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2016政府工作报告中英文2016政府工作报告中英文 2016年3月5日上午9时,第十二届全国人民代表大会第三次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕,李克强代表国务院,向大会报告2016年的政府工作,并对2016年工作提出建议,请各位代表审议,并请全国政协委员提出意见。以下是2016政府工作报告全文中英文版: 政府工作报告 REPRT N THE RK F THE GVERNENT 2016 年 3 月 5 日在第十二届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上 Delivered at the Third Sessin f the 12th Natinal Peple s ngress n arh 5, 2016 国务院总理李克强 Li Keqiang Preier f the State unil 各位代表: Fell Deputies, 现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告政府工作,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。 n behalf f the State unil, I ill n reprt t yu n the rk f the gvernent fr yur deliberatin and apprval, and I invite ents n y reprt fr the ebers f the Natinal ittee f the hinese Peple s Plitial nsultative nferene (PP). 一、 2016 年工作回顾 I. A Revie f the rk in 2016 过去一年,我国发展面临的国际国内环境复杂严峻。全球经济复苏艰难曲折,主要经济体走势分化。国内经济下行压力持续加大,多重困难和挑战相互交织。在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民万众一心,克难攻坚,完成了全年经济社会发展主要目标任务,全面深化改革实现良好开局,全面推进依法治国开启新征程,全面建成小康社会又迈出坚实步伐。 ver the past year, the internatinal and desti envirnents faed by hina in its develpent have been pliated and hallenging. The rad t glbal eni revery has been rugh, ith any ups and dns, and the perfrane f the ajr enies has been divergent Dnard pressure n hina s eny has ntinued t unt, and e have faed an array f interven diffiulties and hallenges. Hever, under the fir leadership f the entral ittee f the unist Party f hina (P) headed by General Seretary Xi Jinping, all ur peple have rked tgether as ne, surunted diffiulties, and aplished the year s ain targets fr eni and sial develpent, thereby ensuring that e gt ff t a gd start in prehensively deepening refr, ebarked n a ne jurney t fully advane the la-based gvernane f hina, and again ade slid prgress in ur endeavr t finish building a derately prsperus siety in all respets. 一年来,我国经济社会发展总体平稳,稳中有进。 稳 的主要标志是,经济运行处于合理区间。 During the past year, hina has, verall, ahieved a stable perfrane hile at the sae tie seuring prgress in its eni and sial develpent. The ain indiatin f this stable perfrane is that the eny perated ithin an apprpriate range. 增速稳,国内生产总值达到 63. 6 万亿元,比上年增长 7.4%,在世界主要经济体中名列前茅。就业稳,城镇新增就业1322 万人,高于上年。价格稳,居民消费价格上涨 2%。 进 的总体特征是,发展的协调性和可持续性增强。经济结构有新的优化,粮食产量达到1. 21 万亿斤,消费对经济增长的贡献率上升3 个百分点,达到51. 2%,服务业增加值比重由 46.9%提高到 48.2% ,新产业、新业态、新商业模式不断涌现。中西部地区经济增速快于东部地区。发展质量有新的提升,一般公共预算收入增长 8.6%,研究与试验发展经费支出与国内生产总值之比超过 2%,能耗强度下降 4.8%,是近年来最大降幅。人民生活有新的改善,全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长 8%,快于经济增长;农村居民人均可支配收入实际增长 9.2%,快于城镇居民收入增长;农村贫困人口减少 1232万人;6600 多万农村人口饮水安全问题得到解决;出境旅游超过 1 亿人次。改革开放有新的突破,全面深化改革系列重点任务启动实施,本届政府减少 1/3 行政审批事项的目标提前实现。 The grth rate as steady hina s GDP reahed 63.6 trillin yuan, an inrease f 7.4% ver the previus year, aking hina ne f the fastest-gring ajr enies in the rld. Eplyent reained rbust, ith 13.22 illin ne urban jbs reated, hih is higher than the figure fr the previus year. Pries ere stable, ith the PI rising by 2%. The underlying feature denstrating prgress is that ur develpent is being better rdinated and re sustainable. The eni struture as upgraded. Grain utput reahed 605 illin etri tns; the ntributin f nsuptin tard eni grth rse by three perentage pints t 51.2%; the value added f the servie setr inreased fr 46.9% t 48.2% f the GDP; and there as a nstant strea f ne industries, ne types f business, and ne business dels. The entral and estern regins gre faster in eni ters than the eastern regin. The quality f develpent as raised. Revenue in the general publi budgets gre by 8.6%. Researh and develpent spending aunted fr re than 2% f the GDP. Energy intensity as ut by 4.8%, the biggest redutin ade in reent years. Peple s lives ere iprved. Per apita dispsable persnal ine inreased by 8% in real ters natinide, gring faster than the eny, and the per apita dispsable ine f rural residents gre by 9.2%), utpaing that f thse living in urban areas. In rural areas, the nuber f peple living in pverty as redued by 12.32 illin, and ver 66 illin re peple gained aess t safe drinking ater. The nuber f utbund trips ade by hinese turists exeeded 100 illin. Ne breakthrughs ere ade in refr and pening up. A series f key tasks fr prehensively deepening refr ere launhed, and the gal f the urrent adinistratin t ut the nuber f ites that require gvernent revie by ne third as ahieved ahead f shedule. 这份成绩单的确来之不易,它凝聚着全国各族人民的心血和汗水,坚定了我们奋勇前行的决心和信心。 These ahieveents have nt e easily. They have been ade pssible by the painstaking effrts and hard rk f all ur peple, and they have strengthened ur reslve and nfidene t keep pushing ahead. 过去一年,困难和挑战比预想的大。我们迎难而上,主要做了以下工作。 ver the past year, e have faed re diffiulties and hallenges than antiipated. e have risen t the hallenge and aplished the flling in ur rk. 一是在区间调控基础上实施定向调控,保持经济稳定增长。面对经济下行压力加大态势,我们保持战略定力,稳定宏观经济政策,没有采取短期强刺激措施,而是继续创新宏观调控思路和方式,实行定向调控,激活力、补短板、强实体。把握经济运行合理区间的上下限,抓住发展中的突出矛盾和结构性问题,定向施策,聚焦靶心,精准发力。向促改革要动力,向调结构要助力,向惠民生要潜力,既扩大市场需求,又增加有效供给,努力做到结构调优而不失速。 First, n the basis f range-based ar regulatin, exerised targeted regulatin t keep the eny gring steadily. In the fae f unting dnard eni pressure, e aintained strategi fus and kept ur areni pliy unhanged. Instead f using shrt-ter stiulus easures, e ntinued t develp ne ideas and ethds fr ar regulatin. e exerised targeted regulatin, stiulated arket ativity, shred up ur eak spts, and bsted the real eny. ith a keen understanding f the apprpriate range ithin hih the eny needs t be perating, e adpted targeted steps t address the serius issues and strutural prbles hindering develpent. e prted refr t gain ipetus fr develpent, ade strutural adjustents t prdue supprt fr develpent, and iprved living standards t inrease the ptential fr develpent. e bth expanded arket deand and inreased effetive supply, rking t ensure that strutural adjustents ere ade ithut prising the grth rate. 有效实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。实行定向减税和普遍性降费,拓宽小微企业税收优惠政策范围,扩大 营改增 试点。加快财政支出进度,积极盘活存量资金。灵活运用货币政策工具,采取定向降准、定向再贷款、非对称降息等措施,加大对经济社会发展薄弱环节的支持力度,小微企业、 三农 贷款增速比各项贷款平均增速分别高 4.2 和 . 7 个百分点。同时,完善金融监管,坚决守住不发生区域性系统性风险的底线。 e have been effetively ipleenting prative fisal pliy and prudent netary pliy. e inreased targeted tax redutins, redued fees arss the bard, extended the verage f tax relief pliies t benefit re sall and ir businesses, and expanded the trials t replae business tax ith VAT t ver re industries. e sped up the press f aking budgetary funds available fr fisal expenditures and put surplus budgetary funds t gd use. By flexibly utilizing netary pliy instruents, aking targeted uts t required reserve ratis, arrying ut targeted re-lending, and aking asyetri interest rate uts, e stepped up supprt fr eaker areas in eni and sial develpent. Inreases in lans ade t sall and ir businesses, and lans fr agriulture, rural areas, and farers, utdid the average inrease in lans verall by 4.2 and 0.7 perentage pints respetively. At the sae tie, regulatin f the finanial setr as iprved and reginal and systei risks ere frestalled. 二是深化改革开放,激发经济社会发展活力。针对束缚发展的体制机制障碍,我们通过全面深化改革,以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力,啃了不少硬骨头,经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明等体制改革全面推进。 Send e deepened refr and pening up and invigrated eni and sial develpent. T address bstrutins hlding bak develpent aused by ertain systes and ehaniss, e prehensively deepened refr, invigrating the arket t ffset dnard eni pressure. e takled any tugh issues and arried ut strutural refrs in the eni, plitial, ultural, sietal, and elgial setrs. 扎实推动重点改革。制定并实施深化财税体制改革总体方案,预算管理制度和税制改革取得重要进展,专项转移支付项目比上年减少 1/3 以上,一般性转移支付比重增加,地方政府性债务管理得到加强。存款利率和汇率浮动区间扩大,民营银行试点迈出新步伐, 沪港通 试点启动,外汇储备、保险资金运用范围拓展。能源、交通、环保、通信等领域价格改革加快。启动科技资金管理、考试招生、户籍、机关事业单位养老保险制度等改革。 e have ade slid prgress in key refrs. e frulated and ipleented a rdinated plan fr deepening the refr f the fisal and tax: systes. Iprtant prgress as ade in the refr f the budgetary anageent and tax systes. The nuber f ites reeiving speial transfer payents as ver ne third less than that f the previus year, and the prprtin f transfer payents fr general purpses as inreased. anageent f lal gvernent debt as strengthened. The flating ranges f interest rates n depsits and exhange rates ere expanded. Ne steps ere taken in the trials t establish private banks. The Shanghai-Hng Kng Stk nnet as launhed n a trial basis. The spe fr using freign exhange reserves and insurane funds as bradened. Prie refrs in energy, transprt, envirnental prtetin, and uniatins ere aelerated. e launhed refrs t the syste fr anaging researh and develpent funding, the shl exainatin andenrllent systes, the husehld registratin syste, and the pensin syste fr eplyees f Party and gvernent ffies and publi institutins. 继续把简政放权、放管结合作为改革的重头戏。国务院各部门全年取消和下放 246 项行政审批事项,取消评比达标表彰项目29 项、职业资格许可和认定事项 149 项,再次修订投资项目核准目录,大幅缩减核准范围。着力改革商事制度,新登记注册市场主体达到 1293 万户,其中新登记注册企业增长 45. 9 % 形成新的创业热潮。经济增速放缓,新增就业不降反增,显示了改革的巨大威力和市场的无限潜力。 e have ntinued t give the entral stage in refr t strealining adinistratin arid delegating re pers t ler-level gvernents and t siety in general hile iprving regulatin. ver the urse f the year, departents under the State unil anelled the requireent f r delegated the per fr revie n 246 ites. e anelled 29 perfrane evaluatins, inspetins n the eeting f standards, and endatins, and 149 verifiatins and apprvals f vatinal qualifiatins. e again revised and signifiantly shrtened the list f investent prjets requiring gvernent revie. e hanneled great effrt int the refr f the business syste. The nuber f nely registered arket entities reahed 12.93 illin, ith that f enterprises inreasing by 45.9%, reating a fresh surge f entrepreneurial ativity. hile eni grth sled dn, re jbs ere reated, hih fully denstrates bth the treendus per f refr and the endless ptential f the arket. 以开放促改革促发展。扩展上海自由贸易试验区范围,新设广东、天津、福建自由贸易试验区。稳定出口,增加进口,出口占国际市场份额继续提升。实际使用外商直接投资 1196 亿美元,居世界首位。对外直接投资 1029 亿美元,与利用外资并驾齐驱。中国与冰岛、瑞士自贸区启动实施,中韩、中澳自贸区完成实质性谈判。铁路、电力、油气、通信等领域对外合作取得重要成果,中国装备正大步走向世界。 e dre n further pening up t bst refr and develpent. e expanded the hina (Shanghai) Pilt Free Trade Zne and established siilar znes in Guangdng, Tianjin, and Fujian. e rked t keep exprts stable and inrease iprts, and hina s internatinal arket share in exprts ntinued t inrease. Freign diret investent atually ade in hina reahed $119.6 billin, aking the untry the rld s tp destinatin fr freign diret investent. hina s utard freign diret investent reahed $102.9 billin, eaning that utard investent has e t dra even ith inard investent. hina s free trade zne arrangeents ith Ieland and Sitzerland ere ffiially launhed, and hina pleted substantive talks n free trade znes ith the Republi f Krea and Australia. ajr prgress as ade in peratin ith ther untries in fields suh as railays, eletri per, il, natural gas, and uniatins. hinese equipent is aking signifiant strides int the internatinal arket. 三是加大结构调整力度,增强发展后劲。在结构性矛盾突出的情况下,我们积极作为,有扶有控,多办当前急需又利长远的事,务实经济社会发展根基。 Third, e stepped up strutural adjustents t ake hina s develpent re sustainable. e tk prative steps t address prinent strutural prbles and supprted the develpent f ertain areas hile ntaining the develpent f thers, fusing n urgently needed initiatives that prise lng-ter benefits. ur gal herein has been t lay a fir fundatin fr eni and sial develpent 不断巩固农业基础。加大强农惠农富农政策力度,实现粮食产量 十一连增 、农民收入 五连快 。农业综合生产能力稳步提高,农业科技和机械化水平持续提升,重大水利工程建设进度加快,新增节水灌溉面积3345万亩,新建改建农村公路23万公里。新一轮退耕还林还草启动实施。农村土地确权登记颁证有序进行,农业新型经营主体加快成长。 rk as dne t strengthen the fundatins f agriulture. e inreased pliy supprt t strengthen agriulture, benefit farers, and raise rural living standards. Grain utput inreased fr the 11th nseutive year, and the ine f rural residents gre faster than that f urban residents fr the fifth year running. verall agriultural prdutin apaity as steadily iprved. Agriultural siene and tehnlgy ntinued t be strengthened, and agriulture as further ehanized. The pae f prgress in the nstrutin f ajr ater nservany prjets as stepped up. Farland under ater-saving irrigatin as inreased by 2.23 illin hetares. An additinal 230,000 kileters f rads ere built f upgraded in rural areas. e launhed a ne rund f effrts t return re arginal farland t frest r grassland. The rk t deterine, register, and ertify ntrated rural land-use rights preeded as planned, and ne types f agriultural businesses registered faster grth. 大力调整产业结构。着力培育新的增长点,促进服务业加快发展,支持发展移动互联网、集成电路、高端装备制造、新能源汽车等战略性新兴产业,互联网金融异军突起,电子商务、物流快递等新业态快速成长,众多 创客 脱颖而出,文化创意产业蓬勃发展。同时,继续化解过剩产能,钢铁、水泥等 15 个重点行业淘汰落后产能年度任务如期完成。加强雾噩治理,淘汰黄标车和老旧车指标超额完成。 e hanneled great energy int aking adjustents in the struture f industry. e fused n fstering ne areas f grth by enuraging the servie setr t develp re quikly, and supprting the develpent f strategi eerging industries, inluding the bile Internet industry, the integrated iruits industry, high-end equipent anufaturing, and the ne-energy vehiles industry. Internet-based finane rse siftly t prinene. B-ere, lgistis, express delivery servies and ther eerging businesses develped rapidly. e have seen reatrs ing thik and fast, and the ultural and reative industries have been develping ith great vitality. At the sae tie, e ntinued t ut verapaity. Fifteen key industries inluding steel and eent ahieved their task fr the year f shutting dn utdated prdutin failities as sheduled. e stepped up effrts t prevent and ntrl sg and surpassed this year s targets fr reving high-eissin and ld vehiles fr the rads. 推进基础设施建设和区域协调发展。京津冀协同发展、长江经济带建设取得重要进展。新建铁路投产里程 8427 公里,高速铁路运营里程达1. 6 万公里,占世界的 60% 以上。高速公路通车里程达 11. 2 万公里,水路、民航、管道建设进一步加强。农网改造稳步进行。宽带用户超过 7. 8亿户。经过多年努力,南水北调中线一期工程正式通水,惠及沿线亿万群众。 Prgress as ade in develping infrastruture and prting rdinated develpent ang regins. Signifiant prgress as ade in rdinated develpent fr the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regin and in building the Yangtze Eni Belt. An additinal 8,427 kileters f railay lines ere put int peratin. The length f high-speed railays that are up and running in hina reahed 16,000 kileters, aunting fr re than 60% f the rld s ttal. The length f the untry s expressays pen t traffi gre t ttal 112,000 kileters. aterays, ivil aviatin, and pipelines ere all further develped. Steady prgress as ade in upgrading rural per grids. The nuber f bradband Internet users exeeded 780 illin. Thanks t any years f hard rk, the first phase f the iddle rute f the Suth-t-Nrth ater Diversin Prjet as ffiially put int peratin, benefiting illins f peple alng the rute. 实施创新驱动发展战略。着力打通科技成果转化通道,扩大中关村国家自主创新示范区试点政策实施范围,推进科技资源开放共享,科技人员创新活力不断释放。超级计算、探月工程、卫星应用等重大科研项目取得新突破,我国自主研制的支线客机飞上蓝天。 e ipleented the strategy f innvatin-driven develpent. e rked t erialize researh and develpent deliverables, expanded the spe f trial pliies fr the Zhngguanun Natinal Innvatin Denstratin Zne, and ensured that sientifi and tehnlgial resures ere penly shared. All this has been helping t nstantly unleash the reativity f sientists and engineers. Breakthrughs have been ade in ajr researh prjets suh as superputing, the lunar explratin prgra, and satellite appliatins, and a reginal jet develped and prdued in hina has been suessfully put int servie. 四是织密织牢民生保障网,增进人民福祉。 Furth, e rked n develping a tightly ven and sturdy safety net t seure and iprve living standards. 我们坚持以人为本,持续增加民生投入,保基本、兜底线、建机制,尽管财政收入增速放缓、支出压力加大,但财政用于民生的比例达到70%以上。 e ntinued t put peple first, sustaining inreases t spending in areas that are iprtant t iprving standards f living. e have been rking t build up a basi safety net, ensure there is a ushin in plae fr thse st in need, and ake relevant institutinal arrangeents. Despite a sldn in the grth f gvernent revenue and inreased pressure n expenditures, re than 70% f last year s gvernent budget as spent n ensuring standards f living. 加强就业和社会保障。完善就业促进政策,推出创业引领计划,高校毕业生就业稳中有升。统一城乡居民基本养老保险制度,企业退休人员基本养老金水平又提高10%。新开工保障性安居工程 740万套,基本建成511万套。全面建立临时救助制度,城乡低保标准分别提高9.97%和14.1%,残疾军人、烈属和老复员军人等优抚对象抚恤和生活补助标准提高20%以上。 e rked t strengthen eplyent and sial seurity. e iprved the pliies t stiulate eplyent and initiated the shee t help llege students and graduates t start businesses, ensuring a steady inrease in the eplyent f llege graduates. e unified the basi pensin systes fr rural residents and nn-rking urban residents and inreased basi pensin benefits fr enterprise retirees by a further 10%. nstrutin began n 7.4 illin gvernent-subsidized husing units, and 5.11 illin suh units ere basially pleted. e established a natinide teprary-assistane syste, inreased subsistene allanes by 9.97% fr urban residents and 14.1% fr rural residents, and inreased subsidies and living allanes by re than 20% fr disabled ilitary persnnel, failies f revlutinary artyrs, and ld-age veterans. 继续促进教育公平。加强贫困地区义务教育薄弱学校建设,提高家庭经济困难学生资助水平,国家助学贷款资助标准大幅上调。中等职业学校免学费补助政策扩大到三年。实行义务教育免试就近入学政策,28 个省份实现了农民工随迁子女在流入地参加高考。贫困地区农村学生上重点高校人数连续两年增长 10%以上。经过努力,全国财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例超过 4%。 e ntinued t ake prgress in seuring fair aess t eduatin. e strengthened effrts t iprve badly built and prly perated shls prviding pulsry eduatin in pr areas, inreased finanial aid t students fr pr failies, and signifiantly inreased the aunt available per eligible student fr natinal study assistane lans. The shee t subsidize the aiving f tuitin fees at shls prviding sendary vatinal eduatin as extended t ver three years f study. Pliies have been intrdued t ensure that hildren an reeive pulsry eduatin at shls lse t here they live ithut having t take entrane exas, and 28 prvinial-level adinistrative areas began t all hildren h live ith their igrant rker parents t take the llege entrane exa in their ities f residene. The nuber f students fr pr rural areas h ere nely enrlled in key lleges and universities inreased by re than 10% fr the send year running. Thrugh hard rk, gvernent spending n eduatin has e t reah ver 4% f GDP. 深入推进医药卫生改革发展。城乡居民大病保险试点扩大到所有省份,疾病应急救助制度基本建立,全民医保覆盖面超过95%。基层医疗卫生机构综合改革深化,县乡村服务网络逐步完善。公立医院改革试点县市达到 1300 多个。 e intensified effrts t refr and develp edial and health are. Trials f serius illness insurane fr rural and nn-rking urban residents ere extended t all prvinial-level adinistrative areas, the fraerk f the syste fr prviding assistane fr eergeny edial treatent as established, and ver 95% f the hle ppulatin as vered by edial insurane. The prehensive refr f unity edial and healthare enters as deepened, and the netrks f edial and healthare servies fr unties, tnships, and villages have been steadily iprved. The nuber f unties and unty-level ities arrying ut trial publi hspital refrs reahed ver 1,300. 积极发展文化事业和文化产业。推动重大文化惠民项目建设,广播电视 村村通 工程向 户户通 级。实施文艺精品战略,完善现代文化市场体系。群众健身活动蓬勃开展,成功举办南京青奥会。 e rked atively t develp the ultural setr. Prgress as ade in develping ajr ultural initiatives designed t benefit the publi. Great effrts ere ade t extend radi and televisin verage nt nly t all villages but t all rural hes. Effrts ere ade t ensure the prdutin f re high-quality literary and artisti rks, and the dern ulture arket as iprved. Ppular fitness ativities are flurishing natinide, and the 2016 Suer Yuth lypi Gaes in Nanjing ere a great suess. 五是创新社会浩盟,但进和谐稳定。我们妥善应对自然灾害和突发事件,有序化解社会矛盾,建立健全机制,强化源头防范,保障人民生命安全,维护良好的社会秩序。 Fifth, e have been develping ne frs f sial gvernane, and prting sial harny and stability. e respnded effetively t natural disasters and eergenies, rked t reslve sial prbles in a systeati ay, and strengthened ehaniss t address prbles at the sure. These effrts have prteted lives and ensured publi rder. 去年云南鲁甸、景谷等地发生较强地震,我们及时高效展开抗震救灾,灾后恢复重建顺利推进。积极援非抗击埃博拉疫情,有效防控疫情输入。加强安全生产工作,事故总量、重特大事故、重点行业事故持续下降。着力治理餐桌污染,食品药品安全形势总体稳定。 Last year, hen strng earthquakes hit in areas inluding Ludian and Jinggu unties in Yunnan Prvine, e launhed tiely and effiient relief effrts and ade sth prgress in pst-earthquake revery and renstrutin. e rked pratively t assist Afria in the fight against Ebla, and effetively prevented the virus fr entering hina. e intensified effrts t ensure rkplae safety and ahieved redutins in the nuber f ttal aidents, serius and ajr aidents, and aidents in key industries. Serius effrts ere ade t prevent fd ntainatin, and n the hle the situatin as kept stable in fd and ediine safety. 我们大力推进依法行政,国务院提请全国人大常委会制定修订食品安全法等法律 15 件,制定修订企业信息公示暂行条例等行政法规 38件。政务公开深入推进,政府重大决策和政策以多种形式向社会广泛征求意见。完成第三次全国经济普查。改革信访工作制度。法律援助范围从低保群体扩大到低收入群体。加强城乡社区建设,行业协会商会等四类社会组织实现直接登记。严厉打击各类犯罪活动,强化社会治安综合治理,


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