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四年级英语上册Unit 1综合能力和应用创新能力姓名 班级 分数 一、听音,选择图片。(10分)二、听音,选择图片并将序号填入下面的括号中。(12分) 三、听音,标号。(10分)四、再听一遍,判断下面的句子,打“”或画“”(5分)1. We have a new classroom.( )2. We have 5 lights.( )3. We have 1 board.( )4. We have 4 fans.( )5. We have 45 computers.( )五、听音,画圈,把听到的单词圈出来。(10分)1. duckredclassroom2. wallboardwhite3. eraserfanname4. zooheadfloor5. nosegooseteachers desk6. lighteggmom7. cleanfishhat8. ideaice-creamfish9. Mikemanyclassmate10. computerjobgo六、单项选择。(16分)1. How many new fans? A. Light. B.6. C. Good idea!2. Where is the sharpener? Its A. on the book. B. desk. C. face.3. -Where is my seat? Its A. on the chair. B. fine. C. near the door.4. Whats in the classroom? A. Desks. B. A bed. C. A doctor.5. This is my new friend, John. A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Nice to meet you.6. May I have a look? A. No, thanks. B. Sure. C. Goodbye!7. Can I have some juice? A. Sure. Here you are. B. Six. C. Thank you.8. Happy birthday to you! A. Mike. B. Im 9. C. Thank you.七、抄写字母,每个写两遍,并把单词补充完整(7分) ish irl ot dog ce-cream rench fries oose amburger ce water armer ood at dea八、读一读下面的句子,并连线(10分)1. Lets clean the classroom. A. Its near the door.2. Where is my seat? B. Good idea.3. How are you? C. Fine.4. Good morning. D. Its a teachers desk.5. Whats this? E. Good morning.九、看图,选择(8分)A. Let me clean the windows.B. Lets clean the desks and chairs.C. Let me clean the teachers desk.D. Lets clean the blackboard.十、阅读,并选择(12分) Look! This is my new classroom. We have two new boards. We have 15 new desks and 30 new chairs. There are 8 lights and a big teachers desk in the classroom. It is big and nice. ! like it. 1. We have a classroom. A. new B. small C. old 2. We have new boards. A.1 B.2 C.3 3. We have desks. A.15 B.25 C.35 4. We have chairs. A.20 B.30 C.15 5. There are lights in the classroom. A.2 B.4 C.8 6. There is a teachers desk in the classroom. A. big B. small C. yellow听力材料及参考答案听力材料一、1. The wall is white.2. The floor is green.3. Play computer games.4. We have 6 fans.5. This is a teachers office.二、Good morning. Lets clean the classroom.Good ideaLets clean the desks and chairs.All right.Let me clean the window.Let me clean the board.Look at the picture.Its nice.Wow! Its nice and clean. Good job!三、1. We have 4 fans.2. Go to the teachers office.3. There are 45 computers in the room.4. There are 6 lights in our new classroom.5. There is a picture on the wall.五、classroom, board, fan, floor, goose, light, hat, idea, classmate, job参考答案一、A B A B A 二、B A F H G E 三、3 4 1 2 5四、 五、classroom, board, fan, floor, goose, light, hat, idea, classmate, job六、B A C A C B A C七、fish,French fries,farmer,girl,goose,good,hot dog,hamburger,hat,ice-cream,ice water,idea八、lB,2A,3C,4E,5D九、1D 2C 3B 4A十、1A 2B 3A 4B 5C 6A


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