glish and so on. All the teachers and stude nts were very happy. They spoke English, sang English songs and enjoyed all1. Weneed to improve our _ (speak) English.2. You have to _(competition) with yourself.3. It makes me become more_ (con fide ntly).4. He_ (winner) the game at last.5. What do you_ (suggestio n)?6._ (com muni cate)is very importa nt.四、完形填空7. Tim gave her some good_ (advise).8. We will find out the_ (hide) treasure.9. He_ (choose) to leave yesterday.10. Wecan see several _(notice)on the wall.6the activities. Handwriting was for the students in lower grades.Although most of them could nt write so well, they were all very careful about it. In the show win dow, therewere a lot of colourful han dwritte n papers. They copied some articles from books or n ewspapers. And the n theydecorated them with pictures in different colours, and some even put their own photos on them. Howcute and lovely they looked! Storywriting was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8. These students are always fond of cartoons, so they got in terestedin this activity.Readi ng the stories they made up, all the visitorscould nthelp speak inghighly of them. The most importa nt event was the En glish show on the last day. The stude nts and teachers sanga lot of En glish songs and put on En glish plays together. Each programme won storms of applause. One week js_not very long, but all the stude nts and teachers lear nt a lot. Just as the headmaster said,“ It is a helpfulweek. It will certai nly lead us to enjoy and learn more from our En glish studies.”()1. In this passage, the En glish Week is_ .A. surpris ingB. bori ngC. enjoyableD. serious()2. Which of the followi ng is NOT true?A. All the stude nts took part in the han dwriti ng con test. B. The story writi ng con test was for stude nts inGrade 7 and Grade 8.C. The En glish show was the most importa nt eve nt.D. Teachers also took part in the En glish Week.()3. What does the underlined word“applause ” probably mean?A. Noise.B. Cheer.C. Sou nd. D. Music.()4. Who put on the plays?A. Stude nts.B. Teachers. C. Stude nts and the headmaster.D. Stude nts and teachers.第 3 课时 Grammar一、选择填空()1. Youd better not_too much pressure_ your childre n.A. to put; on B. to put; inC. put; on()2. You_run in the classroom. It is very dan gerous.A. would ntB. should nt C. could nt()3. You_to speak loudly to make others hear you clearly.A. shouldB. hadC. ought()4. Buses_ stop whe n the traffic light is red.A. n eedB. mayC. must()5._ I go alo ne?No, you_. It is too dan gerous.A. Must; cant B. Ca n; may not C. May; must nt()6. Must I hand in my paper now?No, you_. You can hand in tomorrow.A. must nt B. need ntC. cant()7. May I borrow your pen?Sorry, I_ lend it to you because it is broke n.A. cantB. must ntC. should nt()8. Liste n! Tracy is singing in the next room.It_be Tracy. She has gone on a trip.A. must nt B. cantC. may()9. You_ make so much no ise while others are sleep ing.A. had ntB. wontC. should nt7()10. May I use your pen?_ . Go ahead.A. Certai nlyB. No, you cant C. No, you must nt()11. Can you speak En glish?8No, I_ .A. cantB. n eed ntC. may not()12. Dont be late. You_ be there on time.A. canB. mustC. may()13._I to take n otes in class?Yes, you_.A. Ought; ought toB. Ought; should nt C. Should; should()14. It is nt raining outside. You_ take an umbrella with you.A. would ntB. cantC. need nt()15. What_we_ whe n we are in the museum?We_keep quiet.A. ought; to; oughtB. ought; to do; ought C. should; do; shouldHi, I am Lisa. Today Im going to tell you something about our Chinese Week. It will be held from 5th Januaryto 10th January. There are many colourful activities for you. If you like reading, you can visit our book fairin the school library. There you will find many kinds of interesting books. Mr Zhou will give you some suggestions on how to choose goodbooks. Some students will put on a drama show from their textbooks. You can also take partin the Chin ese writ ing competitio n. In additi on, there will be a speech con test. It must be won derful.Welcome to our Chi nese Week!二、用 should, should nt, ought 或 ought nt 填空1.You_do more exercise to keep healthy.2. You_to read more books to make your studybetter.3. _ we go right now?4. _ we to leave at once?5. We_ cut dow n too many trees.二、思维导图复述6. He_to speak loudly in public.7. What_ we do if we have trouble?8. When_we to start the work?9. We_ to pay much for it because it is notuseful.10. You_ be frie ndly to others.


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