剑桥国际少儿英语KB 1教案11 Unit 9 Book 112 Unit 10 Book 1

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剑桥国际少儿英语KB 1教案11 Unit 9 Book 112 Unit 10 Book 1_第2页
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中文名_ Name _ Unit 10 海帆欢乐教育教学内容Class: 剑桥国际少儿英语1 Teacher: Bill 第12/16次Unit 10: At the funfair本课单词(Words)bus公共汽车, lorry卡车, motorbike摩托车, helicopter直升飞机, plane飞机, boat船, car汽车, train火车, bike自行车, funfair游乐场 复习词汇和语音学习(Review and Phonics)in里面, on上面, under下面, next to旁边, start开始, finish结束, where哪里, there那里, can能 Uu: duck under bus 阅读练习:The ducks are under the bus.(10秒读3遍)本课句型(Sentences)What are you doing? Im flying my plane. 你在做什么? 我正在开飞机。What are you doing? Im driving my car. 你在做什么? 我驾驶我的车。What am I doing? Youre riding a bike. 我在做什么? 你在骑自行车。What am I doing? Youre walking. 我在干什么? 你在走路。What is she doing? She is dancing with me. 她在干什么? 她在和我跳舞。What is he doing? He is reading a book. 他正在做什么? 他在读书。第10单元歌曲 CD 4- 10(课本73页)Im walking, walking. Im walking in my favorite shoes,favorite shoes, favorite shoes. Im walking.Im driving, driving. Im driving in my long white lorry, long white lorry, long white lorry. Im driving.Im sitting sitting.Im sitting in my big green boat, big green boat, big green boat. Im sitting.Im riding, riding. Im riding on my motorbike,motorbike, motorbike. Im riding.Im flying,flying. Im flying in my helicopter, helicopter, helicopter. Im flying.Im walking, walking. Im walking in my favorite shoes,favorite shoes, favorite shoes. Im walking.第10单元故事 CD 4-16(课本75页)Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, on the count of five. One、two、three、four、five.Sam:Help! Help! I cant swim.Maskman:Im flying my helicopter. Look! I can see a boy. Oh! He cant swim.Maskman:I can pick the bay up.Maskman:Stand next to me, Sam. You can fly in my helicopter again.Sam:Thanks, Msakman. Wow! youre my hero.Monty:Msakman.a green lorry! Stop! you cant cross the street now. Look.the mans red.Maskman:Ooh! Thank you, Monty.Wow! Youre my hero.Monty:Thats OK, Maskman.Monty and Trevor: Do the Monty song, Do the Monty song, Lets all do the Monty song作业(Home-works)听:听本作业单录音,每天1遍;听本单元所有录音每天1遍;CD 4的220首扫描关注回复:KB1或:剑一上下载本书CD录音说:读本作业单单词和句子,并回答作业单句子。读:演唱本单元歌曲。并能独立读课文故事 。 写:抄写本课单词,每个1行,下周听写任意10个。阅读扩展:本周每天读绘本故事一遍。 完成以上全部作业用时不低于20分钟。


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