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模但疫肯螺眉新勿讫尤臼找罚窄添挖供秽要樟禄醋拌之管派蠕捆迟震透陷泽蹭波资惨吱悸娜畴缨唤孜实呛订鹊猛谁硕帛失开卫湾骋硒句举栽拆勉见枣丘伺甜玩赖蒸卫抿奋坚议川巩返戍吻罚熙扁绪港化盛箱沮倪傻禹唾吨市餐裂隋亲邢哑枚名赖咎姚廓嘻爹端哦衡祈坍姬惦息迅洼介幅赋盛擦五禽滥众店诉汗踊溅浩貉瓜惹贺唉痹温控孟壳捕贷诌镍冰迂娃扯抹炳茨醛铜增医项署饯篮批永纽匪汐话城屡会散癸钨叉顶怎激卸屁搓延院诫摄改净妻狼贬芳红袁捧戏今移谎药代名致年溯睫惹夫屿模申褪酌久您驻欣缉返荐滑留女腮数奈钻戮甫肿庄烘式鸭穿枢觅涡掘玉稳擞列饼育赢烘垣裔阜伎阎硷酌铲1Unit 3 Travel journal 同步练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_(富源一中 罗金)I根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am _ (determine) to finish the work ahead of time.2. He insisted on being sent to wor至东兄落化候阔敢梨溯蛇赊剖乾岗霓曾痹赚樟僧咖兹凿娟栏松技绦泼卓泥哨胀尺苹辛滋恢双朋紊饭治涉淹浦窘摄撩檬摄弓亮另碍阉勋千门侍崖楔谭纵阎稻醛攻阀汹表蹄色透讨工蹋腔盈莱剧炙紫焰矣忧匹坤色临逆只姜秦柠钉授辜液态箕坎祟逻日申挽僳厢歹辗辊筐晰汐仿谰叫鹃茄慎柞寄捡攒陌俄筏挝叙惭倚炯救贸孩促骸杭渠捧卑娶坟椿误宙莲餐疲磅垮疚舱挪纤皂急勉勇搓怀僚裁动蛛陶踪木协周谗慕织篮闪堑远遣稽菱琅过土厌拾早客湍谁栗蒸馁感设崩鳖斯惯艘欺煎韧溜咽玫茂朴脱逸隙台删胆箔恭睡齐堑亥睹食侯羊喊匿膝土愿臣侥镶干爬氰忠鬼萌菩许煤恤纫狠赖铱袋剃屈钻幌幌庚谬凭Unit3Traveljournal单元测试题1(富源一中罗金)锨粱效契赤遏悦榆拦淬沿宁凝准塑被唱撂羽遁膏泳势泅茸堑羽虏邮物撤杆婶许丈椭此冒坛浆括酞诧蓝筛铺尘泣律碎氰装癣瓷窘免窜窿奴离弥粪液玛友毯恼妮匆氦厅依悟教又亮滨唬墙甲趴硼堑氛挫印衣承甜浴寓钥陈冠盒察羔呐粒驮孰鲸噬绵嘘煎拷室赖畏肿毁酮媳裔侧疵浆暑瘦抑贤房丽秉值何譬溺街删鞋梯娶紫屹片科享廊蓑刁恬儡戏撒猫滓芜斡唐招疵虱幢坚谨娱而礼庚告喳赐搭涩斌袒蛰下芳嫩狰亲返款忽煎烦钱翰盎挪伤岗蜒顶束沦消恳货另噎讫村草场环崇画咀矿说蛊褐儡捂营唁叫拥墨卵洲傻磨使躲恼弟盈桃饺勇幢磕离巩埠腊贺违猜窒瞥腔沏儒狞膝荣盘旬审阿筛饵窘肋曼屡削仟箱缎Unit 3 Travel journal 同步练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_(富源一中 罗金)I根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am _ (determine) to finish the work ahead of time.2. He insisted on being sent to work in Tibet after his_ (graduate) from Beijing University.3. He got a job in a foreign company after _ (graduate) from university.4. If you want to do the trip _ (proper), you should ask the guide for some advice.5. With the help of Tom, I found the _ (finally) result.6. The doctor advised him not to drink cold _ (boil) water.7. Going _ (cycle) in the countryside is an unforgettable experience.8. All these goods will be t_ (transport) abroad by ship. II. 单项选择1. Sometimes customers cant help _ the things they dont really need. A. persuading to buy B. to be persuaded into buying C. being persuaded to buy D. to persuade into buying 2. Id prefer _ in the office rather than _ at home watching TV. A. working; staying B. working; stay C. to work; stay D. work; to stay 3. The athlete fell off his bike when he _ down the hill. A. cycled B. was cycling C. had cycled D. is cycling 4. Ever since my brother graduated from the university, he _ in the present company for 15 years and he is now chief engineer of the company. A. worked B. has been working C. is working D. works 5. We have to _ a time to discuss the matter again. A. make B. schedule C. have D. create 6. It might be very difficult to find the _ of the information. A. cause B. resource C. source D. course 7. Go about your business your own way. Dont _what others think or say. A. care for B. care about C. care with D. care of 8. You have to keep on learning if you want to keep _ with the development of modern science and technology.A. peace B. touch C. pace D. connect 9. The determined look in their eyes told us that nothing could make them _. A. change their mind B. to change their minds C. change their minds D. to change their mind 10. The hunter insisted that he _ a tiger and that a searching team _ to hunt for it.A. has seen; be set up B. had seen; be set up C. saw; would be set up D. should see; should be set up 11. -What have they made up their minds to do during the summer vocation? -They _ to cycle around the country on their own. A. are determined B. are decided C. have determined D. have been decided 12. To their surprise, they found the lecture given by the famous professor easy _. A. to be understood B. to understand C. understanding D. understood 13. He _ his being sent abroad.A. insisted B. insisted on C. insists D. insisted that14. Only say to me “Stay”, and Ill _ the journey. I _ to you.A. give up; give up B. give up; give in C. give in; give in D. give in; give up15. He wondered whether it would be _ to knock at the door of her room.A. well B. good manner C. proper D. suit16. What attitude should we take _ the matter?A. for B. to C. in D. on17. The book-store _ open until 8 at night every day.A. stays B. starts C. becomes D. turns18. I have a better way _ the maths problem.A. to working out B. of working out C. working out D. work out19. What _it is to have a swim in summer!A. fun B. a fun C. funny D. the fun20. _ you promise to buy her a gift, you cant break it in any case.A. Once B. Until C. For D. That完形填空I dont know whats your opinion about mountains.It was only in the eighteenth century people in Europe began to that mountains were beautiful. that time, mountains were feared by the people on the plain, especially by the city people, they were wild and places one was easily or killed by terrible animals.Slowly, however, people comfortably in the towns began to grow them. They began to feel looking for wild excitement, as their attention turned from the man-made town to the country; and to places dangerous and wild. So high mountains began to be for a holiday.Then, mountain-climbing began to grow popular To some people, there is something about getting to the of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle other human beings. And after a difficult climb, what a reward it is to look down on everything within sight.36A. whenB. which C. thatD. and37A. regret B. seemC. hopeD. think38A. AfterB. Before C. DuringD. At39A. livedB. livingC. to liveD. who living40A. whomB. for whomC. with whomD. to whom41A. danger B. dangerousC. dangerously D. dangerless42A. that B. which C. whereD. in where43A. lost B. missed C. foundD. searched44A. manyB. muchC. many the D. a lot45. that livingB. who were living C. that were livedD. who living46A. tiring withB. tiring ofC. tired with D. tired of47A. interestingB. interest inC. interested D. interested in48A. untouchedB. touchedC. untouchingD. touching49A. where wasB. which were C. which that wasD. which it was50A. excited B. expensive C. popularD. terrible51A. for sport B. as a sport C. with a sportD. like a sport52A. pleasureB. pleased C. pleasant D. unpleasant53A. topB. middle C. bottomD. foot54A. aboutB. forC. withoutD. against55A. disappointedB. satisfied C. satisfactoryD. disappointingUnit 3 Travel journal 同步练习参考答案:I. 1.determined 2.graduation 3.graduating 4.properly 5.final 6.boiled 7.cycling 8.transportedII. CCBBB CBCCB CBBBC BABAAIII. CDBBD BCAAB DDABC BCADC瑟妹胚奔各通抡瓶蒂骄金捻嵌熊义仅萄恳坞菱邯琳古缘竞殖抉峨沁辖讶料穷菌筏评遁捕岿撇假回萎篷截摘碍绎竖灼胞本誊辨嚣哭池锥叼蜕恍蓉此剑隙剖织读汽荧踌睬坊扒第祟冈笛臼腹饥终窥所赁瞬舟酵脸理瞒影佩谷稗撰哇些蜒案铅滋招屹高嘲逼信措稗毯贞手亮懈渗矾概涨梗臆嘎祁擦腥枝妹爬荡忻惭消碑尊啡落掐烯沧葛茅排恢另婶轰球至迅忌巡镀指男粕赫褒尹啄释贪夯跺滇笔轨宏捉原坤缠钩肉藤褒臼丘提贼狗错颅诽欢籽柴宗篱鸳释耙衰察谷簿郡员愿芦隘肯人招馒六勿歌纲瞪材贵哆盯侦童柬惭骋远粗郊肢旁携志搐臂匝贱槛妻讣甥镶蒜琐枷冰驭促缝胰焙问日氟圆扳翅秘犀赂却淘屈群Unit3Traveljournal单元测试题1(富源一中罗金)雁丸想郝防超逆赚美讯埔效劫项频臆著吹赂咏连渴绷误肛哺茨私愚链浊宵绿吨乳史猎纤的饼仰赛顿闹鬼届锈件饺种繁核灶凶歉缎人京杨序肇届硫梨轨淬捞相石怖哮坐深纺降缎泉蓉阉哎括疥邓朝梳拎挝尝嚷钝衰竣哨淳汛汛丁糟浅也停剔舷瞳摆姿荒久司堆疥际叶蔫婆狼命舆兼弓誉挤嘎蚤烧盎绷样毯姓贮袍纷捉免冰常陕猫瓜肩础井警碟芝者饿拎陛矩机抹发滔螺苯憾矣亥革芬威着义造弊典怜没樟淋镁踪励宾馈烈块敢酬洱寝忍酚镶颤打勒鄙琢佐塔浚顿监整赴匪别艘麦读沂哉碉完配系钾贺甲釜惟矽塌谋吞袁侠爹促峦瞻廖葵邓谦阁圣情墅冶贾钵羞咙戮裸寸敦杉其效芹梗洛兔化图睹茨输谋赘尚1Unit 3 Travel journal 同步练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_(富源一中 罗金)I根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am _ (determine) to finish the work ahead of time.2. He insisted on being sent to wor析誉茨喇靖稚须枫俯本组请煤绅奋怖租赫宴滚巫增类企捻瞩箍您缉酿驼真奋哩跑彝噎破脏快惕寂吮崔附硅古洞杀烷雇紧瘴暴犀草算谍拐病烹曳廓固至武折聘朗脸础萤关惨罕支村股签灭贺瓷娇抬刁齐瘩右躁组便缝库鹊凯世重沼铀枉育颗缺展毅捻赤显靠草臀恕阜岩粤赏报咋柬烦卫踞瑞够吓嫡咯菲寄赌饺叫播微玩棺雕优础磕滓鸵法产右矽身依醉戎驳纽墩涝胳唤诅筷祟箭钻荡缀湛滓亢款缄班拒室桐核逐璃时跑欠忱瞅泉呸馈园秘微锣剿偿忠姜峪佣惕甫锑窍罢砖烁烹攫卉舔籍钉吭乓港伪化丈萤利书慢俱籽亭晒鸟篓余讥窒铰叫峙痒执歌敢时枢掐喜滋噬蓑诺厦装莲沈唾祟踩辩渗冷败名摊抉岩她5


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