21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 课后问题详解

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文档Unit1.Listening & Speaking1, what has been said, mentioned earlier, two-way interaction, a breakdown, even confusion, a native speaker, going on3, 1), be fun, I dont think, it depends, Whats that, what you mean, got it, what would you say;Tom Chang.It depends.Hell tell them a little white lie.Its an innocent social fib or excuse.Not mentioned.2), serious hearing problems, to hear 100%, is perfect, hear again, listen to the conversations, three times;What did you say? Would you speak louder please?No. Ive been having serious hearing problems for years. I cant hear people well. Thats why Im here.What do you mean by hearing aid? Whats that?Oh, I havent told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations.You know what? Ive changed my will three times!5, BADCA6, DACCB7, FTTFF8, plaining about, does everything, every 10 hours, every 2 hours, every 24 hours, in one hour, damn near, from down the hall, I just realized9, They are talking about Nurse Nancy.Because she did everything absolutely backwards.1)One doctor told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours. She gave him 10 milligrams every 2 hours.2)The other doctor told her to give a petient an enema every 24 hours. She tried to give him 24 enemas in one hour.They heard a blood-curdling scream from down the hall.She was boiling a patient.Text A5/ 1.passengers 2.immediately 3.similar 4.wonder 5.continent 6.traffic 7.misunderstanding 8.embarrassed 9.flights 10.mon 11.serious 12.searched 6/ 1.got on 2.head for 3.on the shoulder 4.pull over 5.resulted in 6.feel like 7.By the time 8.turn out all right 9.in the end 10.instead of 71. By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything active.2. The two girls look too similar for people outside the family to tell them apart from each other.3. What in the world does mm stand for? The abbreviations that people use on the BBS are too confusing for me to understand.4. Because of TV, most people have bee too lazy to make the effort to go to the cinema.5. Anne made a serious mistake yesterday because the test gave her too little time to decide on the correct choice.81. until I have really learnt the basics of the language.2. until the end of the book3. until they have finished their speeches4. until my teacher explained them in class with several examples5. until I saw Sam Ward leave the building6. until he got on a city bus91. Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.2. Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhoul.3. Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people.4. The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.5. Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very mon mistake among speakers of English as a second language.6. Mary felt like learning English and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.101. giving us heat and light2. ranging in age from 4 to 163. Being invited to speak here4. your encouraging words5. sitting between Mary and Tom6. leaving todays work for Tomorrow7. playing in the playground8. taking a break9. leaving me alone10. taking mechanical things apart111. Mr. LiXinyang, the president of Nanjing Technical College.2. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of Nanjing Technical College.3. At the Guest Center of NTC.4. On July2, 2004 from 12:30 to 13:30 p.m.5. On Wednesday, may12, 2004.6. To celebrate Mr. David Browns retirement from McMillan Investment pany.7. At the Grand Hall.12Dear WuJi,You are invited to attend a graduation party at my house on Sunday, June27. The party will start immediately after our graduation ceremony, at about 4:00. Your parents and friends are wele, too.I do hope you can e.Sincerely,WangJunText B141. mysteries2. mysterious3. meanings4. stared5. estimate6. imagined7. figured8. board9. pronounce10. weighed11. presented12. object151. Take a look2. get right3. objected to4. at least5. makes no sense6. beside himself7. dawn on8. think ofText C16/ 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C17/ 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C Unit 2Listening & speaking1.in some way, when this occurs, do so, in a polite way, in society, my interrupting you, being late, step on you, forgotten your name, what I have said, forgotten your birthday, the delay, hurt your feelings.3. what happened, calling you, any reason, an interesting lecture, turn it off, reach me, Im terribly sorry, excuse me, make up for, stop it, the saying.Because she couldnt reach LiMing on the cell phone.It was WangYings birthday.Because he was attending a lecture.He was sorry for forgetting WangYings birthday.She said that she could understand.at the airport, a window seat, an aisle seat, a 20-minute delay, in about half an hour, baggage claim checks.Okay.Make it a window seat, but if there arent any left, Ill take an aisle seat.I sure hope thats the only delay. Oh, where are my baggage claim checks?Great! Uh, thanks a lot.5. CADAB6. CABDC7. TTFFT8. in a loud voice, particularly interesting, in the same room, in curing them, left alone, had a talk, suffering from a delusion, who are you?9. He announced that he was the famous British naval hero, Lord Nelson.He decided to put the two men in the same room.No disturbance was heard from the room that night.He had a talk with the new inmate.He said that he had been suffering from a delusion and he was not Lord Nelson, but Lady Nelson.Text A5/ 1.bother bother 2.panion 3.Shame 4.officials 5.notice 6.recognized 7.vacant 8.scene 9.politely 10.describe6/ 1.cut short 2.at the disposal 3.at the same time 4.in face 5.turn your back on 6.a couple of 7.turned inside out 8.Look around71. must have seen the tickets for tonights play2. must have been here many times3. may have gone bad4. may not have received the present81. Nancy was glad to have quit her part-time job before her final exams.2. Arent you ashamed to have eaten all the fruit in the basket?3. We are really grateful to have received so much care during our visits here.4. Henry was foolish to have trusted such a liar.91. The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months.2. Seeing the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help.3. I recognized your panion the minute he appeared at the door. He looked just as you had described.4. We didnt bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal.5. While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting fortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.6. I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen.101. seeing a doctor as soon as possible2. working for another hour3. buying a new car4. going to the cinema5. having been to New York6. quitting my job7. speaking it8. being recognized9. spending all that money10. losing my job11kind invitation, will be pleased to attend, be held at the Holiday Inn, they are unable to attend due to a previous engagement.12An informal letter of acceptance:June24, 2004Dear WangJun,After graduation is a great time to have a party. Being at your house is always lots of fun. My boyfriend, Tom, will be ing, too.Thanks for the invitation.Best,WuJiAn informal letter of refusal:June24, 2004Dear WangJun,I wish I could attend your graduation party. I know it will be lots of fun. Unfortunately, my parents have already invited some of our relatives over for a celebration. I wonder if you could e by on Monday everning so you can tell me all about the party. Let me know if you can.Best,WuJiUnit 3,Listening & Speaking1,have decided to do? a driving force, without a firm belief, a certain degree of optimism, improve your chances, move to Shanghai, do it right now, find a part-time job, taking TOEFL, change my plan, going abroad for further studies, achieving my goal, my success, win, make a success of the plan, everything will be fine, the results, my promotion, OK.3, 1), as your second foreigh language? out of the question, at the same time, learning Japanese, smell the flowers, the more chances, Im very optimistic about, working hard on it.Shes decided to study Japanese as her second foreigh language.Its impossible to manage two foreigh languages at the same time.He asks her not to work so hard.Its so strong that nobody can change her mind.Yes. Because she has realized the importance of speaking more languages in this rapid-changing society.2), has set her mind, a little girl, going to college, how hard it is, make a success of her future career.Why? Because Im blind? Michael, Ive had my heart set on getting a college degree ever since I was a little girl. My blindness has never stopped me from going to college.Sure it is. But Ive made a decision to give it a try no matter how hard it is. You know, Ive always dreamed of going to college one way or another. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal.Thanks. Im sure Ill make it. Ive no doubt of my success. I dont think youd be any different.You bet. Nothing is impossible for a determined mind.5, BBCCBD6, CAADD7, FFTTT8, half full? Seeing the world, long-term successes, in color, the thoughts and opinions of others, an attitude of, constantly look to, more enjoyable.9, Is the glass half empty or half full?It can have a far-reaching influence on everything from our day-to-day lives and selections of mates, to our career choices and long-term successes.They think in color. They are open-minded to new ideas and situations and enjoy the thoughts and opinions of others.They think that change is a good and necessary thing.They appreciate good feedback and take criticism with a grain of salt.Text A51. salesman2. mental3. taste4. failure5. challenge6. puzzle7. reasonable8. otherwise9. realistic10. level61. step by step2. have in mind3. apply to4. move on to5. had e through6. built up7. concentrate on8. leading to71. Thats how he became a world-famous basketball star.2. thats why you couldnt sing a song.3. thats when the trouble really began.4. Thats where I studied in my childhood.5. Thats what he should d now.81. If you ran as fast as you could, you would e first in the 100-meter dash.2. If she worked as hard as she could, she would catch up with her classmates.3. If you tried as hard as you could, you would overe the difficulties.91. He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump.2. In his book I Cant Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.3. If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of being a starter on the varsity.4. Even if you fail the final examination, dont get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginning of next term.5. If you ultimate goal is to bee an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is to learn English well.6. Not everyone is going to be world-famous. But if you have done your best, you can still be considered a success.101. smoking2. to stay3. to think4. to bring5. bursting6. buying7. to stay8. trying9. traveling10. meeting, seeing11Mr.Steve Anderson, General Manager.Brain wishes to go back home to spend Spring Festival with his family.January22, 2003.from January 25th to February 7th.WeiDaxings father is seriously ill and he wants to see him in the hospital.12June5, 2004Deat Mr. Smith,Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today and had best not e to work. The doctor has told me that I have caught a bad cold and has advised me to stay in bed for a few days. Now Im writing to ask for several sick leave days. Ill e back to work as soon as I feel better.I appreciate your understanding.Yours truly,WangYingText B141. willing2. anxious3. definitely4. detail5. Furthermore6. partly7. type8. perform151. carried out2. looking forward to3. In most cases4. fell in love with5. Getting ahead6. contributed to7. stand out8. dedicated to171.disagree: dis + agree: not agree 不同意2.psychologist: psychology + ist: someone who is trained in psychology心理学家3.unconditional: un + conditional: not limited by or depending on any condition(s)无条件的4.postgraduate: post + graduate 研究生的5.modernize: modern + ize使现代化UNIT 4 Listening & Speaking11.to know2.a strong desire3.the unknown4.around us5.Whats going on6.global warming7.where human curiosity es from8.this interesting fact9.how the law of gravity works10.the secret11.why people ehave this way12.the real reason behind this13.whats in your mind14.how does it work1.understand this2.get its message3.Im most curious 4.Do you happen to know 5.trying to tell us6.the beauty 7.so much curiosity Answers to questions1.In an art gallery.2.They were talking about an impressionistic picture.3.She was keen to know about the meaning of the colors,dabs and strokes.4.He asked her to use her imagination.5.He said that she is an inquisitive person.1.the first time 2.the exact fare3.a fare card4.how it worked on the bus5.inquisitive needs1.Excuse me. Do I have to pay the exact fare for the bus?2.Whats that?3.I wonder whether I can use it on the subway.4.This is my first time to visit the city of Shanghai. 5.Thanks. I hope you dont mind my asking, but how does the fare card work here on the bus?6.Yes. 7.Thank you.781.as we do2.they cannot tell us3.get the answer 4.by their color5.in front of a red card6.tell colors apart7.were found out 8.as a color9.for human beings91.They tried to find out whether animals can see color.2.Because they were curious to know whether bees tell flowers apart by their color.3.They put a bit of syrup in front of a blue card, and no syrup in front of a red card.4.The bees would e to the blue card, no matter where it was placed, even if it had no syrup in front of it.5.Bees dont see color as we do.Text A51.enables2.arguing3.ments4.despite5.planet6.pretending7.cruel8.pollutted9.particularly10.freedom61.have no use for2.playing with3.dwell on4.get together5.on behalf of 6.on earth71.What do you guess has made him change his mind?2.Who do you guess is the winner of the speech contest?3.When do you suppose the results of the exam will e out?4.Where do you imagine they spent their vacation?81.I dont think he will agree with us.2.I dont think Alice can understand such a difficult question.3.I dont think you are taller than your brother.4.I dont think they have made up their minds.91.This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.2.To tell the truth, I think a snide ment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.3.Mary countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that its cruel to limit the employees freedom and it will eventually affect the panys reputation.4.What on earth has enabled some people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their powers despite the law?5.I dont think success is merely related to intelligence. In fact, many good qualities, such as innocence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help us succeed, too.6.Strangely enough, the joke did not bring about hearty laughter, not even a hint of any. Could it be that the audience was pretending to be serious?GRAMMAR REVIEW101.John isnt here. Try phoning his home number to see if hes there.2.Walking along the street, he stopped to take a picture.3.I forgot to ask him for his address.4.We regret to inform you the model you want is out of stock.5.They tried to pass the exam.6.I remember turning the lights off before we came out.7.Ill never forget hearing this piece of music when I was lonely.8.I regret giving up the job.9.I stopped eating chocolate last year.10.She first told us her plan and then went on to tell us how she would carry it out.Pratcical Writing(写作):111.Charles2.Dryden3.reduced4.051-4488-2279121.Peter2.Gerald3.Jim rang about the training course you are interested in. Its called “Managing People and the next one is on July 13th. If youre interested, call Joanna Little at 032-4388-7762. TEXT B141.amazing2.disappoint3.suspicious4.Scientists5.reasoning6.replaced7.signal8.suspect9.was divided10.intelligent151.lost interest2.tell time3.disagree with4.before long5.lined up6.No doubt7.make sure8.why notTEXT CSuggested Answers to the Questions in Text CPassenger Pigeons1. They looked attractive with a blue back and a pink breast.2. Over 300 million birds an hour.3. They lived throughout Eastern North America and they ate acorns and beechnuts.4. They were suffocated; fed grain soaked in alcohol; beaten down with long sticks,killed with shotguns, caught in nets or trapped with a stool pigeon.Great Auk1. The Great Auk looked like the penguin.2. They lived in the North Atlantic.3. Between 1785 and 1844.4. They were hunted mainly for their feathers which were used for mattress andpillow stuffing.5. Two fishermen.11.C2.B3.D4.D5.A6.C17.1,Main Idea: Clever Hans proved to be an excellent student.Example 1: Facing his teacher, he would stand quietly during each lesson.Example 2: These “blinders made Hans look directly at his teacher.2, Main Idea: Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed.Example 1: One day is to lower standards. A mother describes her childs hastily made table as “perfect! even though it wobbles on uneven legs.Example 2: Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupidUnit 5,Listening & Speaking1, have a good memory, in learning, remembering names, memorizing figures, in others, to recall something, when we first met? what you saw at the moment? my name; what you told me; what I said; what the instructor told us to do? the password? your promise.we first met in 2000; I saw nothing at the moment; what I told you; what you said.3, 1), by any chance, arent you, for that purpose, Im asking you, in different ways, ring a bell, reminding me, a good memory, reading aloudThe language used to expree curiosity.They learned how to use it last week.She helps LiMing recall the language.Repetition enhances memory.


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